An innocent young fir, come to me for an assistant’s job, out here in the wilds of Hoboken. So eager, so willing to help. Of course, hired on the spot.

And to you, Mimi…you sunny little honey of a Mimi (as Maurice Chevalier sang)!
3:11 pm | December 24, 2017
“Imitation of Fir?”
Cheers, and so glad you didn’t decorate your tree in black this year!
Merry Christmas and look forward to reading you in 2018!
Rick, thanks! Don’t even get me started on the wearing black to the GG’s. I don’t know who is worse–Rose Magowan–a poor excuse for moral authority, unless she intends on giving back her settlement–or the stars who think wearing black will actually mean something, DO something, for real women, in real situations, who are not working in showbiz, politics or the corporate world. Women who work too hard to watch the fucking Golden Globe Awards.
4:32 pm | December 24, 2017
I see you went with understated this year. I love seeing your nest! Warm, cozy and welcoming. Hope you and Bruce has a wonderful Christmas. Hugs!
Happy Belated Merry Christmas to All !!!Love the tree, the decorations, and the true Denis and Bruce spirit reflected in the photos.I hope Santa brought everyone what they wished for.I am spending this week, sorting, tossing and eliminating things that clutter my home, my mind, and my life in preparation for 2018. I intend to make it Wonderful not matter what.Hugs to allLulu
What would Christmas be without Mr. Wow’s tree? Merry merry and lots of happy to you and Bruce.
Happy New Year to all…Let’s hope the new year brings good health and joy to all.