Mr. Wow Blog
Mr Wow’s Great Dream
8:40 pm | February 1, 2013

Author: Mr. Wow | Category: Point of View | Comments: 330



Most of you know that Mr. Wow had a checkered childhood, often  spent with relatives and friends, during periods when my mother was unable to care for me, for various reasons.  There was also a stint in upstate New York at St. Joseph’s Orphanage.  It sounds very Oliver Twist, but really it wasn’t. 

  By the time I got to St. Joseph’s, I was used to these separations. Of course, this was the most dramatic.  I was “taken away” at night.  My mother, dressed in slacks and wearing a long dark coat, stood on the sidewalk with two men flanking her (she was admitting herself into Manhattan State Hospital, after slashing her wrists.)  Later, in recalling this, it seemed very film noir—like she was mysterious spy, being taken away for interrogation. 

     She urged me, stridently, to be a “big boy and not cry.”   I don’t know that I was going to cry.  As I said, this had become normal life.  I turned once to look back at the three dark figures on the street.  I didn’t cry.  (My mother would later regret and be tortured by the fact she ordered me not to cry.)


My first night at the orphanage was rather jolly.  We were all in little cubicles with beds, acclimating ourselves.  Somebody held a comic book above the top of the partition, I forget why. I was fascinated because I didn’t know what a comic book was.  My mother read to me, and encouraged me to read “real” books.   St. Joseph’s was a beautiful place.  Clean and neat and with sloping green lawns.  When I first arrived, I couldn’t help but notice all the religious statuary.  I was especially interested in the Virgin Mary figures, some encased in glass.  Maybe these were the more merry, wayward Marys, who might take off in the night? 


Soon, we were assigned to our room and beds.  My bed was closest to the door.  There was a huge window at the end of the room with a striking view of the grounds.  I liked to look out that window.  There was some sort of schooling and I was considered “bright and advanced.”  But, as would happen time and again in my future life, I was a disappointment.  I never paid attention.  I daydreamed.  I didn’t much care to interact with the other children.  I wanted the interest of adults.  Though not necessarily the nuns.  They were a chilly bunch.  Not brutal, as were so many of the Brides of Christ my mother, her sisters and brothers encountered during their frequent stays at Catholic homes.  But if one was looking for tenderness, the nuns were not available.  (I developed a huge crush on one of the social workers, and even asked her if I could come and live with her?  It was painful because I think she would have, if I’d been a true orphan.)


My lack of interest in any sort of schooling and resistance to discipline (I sulked) did not go unnoted.  Or un-remarked upon. Great sighs were heaved as I heaved great sighs when expected to conform to the drill.  “He can’t seem to concentrate” they would tell my mother, when she was finally well enough to visit me, though not yet ready to be responsible for my care.  Thin and pale with thick-lashed electric green eyes, my mother wasn’t terribly involved in my concentration issues. (Later, when we lived together, she’d see it differently.)

    She was more concerned if I’d been hit, and would always ask that.  I hadn’t been, but I doubt she believed me; her own experiences having been so extreme.   My mother’s presence in my life was, even by that point, was a cause for tension.   She was always in a turmoil, ready for an argument, coiled to strike before she could be hurt.  Her anxiety was palpable and nerve-wracking.  Although I’d have preferred not to be at St. Joseph’s, I never regretted it when her visits concluded. 


I was ill, to my memory, only once. An earache.  A really bad earache.  I recall one of the nuns saying to me, “You have a bubble in your ear, if it bursts, you’ll die!”   To be fair, I might simply have imagined this, in my pain, but I remember thinking, “That’s not a very nice thing to say to a child!”  (As much as I wanted adult company and acceptance, I never forgot that I was indeed a child.  I’d say that was part of my precocious game to avoid certain responsibilities—but I’m only a child!  Alas, I never grew out of that mind-set.) 


Napping one day in the playroom, I dreamed I fell down Alice’s rabbit hole.   Only, I never got anywhere.  I just fell and fell and fell until I woke up, extremely disappointed that I’d not tumbled into Wonderland. 


