Nothing happening yet, of course. I haven’t shaved in two days, but finally showered. (My hideous cold returned yesterday, and I wasn’t feeling up to jumping into a shower. We have very little hot water, too.)
But I put back on my grungy white wife-beater (I know it is a politically incorrect term. I’m just preparing you all for Mr. Gervais) and my even grungier sweat pants. Hardly any point in showering, really.
I’m rooting for “The Ides of March” or “The Descendents”….Meryl (just give her a damn Oscar again and maybe she’ll go away and stop being nominated)…Ryan Gosling (because he’s hot)… In the Comedy/Musical catagory: “Midnight in Paris”…Charlize Theron (terrible movie, but she was terrif)…Joseph Gordon Levitt (he’s hot too, and quite versatile)…
Then we get into Best Supporting and my patience wears thin. My hopes for TV include Maggie Smith (Donwton Abby) and Peter Dinklage (Game of Thrones) Nothing from HBO’s boring “Mildred Pierce,” I pray. (One of Miss Winslet’s rare mistakes)
The day started well with the news that Jesus finally had enough to Tim Tebow’s histrionics and busied himself elsewhere. Perhaps now Tim will read his Bible and learn what JC said about praying in public.
The other fun item was Mitt Romney handing a jobless woman waiting on line to see him, $50.00. Whew! And Obama is supposed to be all royal and elite? Imagine if Obama handed somebody money? And wait a minute, Mitt–weren’t you “entitling” this woman? Shouldn’t you have told her to save her gas money and her time and go find a job without bothering rich people?
Okay…the red carpet silliness begins soon. I have only one complaint, stemming from my all-night chore here–why can’t we make the font bigger?!
6:51 pm | January 15, 2012
Ryan Seacrest and Guilian Rancic of E! begin. Because of her recent health issues I will not dish her tonight. I’m tempted, however.
Ricky Gervais being interviewed. Ugly suit, bad color.
George Clooney has arrived. Has never looked lovelier, as Louella used to say.
Guiliana has changed her dress. Please, please, let me be nice!
Kelly Osborne–why the gray hair?
I don’t know the name of the queen she’s sitting with. I should, but he repels me, always, to the point of always forgetting his name.
Oh, you don’t like Guiliana? Maybe cuz I relate to her recent surgery, she looks awesome to me. The first dress was nice, the second dress horrid — the color, yuck.
Look, I don’t know Guiliana. Probably a very nice woman. Never cared much for her capabilities as a host or her fashion choices, but…she has suffered quite an ordeal recently, so…
I can be good. I can.
7:19 pm | January 15, 2012 -
More Clooney…
doesn’t expect to won, will end the evening “face down drunk.” Gotta love him.
Octivia Spencer from “The Help” arrived. Looks great. I did love her in that movie, tho I didn’t like the movie, much.
Guilana is interviewing a child from “Modern Family.” Sweet thing in Dolce and Gabbanna. Looks appropriate for her age.
Adam Levine in Tom Ford. He looks better without a shirt.
Melissa Mcarthy. Could have done more with her hair. Gown simple and safe. Fine
Wow–Sarah Michele Gellar. Like that a lot! The girl should work more.

Why are we watching Nicole Richie? Oh, she’s promoting her show….she’s a mentor??

Wait, what?
Who is in the grey hair? NO..What’s her name with the Ozzie Ozbourne father. (SP)
Jessica Chastain loves Guiliana. Jessica as Princess Diana, really?
Paula Patton? Don’t know her. Gown was great tho.
Nicole Richie…smiling for a change. Has had some excellent work!

Oh, I loved The Descendents. (sp)
I love that girl, she was awesomeness in that movie.

Ross is VERY annoying. So is Ryan
Oh, I love that guy from modern family. He’s so funny.

I like Sarah Michelle Gellar’s tie-dyed dress. It’s so different and she rocks it.

Sofia Vegara from “Modern Family”–looks great but thinner than usual.

Jessica Chastain looks great. What’s wrong with Octavia’s tooth. Someone needs to tell her something is on her tooth.

