In the often cruel world of internet commentary, the response to Elizabeth Edwards’ illness is both inspiring and heartening
Yesterday, when the news came out that Elizabeth Edwards’ cancer had spread to her liver — that indeed she was home, surrounded by family, and “dying” — I checked out the report on one of the big news sites. Then, with some trepidation, I monitored the comment section. People can be cruel, and certainly in Mrs. Edwards’ case, they have been — she was seen as having protected her husband’s philandering so he could run for president. Why was I even going there? I was bound to be depressed.
Much to my surprise, page after page of comment was filled with nothing but good thoughts, prayers, blessings to her family. Fascinatingly, not even one of these comments mentioned Elizabeth’s estranged husband, John Edwards. He was simply non-existent; did not even deserve to be a part of the tributes. I got to page 14, and then I stopped. I felt I was pushing my luck.
I’m sure if I had looked at another site — or gone on with the one I was perusing — I might have found a vastly different point of view on Mrs. Edwards, despite her illness. I would have had some chilly gratification in just how horrible people can be.
I am so often disheartened by hard hearts which are much more on display now, thanks to the internet. And sometimes I wonder if compassion is going to become obsolete. It’s a tightrope walk now. There’s nothing easier to express than negativity. Nothing more instantly gratifying — in the most shallow chamber of your heart — than to toss off that bitchy remark. I know. Mr. wOw walks that tightrope himself, and I have, at times, fallen without a net, I’m sure.
So I closed my computer. I wouldn’t read anything more that night. Online anyway. (I am finishing up Sinclair Lewis’s It Can’t Happen Here.) I felt peaceful. Although it’s only the first week of December, it seemed like Christmas, at its best, to me.
I add my thoughts for Mrs. Edwards, and for all those who are not nearly as lucky and as healthy as Mr. wOw during this season that can be so tormenting in its manic insistence we find joy. (I’m already fighting my dark moping and fatalism; before Christmas Eve arrives I will have teetered on the brink of epic Humbugism a dozen times. B. will put up with more than usual.)
But all those kind commenters saved me, for a day or two at least.
Dear Land…her children will be devastated. They already have been. Maybe the creature from whom she is estranged will man up, and be there for his children.
2:59 pm | December 7, 2010-
I have absolutley no respect for John Edwards, but being a bad husband does not make a bad father. I think he will be a good father to his children now as he’s been in the past.
My heart goes out to Elizabeth’s children and other family members
I hope John feels a great deal of pain over the loss of the woman who was the biggest part of his life for so many years. He deserves to feel lots of pain!!!!!!!!!!!
She will be missed by many people who respected her. Sure she made some mistakes concerning the backing of her husband, but then don’t most of we woman do that constantly.
Love can take us down many paths.,,,,,,,,,some good some bad.
Now she will be with her beloved son she lost so many years ago. I’m sure they had a happy reunion on the ‘Other Side’5:47 pm | December 9, 2010
One must hope that this unfortunate situation will bring out the best in all. MY prayers/thoughts are with their family; that she will be surrounded with love and peace at the end.

There are as many reasons why a woman overlooks a husband’s indiscretions are there are women, and indiscretions. We can only know what WE would do in a specific situation and how it would affect us individually. We cannot know her motivations for her choices, and we should not judge them against our own. I have thought highly of Elizabeth Edwards before and after all the drama came to light. I hope that her remaining days will be peaceful, and that she will be able to know that her children will be OK, and that they will be.
Well said, DC. No one else can ever know why someone does what they do or what goes on in a relationship. Frankly, I don’t think we should know. I hope Mrs. Edwards family can find some comfort from the fact that many did admire her and just ignore the ignorant boobs who spew hate and discontent.
6:04 pm | December 7, 2010
Mr. Wow, that is a heartening story.
The anonymity of internet communication is so often a shield for the cruel and petty. It’s nice to know that there are still good folks out there who can be anonymously kind and thoughtful.
A boss of mine liked to say “integrity is doing what is right, even when no one is looking.” Guess this is a variation on that – being considerate, even when you get nothing from it.
Lila, my sentiments exactly! It’s why I’ve unbookmarked several sites recently… Where the snarkiness of the writers are only matched by the nastiness of the commenters…yes Gawker, I’m calling you out!
And Mr. wOw, I too feel like a masochist when I look at the comments of certain news stories…I’ve finally stopped doing so. But am glad you got lucky and had a good experience!
It’s so easy in the world today, especially in our country, to be unkind and un-empathetic (word choice!). And it certainly is easy for me to fall into that. But I am choosing not to…one news story at a time!