I swallowed a marble once.  I panicked and cried I was going to die.  A nun assured me if I hadn’t died already, I wasn’t going to, and “everything would work itself out.”  Now I understand what she meant.  Then I thought, “She’s going to let me die—and I’m only a child!” 


At Christmas, Santa came and placed a passle of gifts on a huge sideboard.  We were then instructed to rush en masse to the pile and pick what we wanted.  I had my eye on  a certain teddy bear.  I asked, “But what if somebody else gets the present I want?”  One of the nuns answered, wearily, “There’s plenty here for everyone.”  


“But what if somebody else gets the present I want?”


“I’m sure you’ll get something nice and even if you don’t get what you want, you can share.” 


“I don’t think that’s fair.  Why can’t we choose?”


Enough was enough.  “You are very selfish and ungrateful, young Wow.  Some children don’t have presents at Christmas at all!”  I knew this was true.  But I wanted that teddy bear.  I didn’t get it.  And in a classic case of cutting off one’s nose to spite his face, I stubbornly took nothing from the pile of presents.  If I couldn’t have what I wanted, I’d make myself suffer.  Like anybody cared?  In time I  would come to care very deeply about the concept of having things that were my very own. This didn’t lead me to a life in which I would really work for things that were my very own, but the idea of it was quite powerful.  And I’m afraid I didn’t become more apt to share, either.  I am impulsively generous and never regret my generosity.  But I am not thoughtful, and I do always regret that.  Which means nothing.  “Sorry” is the sorriest word. 


My most memorable and dramatic  experience at St. Joseph’s happened one afternoon when, for some reason, I was alone in one of the corridors—between a class or some healthy outdoor romping?  I was walking slowly down the hall.  In my right hand I held a crayon.  As I walked I idly ran the crayon on the wall.  I had no aggression.  I wasn’t thinking.  I literally zoned out.   Suddenly, I was zoned in.  Towering before me was one of the nuns.  “What are you doing?!”  




“Why are you defacing the walls?” 




“The crayon!  Why do you have that crayon in your hand?”


“I don’t know.”  (Which was completely true.  I was surprised to see it there.) 


“You don’t know?  How is that possible?” 


“I don’t know.”


“You don’t know.  You don’t know.  You never seem to know, do you?”


I felt this needed no response because, well—it was true.  I never did  know.


“Come with me,” she said.  I was taken to a closet, filled a bucket with water, given a sponge and a bar of soap.  “Now, you will clean up what you did.” 


Okay.  Believe it or not, I wasn’t angry about this.  I’d done it, after all, even if I had no idea why I’d done it.  It seemed like a big job.  But everything seems big at that age.   After I was done, the nun beckoned me into the boys bathroom, where childish graffiti spotted the stalls .  “Now, clean up all this, and wipe down the floor.” 


“What?  But this isn’t fair.  I didn’t do this!” 


“How do we know?  And anyway, you’ll know better than to scribble on walls in the future.” 


She left me alone and I burned with rage and frustration. Even today I can feel my face flush as I recall what I considered this terrible crime against me.  I did scrub off the graffiti.  I wiped the floor.  I did it all in a towering fury.  It seemed like I toiled for hours, but I’m sure I didn’t.  


Afterward, she said, “You can go outside now.” 


“I’m tired.  I don’t want to go outside.” 


“Very well!  Go take a nap.” 


I went back to the dormitory, with its rows of beds on each side.  I fell into mine, nearest to the door, farthest from the big window.  Exhausted—mostly, probably, by my emotions rather than any severe work—I was instantly asleep.   And then, my bed elevated, and swiftly flew down the room, between the beds and right out the window.  The sky was so blue and so clear.  No clouds.  It was a dream that seemed to last forever, and with only one function and one character—me, going ever higher, and as far away from St. Joseph’s as I could possibly get.  I don’t recall waking.  But it remains the most powerful dream of my entire life—the color of the sky, the feeling of elation and escape.  Freedom.  From everything.