Freida PInto, I don’t know…she’s so beautiful, not sure if I love her dress.
Jessica Chastain — what an ill-fitting dress. Maybe it’s just my tv .
Frida Pinto — love the gold necklace and the color of the dress, but don’t really like the bouffant-ness of it.

I know. I loved her shoes too.
Rooney mara..I’m intrigued by Rooney…
Rooney Mara…scary.
Sofia…she is much thinner. I advise cutting down the gym visits.

I loved Jessica’s dress. I wish miss gorgeous mermaid Sophia would go away. I’m spiteful and I know it.

Julie Bowen is my kind of girl. She’s hysterical. “where’s your team of men to carry you” to Sophia. Too funny.

Awesomeness needs to stop hogging the camera and making every other female insecure.

uh oh..her smile gives her away. There is a sweet girl hiding under all that eyeliner

In minutes I start jumping from this to the NBC red carpet and back…
I love Jane Lynch (and her book is a hoot), but she’s got a bit of bedhead

Brad and Angie NBC—
Not exactly Liz n’ Dick but both look pretty good. Tho I prefer him clean shaven. Her arms look a bit healthier than usual.
E! is showing Ashton primping. Please, no more of that. From anyone.
Gosh, Laura Dern is looking more like her mother every day…what’s with the hair?
Michelle Williams…
overrated performance. An insult.
And another wretched headband.
Julianne Moore! I think for once she has finally nailed it at an awards show.
Elton John and wife…
God, I wish I was rich and famous enough to just wear a full wig, like Elton does.
Checking out Angie again. Love the touch of red at the collarbone w the matching clutch.