12:11 am | December 8, 2010
My prayers go out to John Edwards and their kids, Elizabeth’s extended family and all those who will now grieve her passing. Everything in life happens for a reason. Her passing and the encouragement and strength she showed to so many, was not done in vain. Maybe her death will result in other women living their lives to the fullest, while in the midst of battling cancer.

All we truly leave is a memory as legacy, for three years instead of focusing on cancer, she focused on the memory she chose to be remembered by – strength and uncompromising regardless of the heat she came under. May she be blessed with this last Christmas with her family, the Christmas of grief can wait until the conclusion of the next year.
Mr. Wow – you are awesome!
From the day our tiny butts were swatted by a doctor, our days are numbered. We have control over most of those days if we put forth some effort. But there is frequently an unexpected, sharp curve ( or two or three or one hundred) that throws us completely off the chosen path. Perhaps Elizabeth could have handled those detours better, but like each of us, she did what she felt was necessary. That is all we need to know about her decisions.
I am very saddened by Elizabeth’s death, although I know precious little about her. From many accounts, she was loved by numerous friends and her family. That in itself is a marker for a rich, successful life overflowing with happy memories.
So sad that a day later, she is gone. The remaining months became the remaining hours.
Dear Baby….her own intimates used the word “dying.” In any case, this was not an obituarty, but my own personal pleasure that there are still humans out there, even on the internet.
I hope she is free of pain.
7:42 pm | December 7, 2010-
Baby…I just got home, and saw that she had passed. So it was an obituary. Of sorts. I thought there would be more time.
7:54 pm | December 7, 2010-
One of the stories indicated she was told she had three months so I suspect she was just tired and left quietly as some do. Without all the fanfare so to speak. The fanfare gets morose if not morbid at times. I don’t think she would have wanted the morose. Certainly not the morbid. She lived her life fully. And wanted to leave it on that note. And did.
She had a marvelous resolve, I think her book was titled Resilience but should have been titled Resolve, about life at the end. She said once that you reach a point where you know you are not going to get better and things change. Your outlook towards life in particular. Who knows what went on from that point but I suspect that most of the things that will be gossiped about in the days and weeks and possibly months to come were resolved for her long ago.
Life is fair. Unfortunately it’s filled with schmucks. When you realize how precious life is, you focus on it and forget the schmucks. Sometimes you even forgive them. I suspect she did.
5:45 am | December 8, 2010
Too bad the period prior to her death had to be filled with so much sadness, stress and turmoil for her, rather than a short happy time before her untimely end. She was an example of bravery in the face of very terrible personal problems, which never should have happened. This will be a beyond devistating loss for her two young children, whose youg lives have been filled with events they should never have had to experience either.
What a legacy Elizabeth Edwards left to her children. Be strong; endure hardship; live life the way you want to. My sincere condolences to her family and many friends.
As for me, I will miss this woman because she touched my heart in a way I don’t fully understand myself. I wish her Godspeed.
Elizabeth Edwards showed the world how to live with dignity and how to die with dignity. She was a lady in every sense of the word. She was one of those women who made personal sacrifices, in this case her health, for her former husband. I am one one of those praying for her. She deserved better.
I too, feel a sadness that I am not sure I understand. I read both of Elizabeth’s books and thought they were wonderful. I think she spoke for many who did not have a public forum. She met the challenges of cancer and the other junk head on. Her children and the Wade Edwards Foundation are her legacy. I send prayers to her children, family and friends. I hope she is holding Wade right now.
Word on the street is she wasn’t a very nice lady. And for an empowered woman, she took knocks from her man, just like many women with no power.
You should hear the word on the street about you! She was a human being. Made mistakes. We all do. In the end, she walked her talk. So few really do.
5:51 am | December 8, 2010-
Baby, I agree with your assessment. My post to Paul followed yours.
Had Elizabeth Edwards not been in the public spotlight to have her off moments recorded people would have remembered her more gently. As a mother I can understand her anger in trying to protect her children from the media. Some of what was in her book and some past public statements reflect that.10:29 am | December 8, 2010 -
So what’s your point ? When did being human guarantee sainthood status ? Did she advance progress in some way ? She and her husband fought in the interest of corporations over the powerless, making fortunes, and became ruthless politicians. And joined forces to lie, unblinkingly, to the U.S. public. Fine example for young girls everywhere.
10:38 am | December 8, 2010-
Dear Paul…my post about Mrs. Edwards went up only hours before her death. It was not a tribute to her, but an exclamation of personal relief to have found some decency online, in the hours before her death. I would not even know how to eulogize her. I wasn’t too happy with John or Elizabeth Edwards as the Rielle Hunter scandal emerged, but as I didn’t have a pipeline to their souls, I couldn’t be sure how I felt about it. I assume the campaign was like a locomotive neither felt they could halt.
