Okay, okay. I’ve been trying to be all hands off on Trayvon Martin, the unarmed 17-year-old African-American who was shot to death by George Zimmerman inFlorida. So inflammatory. And what could I add? Nothing. But I felt I had to say something. I wanted to say something.
Mr. Martin had been to a grocery store, picking up a can of iced tea and candy for his younger brother. He was visiting his father. Mr. Zimmerman is a neighborhood “watchman.” With a gun. Not that he was supposed to have a gun while “watching.”
Eh, who’s counting bullets in Florida?
The case has been brutally and cynically analyzed from every perspective.
The outrageous righteousness of the Right and the Left, the politicizing of the event, has dimmed its humanity. I loathe MSNBC’s Al Sharpton. I loathe Fox News. I loathe “The Today Show” for its “mistake” in editing the vital 911 call from Zimmerman to the cops. Basically I loathe everybody who weighs in on this. Yeah, so I’m hating myself, too. I’ll recover. I always do.
So here’s the vibe I get: Mr. Zimmerman, now—finally!– arrested and charged with second degree murder, will be exonerated. It is his word, and the “stand your ground” law of Florida, against a dead person. So far we know of no eyewitnesses to the actual encounter to say who started what. And even though we have the 911 tapes, and the police telling Mr. Zimmerman to cool it, and not follow the “suspicious” Mr. Martin, we’ll never know exactly what went down in that ultimate confrontation.
If we are to take “stand your ground” for what it intends to be, then young Mr. Martin was also standing his ground—followed by a strange man, in an unfamiliar neighborhood. He might have felt—as Mr. Zimmerman says he felt—threatened to the point of fearing for his life. And using all the weapons at his disposal. In Mr. Martin’s case, that was can of ice tea and a bag of candy.
Here’s what we do know. We can hear George Zimmerman’s voice as he made his distress call. Something he often did. Almost always he was wary of “suspicious” black men.
What do we hear on that fatal tape? I’ll tell you what I hear. He’s not terribly bright. His voice sounds dull and even slightly slurred. (His brother, Robert, who came out to defend him at one point, must have inherited another gene pool.) He is inexplicably nervous and angry and frightened. But why? He’s all safe in his car. He wasn’t even “on watch.” He just happened to notice Mr. Martin. And just noticing him, set something off.
I have listened to this tape, in its entirety, over and over again. It is terrifying. This was a man on a mission. This was a man who had a point of view. It is not a point of view one desires to be on the other side of.
We will never know—and let me stress this—we’ll never know—what happened in that minute nobody saw. Who struck first, what was said, etc. But I know this. If Mr. Zimmerman had gone home, after placing his concerned phone call, Mr. Martin would be alive today.
He was only 70 feet from his father’s fiancée’s house when he died, face down in the grass, with a bullet in his chest.
Mr. Zimmerman’s latest lawyer, Mark O Mara—the first two fled– stresses the difficulties his client has faced—“It must be frightening not to be able to go to a 7-Eleven.” Indeed. Think about never being able to go to a 7-Eleven again. Ever.
Oh, and here is P.S. response to CNN’s excellent Don Lemmon, who has kept his cool in various contentious interviews regarding the Trayvon Martin case. He has asked a certain question, to no avail, because hysteria reigns around Trayvon. That question is–“Should President Obama have weighed in on this matter?”
Dear Don—Prez O. should have kept it to “what a tragedy, etc.” To have personalized it—“If I had a son he would look like Trayvon”—was a big mistake.
So there, Don, at least somebody has finally answered you.
PS, there’s also the pesky detail that Martin was trying to avoid Zimmerman, by both Z’s and Martin’s girlfriend’s accounts. Threats don’t try to avoid you.
11:28 pm | April 11, 2012-
Dear Lila..I agree, obviously, on all points. BUT, no eyewitness to the actual encounter. You’ll get dozens of experts, this way and that, on the screaming. How will we ever know unless somebody has a previous tape of Trayvon or Zimmerman screaming in fear and pain?