In time, I would escape St. Joseph’s.  My wonderful Aunt Margot visited me, and as she, my cousin Stephen and my uncle Louis attempted to leave, I became totally unhinged, shrieking and weeping.  I am sure my aunt, like my mother, was convinced I had been horribly abused.  Against the wishes of her husband—he loathed his wife’s family—my aunt demanded I come and live with them.  My mother approved, though not without some hesitation. (Tensions between all the siblings was always great.) 


And so there was that for a year—a happy year–and then back to my poor mother, who was almost a stranger to me by then.  When my aunt gave me the “wonderful news” that I would be reunited with my mother, I wept hysterically.  She told me, “You don’t have to go.”  I knew better.  I could not be the cause of such a horror within a family.  Sisters fighting each other for custody of me.  “I’m crying because I’m so happy.”   Never before or since have I told such a lie. 


But I’ve never forgotten that dream of the flying bed and blue sky.  Only in that dream have I ever felt so much hope, so much potential.  Because I don’t remember awakening from it, there’s no memory of sadness that it was only a dream.  In my mind, it remains something I attained once, something perfect.


I know I’ll never fly that high again, I’ll never dream that big. 


But that’s okay.  Once was enough.  Even in dreams. 




  • Deirdre Cerasa

    So beautifully written and so heartbreaking. You have survived so much pain and sadness. I wish that writing it all would make it easier to see what courage you have. It takes strength to go on and then to share your experiences. You don’t give yourself nearly enough credit for coming through. The gang has told you many times how valuable you are to us. You have told us how special B. I believe he is and that he sees the same goodness and kindness in you. So happy you have shared another chapter. I have missed your posts do much. Take care and let us know howvyouvare feeling. xoxo

    9:06 pm | February 1, 2013
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      Mr. Wow

      Dear Deirdre…it’s difficult to accept that I’ve known so much “pain and heartbreak” because as child, I didn’t see it that way.   I was mostly confused and compliant to my circumstances.  Later, I knew what real suffering was—my own mother’s life,  for instance, the details of which I learned gradually.  And I read.  I knew what was what in life.  As I grew older (but no wiser) I began to see that something went really wrong along the way, but I could never put my finger on it.   I felt I was missing some vital human ingredient. It made me “less than” others.  And apart.  By the time I was in my early teens, I simply accepted this.  I was less than and I was apart.    But I can’t say I suffered this realization.   Only much later did I try to figure out how much of the way I lived my life, and thought–didn’t think, mostly–had to do with my childhood.  Had it?  Would I have turned differently in less unstable circumstances?

      I had a powerful will.  I was a very strong weak person, or a very weak strong person.  A therapist once suggested I consider hypnosis:  “I know you are suppressing something!”    I told him it would have to stay suppressed.   I didn’t need to know anything I could really use as an excuse. 

      Thanks for your thoughts.  B. sends love (to everyone) as usual.

      3:37 pm | February 2, 2013
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    Hi Handsome Mr. Wow,
    It’s called an ‘epic dream.’ A dream so big in proportion and so vivid and memorable that it stays with you forever.
    Your posts are so beautifully poignant, but I imagine sometimes painful to revisit. I think it’s important for you to be sort of documenting your past, and ‘coming out’ in a way you never have before. Like the great and powerful OZ, lifting the curtain to reveal the real man.
    Take heart that you are not alone in your struggles, and that is why we all adore you. You are braver then most…

    9:47 pm | February 1, 2013
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      Mr. Wow

      Dear Jamie…I like that–an “epic dream.”    It’s not painful to revisit my past.  Being more than a little self-absorbed, it interests me.  And I always think, well maybe somebody else will get something out this, and if I’m lucky, I will too–in time.   (Of course the “in time” becomes more of an issue as time flies.)

      3:41 pm | February 2, 2013
  • Mr. Wow, you MUST gather your essays into a book.  You write wonderfully and truly.

    I have never had an “epic dream” as Jamie calls it.  I remember dreams from my childhood – I even had a recurring nightmare for a while – but nothing like your flying bed with its freedom and limitless potential.  Maybe your dreams were based on – well, your waking dreams.  Mine dwelt on my waking nightmares.  Huh.  I’m sure that says something about our psychology or personality or something.

