Mr. wOw reflects on the recent holiday … and our Stars and Stripes
Mr. wOw’s three-day July 4 holiday was … not so hot. I foolishly allowed my sleeping pill prescription to run dry. I realized I was pill-less last Thursday. I made the proper calls but it was too late — everybody was gone. I’d be awake for days. And I was. I do have a more potent pill to encourage sleep, and I took it one night.
Alas, this pill is so potent it leaves me in Marilyn-land: “Miss Monroe was called to the set at 9 am. She did not appear until 3 pm. Work ceased at 4 pm.” (Also, this medication doesn’t provide a particularly easy sleep. Even for Mr. wOw, who only gets about three full hours anyway.)
I bumped into furniture all day and was even slower than usual to pick up on intricate questions such as “what would you like for dinner?” (B. was patient when I kept insisting I would not allow the overture begin before Leonard Bernstein and Rock Hudson took their seats at Carnegie Hall. )
Anyway, I was in a very irritable state as I watched various newscasts on the 4th. I came across one that especially irked me. The guy talking — a Republican politician — wore a great big gaudy Fourth of July tie. I mean, big.
Now, I have to tell you — and you won’t be surprised — but Mr. Wow is not a great flag-waver. I don’t weep at “The Star Spangled Banner” and don’t insert “American” into every conversation. But I do respect the flag of this country. And I have never understood why it is tolerated by so-called “patriots” when that flag is disrespected — represented on ties, T-shirts, ass-patches on your jeans, hats, tattoos, skirts, shoes and a vast array of jewelry.
“What is the matter with these people?!” I shrieked, finally shaking off my exhaustion and medicinally-induced semi-coma. “Don’t they see they are disrespecting the flag they claim to love? What the hell is that thing doing around his neck? Is anybody aware that there is a Flag Code? Real Federal laws about how the flag should be displayed — and it ain’t on a cushion or a ring or a pair of underpants.”
B. quickly agreed and brought me a bowl of vanilla ice cream, knowing only that could soothe me.
But I wasn’t hallucinating. There is a federal code pertaining to the display of the flag — it tells how the image of the flag best serves the patriots who say the Stars and Stripes means so much.
After I’d calmed down — B. added chocolate syrup to the ice cream — I recalled an incident years ago with a young acquaintance of mine. It was in the days immediately following the events of 9/11. Mr. wOw was stressfully unemployed at that time, and prickly. I met my new-ish friend downtown. He was wearing an American flag bandana.
“Uh… what is that on your head?”
“It’s a bandana.”
“Yeah. Why don’t you take it off. It’s really offensive.”
“Offensive? It’s the flag, man.”
“Yeah. It’s the flag. And it shouldn’t be sucking sweat off your head. Take it off and put it away.”
“Hey, man. You got something against the flag?”
“On the contrary. When I think of the flag, and I’m feeling especially glad to live in America, I envision it flying high over my head, free and unfettered. Not used as a rag to catch the grease from your hair, which you apparently haven’t washed in a week. Now. Just. Take It. Off.”
“And don’t call me ‘man.'”
Mr. wOw is rarely so forceful. Or so … American. But only three days had passed since the towers had fallen, and even though the “Dead or Alive” chest-pounding of the Bush administration had already wearied me, I had my standards. And this kid wasn’t going to get the better of me.
He took it off.
Good for you, Mr. Wow. A lot of people don’t know much about the Flag Code, and at any rate – it is only “advisory” in nature. For better or worse, people’s freedom of expression trumps the Flag Code.
We were overseas on 9/11. When we returned to the US in early 2002, we were stunned at all the flag stickers on cars. How soon things change.
I know the flag is not to be used on apparel, but I try not to get too riled up about it if people are wearing it, say, on a t-shirt, with the intent of displaying patriotism.
One case that really chapped my butt was last year when some California high school students were sent home for wearing American flag t-shirts on Cinco de Mayo. The administrators told the students they could wear it on any other day, but not on a Mexican-American holiday (Ugh, I can’t stand hyphenated-American labels… either be an American, or don’t). Another student was quoted as saying, “I think they should apologize cause it is a Mexican Heritage Day. We don’t deserve to be disrespected like that.” Whaaaat? “They” and “we?” “We” are offended by our OWN FLAG? That sort of thing makes me want to invite those who are so offended, to go live in any other country of their choice. But they don’t, because their lives are better here. You’d think they would be a little more appreciative.