I feel for sure it was Trayvon “standing his ground.” But proving it?
This is no slam dunk.
11:34 pm | April 11, 2012
.. just when I had about decided that some kind of social meltdown/ war and media frenzy/ fiasco was unavoidable in the Trayvon / Zimmerman murder case, in steps Angela Corey, an experienced, unflappable, and well-prepared prosecutor.. now if providence will put this trial in the courtroom of a wise and indomitable judge, our country might not only survive what is to come, but could learn and grow from the experience as well. At least that’s my hope.
But, Jay Kay… the wisest and most indomitable judges are sometimes afflicted with idiot juries. The arguments I give above sound reasonable to me (duh, because I made them), but – as Mr. Wow says, it’s no slam dunk… the defense will also have arguments that they think sound reasonable. And… imagine jury selection on such a highly publicized case. Ugh.
12:25 am | April 12, 2012 -
Dear Jay…Hope in vain. We learn nothing. There are no “teachable moments.” The hate on both sides is boiling. Scroll down on the comments to any Trayvon story that is not on a liberal site. Be prepared. It’s jaw-droppingly ugly.
Rogers and Hammerstein expressed it best in “South Pacific”—‘you’ve got to be taught before it’s too late, before you are six or seven or eight/to hate all the people your relatives hate.”
12:28 am | April 12, 2012
I appreciate your thoughtful post, Mr. B. This is an ugly killing that didn’t have to happen and never should have happened. But racism seems to be on the rise, instead of disappearing. Maybe you read about the killings in Tulsa, Oklahoma?
Lila and Mr. Wow, I don’t expect that closed minds, hardened opinions, and ingrained prejudice will positively be impacted by the process and the trial to come. I expect Mr. Zimmerman will get off.. either by a hung jury or acquittal.But millions of people like me will follow what is said and done and learn from the experience. Until Trayvon was murdered, I knew nothing about ALEC, the corporate sponsored Republican pay-for-play-for-influence organization, or the ‘stand your ground’ laws they have been able to pass in many state legislatures. Thanks to the exposure all aspects of this case are receiving, many household-name companies have dropped or intend to end their association with ALEC. I think that’s a positive development and I expect there will be more like it.
I live in Florida and the stand your ground legislation is pretty scary. Here in this state, you don’t get into an altercation with your neighbor, get into a dispute with a motorist or in fact get into a dispute with anyone anywhere, because you could wind up dead on the front lawn or standing by your car or anywhere else if the nut you are arguing with, has a gun and feels threatened. Not only will you end up dead, but your killer will get off scot free.On the flip side, I know someone who was working for an agency who receives contracts from DCFS (department of children and families). Her job was to go to clients homes and give them parenting classes one-one-one. She went to one home where they had a large sign that read” If you step foot on this property, YOU WILL be shot” So wisely, she took a picture of the sign and told her boss she wouldn’t be going to their house. The boss ordered her to, she refused. She filed a complaint, and she was fired.I predict Zimmerman will get off. You have to understand that central Florida is a bastion of ultra conservatives, the home of tea baggers and a mecca for racists. After all, central Florida is where Casey Anthony got off. I am not a good person to ask, because I think the second amendment should have been repealed once the wild west was won. That said, it truly frightens me to see this country basically divided into two camps. There doesn’t seem to be a middle ground on any issue facing this country. This country is being overrun with extremists, particularly from the right. Fundamentalism is the true enemy of democracy and sane governing in this or any other country.
Goodgirl, I hear you – it seems there is no common sense or middle ground. But – I have to say, while the Florida “stand your ground” law obviously has been poorly implemented with disastrous results, I completely understand the intent behind it. Law-abiding citizens should not have to be scared off the streets or out of public places by thugs, and wherever there are gun prohibitions, it’s only the thugs that have them. Look at Washington DC as a case study there. I strongly believe in the right to self-defense, but every case MUST be investigated in its own details; the Martin case (and others, from what you say) clearly was not. <B><B>I also strongly believe that if someone wants to own a gun, they need a background check and a certified training course in safety, liability, proper use, and legal vs. illegal circumstances for use of the weapon.