    10:27 pm | February 1, 2013
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      Mr. Wow

      Dear Lila…I think what I like about my dream is that it represents some kind of purity.  I have always considered myself a rather impure person (I’m not talking about matters of sex)  Missing a digit, a sensitivity chip, whatever you might call it.   The dream was so complete, though I don’t recall it ending.    I wanted that bed to take me away not only from the orphanage, but from myself–from being the child who could so carelessly write on walls.   Even then I wondered, what’s the matter with you?   Not that it was some awful crime, like I was The Bad Seed, but did reinforce what I was already feeling–that I was outside looking in and maybe I didn’t want to be in? 

      3:52 pm | February 2, 2013
  • Mr. Wow, I hope you are putting all this into a book. The writing is so lovely. And I, too, had an epic dream once. Never forgot it. It was so vivid, and in a way it was a glimpse of the future.

    1:46 am | February 2, 2013
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      Mr. Wow

      Dear Pat—discipline, discipline, discipline…that’s what writing a book requires.  And although I can be disciplined for certain amounts of time, it never lasts.  Nor do I ever learn lessons that result from a lack of discipline.   Still, I won’t be entirely negative.   A book?  Maybe not about myself, but…something. 

      And I procrastinate terribly.  

      3:58 pm | February 2, 2013
  • mimi

    Dear Mr Wow, 
    How wonderful to have that dream to look back on. You are just a few years younger than I, and were probably a daydreamer – for some reason the daydreamers in any school were not valued for their creativity and instead were somehow punished for simply being. I love that you have accepted yourself for who and what you actually are and let that creativity bloom  here. I also love that you found B who seems  to ground you in the practicalities of life. And the details of your wonderful dream make me just a teensy bit jealous. I’ve never had such a wonderful dream. Maybe someday….

    7:28 am | February 2, 2013
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      Mr. Wow

      Dear Mimi—I certainly was a daydreamer.  Maybe today I’d be more “nurtured.”  But it’s just as likely I’d use that nurturing and attention to daydream more, without concrete results.   

      B. does his best to ground me.  But to say I am a frustrating person to talk sense to would be a understatement of apocalyptic proportions.

      4:01 pm | February 2, 2013
  • Rho

    Mr. Wow, I agree with Lila, you have to write a book.

    10:08 am | February 2, 2013
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      Mr. Wow

      Dear Rho…never say never and who knows?  I’m more likely to write some trashy roman a clef.   Could I become the Jackie Susann of the 21st century? 


      How are you?

      4:06 pm | February 2, 2013
      • Rho

        Dear Wow, whatever you write, I will buy it.

        I’m okay, thanks for asking.


        1:38 pm | February 3, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    My epic dream involves Bradley Cooper and mandatory nudity.

    2:56 pm | February 2, 2013
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      Mr. Wow

      Dear Dr. Sugar…and is the bed flying?


      We have to cut these obscene babblings from your brain.

      4:03 pm | February 2, 2013
  • NSH

    Well, Mr. W. lest forget what Jackie Susann proclaimed:  Once is Never Enough…

    5:41 pm | February 2, 2013
  • BabySnooks

    I think we all had the dream of flying off into the clear blue sky at one point or another.  Reality for most of us is looking back is that instead of Ozzie and Harriet we had George and Martha. I think they turned into George and Martha as a result of trying to turn into Ozzie and Harriet. 


    The wounded heart, dear Mr. Wow, is always the one that feels the most for others.


    You’re such a treasure. Definitely one of the jewels in my life.

    8:32 pm | February 2, 2013
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      Mr. Wow

      Dearest  Baby…


      Funny, when I read what you said–a “jewel in  my life”–I thought instantly of the scene in “Gigi” when Gigi’s aunt is trying to teach her the ways of a courtesan and a woman of the world–“What is this jewel?”

      “Ummm…a topaz”

      “A topaz?  Amongst  my jewels?  Don’t be ridiculous!”

