Mr. Wow Marries
“Sadie, Sadie, married lady, see what’s on your hand. There’s nothing quite as touching as a simple wedding band/Oh, how that marriage license works, on chambermaids and hotel clerks/The honeymoon was such delight, that we got married that same night!”
What?—do I need to tell you those are lyrics from “Funny Girl”—the mighty amusing “Sadie” sequence, after Barbra marries Omar Sharif. (I don’t use the character names—please. It’s Barbra and Omar.)
Anyway, I, me, Mr. W. at age 61, am finally a Sadie!
Tomorrow I marry the boy I met when I was just a boy of 17. (We’ve been “together” since 1976, when I was a man of 24. Well, I was 24, anyway.)
Now, I think most of you know I’ve never been a sentimentalist or a romantic about marriage. My mantra has always been that since heterosexual Death Row prisoners can marry, gay folks should have the same rights as killers. Fair is fair.
But I never yearned for a wedding. After the first decade or so, I figured we were pretty much “married.” Later, when B. supported me unconditionally through my HIV diagnosis and a to-death’s-door-illness-and-recovery, there was no question. We were, as Shakespeare said of Kate and Petrucio, “madly mated.” However, the legalities never interested me. Or any kind of fuss. And we have cats. No adopting adorable abandoned Asian children for us. So, I was content.
B. however—as you know—is much smarter. He has saved his pennies, invested well. I have not. We both have wills (mine is hilariously threadbare) and I figured that was that. Neither of us has any immediate still-living family. Two weeks ago he said to me, “I want you to read something and consider it carefully.” He didn’t add, “There are pictures of Marilyn Monroe, Liz Taylor and naked guys, too.” Just “consider carefully.” Yes, like I always have!
It was a letter from his lawyer, detailing his finances and suggesting various ways I would be best protected in case he goes first. (I’m hoping the house explodes and we go together!) The lawyer’s conclusion? Marriage would be best. One of the other considerations was moving to Florida! Not until I change my name to Yetta.
“So?” said B, after I finished reading.
“Darling” I said, “This is so sudden!” We laughed. And then he declared, “Well, I suppose I should do this properly,” and he got down on one knee.
Okay, okay. Even for a non-romantic like me, I was kinda overwhelmed.
We went for the license in Hoboken, and that was a bit of an ordeal. My wonderful friend Scotty was our witness. Though we’d filled out the forms already, the guy at the office was, well—officious! (Even though he wore an earring.) He asked all the questions over again and we had to answer them all verbally.
It was fine until the question concerning my name. I’d asked B. if I should bring my birth certificate and he said no. One of his few errors. I had to field a barrage of questions about my last name…my mother’s maiden name…why there was no father’s name on my birth certificate (I volunteered this after a bit of parry and thrust) and what did it all mean? Well, it meant my mother had entered into a basically arranged marriage, so as not to bear a child as a single woman and so that I would have a surname. But it still was blank on my birth certificate where it said “Father’s Name.” (Oddly, my mother did list my real father’s real profession—bartender. Well, I got his drinking Irish genes, the bastard.)
I became flustered and embarrassed and finally exclaimed, “My God, do I have to defend my mother’s reputation even now?!” There was a woman behind the desk and she got it and whispered to the officious officer. The license was approved. We all had to give our ages. My friend Scotty, there with us, did not—though he had to give a lot of other info. When we left the Place of Licenses, he said: “Good thing he didn’t ask my age, or you’d have to be looking for a new witness.” Even though it would be easy enough to cut him in half and count the rings, I allow him his mystery.
Now, don’t get excited. There will be no veils or rice or partying. We have three witnesses. The aforementioned Scotty. My wonderful friend Mike. And my BFF, Liz R. (Not to be confused with any other Liz.) She is giving us a little wedding luncheon. At least I hope it’s little!
The Great Event happens 10:A.M. at the HobokenCity Hall. No vows. That I know of! I mean, if there were vows I guess I’d vow to be more sensitive, try cooking again (I gave up after twenty years), and drink less. B. would probably vow to pretend to believe my vows.
There will no wedding bands. I don’t like to wear jewelry on my hands or wrists. However, I did mention if he found something around nine carats, emerald-cut, I could wear it as a pendant. Barring that—a mink. (Apologies for all PETA people out there.) Oh, and I will forever refer to him as my “boyfriend.” Not doing the “husband” thing. It just creeps me out.
It is difficult for me to accept this. To accept love. I can barely accept “like.” I said to B—“I can’t believe anybody who really knows me could love me, no less marry me!” But he has. And nobody knows me better.
We have had hard times. He has certainly not been perfect. I felt on at least two occasions that leaving was the only way to go. But I didn’t. How do you leave someone who is, well—you? That’s how close I feel. When I finally fell in love with B. (after years of casual—on my part—encounters) I thought, “FUCK! I don’t want to feel this and he can’t possibly—I am a loser and a slut and everything bad.”
Also he was entangled with others at the time and being something of a shit to everybody, but he swore he loved me. (He was kind of a loser and slut himself at that point, but I always see the worst in myself.)
I gave in. I moved from city to city with him and we struggled in so many ways. But…he was my B. It seemed, for all the sturm und drang, that I could not see myself without him. Even when I thought I wanted to, I couldn’t.
Honestly, to this day, don’t know what he saw in me, or why he stuck it out. I was cute, but not extraordinary. I had nothing but myself to bring to the table. It wasn’t a lot. And in all the years since, I don’t feel I’ve ever filled that table properly.
“But….she recovered” as Judy Garland memorably uttered in the “Born in a Trunk” sequence from “A Star is Born.” And I guess, for all my self-misgivings, I’ve recovered.
Enough to say “I will” anyway.
All my love to all of you, from both of us.
Oh, yeah—the August 5th thing. Totally unplanned. When B told me I shrieked, “Marilyn’s death day!” (She died the night of the 4th, but the world didn’t know till the 5th.)
“Uh, is that a good thing?—death and all.”
“Of course it’s good. Marilyn’s death was the beginning of her acceptance. Clifford Odets said, right after she died that she would be ‘fresher, greener, in death, than she was in life.’ So we will be fresher and greener. It’s just the beginning!
“Okay. But we don’t have to die, right? We’re just getting married.”
B. is so literal.
Happiness and many more wonderful years together for B and his Mrs B – The best is yet to come and it will be grand Will have a glass of champagne here in California to celebrate tomorrow.
Dear Lulu–there is no Mrs. B. We are both big butch numbers.
Okay–you can call me Miz B.
7:45 pm | August 4, 2014 -
Congratulations you two! I am thrilled to hear about the upcoming wedding. Tomorrow at the appointed time, I will send a prayer your way for a life that continues to make the both of you happy.Love and hugs, Mary
Dear Mary–thank you so much. Send a prayer. And we’re registered at Tiffany’s darling.
Just kidding–the Tiffany part.
7:47 pm | August 4, 2014
Congratulations! That is such lovely news for you and B. (Can we call you Mr. B-Wow now? Hyphens are very in…)
Dear Susan–please no hyphens! Then I’ll have to get a reality show or marry a Kardashian or BE a Kardashian or an Atlanta housewife and end up on Andy Cohen’s show. With a drunk, giggling Anderson Cooper.
Thank you, sweetie.
10:04 pm | August 4, 2014
Dear Mr. W. & B.,
Wonderful news!
Have a fab wedding. I wish you nothing but the best.
“I don’t need you any more doctor. I’m in love. I am really in love!”
Now, Gloria….Thank you Dr. Sugar.
10:07 pm | August 4, 2014
I am over the moon happy for you and B!! It all sounds so simple, lovely and right. I so wish this gang who loves you could be there. We would, of course, be wonderful guests with lots of tears, flowers and bubbles (rice chokes the pigeons). I wanted so much to sing at your wedding so if you let me know your song, I will sing it all day here at home. Lulu, Lila, Rho, Daniel, Rude Dog, Maryburdt and the rest would have been amazing attendants. Too much??? Oh well.Be happy, enjoy, you are worthy and you are loved, not just by B (most important) but by everyone here. Just enjoy the day and the light and the hundred more years you have together.
“Ask me again, who’s the one I’ve begun to adore? Ask me again, who’s the heartbeat my heart clammers for? Who is it who has me tied in bow knots, so that I know not just where I’m at. Who is it makes my friends all find, that I’ve a one track heart and mind. Oh, ask me again who’s the moon and the stars and the sun? Ask me again, who’s the why and the where and the when? Who is the only one I fancy. Who will I fancy my whole life through? Please ask me again, let me shout to the world it’s you. Who is the only one I care for; to care, to care for my whole life through? Please ask me again ‘cuz I’d just love to say it’s you. (Gershwin)This is what I would sing for you and B if I were there. Hope you’ll tell me your song so I can sing it all day tomorrow.Wishing you joy and sunshine and happiness.Deirdrexoxoxo
Deirdre..I might not be traditionally “romantic” but I am terribly sentimental and given to great sobbing outbursts…you killed me with that. It’s up there with the kid killing the deer in “The Yearling.” (I have to be sedated after that.)
thank you.
10:31 pm | August 4, 2014-
Well I am disgustingly sentimental. I cry at everything! And I meant every single word. I will be singing Gershwin all day tomorrow and thinking of you and B.Um, one thing. Perhaps sedation is not the best idea, you need to be fresh as that lovely daisy you are tomorrow.More hugs and love.
10:37 pm | August 4, 2014
The Mr. Wowettes will all be wearing appropriate outfits, drinking margaritas and celebrating all day tomorrow. Soon we will be showing up in NJ to have chili with the lovebirds. Will B finally relent and share his picture with us…Lord knows we have suffered with both of you above and beyond.
Dear Lulu…honey, you only met us a few years ago. You haven’t suffered that much!
Thank you, darling.
11:23 pm | August 4, 2014