Elizabeth Edwards endured the greatest tragedy that can befall a person–the death of a child. She then became interested in public service, had more children, supported her husband’s (and perhaps her own) ambitions in the time honored fashion of the political spouse. She was stricken with cancer and fought like hell to surive. She was humiliated publicly by her husband’s reckless infidelity and fathering a child out of wedlock.
A saint? No. But who is? Not even Mother Teresa if you read Chris Hitchens on that lady. Mrs. Edwards was merely mortal, prone to all the faults and foilbles of the merely mortal. I am fairly certain she was a fine example to her own children. Which is how it should be.
11:28 am | December 8, 2010-
Thank you for putting this eloquently mr. Wow. To Paul, no matter what “street” you walk on today you will hear good and bad about everyone, in fact someone probably is talking about you. But, no worries, we all have our load to carry and Elizabeth had a tremendous burden to bear both in her private life and her public life. We only can imagine how she had to bear that and I am sure that if many of us had the same few would have done it as well. I believe she was remarkable and her light will shine for years to come through example for her children.
12:13 pm | December 8, 2010
Her husband was the “Twisted Robin Hood” stealing from the poor to give back to the poor so to speak. Not her.
There is a big difference between her and Hillary Clinton with regard to the husband being caught with his pants down in the middle of a campaign – she didn’t go on 60 Minutes proclaiming that she wasn’t Tammy Wynette but she was standing by her man just the same. Intimating it was no one’s business, as I recall, and that if he had carried on with someone, it meant nothing. Hoping no one caught the fact that Bill had been carrying on with the bimbo who meant nothing for 12 years and so it meant something. Something not really very nice. As we would all learn later. Elizabeth Edwards on the other hand took the high road and more or less said nothing. Knowing no doubt what was coming down the low road for him. None of us knows really what the reaction behind closed doors was. She may have decided she was Tammy Wynette and whacked him one with the cast iron skillet and had the maid haul his clothes to the barn. Late at night when the tabloids weren’t lurking about. Humming “D-I-V-O-R-C-E” to herself instead of “Stand By Your Man.”
She wrote about it later. In a reflection rather than a defense. Past or present. Unlike Hillary, she did not write about “Poor John.” She survived it. Not sure Hillary did.
She was not perfect. But she was not necessarily imperfect. Like her or not she became a symbol for many in their struggles in marriage and in life and now in death. She had, again, a wonderful resolve.
Changes may not have come from her life. Changes may come from her death. Ever mindful of her good fortune she nonetheless was aware of those who didn’t have access to private health care and were left to fend for themselves in the often brutal public health care system. As I am at the moment. Early detection doesn’t always mean early treatment in the public health care system. And so Stage One often becomes Stage Four before someone sees an ongologist. She spoke out about it. Forcefully at times. That may become part of her legacy. I hope it will. For her it was the matter of early detection even in the private health care system that needed to be stressed. She had no history of breast cancer in her family. So she didn’t have regular mammograms. And so she was in Stage Two when she discovered it. Hopefully women will remember that. And have regular mammograms. It was too late for her. It may not be too late for others. If they remember the importance of it.
I can be very brutal about people particularly those in the “public eye” but very few rate my usual “It seems to be very warm suddenly. Hell must have added a log to the fire” comment upon news of their death. It’s not a comment I would make about Elizabeth Edwards. John Edwards, most likely. But not Elizabeth Edwards.
1:29 pm | December 8, 2010
Yes, Elizabeth Edwards made mistakes in life. One was marrying John Edwards. That does not negate her as a human being.
10:21 am | December 8, 2010 -
Mr. Smith, Word on what street? Slime Lane??? Go peddle your garbage elsewhere. Better yet, keep it to yourself.
10:45 am | December 8, 2010
Mr Wow…as usual you are spot on with your observations…cruelty, bullying and meanness seem to be on the rise with the advent of the Internet. And, at this time of the year particularly, with the focus supposed to be on “goodwill towards men (and women)” it is gratifying to know that it was not evident on your online search. Bravo to you as well, Mr Wow, for understanding another very important lesson in life, that we should occasionally shut down our technology and simply pick up a very good book to avoid those “vexations to the spirit”. It is important always, but perhaps most needed during the holidays, to remember the words of the Desiderata and “go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.” Hard to do sometimes at this time of the year but so very, very critical to each of our well-being. Thanks for your tribute to Elizabeth.