I am all for ethnic pride and knowing our heritage, but it should never, never trump our identity as Americans. That’s counterproductive, divisive, and what leads ultimately to Balkanization.
W: (coming out of pill induced sleep) Is it too early to drink?
B: Good lord, you look terrible! Let me make you a coffee and sit you down in front of the TeeVee so that you can at least join in the 4th of July festivities in a most virtual way since I know you are not up to all those flag waving parades.
W: I deplore these parades.
B: Yes, I know, but at least you no longer throw boiling water from the perch on your window sill on those poor folks.
W: I’ve mellowed somewhat, I think.
B: Ya think? Jeez, remember how you used to lurch tragically against walls, in all apparent seriousness, if dinner was late? I knew you suffered from low blood sugar, but this lurching was a bit much, don’t you think?
W: Look at this! (pointing to the Teevee) Some idiot has wrapped the flag around his bum and is doing what looks like a hoochie-goochie dance. Americans have forgotten what this flag represents––makes me sick!
B: Ice Cream?
W: That would help
B: Americans show their patriotism, if you can call it that, in all different ways.
W: It’s the friggin flag and what it stands for that is being disrespected––look, here’s another guy that has it tied around his head like you did once.
B: A drizzle of chocolate sauce?
W: That helps even more.
B: You know what I think? I think you are pissed at the fact that this country seems to be falling short of your idea of what this country should stand for and because you can’t do a damn thing about it, you scream at inappropriate flag wearers and flag wavers who you think don’t know the meaning of love of flag and country.
W: And you know what I think? I think I need more coffee and a lot more chocolate sauce if I’m ever going to seize the day with gusto and get that boiling water ready.
Dear Phyllis…
No, no…I never did the boiling water from the window thing. (Though that thought brought me back to past my lives in 14th century Europe–hanging out windows and emptying chamber pots onto the streets below.)
B. NEVER wore a flag as a bandana. He did have a wonderful embroidered patch on his denim jacket that said “Peace.” The jacket is long gone. The patch remains. We still hope for peace.
10:10 am | July 8, 2011-
P.S. Phyllis…as openly as talk about my drinking, I keep a dry house. The last thing B. would ever offer me is a drink.
11:07 am | July 8, 2011-
Dear Phyllis–
A word from Mr. B. “Phyllis doesn’t understand M.B. How could she possibly think he would even wear or condone flag-themed paraphernalia? Mr. B. found it disgusting the way the candidates in the 2000 election posed with a multitude of flags, each appearance bringing more flags than the last. One flag is enough if you truly love your flag. BTW, the patch was from the group ‘Another Mother for Peace’ Inc. And it read ‘WAR IS NOT HEALTHY FOR CHILDREN AND OTHER LIVING THINGS.’ That has not changed.”
B. tells me “Another Mother For Peace” still exists.
12:12 pm | July 8, 2011
Will the road you’re on get you to my place? GOD
From the Mt. Carmel Church marquee on Ridge Rd.
Walking up Ridge Road today
Thinking how much has changed
Since we moved here. Then there were acres
Of fields to explore—farmers planted
Their crops in some of them
Like the cornfield across the road from us
Where my boy, his dog and I would play
Hide and seek.
We had a vast nursery to roam—
Among the pines, the oaks, the giant chestnuts
We gathered wild grasses, Azalea blooms
And found fat frogs in the pond.
All that is gone. And the huge house—
So elaborate, so ostentatious on top of the hill
Which is only four—at the most five—years old
Is for sale. Love gone wrong, so I’ve been told.
There’s a sad little flag sticking out near the driveway—
It’s bending sideways, faded and somewhat tattered;
A remnant from 9/11—a tribute to something then.
July 2005
Speaking of pills, watched Judy Davis as Judy Garland last night. (Incredible performance, Man.)
Dear Daniel…
I thought Judy D. less than stellar. If I want my neurotic Judy G. fix, I just pop in “I Could Go On Singing.”
“Jenny Bowman” is great.