      I always feel I am a topaz amongst the jewels of this blog.   Not even a topaz. But I am amazed and appreciative  that I find diamonds in all my responses.


      Love, MrW


      8:54 pm | February 4, 2013
      • BabySnooks

        Well, there is topaz. And there is Russian Imperial Topaz. You are the latter. Not the former. 

        3:51 pm | February 5, 2013
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          Mr. Wow

          Dear Baby….you are killing me.  Because now I want to wear that Russian Imperial  Topaz dangling from a turban.  You know, the way Liz used to use the La Peregrina pearl.  Or anything else she felt like sticking on a turban!

          2:42 pm | February 6, 2013
          • BabySnooks

            Well now we know what to get you for Christmas. A turban.  “B” can buy the  Russian Imperial Topaz.  A big one.  Maybe he can get it registered as the Mr. Wow Topaz.  Unless of course he can afford the La Peregrina. 

            7:25 pm | February 6, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    “Dear Dr. Sugar…and is the bed flying?”
    Well, Mr. Wow, let’s just say something rises but it isn’t the bed…

    9:39 pm | February 2, 2013
  • lulu

    Mr. Wow…you are a writer/author even if you don’t care to admit it.  Afterall your musings here ‘have been published’ so to speak.

    I think your version of “Jackie Susann” would be far more entertaining.  Just take 5 minutes a day to write down a sentence or two, a paragraph, details about a character and suddenly those 5 minutes will expand on their own.

    And if you took all your stories written here, printed them and submitted them to various people I can guarantee not only would you have a book, you’d have a play and a movie with sequels to come.

    Keep up the good work.  Tell B thanks from me for loving you and know we all love both of you

    5:53 pm | February 4, 2013
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    Haunted Lady

    I wouldn’t wish any harm or unhappiness for you, or anyone else, really, but all of these experiences have made you the unique and genuinely wonderful person you are. Any change might change the essential you that we all love so. And B loves as well. (Hi, B, hope you’re well.)

    6:54 pm | February 4, 2013
  • mimi

    Gotta say I agree with Lulu and Haunted. You are writing a book here. And I think we all love B for helping you do it.

    7:02 pm | February 4, 2013
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      Mr. Wow

      Dear Mimi, Lulu and Haunted….


      It’s not that I haven’t thought it, but I think my life is too minor to rate a book.  On the other hand, my life mixed with lives I have known and observed could definitely serve as the  basis for something  at least vaguely amusing.  I’m not looking to go head to head with Proust.  We’ll see. 

      8:24 pm | February 4, 2013
  • DanS

    As someone who seems to lack a certain amount of sympathy myself, I often find myself thinking “I know what I would do in this situation, but what would a decent person do?” It’s a significant character improvement over the guy that I used to be that carelessly plowed through everybody. We’re all just works in progress, right?
    You could totally write a book. You’ve got the two key ingredients – an author’s voice and an interesting story to tell. Writing a book doesn’t have to mean that you sequester yourself in a book-lined study for months on end. You’ve been writing your book for a while now: Every time you paint some story from your past here, you’ve written a piece of the book. If you keep at it, you’ll have enough that all you’ll have to do is compile them in a way that would make sense to a reader and you’ll have a full-length book. Then all you have to do is survive the editing process (admittedly, quite daunting) and we’ll be congratulating you on your New York Times Best Seller.
    I feel like that’s what a decent person would say. I might be feeling a bit too self-congratulatory for that slick little callback. Here’s something meta worth pondering: Maybe decent people have to stop and ask themselves what a decent person would do. Mind = blown.

    7:07 pm | February 4, 2013
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      Mr. Wow

      Dear DanS….we are just works in progress, until our dying day, I think.  Which is why despite my resistance to religion, I can’t  help feeling there is more after death–an explanation; why did we suffer  much?!!!  (I think everybody deserves to go to heaven–after a cataclysmic revelation of our sins, if they were truly awful–serial killer/Hitler time.)


      I like your plan/idea of how I’d accomplish a book.  You leave out the part where I’d recklessly spend my advance money, while every other week looking at my blank computer screen and thinking, “margarita time!”  And then acting on the thought.