It is difficult not to sound a bit self serving here, or that it’s all about me, but that is no way my intent. First a personal story: Four months shy of three years ago, I woke up, no feeling, no use of my right hand and arm. I went to the emergency room, learned my carotid artery was as close to 100 percent clogged as you could get. Within a couple of days I was operated on. Up until that point I was in decent health, or thought I was. Knowing that many suffer additional strokes on the operating table was nerve wracking to say the least. At the ripe age of 55 I was scared, very scared. I couldn’t think for two seconds about my three kids without tearing up. So much I wanted to do in the future with them: see daughters marry, see son marry, grand kids, and on and on; to describe the emotional heart wrenching anguish – impossible. I was fortunate, and have 90% use of my hand and arm back. Okay that’s the setting.
So when I think about Elizabeth Edwards, I think about what she endured for God only knows how long. I think of the emotional trauma brought about from the love a parent has for their children. A love that I simply can’t describe. I think about her resting in bed during the final moments, knowing the end was near, seeing her children, and the hurt. Every parent wishes they pass before their children, but at 61 – that’s way too soon.
So today the what ifs, the I heards, the rumors – all that junk is just that, junk. Today I think about a Mom and have, if only an inkling, what she was thinking and feeling and let me tell you it is scary and it hurts the heart in a way that can’t be described. RIP Elizabeth Edwards.
I was also expecting the worst on the Internet, particularly in the comment sections. Thanks for calling attention to the kindness being extending to Elizabeth Edwards. When things aren’t happening to us, it’s so easy for people to sit back and declare that they would have handled her situation differently. While there will undoubtedly be a few people who opt for the low road, it makes my day to see that the majority are showing compassion.
It is ironic that in addition to this article, which I applaud, WOW is also running the article by Gail Sheeney. Under the guise if wondering “what if”, about Elizabeth Edward’s life choices, Ms. Sheeney infers her recurrance of cancer might not have happened if she had cut John Edwards out of her life (nevermind that the sequence of events here does’t jive). She infers that Mrs. Edwards should not have continued to seek agressive cancer treatment but should have gone for palliative (hospice) care as soon as she learned her cancer was incurable, thus sparing her family…blah, blah, blah. WOW, please start using better judgement about whom you employ. The world doesn’t need the snarkiness displayed by Ms. Sheeney’s article.
I don’t think Gail said anything others wanted to say but didn’t know how to say or were too afraid to say. Someone would have. If not Gail, someone else. It reflects the angst of so many.
I suspect a lot of people don’t understand palliative care which is more than just “easing the pain” at this point but actually is “supportive” care on all levels for those facing the possibility of dying and I suspect Elizabeth Edwards sought out palliative care as reflected by her comment two years ago that she knew she was not going to get better but also knew she didn’t know how much time she had left. None of us do. And that was made quite clear yesterday when she died which I doubt anyone around her expected. She made the decision to live each moment. And did. And that is what palliative care is really all about.
5:24 pm | December 8, 2010
Baby Snooks, you aren’t getting my point. Gail Sheeney, while saying, “what if…” is criticizing Mrs. Edwards’ decision to get agressive cancer treatment (i.e., chemotherapy, radiation, etc.) and not just settle for palliative or hospice care (pain and anxiety medication, and counseling), when she was told her cancer had returned and was not curable.
Who the hell does she think she is to question when or if a sick person quits fighting the inevitable?
I think, if I got news I was incurable, I might just go for the palliative care and not keep fighting, But I think that says more about my lack of courage than anything else. I admire Elizabeth Edwards desire to life and fight to the end.
I don’t think you are getting Gail’s point. Or mine. You need to read again what Gail said about palliative care and then read what I added. Hopefully both of you will read what I added. I suspect, again, that Elizabeth Edwards sought palliative care. Which helped her accept the possibility either way which helped her at the point she said she knew she was not going to get better. She just didn’t know when she would get worse. Many don’t know. None of us really knows. Even the doctors really don’t know. Some are told they have a year left. And are still at the doctors two years later. Enjoy the moment. All any of us have.
6:51 pm | December 8, 2010
Here is the paragraph in question, from Gail Sheeney’s article:
“What if, once her illness was pronounced incurable three years ago, she had sought palliative care? It was too soon then for her to have hospice, which offers wonderful physical and spiritual support for the family of a patient who is dying. But palliative care offers relief from pain and anxiety for the patient and family living with serious chronic illness, and she could have continued with curative efforts. According to a recent study published in the August edition of the New England Journal of Medicine, patients in palliative care had better quality of life and fewer depressive symptoms than seriously ill patients receiving acute care.”
