6:07 E! has that mean little dwarf Kelly Osborne and that ridiculous queen whose name I never care to remember. Neither have the chops to be discussing the pros and cons of anybody’s coiffure or outfit.

Ryan Seacrest and Guiliana Rancid are busy interviewing each other. The news that she is wearing a mound of borrowed jewelry certainly makes the night for me.

I’m thankful that Groan Rivers is no longer doing these so I can tolerate the others. Just out of curiosity, what qualifies Rivers, Osborne, et al to critique other people’s dress?

Nothing qualifies them. Then again, what qualifies me to…do anything? It was mean of me to call Kelly a dwarf. I’m not exactly statuesque myself.
Oooooohh.. Liev Schreiber. I know I misspelled that. Sexy. I love “Ray Donovan” even though it’s awfully dumb and derivative. Now–what qualifies me to say that? Not a thing. But I carry on.
Rivers is a truly nasty piece of work. And incredibly thin-skinned. God forbid she or her wildly talented, beautiful daughter are ever dissed.

Lina Dunham—yellow, tattooed, nice, but who in God’s name did the fitting on the bust of that dress? Couldn’t be a professional, could it? All in all—awful!
7:08 pm | January 12, 2014 -
Taylor Swift looks amazing, as she always does. Stunning girl.
Jennifer Lawrence is wearing some awful white number that has a black belt under the bust and another one below her fanny. What were you thinking, people. This girl is fabulous. How could you dress her like a white topiary tree? On the positive, I think her short hair is fab.
7:35 pm | January 12, 2014-
Jennifer Lawrence’s dress reminds mebodvAudreybHepbutn’s Asvot costume in My Fair a Lady! As for the crew from E!”ditto” on all of them!
7:54 pm | January 12, 2014

She is gorgeous! Oh no,Tamryn Hall why would you let them do this to you? Drew Barrymore, lovely, pregnant lady, as is Kerry Washington!P
8:01 pm | January 12, 2014

You’re as qualified as any other blogger but the primary thing about you is that you are not petty and mean-spirited, as Rivers is. Kelly Osbourne doesn’t bother me that much. She’s a product of her environment, as we all are. I don’t see her as vicious as Rivers. Besides, Rivers ceased being funny too many years ago. She needs to retire.

Matthew McConaughey–must be having milkshakes with every six-course meal. Looks great, and still needs to put on a few more pounds. I do not understand why actors feel the need to abuse their bodies so much. (Maybe it began w Miss Taylor packing it on for “Virginia Woolf.”) Arrghhh. Just remembered, Mathew’s “True Detective” bows tonight on HBO. More tumult, more channel-jumping!
Chris O’Donnell should maybe lay off the milkshakes.
Of course I keep forgetting how long ago “The Three Musketeers” was. He was sooooo beautiful in that.

Sometimes when they go to an aerial shot of the crowd, and the limos arriving, I get a little pang–oooohhh, I wish I was there! Then I remember how stressed-out these events were for me. Years off my life. This is better.
6:52 pm | January 12, 2014 -
If she is not scheduled to win, I suggest the Hollywood Foreign Press go backstage, rip up the winner’s card and make sure Lupita is up there. This a star-making moment. Splendid!
7:51 pm | January 12, 2014

Michelle Dockery, Lady Mary has arrived. Strapless Oscar de la Renta. Quite nice. She’s delicate and pale. As befits her onscreen widowhood.

Giuliana’s dress reminds me of something I wore to a Christmas dance in high school in the 60s. I kind of wish I still had some of my old formals, even though I’ve outgrown them. Not emotion-wise, but side-wise.

Cate Blanchett is so elegant and movie starish.
Jim Parsons is a favorite. I saw him on an episode of Who Do You Think You Are and he was a very nice, humble and down-to-earth sort of person, the kind I would like to meet and chat with.

Oh, I like her too. This dress just didn’t do it for me. But she has plenty of time and plenty more awards shows.
Love Sofia Vergara–“I feel like I’m smuggling Colombians under this!”
7:54 pm | January 12, 2014

Chris Pine–now, he makes me want to get myself another tux! Not loving the scruff-turning-to-beard, however.
Just switched to NBC. Do the really need Matt Lauer, in shades? Ugh! I do think Savannah Guthrie looks lovely but no one cares. Zooey Frs Chanel looked really pretty.

