Every relationship has its rituals — but as Mr. Wow learns, it’s the small ones that end up mattering the most
Many years ago—back in the fabulous early 1980’s (well, if you didn’t factor in AIDS), B. went off to Denmark. He was a medical researcher and was … researching in Denmark. B. was away a while. He loved Denmark. He loved the work he was doing and the people he was working with. Especially one fellow. Cute and smart. Doctor smart. Just like B. Mr. wOw was jealous.
When B. went off for a second stay in Denmark, he said, “Why don’t come along? Everyone would love to meet you.” This was odd. B. was and is a shy guy, who needs some prodding in the social area. One of the reasons he liked me is that I wasn’t shy, once I relaxed, and would always strike up animated conversations with strangers, and had friends, and brought people over. This eventually ended—it was too much work for me: I cooked I cleaned, they were my friends, I entertained. I got tired. I was working nine to five.
But B. gregarious himself, in another country?! This I had to see. So I braved my very first plane ride to Denmark. I was terrified, but made a hell of a lot of acquaintances during the seven or eight hours in the air. I also drank a lot. Not that it helped. (It was the beginning of many years of air travel, and imbibing way up there.) Denmark was wonderful, and in many ways B. was a different person. Not totally, but that’s another more serious tale I met B.’s friend and was really jealous. But, I kind of got over it. I loved Denmark too. And we often went to a park in the middle of Copenhagen and admired the swans. We loved swans, despite their famously irritable nature. They were always polite to us.
I left Denmark. B. followed a few weeks later. He returned — depressed, it seemed to me. Was he longing for Denmark and his doctor pal? Was he regretting me? I was so childish. So poor. Not his equal, I was sure. Finally, I asked him, “Do you want to go back? Do you want to separate? We’ve only been together six years, we’re young. You have time to make another life.” His answer was a curt, final, “no!” (Big girly conversations are not his forte, though he allows me an annual monologue.) He seemed to improve somewhat, but I thought he still missed Denmark. It troubled me. Then one day at the supermarket I found a large plastic swan. I brought it home, filled the bathtub and put him in to float.
When B. came from work I said we’d received a visitor, who was splashing around in our tub. B. hurried upstairs, and I wondered what kind of visitor he was hoping to find in our tub? (That cute kid down the block?) It was the plastic swan, serene. B. was amused, perhaps even touched. I was (am) so rarely sensitive when I should be. He seemed better after that.
We tucked the swan away, and I never thought of it again until Easter rolled around. I woke up Easter Sunday to find our swan jam-packed with sweet goodies of all kinds. I love candy. B. said: “I heard the flapping of wings last night, and he suddenly appeared with all this stuff. It was quite a journey. He can stay awhile, yes?” Of course! Who turns away a swan bearing chocolate?
We must have been hospitable enough. Every year since—more than 25, now—our Easter swan has arrived, loaded down with sweet gifts. He always comes when I am asleep. Sometimes B. expresses concern about the weather, and the swans great age, but he always comes through, not much altered by time, though no great conversationalist. He stays until we’ve pretty much finished off his gifts. He always leaves quietly in the night. Sometimes B. is awake and bears a message—the swan has had a relaxing time, loves us, and will be back next year.
All relationships have rituals. Funny little nicknames and habits. Sometimes they start out annoying but oddly you grow to depend on and even love them. The swan started out as a nervous joke by an insecure Mr. Wow, hoping to charm his B. Today, if anything happened to that damn plastic swan I think I’d have to be strapped down and medicated.
I’d like to go back to Denmark someday with B. Look at the swans again. And maybe bring a present back to our swan (he’s definitely a Dane.) After all, he’s given us so much. And I don’t just mean chocolate rabbits.
Happy Easter/Passover/Nothing but a weekend to you all—whether it is a time of spiritual contemplation, bunny rabbits and colored eggs. Or just a few days off.
I must go. Jelly beans are beckoning.
love, Mr. W and B.
- Happy Easter, Mr. WOW, and B!
Happy Easter! So good to read the swan story again. Hugs and jelly beans.
Claudia, Mimi, Deirdre—so glad you bothered to read it again! Love, Mr.W
12:48 pm | April 17, 2017
Such a beautiful story about you and B!! Thank you for sharing it with us and a Happy Easter to you and B.. It’s always a pleasant surprise to hear how you are.. Hugs to you!

Happy Easter! I love the swan story. And the picture of Liz Taylor – wow! I watched a goofy movie a couple months ago, she played I think an agent of some dueling, aging actresses, she stole the show. The movie was stupid (Shirley Maclain, Joan Collins, and Debbie Reynolds were worth watching, tho, just to see them talk and move) but I just had to watch for Ms. Taylor’s scenes. And Joan Collins, geeze, she’s still hot. Well, I’m not a man so I don’t really know what they think about her but holy cow! I wish the movie wasn’t so insipid ~sigh~ I watched it right after Debbie Reynolds died. Who do we have to replace them? They were bigger-than-life movie stars. Anyway, Happy Swan Day.