She is saying Elizabeth would have been better off not choosing to get acute care, i.e., agressive treatment (chemo, etc.,) once she was pronounced incurable. Palliative care is a wonderful thing. Nobody is arguing against that. I am saying Gail Sheeney had no business saying when Elizabeth Edwards chose to stop getting acute, aggressive treatment. I think some of the confusion here is with the words paliative vs. hospice vs. aggressive. The point is Elizabeth Edwards had every right to keep fighting with acute care to the bitter end and Gail Sheeney can go fly a kite.
But palliative care offers relief from pain and anxiety for the patient and family living with serious chronic illness, and she could have continued with curative efforts.
___________________________________I think you are missing the “she could have continued with curative efforts.”
I think you and possibly Gail are also misunderstanding the meaning of incurable. It can mean with treatment it may be manageable. I have two friends living with cancer. One is going into the tenth year.
I can’t wait until tomorrow when everyone starts in with the “she should have, could have”s with regard to Aretha Franklin. Who appears to be terminal. But who will most likely, like Elizabeth Edwards, drop dead when it suits her. Not when it suits everyone else. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe ten years from tomorrow. Terminal means there is nothing they can do. Nothing more. There are people who have been told they are terminal who suddenly go into remission. It’s all Fate. And resolve. Mainly the resolve to just accept Fate. And enjoy the moment.
7:48 pm | December 8, 2010
“Curative efforts are not the same thing as aggressive, acute care. Gail was just convering herself. She wrote a sneaky, snarky article. If you go back to her article, on this site, you will see that nobody agrees with you so far, and everyone thinks Gail Sheeney’s article stinks. I am signing off now…don’t want to waste more of my lifetime arguing with you, Baby Snooks. You might be Gail Sheeney in disguise!
sorry… meant to say Sheeney was covering herself, saying Elizabeth could coutinue with curative efforts while receiving palliative care. Curative efforts does not mean aggressive treatment. Look at the last sentence and you can see what she really meant. She covers her bases, in case of criticism, but her meaning is very clear.
A lot of people can say whatever they want about Elizabeth but all I can say was the woman I met was a gentle soul who loved her children with all her heart and soul, who wanted to live and see them succeed and have a full life. She fought a good fight and when she spoke at Cancer Support groups she was never down, or depressing she gave us reasons to hold are heads high bald or not, to know that we’d get through chemo and our hair would grow back and we could accomplish whatever we put our minds to, cancer or no cancer. I talked to her maybe 10 times in the 4 yrs I lived in NC at cancer support meetings and like Elizabeth I am fighting breast cancer again, and she gave me the strength to want to continue to fight, she helped me see I can win this battle and I refuse to die, she was a role model, she was the picture of strength and courage, and she will surely be missed by all who knew her. The most amazing thing she did in the last month as sick as she was, she set her home up for Christmas with decorations, presents so her children would know it as if she was still with them. My heart goes out to her children and I will pray for them. Rest in Peace Sweet Soul, your with your Son and the Lord is watching over your other Children. Deni
Thank you for the beautiful post and tribute to Elizabeth Edwards. You expressed so perfectly what so many people felt about her. All one had to do is read her books to know the loving, sweet soul she was. I pray that your fight will have the best outcome and that you will be feeling well soon. All the blessings of the season to you.9:18 am | December 9, 2010
We are all saddened by the loss of Elizabeth Edwards; can we use this as a call to eradicate breast cancer; this is crucial. Please continue to support research which is looking at the ways to eradicate this disease.
I was happy to read all of the positive things people said about Elizabeth Edwards, too. Mr. WoW, you said exactly what I was thinking.
You sound a little emo if your a teen you might just be going through puberty and its that make a girl really emotional its normal i would think there is always someone out there who thinks the same way so i dont think its that unusual but you do have a point humans are the most selfish dirty rotten no good creators on the face of this damned planet in other words yes i can see a little of how you feel maybe try concealing to help a bit so there is less killing thoughts

Mrs. Edwards fought the hard fight and the scoundral she was married to caused her additional grief when she needed him the most.
As a person diagnosed with renal cancer and friends with breast cancer, we value and need the support and prayers of all those around us. To do what he did to her, publicly, is the lowest form and further, undermined her will. Once again a politician ill uses his spouse. Her crime? She loved him. Hopefully, whether we see it or not, he is made to pay.

Can you imagine: he wanted to be president and Bill was president. Aside from the power, is it just becauset he sex is good?
I admire Mrs. Edwards for her graceful Facebook comments. Of course, we don’t know if she privately feels otherwise. I think she would be entitled to be enraged by the events in her personal life over the past few years, but I hope she can die at peace. It’s hard for me not to wonder, though, how her young children will handle their mother’s death and their father’s betrayal of her.