Congratulations to you and B. I have nothing witty or pithy to say, just even a putz deserves love and since you are not, you and B deserve double. Please find peace in this new beginning.
Dear Jean–oh, I am I a putz. But, as you say, I deserve a little love.
thank you, darling.
11:09 am | August 10, 2014
Dear Mr. Wow,
I’ve been reading your blog since forever, but never posted anything until now. Congratulations to you and Mr. B, with all my love from Canada!
Dear Sparrow–Canada, O Canada? People know me there?! Thank you very much and please drop a line now and then.
10:59 am | August 10, 2014-
Dear Mr. Wow,You are *definitely* known in Canada…Congratulations on your wedding, and thank you for posting your wonderful pictures!!Blessings and much love,KEMH
2:32 am | August 13, 2014-
Dear Kemh…I visited Toronto once, many years ago. Many! I mostly remember how clean it was.
Thanks for your good wishes.
7:46 pm | August 31, 2014
Yes dear Mr Wow – you have a LOT of fans in Canada – I’m one of them – you and Liz were why I used to go to WOWI spent last night reading and crying through your blog – I have missed you – I’m so happy to hear you and B got married – because whatever it means – it means you are hopeful and looking forward to life – Your blog would make a very interesting book – for those of us with family going through what you have gone through – not the same – but similar – I hope you are happily honeymooning And I LOVE your Christmas trees always – takes me back a long long way being a little girl and looking up at the tree – it’s magic xoK
7:28 pm | August 31, 2014-
Dear Kath…oh, thank you. I didn’t mean to make anybody cry.
I’m happy (tho what is that, really?) and reasonably hopeful. I have had, so far, a very lucky and even blessed life. Don’t ask who is blessing me, as I’m not a believer…yet.
7:51 pm | August 31, 2014-
See Mr. Woe, we all think your writing is gorgeous and you should write a book! If not to feather the nest (and bank account) of the family then for this devoted group!
8:38 pm | August 31, 2014