(When I saw “My Brilliant Career”, I fell for Judy Davis – there’s something about her…)
11:18 am | July 8, 2011 -

I don’t know about other places but in my neighborhood and my town, the flag is everywhere. I have one out front. My neighbors have theirs out. There are flags up and down the main drag through town and at the parks and the cemeteries. And that’s true of many of the other towns in this area. I remember flag protocol being taught in school but that was in the 50s and 60s. I think people have forgotten a lot but the only “sins” I’ve seen around here are the flag on T shirts and jewelry and not taking them in at sundown. I’m guilty of that. I don’t think any disrespect is meant by the various forms showing the flag.
Mr. W, you would fall over if you saw my house. I have red and white roses out front with blue lobelia tucked around them. The house is white and I’m painting the porch blue this summer. But there’s plenty of ice cream and chocolate sauce available. for medicinal purposes, of course.
Dear Haunted Lady…
Years ago I attended a fabulous party on Ellis Island. It was the launch of Tina Brown’s ill-fated “Talk” magazine. The weather was wonderful. it was nighttime. The place was packed with stars. And so was the sky. I was having my usual “fun time.” Madonna was there. It was all “like that.” But at some point, I managed to pull away from the silliness and just glanced up. There, way, way up there, was the American flag, a stunning thing, billowing in the wind. it took my breath away.
For one minute, I forgot about my next cocktail, or who I could wrangle for a few quotable quotes. I was transfixed by the beauty of the flag, and what it meant, on its best days. For all my suspicion of goverment and cynicism regarding politicians, I was thrilled, proud, inexplicably teary-eyed. And then somebody said to me, “Quick, that adorable boy from ‘Queer as Folk’ is here. My eyes dried right away.
But I’ve never forgotten that moment. Maybe that’s why the tee-shirts and dresses and stickers on cars, and ties don’t amuse me. Also, I have found, just as people who insist on telling us what “good Christians” they are–without ever practicing the words of Jesus–that those who wave the flag 24/7 have never actually read the Constitution or the Declaration of Independance. They have their particular idea about what “democracy” and “freedom” means. (I don’t mean you and your roses!)
I’ll be over for ice cream pretty soon.
11:58 am | July 8, 2011-
I understand what you mean about the flag and about the flag-wavers. We were required to read the Declaration and the Constitution in school. Don’t they do that any more?
My father was a WW2 vet and when he died, someone put up flags all around Four Corners Park in the middle of town. I was told that was always done for a vet who died. I was very touched by it and will never forget it.
11:01 am | July 9, 2011
I don’t share your sentiments. In fact, I own a flag shirt that I wear every 4th of July. It’s kind of traditional. We have a party at our lake house and everyone comes decked out in their red, white and blue. Rather than seeing the use of the flag iconography as disrespectful, I see it as a fondness for the image and what it means. Your neighborhood must be different than mine, since I see flags everywhere. Perhaps I notice them more because I lived for a while in France and in Germany. In neither of those countries is it normal for people to fly a flag. You’ll rarely see one other than at state buildings.
I think people in the US get wrapped up in their shorts about trying to tell others how to use the flag image. Can’t you just be happy that so many are proud of their flag?
Dear Barbara…
Maybe I’d be happy—if I felt people were proud of their flag for the right reasons. In any case, it is just my opinion.
Aside from my own little experience, with was fueled by the events of 9/11, I wouldn’t dream of intruding on anybody’s use of the flag. I find much of it distasteful, excessive and phony, but…live and let live.
Best to you,
Mr. W.2:22 pm | July 8, 2011
David: They are waiting.
Jenny: I don’t care if they’re fasting, you just give them their money back and tell them to come back next fall.
Dear Daniel…
“Do you think you can make me sing? Or Ida…or whoever? I sing for myself. When I want to. Just for me.”
“You keep holding on to that, Jenny.’
“Well, I’ve held on to all the rubbish there is to hang on, and thrown all the good bits away. Can you tell me why i do that?!”
“No, but I can tell you you’re going to be late.”
“I don’t care!”
Daniel–the last time we did this was with “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” and all of Jane Russell’s great lines. And then she died. Good thing Miss G. has already gone to a better place.
2:16 pm | July 8, 2011
In those days (about 300 years ago) when I was a school girl, I remember all the flag “rules” we were taught. Two were that the flag was never out at night, or in the rain.
Now people leave the flag out 24/7. And they don’t notice when it is faded and ratty and in great need of retirement. Sometimes the flag they fly is so big they would need a huge crew to take it in at night, put it out again on the morrow.