      I think you know me pretty well. 

      8:40 pm | February 4, 2013
      • DanS

        I’m to a point where I make no bones about my own atheism, but that was a slow process that involved a lot of examination and introspection, something some might call soul-searching. The last religious belief that persisted with me was the idea of an afterlife; that my ego and the parts of me that I imagine to be my mind would continue without the mechanisms that granted them existence. It’s easy to see why I hoped this to be true, but it’s a belief that I was able to cast off like all the rest of them and, believe it or not, I’m the better for it. I’m at peace with it.

        I could explain how I reached this point, but that would take more words than the body of this reply is made for. But when I saw your reason for holding onto it, an immediate thought came to my mind: If part of this afterlife entailed an understanding the inequities of life, what answer would be sufficient or satisfying? If I found myself standing at the foot of an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving deity, I would have to ask the question myself. Every creature that has a capacity for suffering in all of existence has suffered, from the mightiest of kings, to the most insignificant of parasitic worms. And one cannot help but notice that this suffering was not meted out in any way that was just, in neither equality nor fairness. And all the things that lack such capacities are still subject to what, at best, can be called “hostile indifference”. What could that deity say to me that would make me okay with that? The only thing I can think of is, “I’m only a figment of your imagination; an empty plea to authority created in your attempts to make sense of the apparent cruelty of the universe. The universe is far more beautiful and complex than you were ready to imagine, and the idea of Me was your first, feeble attempt to grasp it.”

        As for your book, you could take the Douglas Adams approach, he was noted for saying that he loved deadlines, particularly the whooshing sound they made as they went flying by. To be completely honest, I can cheer on any book attempt you make, but it’s not a task that I would have the patience for, so it’s probably in bad faith that I suggest you would. The reason that it sometimes seems that I know you so well is because we’re alike in many ways, for better or worse.

        9:03 am | February 5, 2013
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          Mr. Wow

          Dear DanS…


          Well, you certainly give MrW something to chaw on.  In an intellectual way. Ahem!


          I was laying around my room over the weekend–reading a book and watching TV at the same time.  Occasionally  I’d look around and see all my collected crap—tapes, DVDs, photos, magazines, posters…more books to be read piled  high.   I thought, “Wow, isn’t life great?”    And then I thought.  “But it won’t last forever and what the FUCK does it mean?”    What does my momentary contentment and usual angst really mean?    I can’t believe the complexity–or the complex simplicity–of of life just ends.  I want to believe, if not in angel-winged heaven–in some positive energy force.  I know–terribly New Age, or whatever passes for New Age now.

          I certainly really can’t believe in “judgment”—what God would be so cruel as to allow agonies and then judge those who followed their will and committed those crimes and agonies?  God gives us everything–including our will.  And abusive parents and poverty and brains that are just off.   I suppose in the end it’s nothing. 


          Shit.  I want to be a ghost. 


          So, because I am so terrified of of nothingness–no life, no feeling good or bad–I like to think of some kind of energy nirvana. 


          6:28 pm | February 5, 2013
          • DanS

            It’s never my goal to snatch away someone’s comfort, no matter how false that comfort may ring to me. We all have our ways. If you take something from some new-age concept of life after death, then I say run with it. I don’t think that I’d ever have a problem with the notion if it wasn’t so often saddled with Iron Age barbarism.
            But here’s something else to consider: When the Universe exploded into existence roughly 13 billion years ago, the only elements that existed were hydrogen, helium, and trace amounts of lithium. The heavier elements to follow, including the carbon which makes us, were created in the hearts of stars, then spat out into the Universe when those stars exploded. A lot of stars died so that we could be here. I would say look down at your hands and marvel that they are the result of the stuff of stars, and while you marvel, consider, as Professor Lawrence Krauss so eloquently points out, that the stuff that makes up your left hand most likely came from a different star than the stuff that makes up your right hand. The Eden story seems trite by comparison. We’re so much bigger than that story lets us be: We are a part of the infinite, not playthings that were dropped into the middle of it.