I wish you both nothing but goodness and happiness. Congratulations.
Dear Haunted One…I hope I will not disgrace the name of B.
love and thanks
11:11 am | August 10, 2014
Congratulations!!!! Wonderful news. Wishing you both many years a love, laughter and happiness
Congratulations Mr. W!I just read the news in New York Social Diary and jaunted over here.Having my first cup of coffee here in Portland OR before flying back to MI.Can’t think of anything witty or clever yet! So I will just I wish you and B the best in your marriage.Cheers and much love, Rick
Dear Rick…no need for anything witty. I appreciate your good thoughts. SO glad you read NYSD, which tells a good deal about what I am watching/reading/thinking. It’s one of the reasons I neglect you guys here. I feel written out by the end of the week. But I’m going to try to be better.
10:57 am | August 10, 2014
Dear Rho–some pictures were taken, much against my will. It was ten a.m., I hadn’t slept, and my friends were taking shots from angles I knew would not be flattering. (Hey, I know my face after 61 years!) B. looks good, but I was pretty upset by how I came out, and nearly very angry that my wonderful friends hadn’t done as I instructed.
There was a small lunch later, and two shots of the wedding party (minus one of my witnesses, Scotty, who had to rush off to work) came out okay. I might publish one of those.
11:05 am | August 10, 2014
Oh, this is just the best, best news! So happy for both of you; there’s nothing in the world like someone who “gets” you. And it’s always SO civilized to wait an appropriate amount of time before taking The Big Leap although (as usual, I suspect) you took that to the extreme, MizB!
I really do hope you and the Mister know how happy we all are for you two; no, we haven’t suffered through all your sufferings with you, but we’ve been there for some of them, and we just love you to death!
PS: Your BFF is Liz R? Are you kidding? And here we all were worried about “what would become of you!” I’m telling you, I LOVE a man with secrets! 🙂
11:51 am | August 6, 2014-
Well, if you know who Liz R. is. But why would you worry what would “become” of me? I’ve had B. for 38 years. And now, I’ve REALLY got him!
10:52 am | August 10, 2014
Dear Rude…ah, you understand. Marriage shouldn’t be rushed into. What’s wrong with a long engagement?
Thank you so much.
10:54 am | August 10, 2014
Well, Mr. Wow, I’m another first time poster. Born and raised in NYC, but living in Canada for 40+ years. Been following you for a long time — just HAD to tell you how very pleased I am for you and B. Wonderful to have your love confirmed and also great to have all of the legal stuff taken care of as we get older! ” The best is yet to be”
Dear Nova…I just watched a TV program on NS, and it looked pretty great. I mean, as long as I could get cable…
Thank you for your good wishes, and I am so glad you finally posted. (I know how intimidating I seem! Not.)
7:51 am | August 12, 2014
Dear Dr. Sugar—“I want you to know I can look attractive.”
Thank you, darling.
“I ASKED it of Julius Caesar. I DEMAND it of you!”
7:15 pm | August 13, 2014
Pictures are gorgeous! Two very handsome, very happy grooms! Really lovely setting!
What a terrific-looking couple! This is just the best thing that’s happened all year. All the best to you!

Dear Rude..
Well, I don’t know that it’s the best thing that’s happened this year. But for me–yes.
I wish I hadn’t walked on the sunny side of the street the day before. I got very red. And then we strolled back to our place and on to the restaurant, and it was really hot and sunny. I’m sort of lobster-ish in these pix. B. looks great.
Ugh…even thinking about such silly things makes me sick , in the wake of Robin Williams. And now Bacall. Yeah, she was 89, but still…pieces of my life. All our lives.
I think you lovebirds look fabulous! Lauren Bacall lived a terrific life. She survived Bogie’s death and marched forward. I loved her work.Robin Williams death is gut wrenching. As a society, we need to work to understand depression and to be more compassionate to those who suffer with it. It breaks my heart think of the pain and despair he was feeling,I could have done without the graphic details. I honestly believe those facts are for the family only and they should determine what is made public. Who benefitted from these details?Be at peace Robin Williams and thank you for the amazing body of work.
11:39 pm | August 12, 2014
I usually read it first in Liz Smith but read it first here. Haven’t been keeping up as I should.
After 38 years, well, what was it Elizabeth Taylor said about tar and chicken feathers to describe the first marriage to Burton? Or was it the second marriage? Much love to both of you and here’s to another 38 years of “sturm und drang.” We can’t all be Ozzie and Harriet. Who were probably George and Martha when the cameras stopped rolling. Like one of the Gabors said once, it may have been Jolie, if you can’t fight, you can’t love. On second thought it was probably Zsa Zsa.
Dear Baby…
It was the second Burton marriage. Well, she certainly gave it the old high-school try.
9:50 pm | August 14, 2014
Wonderful photos, thanks for posting them Mr. Wow. Many happy years together.
Dear Rho…thank you, honey. B. had black hair up until the day we married. I think the reality of this particular ball and chain shocked him. Too late now!
9:52 pm | August 14, 2014

