So here we are again. I can’t say I’m much excited except perhaps for the possibility of Kim Novak appearing! I don’t know if I’ll look at the screen when Liza Minnelli, Lorna and Joe Luft are supposed to sing some sort of tribute to “The Wizard of Oz.” It’s always nice to see Bette Midler, if she can stay on key. Rooting for Cate Blanchett but for the wrong reason. I suppose Leo does deserve an Oscar at this point, though I found his “Wolf of Wall Street” perf pretty much what he’s done since he lost his short-lived looks. The movie itself was a trial. But then, so was “12 Years a Slave.” Prefer Bradley Cooper or Michael Fassbender to Jared Leto in Best Supporting Actor. And June Squibb for “Nebraska” in Best Supporting actress.
No politics, please, but somebody with an amusing buzz on, could be welcome. Ellen will be sweet. That’s fine.
Braced for tomorrow’s snow. I will NEVER get rid of this cold.
Let’s try to have fun and not be too bitchy. Kidding!!