11:36 am | April 12, 2012
All of this is so very sad. Trayvon Martin should be alive and George Zimmerman should be at home or work. The “ifs” have been stated so well. I also believe the Second Amendment should have been repealed long ago. My stomach churns and my heart bleeds over the endless stream of nasty racial bigotry, left versus right, extreme religious views etc. It appears there is no room for healthy debate, only “I’m right, you’re wrong, and since I’m right, you must die”. When Rick Santorum suspended his campaign yesterday, I said, “didn’t agree with anything he said but wish him well and hope his daughter Bella is feeling better”. You would have thought I had sent him a huge campaign contribution and voted for him! The friends I was having lunch with were shocked and said all kinds of nasty things about him. All probably true but now unnecessary to discuss and at all times that baby is off limits. Will we ever learn to be civil??? I am not perfect (shocking I know) but I am promising from this moment to try to do better to be far more civil in every situation.
Hate will always be with us. You can’t eliminate the problem. But you can ameliorate. Get rid of the guns.

I’m in agreement with you and most of the responses above. What distresses me is that this horrid event has contributed greatly to the Great Divide. We don’t discuss anything rationally and reasonably in this country any more. Public discourse has devolved into petty name-calling and behavior unworthy of a twelve-year-old. Now killing has been added to the mix. I think part is due to the anonymity of the internet. It gives nasty, cowardly turds the opportunity to spread their hate and discontent without any responsibility. Until we get a grip and let reason overcome vitriol, I fear there will be more of this.
Haunted Lady, overall I agree with you that we have really devolved in our public discourse, but one positive note I took away from this case was the way that Martin’s supporters have called for Z’s arrest with peaceful protests and marches. A police car did get shot up in the neighborhood a few days ago, but it hasn’t been like the looting, burning, etc. of the Rodney King fiasco or other such events. As for the vitriol of the Internet… I agree that anonymity contributes to that, but I hope (perhaps vainly) that the Internet trolls are firmly glued to their computers and off the streets, mostly.
P.S. May I recommend to Mr. Wow (and all his friends) a video on YouTube called Cain’s Arcade.

Hi Mr. Wow,I feel something frightening happening in our country right now. I’m not sure what it is but it makes the hair on my arms stand on end.It’s scary. I’m not talking about the actual killing, which of course is horrific.I’m talking about the media frenzy/circus/carnival atmosphere surrounding ANYTHING that can be construed to help either political party.Take Hilary “what’s her name” as Barbara Bush quoted her today on Fox news, which I know you despise.Another faux feeding frenzy to divide us all into taking polarizing sides.I’ve never seen anything like this before, and to me the atmosphere is SO charged…like when you walk across a room on a rug and accidentally shock the next person you touch.Shame on the Democrats and shame on the Republicans for turning almost everything into a chance to entice haters.Ok, I’ll get off of my platform now, but seriously, I’m scared.I’m not sure if I made any sense in my post. I hope I did.PSI hope you are well and surviving these dreary and cold spring days. Warm air surely will follow.XO
Jamie,I feel it too. I wrote to a friend this morning that I fear that if we all don’t stop, take a deep breath and listen, just listen to each other; we will be in such very deep trouble I fear we will not find our way out. I believe that everyone’s point of view has value even if I firmly an deeply disagree but we must find common ground. We must stop screaming over each other’s voices and stop name calling and using horrible names and threats of violence or even worse, actual violence. I want in my heart to believe we are better than what we are showing to each other and the world around us. I honestly don’t care what religion you are or are not. I only care as Martin Luther King said “about the content of your character”. Is there really no way to find some common ground? Is it really all “my way or the highway? I hope not. And by the way this is all come form an eternal optimist.