You both look wonderful and I hope you have many years of happiness. I wish I lived closer so I could have you over for a nice dinner to continue the celebration.
I’m gutted about Robin Williams. There have been 3 or 4 suicides in my family so I empathize with his family.
Lauren Bacall was a classic and I’m glad she had a long and full life.
Dear Haunted One…thank you. I am relieved that I am not wallowing in depression at the moment. I was never a big Robin Williams fan, but his death was horrible. I never made an attempt, but I did think of it a lot when I was at my worst.
My mother tried several times and there are other incidents among people I know that pretty much kept me miserable thinking of it, but never ever acting on those thoughts. And yes, at my darkest, I was taking anti-depressants and seeing therapists. No more of that.
1:02 pm | August 28, 2014
Life is good! My husband closed his business and retired for 3 weeks then went back to work! It makes him happy! Everyone is healthy and our great friend is a Sadie! What more can we ask? Hope all is peachy with you as well. xo
5:19 pm | August 17, 2014
Well you are certainly garnering the ink of late. And have moved from assistant to associate. So who knows. You may be the next Cholly Knickerbocker.
Dear Baby…
“Getting ink” Love that phrase. Very little chance of my doing the Cholly Knickerbocker. My boss worked long and hard to make a name, a brand. And when it’s over, it’s over.
Geez! We are taking a few days off, and all sorts of shit hits the fan–Brad and Angie finally marry…Joan Rivers near death…Beyoncé perhaps pregnant…
12:53 pm | August 28, 2014
I just want to add my congratulations! Kevin in Florida (not Yetta, yet!)
Dear Big…thank you so much! Go, ahead, be Yetta. It happens to all of us.
7:02 pm | August 30, 2014

Congratulations, Mr. Wow, and thank you for sharing your photos with us.B is indeed, very handsome and you are both lucky to have each other.I was wondering, having lived with B for so long and now being married, does it feel different for you? For B.? XOJamie
Dear Jamie…Thank you so much. It does feel a little different. At least I’ve tried to make up my mind to be less selfish. I don’t know how that’s working. I could ask B.
Better not.
12:55 pm | August 28, 2014
congratulations to yo and B. FYI 5 cats doesn’t make you a crazy cat lady. according to a friend who also has 5 it’s 7. LOL
Rho–well, I felt I had to display something from the day. The pix of the actual “ceremony” came out pretty bad. Okay–I looked bad. Begged my friends NOT to take pictures from that angle, under the harsh lighting. They disobeyed. Outside on the steps and at the lunch were better. B. looked good in all the shots, actually.
6:26 pm | August 28, 2014-
Thanks, ladies…you didn’t see the “kills.” I get all, “The studio would never release these shots!”
It wasn’t about pictures anyway–or that fabulous cake. (I ate most of it.) It was about…that nine-carat emerald cut pendant!!! I’m waiting, B.
7:01 pm | August 30, 2014

Sorry–not weeping for this one. Don’t wish harm or pain or death. But…nope. 81 healthy years, under sedation, never saw it coming. Despite all her “it’s only a joke” stuff, couldn’t bear criticism of any sort.
And if she comes out it, she’ll have 81 more years of material.
Very sad but I have to wonder if she had been Joan Nobody if she would have been declared DOA instead of being “hooked up” and that is so unfair to her daughter who now has to decided if and when to “pull the plug.” She stopped breathing while under anesthesia. Which is what happened to Michael Jackson. Stopped breathing and no one noticed. There was swelling of the brain, most likely the result of oxygen deprivation, which is why they put her in a coma. But she’s a tough cookie so you never know. I hope she pulls through.
5:05 pm | August 31, 2014-
Dear Baby–Melissa is obviously hoping for a miracle, and that is understandable. Given Joan’s energy, I have no doubt there is something in her will to prevent her being hooked up with no hope for an extended period of time. And to honest, this has already been extended.
7:42 pm | August 31, 2014-
Yes, most likely too long. Hard on Melissa to let her go. I wish Melissa the needed strength and courage to follow her mother’s wishes.
8:42 pm | August 31, 2014 -
Apparently she didn’t have a medical directive or “living will” which is why her daughter boarded the first flight should could get on. The papers have to be signed in person. It takes 2-3 days to completely bring someone out of an induced coma. So sometime today or tomorrow everyone will know. Either she will be conscious or she won’t be. If the latter, my heart goes out to her daughter. But I doubt the doctors would have put her in an induced coma without some indication of “viable” brain activity. So that in itself is a positive sign.
4:33 pm | September 1, 2014 -
Baby– Also, apparently, Melissa is already looking into suing the doctor/clinic where Joan was being treated, when she stopped breathing.
5:29 pm | September 1, 2014 -
I am surprised a woman as savvy as Joan didn’t have a medical directive if for no other reason than to spare Melissa. I’m not planning to go just yet but both hubs and I have directives to spare each other and our children.
6:32 pm | September 1, 2014 -
Deirdre, I’ve given my hubs explicit instructions that if I get so much as a hangnail, he should pull the plug. The thought of having to be “cared for” just gives me the willies.
6:41 pm | September 1, 2014 -
The reality is that if she had written a directive, she wouldn’t have been put on life support. She may regain consciousness and recover. Which she wouldn’t have had they not put her on life support and then put her in an induced coma. She obviously felt Melissa would know what was best at the time the time came. Which perhaps was unfair to Melissa. But we don’t know that. It may turn out she was smart in leaving the decision to Melissa.
11:54 am | September 2, 2014
I wish her well, she comes from my old neighborhood in Brooklyn. Her name is Joan Molinsky, her father was a doctor there, Dr. Molinsky. I did not use him, but many people did.
I don’t wish Joan ill, but I stopped being a fan when she went from making herself the butt of her jokes to making increasingly crass remarks about others. And her routine has been stale for so long that Joan Rivers reminded me of latter day lame Bob Hope repeating the same tired jokes off cue cards.
And Joan’s documentary didn’t make me any more sympathetic…she struck me as someone who didn’t have a life outside of working.
I chatted with Joan a few years ago at Bradley Airport in Connecticut. She was lovely. She asked about my family, wanted to see pictures of my grandchildren and acted as though we had known each other forever. I wish her well.
3:00 pm | August 31, 2014-
She’s day and night on and off stage. I think it shocks people. I met her, and Edgar, a thousand years ago. She loved to “work the room” at parties. Unlike so many who found a corner and “held court.” I always think of Edgar when I think of her. They really were a pair. If she’s gone, I hope she’s with him.
5:13 pm | August 31, 2014-
Baby, I was thinking the same, if she is gone, I hope she is with Edgar although he does have a lot of explaining to do.
5:45 pm | August 31, 2014
My friend was the talent booker for Joan’s FOX show so I met her. She was elegant and kind.
(The stuff onstage was all an act.)
I really hope she comes back to us – the world can use a few laughs right now…