            The thing that makes your books and music and movies so valuable is the same thing that makes wonderful dreams and loved ones and that perfect buzz so precious: They’re finite and fleeting and it’s in our hearts that we make them timeless. Infinity renders anything pointless. That perfect kiss that I had in the back of my cousin’s jeep, or a the group of us sitting by the river on a warm, Summer dusk while the ethereal tunes of a wooden flute filled the air, or my 18 year old Spaniel we just so happened to put to sleep on September 11, 2001 – these are only things I can carry with me forever only because forever doesn’t exist. We really are more than the sum of our cells, but not through an immortal soul: It’s because the Universe is different with us being here from what it would be if we were not. We are a piece of that complex mechanism.

            If you still want to be alive, say, a million years from now, here’s the easiest way to do that: Walk outside and wave at the sky as much as you can. Maybe a million years from now, a kid living a couple of galaxies over will build a powerful enough telescope that he can point it at Earth and from his vantage point of being a million light years away, he’ll see you waving at him and you will have made a new friend, long after anything that would matter to you has since turned to dust. Not bad for a mere confluence of star stuff I’d say.

            9:59 pm | February 5, 2013
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            Mr. Wow

            Dear DanS…First of all, lets stop all this crap about MrW writing a book. I think you have quite a story to tell, yourself and you are a marvelous writer.

            As for anything else, you didn’t snatch. I don’t know what to beleive, so I fantasize time to time. I am open to everything except the traditional aspects of Heaven and Hell. I assume it is really nothingness. But for the time being, I like to think there’s some parity for our suffering–someplace.

            PS, I’m not shitting you. You are an eloquent man. You’ll have that book before I do!

            2:37 pm | February 6, 2013
          • BabySnooks

            I think we all wonder. No more matter how devout or undevout we are. Mother Theresa wondered. And as she got older Madeline Murray O’Hair wondered.  Dan makes good points except we are more than just our physical bodies. We have an “intellectual” capacity not found in other species. Perhaps the result of evolution. Except what we evolved from should be as evolved as we are.  When baboons build a Taj Mahal or paint a Renoir I will consider that we were once just baboons. Or whatever the current evolutionary theory says we evolved from.  I don’t believe in this “mean old man in the sky” of Abraham. But I do believe there is something beyond this. At the very least I wonder. The concept of nirvana is interesting. Define “nothingness.” Even “nothingness” implies an awareness. 

            7:41 pm | February 6, 2013
          • DanS

            Still plenty of stuff there worthy of discussion, but I’m on the verge of wearing out my welcome on this particular subject.

            I can say confidently that I am no writer myself. I’m just a guy who tests accounting software and seems to like to hear his own voice just a bit too much. And by that, I mean Dan’s book (yes – I just went third-person) will come out a month or two after Wow’s book somewhere out there in that undefinable “someday”.

            10:41 am | February 7, 2013
  • mimi

    Dear Mr. Wow, I have no doubt there is a heaven and we’ll all meet there eventually.
    I also love your idea of spending the advance money then thinking “margarita time!” I have a good friend who is a published author who has been very careful with the money part – but occasionally has a “cocktail hour.” Books work with both.

    8:51 pm | February 4, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Mimi…I am happy you believe in a heaven in which we all meet—free of our smallness of mind, hatreds and self-abuse.  Free of ourselves, really–open to the infinite.


      As for the earthly world–I’m sure I could write a book with an occasional cocktail hour.  I just feel with money to spend I’d turn occasional into an excuse to spend a hell of  a lot of time standing/sitting at bars, being charming, flirting with sweet girls who like an attentive  fellow (and with with their hot  boyfriends  who are usually flattered) and not getting a hell of a lot done.

         I am a bad boy who is  so no longer a boy.

      9:18 pm | February 4, 2013
  • mimi

    But aren’t we all “bad” boys and girls at the heart. I love shocking my kids and grandkids with stories about me in my younger days. I showed them a picture of me (at about 19) driving a motorcycle in a bikini. No helmet, no shoes, just the bikini. Talk about stupid! But it was fun and showed them that I wasn’t born ancient.