Thank You Deirdre. You said so eloquently what I was trying to convey.XO
4:48 pm | April 12, 2012
You conveyed your feelings beautifully, Jamie. Thank you so much for the compliment. I often feel that so many of our fellow poster here are far more eloquent than I! Nice to know I hit the mark for you. XOSee Mr Wow, This is what you do for all of us!!!
I love it when my much-more-intelligent-than-I readers get into it. I am here to learn!
6:55 pm | April 12, 2012-
And that is what drew all of us together and why we all looked forward to your columns! Now we are so happy to hear from you and each other more often.
7:05 pm | April 12, 2012

Well, I hate to be a Gloomy Gus–to use the language of my childhood–but Mr. Zimmerman is most assuredly going to walk. He has been overcharged. Second degree murder, with a possibility of a life sentence–really? Manslaughter, and he might see some jail time. The state of Florida has been clever. They have satisfied public outcry, to the point where Mr. Z. cannot be found guilty as charged.
Nothing will bring back Mr. Martin. Mr. Z will have his day in court. It is in the hands of lawyers, judges and eventually a jury. The Martin family has said that this is all they wanted. The hideous Mr. Sharpton has said this is all he wanted. Okay. What passes for justice is being served. Please don’t be surprised, those who want “justice” for Trayvon, if the meal you’re finally served is cold. I would suggest all interested parties on both sides shut up. (Zimmerman’s slicker than slick brother, Robert, was on again with Piers Morgan last night.)
The atmosphere is so thick. These are the times one wishes for the discovery of a living dinosaur. Or an alien invasion. Anything to get this story off the front pages for a while and allow things to grind slowly, until the trial.
And yes, this case has made it sadly crystal clear that bigotry is alive and well in the good old USA. And always will be. No matter who occupies the White House.
You are not a Gloomy Gus and I honestly don’t believe that Zimmerman will be convicted of second degree murder. I was astounded that he was charged at all. If he is convicted of manslaughter, I will find that a victory and if he serves 5 seconds in jail a major victory. And yes, yes, yes you are so very correct bigotry is alive and well not matter who occupies the White House, not matter what year it is and I guess not matter how hard we try. And yes I am crying, not matter how futile that is. But I do hope that someone in some legislature in one of the 40 something states that have the “stand your ground” laws will consider taking a look at modifying them to perhaps prevent this kind of thing from happening again.(yes , I know, but feel free to tell me anyway).
Deirdre, I heard Texas State Senator Royce West say today that he is introducing a bill to modify and qualify Texas’ Stand Your Ground law. I agree with Mr. Wow’s opinion that Mr. Zimmerman was ‘over charged’ by the Florida Prosecutor’s Office, and consequently may walk away from murdering Trayvon.. whose family will likely never receive justice for the loss of their son. But Trayvon’s death will always represent a turning point in our culture, not unlike the murder of Matthew Shepard, where the American public looks at the circumstances of this case and determines and insists.. never again.
8:54 pm | April 12, 2012

Excellent insight, Jay Kay. I agree whole heartedly that he was over charged and justice will most likely never be served. I also agree with your comparison to the brutal murder of Matthew Shepard.Hopefully, Never again. Ever.
Thank you JayKay, If a Texas legislator can take this step; then there is hope for Florida and the other states. One by one. We must find ways to remember Matthew Shepard and Trayvon Martin and the other men and women whose names we don’t know as we go about our daily lives interacting with each other. A little less suspicion and a little less anger and a lot less bigotry could go a long way to finding peace for all of us. And yes , never again, ever…
What will this killing wrought? It is so one way or the other. People can not agree or disagree without being angry with each other. We learn the most when we are the listener instead of the talker. So, let’s all listen. really listen. to both sides of this case, not judging before we know the circumstances of this case. My heart goes out to Trayvon’s family and friends. So sad that we live in a world where our knee-jerk reaction is to fire.