I’ve met her too.
The family is holding out hope, and that’s all you can do.
I admire her incredible energy and work ethic.
For sale, letter of love, jealousy and anger as Elizabeth Taylor fought for Richard BurtonThe note, thought to be the only Taylor-Burton love letter to appear for sale, was left behind by Burton at a Holywood homeElizabeth Taylor & Richard Burton Photo: REX
By Agencies
10:12AM BST 02 Sep 2014
A rare love letter by Elizabeth Taylor to her philandering husband Richard Burton has emerged to show how she desperately fought to save their doomed marriage right to the end.
The note, thought to be the only Taylor-Burton love letter ever to become available for public sale, was written by the late actress days before the pair separated and three months before they divorced for the first time.
Welsh actor Burton had numerous affairs during his 10 year marriage with the his actress wife who finally ran out of patience in 1974 when he is said to have cheated on her with a waitress.
But on the 10th wedding anniversary and just days before they split, Taylor wrote of her love for her husband and her anxieties about their marriage.
She addressed the letter ‘My (still) husband’ and signed off ‘Your (still) wife’ and in between wrote: “I wish I could tell you of my love for you, of my fear, my pure animal pleasure of you, my jealousy, my anger at you.
Paul Fraser, founder of Paul Fraser Collectibles, comments: “This is one steamy letter, from one of the steamiest marriages in history.
“But what makes this letter particularly remarkable is its timing.
“Taylor wrote it on their 10th wedding anniversary, just three months before she and Burton divorced – the intense mixture of love and anger that Taylor has for her philandering husband is palpable in these lines.
“This is the only love letter between the two to have ever come up for sale. That makes this a very rare opportunity to own memorabilia from Hollywood’s most famous couple.”
Richard Burton, a heavy drinker and smoker, was Elizabeth Taylor’s fifth husband. The couple met on the set of the 1963 film Cleopatra and they wed the following year.
Taylor is said to have warned Burton from the start that she had zero-tolerance for infidelity.
However during the filming of the 1968 classic war movie Where Eagles Dare, Burton had an affair with glamorous co-star Mary Ure.
He was rumoured to have had further extramarital affairs with actress Genevieve Bujold, French model Nathalie Delon and Raquel Welch.
The celebrity couple divorced in June 1974 only to remarry in October 1975 and then divorced a second time in July 1976.
Burton died from a brain haemorrhage aged 58 in 1984 at his home in Coligny, Switzerland. Taylor died from heart failure in 2011 aged 79.
There is a huge interest in memorabilia associated with Taylor. In 2011 her jewellery collection sold at auction for 70 million pounds.
A collection of love letters she wrote to her first fiancé sold in the same year for 30,000 pounds.
The letter, dated March 15, 1974, in full –
“My darling (my still) My husband. I wish I could tell you of my love for you, of my fear, my delight, my pure animal pleasure of you – (with you) – my jealousy, my pride, my anger at you, at times.
Most of all my love for you, and whatever love you can dole out to me – I wish I could write about it but I can’t. I can only “boil and bubble” inside and hope you understand how I really feel.
Anyway I lust thee, Your (still) Wife. P.S. O’Love, let us never take each other for granted again! P.P.S. How about that – 10 years!!”
Dear Dr. Sugar…very sad, as in kinda pathetic. They were both such wrecks at that point. She drank as much if not more than he. I don’t believe Burton was unfaithful to her until the last couple of years. I mean, she never let him out of her sight! Had she been more worldly, less insecure, she might have let him sow a wild oat now and then, while she went to Hollywood and made a few comprehensible/profitable movies. But she was always afraid if he could do what he did to Sybil and his two daughters, he could do it to her. And Sybil was much more his speed intellectually. As for him, he was also jealous. And not just of her person–that she would wander, as she had in all but the Todd marriage. He was jealous of her fame, her Oscars and ashamed that fucking her had made him a star.
By the way, after she wrote this note, she fled to Hollywood and was a glorious presenter at the 1974 Oscars (yellow Valentino gown) She took up again with Henry Wynberg who was able to make love to her. Constantly. Burton’s drinking had cut down on their sex life. And he was abusive. As ET put it, in MGM language, “the cold hand of fear was at my throat.”
I don’t think theirs was a great love story at all. Now, Mike Todd. She never looked as happy again. But that would have ended in divorce, too. He was more than 20 years her senior. However, those 13 months with him transformed her in into the over-the-top movie queen the world obsessed over. Prior to Todd, she was very beautiful, middling at the box office and a little dull.
She was always trying “live up” to Burton, to be his equal. She didn’t have to be, and in lucid moments she knew it. Once after one of his endless monologues about “the theater” at a large dinner, ET suddenly said, “I don’t know anything about the theater. But I don’t have to. I’m a movie star! And she flung her arms behind her head in a classic glamor girl pose. The table applauded.
12:06 am | September 3, 2014-
He said once the second marriage was doomed from the start. Probably because the first one was as well. They were like moths drawn to a flame. And it was a flame that brought them both fame that no publicist could have ever dreamed possible. That was the tar that kept the chicken feathers together. They were both famous. But not as famous as they were after the scandal hit the papers. I don’t think anyone has ever garnered that much ink in history. It went on and on and on and on. Long after they finally married. Then it was replaced with the ongoing fights and separations and then the divorce. Even after the second divorce, they missed the publicity. So the notes would start again. Great love affair? I agree with you. It was not. It was the greatest part they ever played. “The Burtons.” Unfortunately it was George and Martha Burton.
12:46 am | September 5, 2014
Thank you, Mr. W.
Your Elizabeth/Richard knowledge is incredible.
P.S. (Love the “I’m a movie star!” story!)
Good afternoon, I just heard Joan Rivers passed away. I feel sad.
Hi Rho,
I do too.
But I console myself in knowing that she had 81 amazing years, did a great stand-up set at night and, then, the next day, was given a sedative and, suddenly…oblivion. No long period of deterioration, no pain, no nursing homes, no suffering…If you have to go (and we all do) it’s actually kind of a blessing to just go that quickly.
It is sad but I agree with Daniel. Joan lived to 81 and slipped away peacefully. My heart goes out to Melissa and Cooper.
5:41 pm | September 4, 2014