It might have nice if Jennifer Lawrence had caught her breath and mentioned the name of the director who changed her life.
Jackie Bisset!!!!! My night is truly made. Really and truly. She is a divine woman.
I’m predicting Fashion Police will be all over Jennifer Lawrence , Lena Dunham and Julia Roberts.
They certainly will, with good reason. Their dresses were sooooo bad.
8:25 pm | January 12, 2014 -

Jennifer’s dress was not pretty. Julia looked–heavily made up. I can’t go near Dunham. I feel if I do, she and her producers will leap out at me from the TV and accuse me of sexism, misogyny, and being gay.
I despise the PC crap surrounding Dunham. If it wasn’t for its sex scenes and the novelty of an average looking, overweight woman doing nude scenes…would anybody be even talking about “Girls”?
9:43 pm | January 12, 2014-
“Girls” is just not a very good show. There I sai…wait, wait, NO! I like women. No, not the pinking shears! Jesus, Lena you’re strong. Fine, fine…you are woman, you are beautiful. His love makes you beautiful. Of course I like to see you nude. Who wouldn’t? That’s right that’s right…there’s the door.
10:08 pm | January 12, 2014 -
Fern and Redford, head to head conversation. Older and still very handsome.

Happy for Elizabeth Moss. I think she’s underappreciated so this is really nice for her.
A truly nice woman and a great beauty. The real deal. No lifts, fillers, etc. She is what she is.
8:40 pm | January 12, 2014
Cate Blanchett’s performance in “Blue Jasmine” is shockingly good. She deserves a GG and an Oscar.
I just wish someone would make sure that whatever she chooses to wear, fits! I also wish she And the other young women with really visible tattoos would cover them for these events. I also think Lena likes this negative attention.
Deirdre, you go to the head of the class. She loves the negative attention. It gives her a platform for her POV. Fine, I guess.
10:24 pm | January 12, 2014 -
Lulu, I am enjoying this show. I, too, am happy for Robin and also for Elizabeth Moss. Isn’t Jennifer Lawrence a doll. Her enthusiasm is delightfully refreshing. Gotta get back to the TV.
9:31 pm | January 12, 2014
I finally looked at Photo of Rock and Marilyn. He knew that all of us ‘insiders’ knew he was gay and Marilyn knew he loved her as a dear friend
I recall how shocked I was at the “shock” over Rock Hudson finally (tragically) revealed as gay. Who didn’t know? He was like the butch Liberace.
10:10 pm | January 12, 2014
I was with Mr. Wow at Downton. Don ‘to know what happened with Cate or if her category has come up yet.
10:27 pm | January 12, 2014

Okay–I’m back from “Downton Abbey”–what did I miss?
Please don’t be crabby, Dr. Sugar.
Met Diane Keaton once at Barneys. She talked to me for half an hour about “Annie Hall” and “The Godfather”. A real sweetie.
I have only seen Sandra Bullock sitting so far but I love that hot pink on her!

Will Chris Evans and Uma be assassinated because they did not announce “Girls” as the winner?

CRAP…the assholes a Yahoo are already headlining Jackie B. as “rambling and weird.”

Mr. Wow, I really believe Cate Blanchett is the best actor in the world right now.
12 Years A Slave is a very gritty movie and very moving. May I add that every time I have heard the director ‘a name, Steve McQueen, I look arrondissement for the blonde guy who I miss!
Well, that was fun. Great show. My favorite was Diane Keaton’s tribute to Woody Allen. She is one classy lady!Thanks to all for joining me at the Globes.
11:05 pm | January 12, 2014 -
Typing on my phone with darn auto correct! The word is ” around “.
11:08 pm | January 12, 2014-
Deirdre, you MUST go to the website “damnyouautocorrect.com.” You will laugh til you cry. Hilarious.
1:52 pm | January 13, 2014-
Hi Lila! I have seen that website, you are right it is hilarious and sometimes scary. How is the house building progressing?
2:03 pm | January 13, 2014 -

Dr. Sugar, she is pretty great. I have mixed feelings about the film (I’ve already seen “A Streetcar Named Desire”) but her performance is unsparing!
Mr. Wow,
It was fun GG-ing with you (and the Wow-ettes). I hope we can all Oscah together.
Loved all this chit chat tonight! Looking forward to the Oscars! Big hugs!!!
Big hugs and kisses. I’m determined to be even more inappropriate in 2014.
11:31 pm | January 12, 2014-
Please, please be as inappropriate as you like as often as you like!
8:09 am | January 13, 2014

Thanks, honey. I think we did well. A hardy little group. I had fun. Of course we’ll watch Oscar.
Mr. WI watched GG highlights on the Today Show while doing stretches on my hotel floor this a.m.I think Seth Meyer is as cute as a bug, but a SNL comedian is about the last celeb I would have thought as going the spray tan Oompa Loompa look!
There is just too much on TV tonight!
So I will watch the first hour of the GGs (and some red-carpet stuff) then switch over to “Downton Abbey.” I’ll have to wait until after 11:00 pm to catch repeats of the season premiers of “Shameless” and “Episodes” (The latter show is quite funny. “Shameless” is funny too, but there’s so much raunchy talk and nudity, I hesitate to recommend it to all but the strongest.)
I’ll try to comment on anything especially gross or great re the GGs.
Oh, the above photo was April 1962. MM’s last major public appearance in Hollywood. She received “Female World Film Favorite.” Charlton Heston was the Fave male.