Dear Jean–“These Old Broads.” Very dumb, despite the Carrie Fisher script, and I’m afraid Miss Taylor was beyond her acting days at that point. Her health was in severe decline. The other ladies were fine, given the material.xxxmrw12:43 pm | April 17, 2017
Mr. W-Love your swan story! Hope you and B. get back to Denmark sooner rather than later! Cheers, Rick
BTW, my Good Friday wasn’t that good. Even made the local news…read below. But like our fave MGM stars who can’t cope with daily life but were great in emergencies, I am keeping a positive attitude (at least until I see my orthopedic doc about my now-bum knee!).Cheers and pass the margarita! Rick
MARQUETTE TWP, Mich. (WLUC) – Deputies from the Marquette County Sheriff’s Office, along with Search and Rescue, were called to the Morgan Falls area for an injured hiker on Friday around 2:18 p.m. The incident occurred approximately 1.5 miles west of M-553 in the area of the ski hill.
Richard Gould, 57, of Marquette, was hiking in the area with a friend when he slipped on a log and injured his left knee. He was unable to walk out of the area. 911 was called and rescue units were able to get the GPS location of Gould from the call.
Gould then had to be carried out of the area by Search and Rescue to an awaiting ATV. The ATV took him to M-553 and he was turned over to EMS personnel for care. Gould was taken to U.P. Health System – Marquette for treatment.
The Marquette County Sheriff’s Office was assisted on scene by Marquette County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue, U.P. Health System – Marquette EMS and Sands Township EMS.
First Happy Monday after Swan Day!!!The story of the swan never grows old. It simply exemplifies how well you write and that your stories are worthy of being published.Dear Rich – Get well soon. Maybe don’t go hiking for a few weeks and then only on flat ground for a few months.I don’t think there are many actress in this day and age who can fill the shoes of the old greats – would love to know who everyone would choose as their three replacements for any the greats mentioned in this postHugs to all
Oh, Lulu thank you. I will forever refer to Easter as Swan Day. And leave everyone who doesn’t know why completely befuddled…
3:34 pm | May 2, 2017
Nice words from you and Liz in today’s column about Larry Fortensky. What little has been written about his demise has been salivating over his decline or mocking his marriage to Elizabeth. He always seemed like a nice guy to me and their relationship real.
After Elizabeth Taylor died, Larry gave one interview, to London’s Daily Mail. He acknowledged his poor condition, but had nothing but good things to say about Elizabeth. Larry also shared a picture of Elizabeth in Switzerland over the holidays. ET decided she wanted to make snow angels in the fresh snow. So she put on a fur coat over her flannel nightgown (ET in a nutshell–glamour and comfort!) and frolicked in the snow–no makeup, bed head, and looking quite happy!
Like that other consort to a superstar, Cher’s one-time “bagel boy” Rob Camilletti, Larry seemed like a regular guy. R.I.P.
Cheers, Rick
Thanks, Rick. He really was a sweet guy, and I think they were in love–it was kinda doomed (20 year age difference!) But perhaps if ET’s health hadn’t collapsed so suddenly…
12:22 pm | April 20, 2017-
…and his collapsed not long after!
Well they had some good years, and she saw him through his Mother’s death from cancer. ET didn’t flinch at illness and death!1:59 pm | April 20, 2017
I loved today’s picture, but couldn’t leave a comment. You are so cute!!
Loved that picture of you. As Mimi and Rho said, no place to comment so the love is here with The Swan and Liz. xo
I’m annoyed! I can’t get the comment section to work on that one!Grrrrr….MrW11:21 am | April 21, 2017
Mr. W, Love that shot of you at 17. Sweet but a little sad…
Hope all is well in your world, RickHere’s my latest post, for the ‘Feud’ finale, two of Bette’s best IMO:http://ricksrealreel.blogspot.com/2017/04/bette-davis-double-bad-in-letter-and.html
Hi everyone, My recent review of The Little Foxes was actually coincidental to the Broadway revival with Laura Linney and Cynthia Nixon. So, I decided to do a write-up on ALL the notable productions of Foxes, including one in which Mr. Wow is well-versed, with La Liz! A few will surprise you, check it out! Rick
Baby– I bet Mr. W could write a book just on ET’s turn on Broadway as a little fox!
It was very telling how well Stockard Channing’s revival of “Foxes” went…I could only find 2 pix of her as Regina on Google…and one was in blurry black and white!
Rick4:12 pm | May 2, 2017
Hey Mr. W, Thanks for the shout-out in Liz’ column this a.m. Great timing, too. My blog just hit 30.000 views this morning. Thank you!
And I’m also down to one crutch now, so today is a good day!
Cheers, Rick
Thought of you and Mr. B when I saw this. http://swamplot.com/the-inflatable-swan-thats-been-twirling-around-in-a-flooded-midtown-construction-site-almost-all-week/2017-09-22/
Hi Mr WoW, I just read that Liz Smith has died and wanted to send you hugs. She. Ertaiy was a big part of your life for a long time. Hope you check in with the crew soon. xoxoxo