My condolences to Rivers’ family. I was not a fan but I do feel much empathy for her daughter and grandson.
RIP Joan – I had some dealings with Joan a few years ago; she was kind, lovely and genuine. Very sad loss.
Very sad. According to several who were at the hospital she seemed to be on her way to beating the odds as Cindy Adams put it. Who knows. It doesn’t matter. She’s gone. Which doesn’t seem possible because even though she was 81 she was everywhere it seemed and suddenly she’s just gone? She was on a stage the night before. Seemed fine. Because she was fine. The Fates. Not always kinds. They weren’t always kind to her. But she kept going. Reinventing herself. Except at the comedy clubs. On those stages. That she didn’t have to reinvent. It was her element. The rest was just for the cash. She would have gone on stage for nothing. It was where her heart was. Which is how everyone will remember her. On a stage in a comedy club.
Hi Mr. Wow–I thought I’d share this with you and the peeps here ; )”Between Friends” with Elizabeth Taylor and Carol Burnett. It’s not on DVD and seldom on TV. Which is a shame, since it contains two of these great ladies latter day performances. Plus, ET and Carol became great friends on this film and their rapport really carries this classy soap opera. Here is a good quality version of “Between Friends” on YouTube. Catch it before it gets taken down!
Cheers, Rick
Hi Rick,I remember “Between Friends” and the story of Liz and Carol becoming friends. I’ll watch this soon. Thanks you.
6:30 pm | September 14, 2014 -
Love “BF”–Liz looked terrific. This was after her first face lift. Still a bit puffy but, the drinking sabotaged what was an excellent, natural procedure. (Later, after Betty Ford, she had a mini-lift and plenty of tweaking. And then the works again in 1991–after that ghastly bout with pneumonia.)
Wonderful performances by both. “Ginger Rogers! Anybody here remember Ginger. When I was young I could DANCE! “
12:35 am | September 15, 2014
Thanks Rick.
“Henry Fonda didn’t die on you – he just died!”
(Great to see Toronto in the 80’s. The bookstore where Elizabeth Taylor worked was called The Book Cellar. It was at Yorkville and Hazelton Lanes. The store is long gone but Hazelton Lanes is still there (they’re renovating it now).
“I want you to go to AA.”
“Pfft! Jews do not become alcoholics.”
“Maybe in the Bible they don’t.”
Oh, lots of fun, that one. And remarkably self-revealing of La Liz. I already knew of her drastic drinking, and was astounded at many of her lines. “(“I smell like cigarettes, and booze and my fear. I smell bad. I smell…old.”
12:29 am | September 15, 2014-
The scenes where Carol and Liz’ characters are snowed in and bonding over wine and a fire are quite moving. Liz’ lines about liking doing for a man and for him to take care of her sound straight from the heart. And when talking about their fathers, Carol flatly says, “Mine drank.” Which was right out of Burnett’s life.
8:44 am | September 15, 2014
If you watch closely you’ll also see an establishing shot of New York at night, then an interior shot of Liz in the limo, then an exterior shot as the limo drives past a TTC subway stop in Toronto.
They are having troubles with their server. They sent me an email.
10:05 am | September 15, 2014

The New York Social Diary has had an accident. It’ll be up asap. However, if you are missing Liz Smith, try the MyWay site. Or Excite. Or The Chicago Tribune. Or the Huffington Post.

