I learned the truth at 17….actually I’d learned the truth at 11. Here I am at 17, having learned WAY too much. I can’t decide what is more alarming–the wallpaper in my mother’s kitchen…wearing vertical stripes on a 110 pound body, or my incredible Liz Taylor “Raintree Country” eyebrows. I still retain a good eyebrow, but nothing nearly as determined. Friends always wanted me to pluck. I resisted.
I was visiting my mom in her Hollis, Queen apartment, two years after I’d left home. They were rarely happy visits. Obviously
Leaving home at 15 made me “adult” in some aspects of life and situations. But I remained quite immature and insecure (I was secure about the benefit of my youth, and playing off that. But I knew, as Blanche DuBois did, that it was a “transitory” thing.)I’m not much different today than the boy who left Hollis, Queens, after a particularly severe argument w my mother. I’ve been lucky in life to find people who saw something else in me, and had/have patience with my often childish ways and reactions.1:16 pm | April 21, 2017
Hey Mr. W-I can relate. I was the flip side of the coin, sheltered but with same insecurities; and still feel the teen me when zinged by life today…
Cheers and a hug, hope life is treating you and B. well!
Rick10:07 am | April 22, 2017-
Thanks, Rick–me and B.–we are good. He has resigned himself to living with an eternally childish man. I’m lucky.
7:42 pm | April 22, 2017
I was angry and wanting to cry and get away. It’s a revealing picture if you know the history. I guess that’s why my mother didn’t want to keep it. I’m glad I have it. If for nothing else–the wallpaper!
7:45 pm | April 22, 2017
You look very, very angry.
Is this going to become A Thing? I hope it does, because I really don’t think you (would allow yourself to) realize how desperately we want to know as much about you as you’re comfortable with. We love the pictures, we love the stories…anything you’re willing to part with, we’re here for.
Dear Rude (I don’t feel right about “Dear Dog”)I think most everybody here who’s still around, knows my story. (And now it’s nicely archived!) Everybody has a story, everybody has history. I remember when I first began this, when it was part of wowowow, my personal tales were considered shocking, and many an argument occurred with the powers. I was indeed ready for “Ugh…we don’t want to know this. Too Much Information. ” I recall a bit of that, but I was ready with polite responses. This sort of thing is therapeutic AND narcissistic. But I came to realize, every once in a while, it’s helpful to somebody else. I suppose this brief post was helpful to anybody who suffered—similar wallpaper!XXXXXMr.W3:42 pm | April 26, 2017
LOL!!! Honestly, I’d never mind being put in the same category as a dog. As a matter of fact, I consider my two grandsons the world’s Perfect Creatures, the human equivalent of The Dog. And I hope one day they come to realize the power of that statement.
5:16 pm | April 26, 2017 -
I fortunately didn’t suffer the wallpaper but knew several who did. Everything from the daisies and tulips to the mirrored paisley prints. Talk about leaving emotional scars!
3:29 pm | May 2, 2017
Not getting emails for NYSocial Diary this week. Last was on Friday. Why?
We all have ‘history’. The more we share with others, the more we learn to forgive, not forget and can move on to the present and future. I defy anyone who reads Mr. Wow to say they had a perfect childhood, teenage life, and even absolutely sensational twenties.
Dear Lulu– I think perfect lives are overrated. We are made human by the imperfections of others and mostly, the recognition of our own imperfections and failings. I’ll never be the person I think I want to be. That better person in a parallel universe. I am for sure the person I was meant to be. And I’m still processing that as something good. Or at least ok. Or ok-ish.xxxxxmrw3:50 pm | April 26, 2017
My view is that somebody who’s lived a perfect life would have absolutely nothing to write about. And no audience that could connect to them in any meaningful way.
10:18 am | June 1, 2017
I am not getting emails from NYSocialdiary. Am I the only one?
BTW, have a nice Memorial Day weekend.
Hope you had a good weekend, as well, honey. Rho, again–explain to me what you mean by you are “not getting” emails from NYSD? How do you get them?
1:35 pm | May 30, 2017 -
That’s a very young-looking 17, my friend. That’s from a different world. These days, 17 often includes lip piercings and an arm “sleeved” in tattoos and monetizing Youtube channels and Snapchat pictures. My goodness the trouble that kid would’ve caused had he been born in the digital age.
Dan–Although I doubt I’d go in for tattoos or piercings (definitely not!) I am rather glad I’m not 17 these days. Recalling my libido and foolishness at that time, I think I’d be led into behavior even more libidinous and foolish! I had my doe-eyed day, and must be content with my memories. (Now, like Blanche DuBois, the pink shades cover the harsh bulbs of 64 years.)10:41 am | June 1, 2017
I’m staring down the barrel of 40 come this November, but I don’t have any longing for my teenage years either. I was a confused, insecure mess. I wouldn’t mind having another crack at, say, 22 or so though. I miss the days of having rock-hard abs from not even trying.
1:45 pm | June 1, 2017 -
Hope everyone is having the best possible summer. The world continues to spin and there are so many interesting people and places to explore, even in your own neighborhood.
The New York Times spelled your name wrong…The piece on Liz seemed bittersweet – she looks good, however!
I didn’t much care about my name, but I wasn’t really happy with the article, for a variety of reasons.
7:03 pm | July 31, 2017 -
Hi Denis, Not Dennis–
Love reading your take on books, movies, and what’s going on in the world.And will keep on reading it as long as you keep writing : )
I rarely read New York Social Diary, it is not my cup of tea.I found the recent interview with Liz rather distasteful on both sides. Liz needs to sit down and write her memoirs not give interviews.I wish Mr WoW appeared here more often!!!!I feel like this blog is going the way of Wowow – that makes me sad
You were a very cute 17 year old. Very much more ‘adult’ than I was at that age. I didn’t feel grown-up until I hit 30.