Dear Mary…Unfortunately, we will never know “the circumstances” surrounding this death. There are–unless the defense is holding back–no eyewitnesses to the fatal minute before Zimmerman confronted Trayvon, or before Trayvon “snuck up” (the newer Z family story) and sucker punched and tried to kill Mr. Z. This, just seconds after Mr. Martin got off the phone with his girlfriend. One minute he’s chatting with the girl, and worried about being followed, the next second he’s a maniac.
What Trayvon’s family has to do is brace for this case not even going to trial. Or if it does, Mr. Z walks. The only way then, to make this death matter is for his mother and supporters to work tirelessly to repeal “Stand Your Ground.” His mother, who has been the soul of agonized dignity, might understand that. Others who have attached themselves to her and her family, probably won’t. They won’t want to. Less camera time.
This case has simply shined yet again, a light on the endless, inevitable, insoluble great divide between the races. It’s never over. Not for women,not for Jews, not for homosexuals, not for people of color. Hearts and minds generally cannot be changed. Laws can be. Not easily, but it happens. Whatever becomes of Mr. Z, I am hoping for peaceful, rigorous legal activism that will afford Mr. Martin a significant legacy. Let his be the last “Stand your ground” fatality.
Whatever the outcome of the arrest of George Zimmerman, I hope that a grassroots campaign will start to modify the stand your ground laws in states that have them. I understand the right to protect yourself in you own home. It should not, however, be extended to following someone who “look suspicious” around the neighborhood. I will also admit that I see no reason for any one to have a gun in their house but that’s an entirely different argument for another day.
What I didn’t like was the special prosectuor acting as if all unfolded as it should have from the beginning. That she and her office just continued an ongoing investigation. Which had obviously been dropped. After having been dismissed by someone else in her office. If Zimmerman had been black and Trayvon white, Zimmerman would have been arrested and charged immediately. Who does she think she’s fooling? And she smiled too much. For the cameras they say. It’s a dog and pony show. And no they don’t indict people on public opinion. That was one thing she shouldn’t have said. That is obviously the only reason why they indicted Zimmeran. Please.
And what’s with this “musical attorneys?” He engages two attorneys and then those two attorneys withdraw after he contacts the special prosectuor, in itself curious, and then within 24 hours he’s charged and already in jail. Turned himself in. And has a new attorney. Something screwy in Denmark or whatever the expression is. And on the subject of screwy WHERE is my reply icon?
Well at least it wasn’t the “fire and brimstone” I expected. And yes the musical attorney dance is weird and contacting Sean Hannity even more so. I think the line of defense attorneys to choose from stretched to Miami.Nice to have you weigh in on this one Baby Snooks!
*I don’t like to voice my opinion on the internet. Just glad we have your blog Mr. Wow.
Daniel Sugar!The reply button doesn’t seem to work very well (ok, not at all) but I did see Caine’s Arcade before you posted about it. It is so wonderful and to our friends here at Mr. Wow, if you haven’t seen it please look for it on youtube. It is wonderful!
Rho,Glad your here; not matter what but this really is a safe place to say what you feel.
*Sorry, but I disagree. The internet knows everything about us. I am also glad I’m here.
10:27 am | April 13, 2012
Yeah… I’m gonna stay right the hell out of this sad tale. I can manage to get all pissy in a post about a charming tradition that happens to be Easter-related. I can only imagine what horrors would spring forth from the Earth if I unshackled my typing fingers on this one. I do like to acknowledge when you post something new though: I like to hope it helps encourage you to write more.
Dear DanS…
And have you ever known me to reject a pissy reply? The point here is to let loose. I don’t judge. And most here don’t. Say what you feel.