Rick…the movie presaged so much that was about to happen in her life. Her rehab, and then ten years of being single. So many of her later films had heavy autobiographical touches. One of her final lines in “BF” was–“I have a lot to think over before I marry again. Thanks, but no thanks.” (In real life she was still hoping to lure Burton back once they got going w “Private Lives.” That didn’t pan out.)
Talk about being late to the party. Congratulations on the nuptials.
Dear Dan…never too late. Obviously–hell, we waited 38 years! Thank you.
7:22 am | September 17, 2014
Mr. W– Nice mention of “Between Friends” in yours/Liz Smith’s column today.
Last night on YouTube, I watched the entire movie of “The Boys in the Band.” Somehow, I had never seen it! It reminded me of a gay “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?”
What’s your take on this ground breaking movie today? It certainly captures an era. Do you feel it covers that time accurately? I want to see the documentary of the making of this movie, the behind the scenes stuff sounds fascinating…
Here’s the movie link to any who might want to watch!
Thanks, Rick.
Another great youtube suggestion.
Keep ’em coming…
“Give me Librium or give me Meth!”
Thanks, Doctor Sugar ; )What did you think of the movie?Why, I believe there was even a reference to poor Cousin Sebastian in “Boys in the Band!”
My takeaway was that Mart Crowley was heavily influenced by Albee’s “Virginia Woolf.” Which isn’t a bad thing ; )
One cool thing is that best pal Natalie Wood hired Crowley as a personal assistant so that he could work on “Boys.”
One sad thing is that the gay actors in “Boys” all died during the height of the AIDS pandemic.10:01 pm | September 17, 2014

Ah, “The Boys in The Band.” It was fascinating and kind of thrilling when it came out, but I remember thinking, even then, that it seemed rather old-fashioned. I was not at all a politically active young homo, I simplly reaped the rewards of Gay Liberation. Still, watching it–all that angst and self-loathing–I couldn’t connect. I LOVED being gay. Just as it was released, Esquire (if I recall correctly) did a big cover story on the movie and the movement, saying how Crowley’s play had been made pointless by the post-Stonewall activities. Which had only been a year prior to the movie’s release!
I watched it again about a year ago. Lots of funny stuff, and I’d be lying if I said queens like that don’t exist anymore. It’s very much a period piece. And rather dire, at that.
Hi Rick
I’ve always loved “The Boys In The Band” for the wit.
(And I just watched the documentary “Making The Boys” – very touching.)

Dear Doctor IS witty. Just ultimately drepessing. As as I said, it arrived just as gays were rejecting all (or most of) that self-hatred. The Village was alive with young, tough, firebrand types, yelling down the cautious denizens of the Mattachine Society, etc. I was not. I was going to bars and carrying on in Central Park. I was not an inspirational figure. I did march (when it WAS a march, in first few gay parades–scary stuff, even for a silly boy like me.)
“I think…he recognized…some of…the boys.”
What you’re saying makes sense, since Crowley was basically the previous generation.As a period piece, it’s interesting to me, capturing a world about to change.
I don’t find it depressing. Harold’s last line, “Call you tomorrow,” suggests that this group of (sometimes toxic) friends will always be there for each other, despite all the problems.
(But mainly, as I mentioned, the draw for me is the wit – I’m voice-activated.)

I always liked Polly Bergen for her piercing eyes and her aura of independence and no BS. I’m sorry she’s gone but glad she had a long full life.
I was so excited to have just discovered that you’re back and feeling better.
Congratulations to you and B on your recent marriage.
I’m so looking forward to many more of your great columns. Good luck in your getting a
permanent column. You all ready have so many followers!

Dear Dr. Sugar—“Call you tomorrow.” Yikes! I wouldn’t want Harold calling me in the morning! Unless I was planning to slit my wrists. But that was gay life then. I bridged the two worlds–covert and overt–which was fascinating. I get the humor. I don’t get the self-hatred. I was lucky. As usual.
After all these years, Mr. Crowley’s play is still entertaining us and provoking discussion.
Besides $, what more could a playwright want?
Happy Jewish New Year.
(It’s the year 5775 and I’m still writing 5774 on all my checks.)
And to you Daniel! Stopped writing checks in 5773 for just this reason. xo
10:29 pm | September 24, 2014
Happy New Year to all who celebrate. Will be with my family tonight to celebrate. Hope this year will be better for us.
Very quiet here. Tonight begins Yom Kippur. Wishing the best to all.

PR&R, like many others, provided the music for my growing up years. It’s sad to think these people are starting to leave.
Haunted Lady! It is sad but what scares me the most is some of the ages of our beloved music icons! How in the world could Paul Revere be 76 and I’m still only 25???. So glad we still have the music.
1:30 pm | October 6, 2014

I’m truly sorry to hear this. I always enjoyed her performances. Plus, she’s way too young to go.
Yes Jan Hooks was far too young. I read a day or two after her death, the rather long list of SNL alums who died young. Be at peace.
4:16 pm | October 20, 2014
A man who exuded style, humor and love of life. He will be missed by many.
Daniel, We are losing them right and left! Are we getting old?? (Don’t answer that, hehe). Be at Peace, Marcia.Mr. Wow needs to get back here to add some levity.
3:43 pm | October 27, 2014
So sorry to hear this. May she rest in peace. Been watching the show on MeTv network.

