Why the words of Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann and more big on-screen personalities concern Mr. wOw
Mr. wOw has been concerned during the past year and a half over the coded comments about Barack Obama coming from the right. A thread – and threat – of implied violence, revolution, sedition, runs through so much Republican rhetoric. (And yes, it’s all basically racist. Sorry, it is.)
However, Mr. wOw is also made uncomfortable when liberal pundits such as Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann and sometimes even the cool and collected Miss Rachel Maddow harp on this to an extent that Mr. wOw can’t help feel they are almost hoping somebody takes a shot at Obama. (Just as the conservatives sort of wish for a terrorist attack.)
You know, there are nuts on the left, too. And they are being stirred up by the omnipresence of Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann. Not to mention the 24/7 frantic liberal pundit reaction to Palin and Bachmann. These girls are the scabs that cannot avoid being picked at; the Black Plague buboes spelling certain death.
Mr. wOw himself was gob smacked with goose pimples of terror when Palin and Bachmann joined forces last week, extravagantly petted by Sean Hannity of Fox News, in front of a screaming mass of admirers. But my first thought, watching these ladies in all their callous, childish name-calling and fact-twisting, was, “Oh, please, dear God, don’t let anybody try to do away with either of these dames.”
They inspire the same irrational terror in liberals as Obama does in conservatives. (If you listen to what each side thinks will happen, you get the same scenario – death camps, mass murder, cruel intolerance!) And although it’s more likely a gun-happy conservative might try to off Obama, there’s always the history of anti-war liberals to remember – violence was committed in the name of peace.
Mr. wOw feels the atmosphere is dangerously super-charged on both sides. Everybody needs to watch their language, control their emotions, and the absurdly powerful cable pundits have to realize that their words and attitudes carry an onerous weight.
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