But they’re “flying the flag”. I agree with Mr. W. that they should only earn “flag points” when the do it correctly, and that means with respect, IMO.
However I do find it amusing that it is a “sin” to burn the flag in protest. But the proper way to dispose of an American flag is… to burn it.
Mr. WoW,
Though I am far from remembering this, didn’t the anti-Vietnam rallies and protests build bon fires burning the American flag? Maybe it was in Vietnam where this occurred, since I was still in my single digits regarding my age. For twenty years we had 4th of July celebrations, usually at my parents house and usually just the family. The next family gathering holiday was Labor Day, but that usually just passed us by. Being in a dismal mood as school started the next day. Nothing family oriented until Thanksgiving and then they all came in a row, I remember seeing fireworks at night, lighting our own fireworks, and a parade in the day, barbequed food and hot weather. Since we had a summer home (cottage) near a lake in New Hampshire, we did all the water things. Sunning, swimming, water skiing, boat racing, It was always on a Sunday, then, instead of the day it actually fell on (I think that was for those who worked). I don’t know when (or if) the celebration was actually held on the actual day as a kid. We were out of school that next day. One week-end, my girlfriend (later to be my wife) and myself told everyone that we were going camping for the week-end and (not to be obvious) placed all of items that we took with us in paper bags. We actually went to The Ramada Inn near Canada, on Lake Champlain. We were only 16 but our phony ID’s said 18. When we got home, we didn’t fool anyone. My wife’s mother wouldn’t talk to me for a month. But, up north at 16, we were honeymooners. In LA, every week-end was an all week-end party so Independence Day just blended in. As for the flag, I cannot remember anything about it except burning them all together was against the law. Or at the very least, disrespectful. And in all my childhood parades, people were waving them. We had a cake (at home) decorated as a big flag. In the few Jr ROTC that I belonged to, I carried a few in a Field Day Parades.
But, it turned around a bit when I was given one at my father’s 2002 funeral. I was his only son. He was a WWII vet and there was a feeling of pride, for my father and my country. In my zany life, I have since lost it but when I see one. I remember the day of the funeral. Maybe as the world becomes more erratic, that symbol (our flag) means more to me. I NEVER would wear a flag bandana, unless I was a drug dealer. Who were you going to meet, Mr. WoW? Truth be told, I’ve never worn one in my life…throughout the entire 1970’s when they were popular. One downfall about Independence Day, no turkey, no gifts, no eggnog, no Chocolate Easter Baskets….just an overdone hotdog and an ear of corn.
Dear Richard…
He was certainly not a drug dealer.
So….he was a go-go dancer. What of it? He was still old enough to be taught to respect the flag.
12:34 am | July 9, 2011-
As I decided to go to college, get a career and get married, some guys went off to repair motorcycles, drink beer, smoke pot…only pot, (I had never done it in high school or college), grow long hair and wear bandanas. I loved being around them. I was named the smart one (hardly). Heather (my fiancée’) would ask why I would hang around with them (?) and stick with my peers (all couples, of course). All 18, of course, I usually smelled like grease and gave them hammers and screwdrivers when they need one. They would tell me about some of their experiences in prison or the Hell’s Angels. Of course, I was attempted to leave my 18 year old sneaky clean life behind me and join them but I was on another path (really unaware that there even WAS another path and others). One guy (Sean) I developed a kinda crush on. I was 18 and he was 28, or about that. We became friendly with another couple. I should say I developed the friendship. His wife (Debbie had already had four children). I was just happy to be around him (it really wasn’t sexual) but a platonic crush. This was 1975 and there was no gay subtext to our conversations.
After Heather and I married (they came to our wedding), we would have them over for dinner. Heather had absolutely nothing in common with Debbie. Not even a sentence. She was kinda white trash. Though I didn’t know about too much about it then. I knew he was a felon he was didn’t really know if he was an alcoholic. I had no experience in that area and one night… he got so drunk that he passed out and threw up all over himself, and passed out. His wife wanted to bring him into the bathroom. It was best that they stay at our home and sleep on the sofa. Heather thought he was a big loser. I had a pair of pajamas to lend him. He was out cold and we brought him in the bathroom (this was a common occurrence for them) but I told his wife, Debbie…who was close to the same condition…that I would a pair of pajamas on. Alone in the bathroom with him, I got all his clothes off. Of course, I couldn’t do anything but looked. What would I do? I put the PJ’s on him. But he was one of my late teen male crushes (that usually didn’t contain sex) that I got to see naked. It didn’t occur to me that he might come out of his drug induced unconscious state. We put him on the sofa. Soon Debbie and Heather were at the door wondering why we were in there so long.