Hope everyone here has a fun Halloween. The forecast is for snow here so there may not be a lot of kids this year. Whatever shall I do with all that candy? I’ll have to think of something.
Happy Halloween — so far no children came to get goodies. I don’t give candy, I give them quarters. Don’t want to be blamed for bad candy.
Happy Halloween to Mr. Wow, B., Rho, Deirdre, Haunted Lady, Lulu, Rick, Baby Snooks and ALL the Wow-ettes!
Although I am forever grateful that our Mr. Wow is safe, happy and married, I do miss our days of keeping the fires burning with our virtual travel and parties! All the wonderful thought given to our costumes so we could paint pictures for each other.Happy Halloween to all the die hard Mr. Wow crew. Hope you have a great evening.Miss you Mr. Wow.
5:57 pm | October 31, 2014
Happy and safe Hallowe’en, everyone…don’t forget to change your clocks before you go to bed Saturday night!
Here’s a belated Halloween treat for Mr. Wow and his wonderful followers : )
This is a link to William Castle’s “I Saw What You Did.” It has Patty Duke-esque teens playing phone pranks until they just happen to call a psycho who’s just killed his wife. Especially hilarious is Joan Crawford as the jealous cougar next door, who wants sexy psycho to herself, even though he’s a killer. Joan was over 60 and playing 40ish! Wigs, gaudy jewels, and chin up darling attitude can’t hide the awful truth, but JC is awful fun, going from “great lady acting” to “drunken broad” in the same scene! The motivations are zip, the special effects tacky, and the acting awful, so enjoy! Rick
This movie is so awful it is hilarious!! Saw if a few years ago. Thanks for the reminder.
9:45 pm | November 3, 2014
Good job on the Marilyn Monroe piece for Liz Smith’s column, today 11/14. Check it out, folks!Rick
I saw the Kim K. photos.
If Oscar Wilde came back and saw what passes for celebrity these days he’d never stop barfing.
It’s hard for me not to barf. The whole clan is a waste of resources.

As long as they keep getting attention and money, they will continue doing their silly stunts.
Hi Mr. W– Here’s your Thanksgiving turkey early… the notorious “Boom!” on YouTube!
Actually, I think it has a lot to recommend it: the Sardinia scenery is gorgeous, so is the actual home that is Liz Taylor’s Flora Goforth’s villa, and John Barry’s score is stunning (I own the CD ; ) Liz is having a lot of fun here as the richest woman in the world who has buried 5 husbands and is now dying herself…how did they ever think of Taylor for this?Richard Burton is a poet/Angel of Death, and Noel Coward is the Witch of Capri.Tons of fun, though a friend of mine calls this “Die Already!” Rick
Gobble, Gobble!
An incredible career. Be at peace, sincere sympathy to his family and friends.
7:56 am | November 20, 2014
A true gentleman who gave us all hours a true entertainment in every genre. I cannot think of ever hearing anyone say an unkind word about him – amazing for the business he chose. I loved listening to his wise words to all who wanted to learn. R.I.P.
Mike Nichols was one of Hollywood’s most literate and entertaining directors. Great actor’s director, too! Nichols directed 3 actresses with over-the-top images in some of their finest hours: Elizabeth Taylor in “Virginia Woolf,” Ann-Margret in “Carnal Knowledge,” and Cher in “Silkwood.”
He was working right up to the end! Cheers!

I hope everyone here has a lovely Thanksgiving. Mr W and B, I hope yours is extra special because this has been an extra special year for you.
Happy Thanjsgiving to you Haunted Ine and to all the diehard fans of Mr. Wow and B. Hope we all are safe, warm and surrounded by live this Thanksgiving.
3:08 pm | November 24, 2014 -
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!!!! It is always fun to see your names pop up with comments. We need to all stay in touch more often. No news isn’t always goods news. It becomes a guessing game is everyone is okay, enjoying life and being as good as possible.
Lulu…I miss our Little Family of mixed fruits and nuts (as it were!) and remember fondly our Trip Back East. Lord, it seems like SO long ago. The end to that whole evening was so spectacular…
Happy Thanksgiving to you all and Mr. W!
Snowy here in Upper MI… Lots of cooking and eating!
Here’s a little treat for you when you are having your second round of pie : )1973’s “Ash Wednesday” is an updated soaper like the kind Ross Hunter used to make.Elizabeth Taylor plays a 60-ish woman who undergoes face and body cosmetic surgery to save her failing marriage to Henry Fonda. Pure soap, but ET hadn’t looked so slim and chic on screen in a decade. 41 at the time, Liz got some great personal reviews for her gorgeous looks and restrained performance, after years of playing garish shrews. The European scenery is terrific, Maurice Jarre’s score is lovely, and Helmut Berger is awfully nice to look at as the gigolo. But it’s really a Valentine to Elizabeth Taylor’s great beauty, vulnerability, and screen presence.
“Ash Wednesday” is rarely on TV and not on DVD, why I don’t know, since it’s perfect fluff viewing. So here it is on YouTube, watch before it gets taken down! Rick
“Ash Wednesday” is the movie that got Dominick Dunne kicked out of Hollywood (because of something he said about (then powerful) Sue Mengers (the wife of the film’s writer).
Dr. Sugar– I think Dominick actually babbled something about Sue’s shyster fake nobility hubby ; )
Dunne’s drinking and drugging also spiraled during this production and Paramount head Robert Evans was pissed that Dunne was doing a piss-poor job of keeping the film and budget on-schedule. This was also the film where the Burtons’ marriage was exploding. A film about the behind the scenes shenanigans would have been far more entertaining!
Cheers! Now, where’s my Jack Daniels? Rico3:25 pm | November 26, 2014
Damn! I wanted that ad on the top.
I can never get topping just right.