8:15 pm | April 13, 2012
Rho, I didn’t mean the internet. I don’t particularly care if they “know all”. I stand by my opinions and they are the same in public as they are here. The things I would not want to say publicly, I don’t say here and there are things that I have not said here. If I did care I wouldn’t be here or post here. I don’t think anything I say is incendiary or treason or of interest to the FBI, CIA or whoever. People who know me, know I am of mostly liberal leanings, that I support the “underdog” and that I love my family, friends and music more than anything else on earth.I also respect your rights and feelings not to express you feelings and opinions here for any reason you choose. It’s just nice to have you here for any time and any reason.
Careful, thoughtful, alert, and decisive Rho.
My kind of person, “Measure twice – cut once”.
LR8:06 pm | April 14, 2012
Dear Rho…
Thanks for asking, honey. Having a lot of issues re unemployment benefits (not as easy to get as often unemployed friends of mine have averred.) And the mere fact that I have been laid off, that I was so foolish with money, that I never had the proper motivation or discipline to cope with this day–this day that had to happen. I’ve been employed almost 30 years by somebody who wasn’t young when they employed me back in the day.
I’m feeling sorry for myself and not terribly creative.
8:22 pm | April 17, 2012-
Come on Mr. Wow, we need you and your new blog to keep moving forward. I have a friend who was laid off after 32 years at the same bank. She was devastated, as you are, but eventually you will receive your deserved benefits as she did, your self esteem will reappear and you will be on your way to a new and better adventure. Remember, you have B, and all of us. I won’t pretend that all of this will be a walk in the park—maybe just a crawl, but you will prevail. I believe in you. Mary
8:45 pm | April 17, 2012-
On the unemployment stuff; I have been told by friends who have been in your boat or ark that they require you firstborn so you and B may have to offer the swan or perhaps one of the Liz or Marilyn photos. These people are merciless and automatons but in the end, they have to give you what you are due so hang in there and as maryburdt said you have B and all of us who care so very much about you and want this blog to succeed. So even if you just write hi, I’m here, washing socks and watching TCM in my pjs, that’s fine with us.
8:54 pm | April 17, 2012
I’m sorry to hear about your benefits issues, Mr. wOw, but please don’t have regrets about the past. That’s over with now, and the best thing to do is to keep moving forward. You have survived many difficulties, as you’ve so eloquently told us, and we know that you can deal with this, too.
7:11 am | April 18, 2012
Knock, knock. Anyone home? Guess who’s returned to wowOwow? Miz Liz. If they ask you to come back, ask for more money!
It looks like maybe WoW is “reprinting” Liz’s columns from the New York Social Diary….
7:05 am | April 18, 2012 -
Snooks, thanks for the heads-up. I kept the HuffPo feed sending link for the most current Liz story to the Forming the Thread site, but have changed the “Our Favorites” Liz link to point the reader back to the wow site. At least there, people can still have conversations, unlike at HuffPo, Chicago Tribune or others.
9:36 pm | April 18, 2012
I saw that Liz posted, but I did not say anything. I really admire her, but the site isn’t the same.
I ..have been following Liz Smith daily on N.Y. Social Diary. Her columns are wonderful, as usual, the only thing missing, and it’s a big thing, is there is no way for the reader to respond. I will check out WoW to read her there. I agree that WoW ain’t what she used to be—so sad.
maryburdt, I miss being able to reply to Liz. It was one of the best things about WoWoWoW. I follow her on Follow the Thread. I wonder if she misses hearing from us?
9:12 pm | April 18, 2012-
Hi Deirdre, I saw Snooks’ post and others here – Liz’s columns on the wow site do have the comments sections for people to have conversations. So I changed her link under “Our Favorites” on Forming the Thread, to point back to the wow site. I left the HuffPo feed for the current story, only because the wow site does not have individual RSS feeds like that. Hope this helps!
9:40 pm | April 18, 2012-
Lila,Thank you. I see I wrote Follow the Thread (see what a glass of wine does to me), sorry. I do enjoy Forming the Thread very much. The variety of blogs are wonderful. It will be fun to be able to reply to Liz again.