Heather was FURIOUS that he had gotten sick on our rather new baby blue velvet couch. He was already smoking pot and drinking beer when I woke up around 10am the next morning. That was the last time that they were ever guests, which was fine with me…I fulfilled a fantasy. I was SO nervous he would remember. Today, I would have had no problem in saying that I just wanted to see him naked…and to ‘please undress’ himself so we both could form a “connection”. I think that’s what I called it.
7:07 am | July 9, 2011-
Am I the only one reading this who doesn’t understand the point of Richard’s 2nd post?
9:51 pm | July 10, 2011-
Let me make ir simple for you. It does go off on a tangent, Deeliteful. Sean (the man I am talking about) was in possession of several American Flag bandana’s and, where I grew up, it was a hint of a sign that you were a drug (pot) dealer. Bandana’s were popular in the 1970’s, earlier I wouldn’t know, and after the 1980’s I didn’t care. It was all urban. There was a certain reputation of those who wore bandana’s: mechanics, beer drinking and pot smoking, and always smelling like gas. I was very squeaky clean to be even romotely handing around with these guys. It was the end of the anti-establishment era. Next, bandana’s were used to indicate sexual practices (mostly in the gay culture; similar to handkerchiefs). Mr WoW (who understands) talked about a flag bandana used in fashion or on go go boys. We used (not me) them to signify por drug dealers. I should have included that in that post. Sean was the poster boy of Amrican flag bandanas.
11:02 pm | July 10, 2011
Richard – In answer to your question about flag burning during the Viet Nam war, I can say with certainty that protestors did indeed burn the American Flag. In the San Francisco financial district during the afternoon lunch break a small group of anti-war folks put flame to the flag; a secretary ran out into the melee and put out the fire. I do believe she also took the flag with her when she left.
In Berkeley, burning the American flag was a common enough event to no longer be shocking. Not all protestors agreed with flag burning but I know of no time when any protestor was as brave as the secretary mentioned above.
The American Flag was often used in protests and was raised upside-down …. a deliberate insult. One Veterans day all the flags that were placed on veteran graves at a local cemetery were stolen. There were times when I saw protestors burn a flag and the cheers and hurrahs they yelled would make one think one was in a third world country … the only words missing were “Yankee go home”.
Sad events during a sad time in American history.
2:21 am | July 9, 2011
Jenny: I can’t be spread so thin, I’m just one person. I don’t want to be rolled out like a pastry so everybody can get a nice big bite of me. I’m just me. I belong to myself. I can do whatever I damn well please with myself and nobody can ask any questions.
David: Now you know that is not true, don’t you?
Jenny Bowman: Well I’m not gonna do it anymore. And that’s final! its just not worth all the deaths that I have to die.
(If it happens again, people will think we’re the Bitches Of Eastwick.)
Dear Daniel…
“If you said it now and you didn’t mean it I think…I think…I’d die.”
Oh, and for those of you not quite getting this…nothing could be more patriotic than Judy.
Mr Wow – I thought twice about writing this comment because sometimes a thought put to paper and not said aloud might generate a mistaken impression and completely miss the point one is attempting to make. Okay, here goes.
After reading your article the first thing that came to my mind was the late author Shelby Foote, who became an overnight success in the Ken Burns production of The Civil War. During an interview with a local PBS station, Mr. Foote was asked about the Southern insistence of maintaining the Confederate Flag not only on Courthouse and government buildings but in their homes and to honor the flag. Shelby Foote did not hesitate in his answer. He said he honored the Confederate Flag and did not consider it a racist symbol but he also acknowledged that because of “ya-hoos” in South in the 20th Century, the flag was turned into a symbol for which it was never intended. He said that the Confederate Flags flying above government buildings all over the South should be taken down and stored away; not destroyed.