Reggie, You made me laugh out loud.
All of you did. I’m just going to watch and read for now. You are all better then the best…
Rob Lowe and his lovely wife…both looking a bit rough.
Mary J. Blige. Transexuals approve.
Arms less threatening..nice boobs…face good. Hair too long and messy.
Okay, girl. Red. Nice uplift. Nice mermaid look. More long, messy hair tho.
Leo diCaprio…
Comfortable, doughy middle-age. Great character actor now.
After Carson Daly shook Leonardo’s hand, Leo started rubbing his hands together furiously, like he couldn’t wait to get to the Purell.
I’m sure Leo was just..chilly. Or it’s a holdover from his playing Howard Hughes.
8:50 pm | January 15, 2012
Okay…M’s gown. Pretty nice, actually. LOTS of bling on those wrists. I want to comb that hair!
Oherwise, this M fan is pleased.
Glenn Close.
HD is not kind.
Beautiful earrings. Great gown–Armani.
Reese already looks like she is having a hell of an evening. That dress is clearly goosing up her mood.
the show
Great shot of Jodie. Looks terrif.
Elton is not amused. He doesn’t appear to be alone.
Nice speech from Plummer.
Ashton. Well, he looks much better cleaned up.
I was right. Julianne looks terrif. Must have a good stylist, finally.
Anything but “Mildred Pierce.”
Yay! And I do love “Downton Abbey” which makes it sweeter.
Anybody but Kate Winslet.
Shit. And ugh, she just embraced Kris Jenner.
But…I admit Miss Winslet is a beautiful woman and usually a talented actress.
But “MP” belongs to Miss Crawford. And JC didn’t have six hours to “explore” the character.
Agree… all that talent and Kate Winslet gets the globe…time for a refill.
Oh, Jake!
You are so cute. Why must you be introducing this horrible film?
Kelsey Grammer…a joke. Got to be a joke.
I’m stunned. Who did pay?!!!!!!!! Come on, he doesn’t need that much sympathy for spending seven years with Camille.
I toast to you Mr. Wow and B…
Ricky Gervais is just not funny and Kelsey Grammar… you gotta be kidding…
Hmmm…”Homeland.” Liked it at the beginning. Then the shark jumped the shark.
There’s nothing more enjoyable than watching a group of white millionaires giving each other awards.
Fingers crossed for M.
Oh, well.
She’ll survive. On to the Super Bowl.
Fingers crossed for M.
Long sleeves, darling. Otherwise, quite lovely. Accent is still a bit posh. Thought she ditched that with Guy Ritchie.
Michelle Williams.
This is a crime.
I know, I know—I feel this too personally. Can’t help it.
Hoping for Peter Dinklage.
Okay…this is soothing my irritation over Michelle Williams.
“The Adventures of Tintin” was charming.
But “War Horse?” Agony. Go see it on Broadway.
Couldn’t Owen Wilson have accepted for Woody?
Jessica Lange! Glad about this. She’s divine. And she was the only actress who might have gotten away with playing MM back in the day. She had that odd vulnerable quality, and it was real, too.
Well, since Madonna now speaks as if English was a second language, I guess this presenting gig is appropriate.
I just realized the old cliche is really true: it doesn’t matter if you’re nominated, it’s just an honor to win.
Claire Danes. Liked her “Homeland” performance at first. But by the end of the season it was so over-the-top. Utterly unrealistic. You can suspend disbelief only so much. Really.
Emily Blunt. Was the best thing in “The Devil Wears Prada.” Robbed of an Oscar nod for that one and for “Young Victoria.”
Enough with the “poop”… some of us are beyond the preteen bathroom attempt at humor.
Matt LeBlanc…was the booze cut off to early
…who are the Foreign Press?
Ah…be nice. I think this is the first award he has ever won. “Episodes” is really very funny. And his last line, about wanting to be the Matt LeBlanc of the series, was sweet, and self-deprecating.
10:53 pm | January 15, 2012
I love Morgan Freeman. Especially as God. He could make me re-think my issues on faith.
My, my…Brad certainly looked happy to see his lady onstage. I think we can discount the unending fighting/separating stories in UsWeekly.
They need to bleep Ricky Gervais for the rest of the broadcast, he’s added nothing.
Michelle Pfieffer…
Well, she kept back those hands of time as long as she could.
Great performances aside, “The Help” is awful. Sorry, I know very few agree.
Latifah looked fab.
Seriously Meryl, great laugh and sense of humor. I need to grow one.
Uggie, the adorable Jack Russell Terrier from “The Artist.” Both Bella and I can’t contain our excitement!
Natalie Portman…last year’s unworthy Oscar-winner. Gorgeous, however.
Didn’t like the dresss or the color on her… it didn’t flatter her at all.
10:52 pm | January 15, 2012
Harrison Ford. Bangs at 70? Only Claudette Colbert could pull that off. And Mamie Eisenhower.
That’s three hours I’ll never get back. Still, fun to be here with…several of you.
Now I have to eat. B.’s Sunday dinner awaits.
Mr. W.
I fell asleep in the middle of show. Got tired of waiting for Ricky to be funny. Much better last year.
I normally don’t watch but was bored and went in and changed the channel to watch. After it had begun of course. I have no sense of time. Even with notes attached to the computer keyboard so I don’t forget. I don’t forget, really, I just forget to look at the clock. Even the one on the bottom of the computer screen. Caught two blondes who I have no idea who were they were, one looked like Twiggy, and then the phone rang. Someone I haven’t talked to in ten years. So that was the end of the Golden Globes for me. There was also a pan of the audience before the phone rang. There were actually a lot of women who looked lke Twiggy. Boobs apparently are no longer in? And the lighting was too harsh. I would have excused myself and not come back. But the evening was not totally lost. Lots of things to catch up on. Lots of gossip. Some of it about me. I love to hear what people really have said. Sometimes. Live by the sword, die by the sword as they say.
Since I didn’t watch I can’t comment on the comments although judging from the comments it must not have been that bad. As for Meryl Streep, well, maybe they should just create a Meryl Streep Award and give it to her each year at all the awards show. Open up the competition for the other awards a little. You must admit she has never won an award she didn’t deserve. And hasn’t gotten an award for many roles she deserved one for. So, well, the Meryl Streep Award would solve both problems, wouldn’t it?
Mr. Wow, I just came out of my heated pool in Florida and I am ready to watch. I have my pjs on can’t wait to see Ricky let’em have it. Like he says, they are the riches, most spoiled people on earth. Let the games begin.