9:47 pm | April 18, 2012-
Deirdre, ha! Or it could have been “pulling the string” or some such, but alas, I based the name on the Aldous Huxley quote. Guess I was in some kind of artsy mood… or, having trouble finding a name that wasn’t already taken!
10:03 pm | April 18, 2012 -
Lila, how do I connect to your blog”Forming the Thread.?” I would like to join this group of forward thinking ladies. Thanks for your help, and also, for starting this site.
10:24 pm | April 18, 2012 -
MaryBurdt, Click my name here and it links to the site, or you can Google Forming the Thread and it will be one of the hits.
9:33 am | April 21, 2012 -
maryburdt, just click my name here and it links to the blog, or you can Google “Forming the Thread” and it will come up as one of the hits.
9:53 am | April 21, 2012 -
Eeek! Ignore the extra comment by “thecoloroflila.” I have a new iPad and am not used to it yet… back to my clunky desktop to get anything done…
1:57 pm | April 21, 2012
Hi Deidre, I somehow think Liz misses our input because it was so much fun. Wow O Wow is no longer a site I visit. I am happy Mr. Wow has brought us all back together. With the election in just six months, our discussions should become “very interesting.”
9:41 pm | April 18, 2012-
Maryburdt, I guess we could be about to find out. I will start reading her on the WoW link again so I can reply. As they say, ‘to be continued…
9:54 pm | April 18, 2012
“…and not terribly creative.” Well, why not write about how you first met the person whom you’ve worked for/with for 30 years and how the job came about and evolved. I’ll bet it’s really interesting. (I know it will interesting to me.)
Dear Daniel…I would not cover myself with glory attempting that. It would devolve into a bitter pity party. Best to rise above it. Lots of people would love to have my problems.
1:17 pm | April 21, 2012
Hang in there Mr. Wow. Things will get better for you. It’s okay to feel sorry for yourself. We all love you.
Dear Rho…yeah, it’s okay to feel bad for yourself a little while. I think I should stop.
1:23 pm | April 21, 2012
We do love you Mr. Wow….look at all the encouraging emails from your fans.
Take care of yourself and be safe.

Hang in there, Sweet Face. It takes a bit of persistence but you will prevail. You can’t change what has already happened so don’t waste time worrying or regretting it. Try to focus on what you have, what is really valuable to you. And don’t forget, you probably had some great fun and met some lovely people along the way.
Dear Haunted…all of you, actually, who have been so supportive—it is, and has been, a waste of time regretting. Tiresome to listen to, tiresome to carry it around, place to place. I think I’m finally over myself in this way. Right now. There’s no point in making myself crazier than I already am.
I just watched two excellent and quite sad movies, back to back–“Golden Door” about immigrants coming to America in the early 20th century, and “Beautiful Boy” about parents coping with their son, who has committed a terrible mass murder. I’ve been sobbing all morning and now feel much better! By way, morbid content aside, “Beautiful Boy” contains performances by Michael Sheen and Maria Bello that should have been Oscar-nominated.
1:32 pm | April 21, 2012
Just remember that the lovely people at the unemployment office are there for one reason. To try to deny you the benefits! I qualified once. But they told me I didn’t. By the time someone else told me I did it was too late to apply. I’m not a stupid person. but a little slow. Friends who have applied have all described the process as something less than joyful. And definitely not “1,2,3” and the check is in the mail. Other friends got lucky and found something else before they had to go through “4,5,6.” Hopefully you will as well.

I understand only too well. I lost my job 6 months before I was eligible to retire and it took a week under 6 months to get my unemployment. I contacted an attorney to see if I could sue and it turned out that I couldn’t. The state also managed to cheat me out of 3 months worth of unemployment. It gets to be a real hassle.