Much of what Shelby Foote said during the series is now being revisited by other scholars who disagree with Foote’s interpretation of the Rebel soldier. But that is another subject. The point of my story is that I agree with your anger and disgust with folks who demean the American flag by the commercialization of that flag. But like Shelby we cannot stop folks from using the flag to sell paper plates, looney ties, or t-shirts. We can only hope that the American Flag does get turned into something that will make most of us sad.
good grief! Last sentence … the American flag does NOT get turned into something that will make most of us sad.
2:55 am | July 9, 2011-
note to wowowow – Please, please bring back the editing feature we all once enjoyed!
2:56 am | July 9, 2011 -

Hi Mr. Wow,
Happy belated 4th to you too. (busy tossing out the needlepoint pillow of the flag I was making, or hiding it so you can’t see it)
We used to have a house on Nantucket, and every morning the flag would be raised, and every evening the flag would be lowered, except in the rain, when the flag would be properly folded and brought inside. It was my favorite ritual.
I don’t mind seeing flags on pins or pillows, but I do see your point.
Take Care,
There’s no place like home. 🙂
Dear JG…
No need to hide the cushions. Just don’t sit on them!
Best to you..(it’s another beautiful weekend!)
2:30 pm | July 10, 2011
Dear Daniel…
Alas, my only concession to new-fangled technology is the basic internet and e-mail skills and downloading music (from my CD’s) onto my iPod.
I don’t Facebook or Tweet or indulge in any other social networking pastimes. I don’t even have a cell phone. I’m barbaric, I know.
But it’s cool to relate to people here, anyway.
2:56 pm | July 10, 2011
Mr. (fabulous) Wow: Your flag opinions are fine with me. What concerns me is that you let your doll prescription run out. NO! And just as an aside, I can’t imagine what a “dry” house might feel like. Actually, I can. And it doesn’t seem appealing. XOXO – The Count
Dear Count…
I know! Clearly, in inner Neely O’Hara is sputtering.
A dry house is fine. Years ago, it was not—dry, that is. And combined with the drinking I did outside the home, I was in bad shape. I stopped cold for six months, got rid of all the white wine and vodka in the fridge, and then, after my “detox” tried to see if I could drink socially. I could. However, my after work drinking can still be heavier than I (or B.) would like.
It’s difficult. I give in to the stress of the day. And…I like to drink. Period.
But, not so much I need to do it at home. In fact, the very idea of a drink at home seems kind of repulsive to me. And I am careful when I go out to an event, I know how to pace myself. Sometimes, that too, is a struggle, but I win.
2:42 pm | July 10, 2011
Those of us old enough to remember Ozzie and Harriet remember the “flag ceremony” during which the flag was carefully unfolded or unrolled and carefully inserted into the flag holder by the front door or in some cases raised on the flag pole in the front yard. Which went the way of apple pie and Mom and, well, the way of Ozzie and Harriet. Most everyone else has no concept of the history of our flag or what it represents. It’s just, well, just a flag.
We have strayed so far from the ideals of the founding fathers but then in some ways we are just following in their footsteps. Benjamin Franklin would later predict that our democracy would collapse after 200 years and it was probably a prediction made on the basis of simple observation of his fellow founding fathers who quickly left the ideals behind as they began to grab what they could as fast as they could. Still the ideals were there. And still are. They can be read in the Constitution. And seen in the flag. And perhaps it doesn’t matter how it’s displayed. Just as long as it is. Just as long as people remember what it represents. Which is why from time to time people have burned the flag. To protest those who have forgotten what the flag represents. Something people who are offended by it have themselves forgotten.
The founding fathers guaranteed us the right to expression as a means of protest and that unfortunately includes the burning of a flag. Or wearing one as a bandana. The former a form of protest. The latter perhaps simply a way of displaying the flag. As for the patriotism that followed 9/11 it was that patriotism that lulled us into believing what we did and which resulted in our destroying two countries as well as our own to serve an agenda rather than an ideal.
I wonder if anyone noticed how few flags were flying by front doors and in front yards on the 4th of July. At least some were probably wearing it. And in their own way celebrating it. And what it represents. I would have told you to chill that day. And your friend probably would have fled in the ensuing melee of words. Which, well, is what the flag is all about. Our freedom to engage each other when we disagree. Better that than to sit silent. Which if the founding fathers had would have resulted in our singing “God Save the Queen” today instead of “God Bless America.”