Lila, I did get the reference and perhaps it was both the artsy mood and the search for something that wasn’t already taken. At any rate I like it. I have always been a lightweight in the alcohol area, one glass of wine and I drift. And it seems to reflect what you did to bring all of us together in one place again.
Apparently Liz is now appearing the day after she appears on NYSD so I guess someone wanted her “exclusively.” As if. The “attribution” is for NYSD so is she still on Huffington Post? Maybe she should sneak the column in here. Mr. Wow’s “guest column.” by Ms. Wow. Joni really blew it. Even with Liz back, even if Mr. Wow were back, it just isn’t the same.
As for the mess in Florida I suspect it will get worse before it gets better. If it gets better. Some lunatic with the Southern Baptist Convention chastised the black ministers, including the one about the become the head of the Southern Baptist Convention, for calling out the racism involved. Claiming there is no racism. And then proceeding to cite statistics about crimes comitted by black men. Lovely.
Snooks, Liz is still with HuffPo and I also found her at the Chicago Tribune. As well as NYSD and now back at wowOwow. The wow site is still the best for easy commenting.
9:57 am | April 21, 2012 -
Ah! Baby Snooks I have been lost but now I am found!! I missed you and Mr. Wow. Please explain why it was inappropriate for the minister (or anyone else for that matter) to mention black-on-black crime? A dead child is a dead child. People of color should be UPSET every time one of their children is killed not just when the child is killed by a “white” guy especially when statistics show that children of color are way more likely to be killed by another person of color.
As always
1:13 am | May 6, 2012
And I suspect one of Mr. Wow’s more hilarious columns will be the upcoming “Mr. Wow Applies for Unemployment” column. After he’s gotten the first check of course. Don’t tell them about the column, by the way, or they will claim you are really a self-employed writer who merely supplemented his actual income with a 30 year hobby. And then claim you are not eligible for unemployment for being laid off from your hobby.
Dear Baby…I have applied. You do it online now and try as I might–it’s not hilarious, just tedious. Fun could be on the way next week when I have go down to Varrck St. in NYC and see a “counselor.” Maybe I’ll end up selling clothes that fall apart after one washing, at H&M.
1:21 pm | April 21, 2012-
Oh Mr. Wow, it so good to find you here and keep in touch! I left Wow awhile back and just happened through last week and found out about your latest (un)employment opportunity. And I am so happy that you decided to stay busy and connected! But Mr. Wow, puleeeeze. To attribute “thought processes” to Mr. Z that deem his actions to be based on skin color would be like …..well having thought processes that would deem Mr. Z to be racist just because he was “white”. I personally don’t see the difference between the two. I do so look forward to having civil discourse with you in the future!
1:20 am | May 6, 2012
Happy Friday, April 20th!!!! I went to Lila’s website and read Liz from there, so simple…wowowo is no longer wow!!! Time to move on and make new fun times…Mr. Wow and B can become the place to be. We just need to tell everyone we know about his site so he is a smashing success.
I am going to tell all my friends to come to this site, Wowow — isn’t at all the same, Thanks lulu.
Take heart, Mr. Wow. I think we will find that the “stand your ground” statute is not an automatic defense, for a couple of reasons: First, Z was all safe in his car, but chose to leave that safety and go confront M. That’s not the intent of the law. He had already reported a suspicious person; the police were on the way. But Z chose to leave his vehicle and put himself in proximity to this “suspicious person,” thereby creating the danger. He wasn’t standing his ground, he was taking ground. This is vigilantism, not self-defense.Second, I think lawyers can argue with some success that Martin was the one with the right to stand his ground and defend himself. Think of it: it is dark and raining, some goon is following you in his vehicle and then gets out to follow you; he is big, weighs 100 pounds more than you do. You are 17 and unarmed and visiting in a neighborhood you are not all that familiar with. Of course Martin had to be scared.Oh, and: two different experts, using two different techniques, have concluded that the voice screaming for help on the 911 tapes is not Zimmerman.