    9:16 am | February 5, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Mimi…you’re not that bad.  A really bad girl would have been wearing high heels on the cycle. 

      6:30 pm | February 5, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Haunted Lady

    Just keep writing your posts here and after a while, put them together in a book. A collection of essays in the tradition of Emerson and Thoreau. It could be a new tradition of Wow.

    11:43 am | February 5, 2013
  • Lucy

    Dear Mr. WoW,
    You seem……happier this year. Was it a New Year’s resolution or did you just figure, things couldn’t get much worse than they were last year? I think a LOT of folks were thinking that.
    I like how honest you are in your posts. The thing  most people don’t take into consideration, is that when kids are going through all this stuff – that is what is “normal” to them at the time. They  are living it. Not looking back or forward, just being in it. It eventually shapes us into who we are now, but at the time it feels normal to us because we don’t have anything much to compare it to. Everything that happens seems monumental because it’s the “first” time it has happened.
     I remember reading about Jaycee Duggard, who had been held captive by that lunatic since she was a young girl. He used her as a sex slave. She said she wasn’t depressed every day because she just thought that was the way life was. Thank God when people are in survival mode they are not thinking about much else.  That baggage comes later, unfortunately. 
    As for the afterlife. Here’s what I think. The greatest thinkers of all time – way smarter than me or you – have pondered this question and have not come up with an answer….so, obviously, no one knows what is in store for us. Since no one knows, why not take a chance on believing something else exists. All that can happen is you “may” be wrong. But better to live with the hope of something and “maybe” finding out it is true, than believing in – nothingness.     
    The older I get, the more I see patterns and complexities that reinforce my belief that there IS more to life than just this.
    Happy New Year. Glad you are posting so much         

    5:54 pm | February 6, 2013
  • Nicety Gridlock

    Good posts by DanS – most interesting thoughts.

    1:52 am | February 7, 2013
  • mimi

    Yes, DanS, I know that I’ve done some thinking in the past couple of days. For me, I think we continue. At the very least we continue in the hearts of those who have known and loved us on earth. But our atoms continue even when the rest of us does not – even if all we are doing is nurturing the grass above us.

    6:54 am | February 7, 2013
  • Rho

    We are getting a snowstorm, anyone else?

    2:28 pm | February 7, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Rho…supposedly 23 inches.


      And snow. 

      5:12 pm | February 7, 2013
      • TheRudeDog

        Rim-shot  🙂

        11:07 am | February 9, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Haunted Lady

    Fingers crossed for everyone in New England and the East Coast areas nearby. The forecast is for a doozy of a snow storm and I’m hoping you will all come through with little or no problem.

    4:13 pm | February 7, 2013
  • Rho

    Here in NYC they now say maybe 8 inches.  Right now it’s only sleet and rain.

    9:34 am | February 8, 2013
  • Rho

    By the way, why do I have to keep typing in my name and email addy?


    12:52 pm | February 8, 2013
    • Rho, are you logged in?  Look under the “Meta” section in the sidebar on the right.

      6:30 pm | February 8, 2013
  • OK, so – Grammys on Sunday.  Will be interested to hear Mr. Wow’s take on the artists / performances… and will there be wardrobe violations per the memo that was sent out, demanding pretty explicitly that performers keep certain THINGS covered up?  Prudish, as some in the press are saying, just trying to restore a little class, or are they afraid of getting whopped with a fine in case of a wardrobe malfunction…?

    6:33 pm | February 8, 2013
  • mimi

    Ohio is having rain. Looking forward to the Grammy’s. Lila, my vote is Door #3 (the fines) 😉

    6:48 pm | February 8, 2013
  • Rho

    Nope Lila, it’s not working.  It says I have no password.  Not sure what happened.


    9:29 am | February 9, 2013
  • Rho

    I had to reregister.

    9:42 am | February 9, 2013
  • Rho

    It still doesn’t know me, oy vey.  Anyway, we had about 8 inches.  Have to clean the car off. 


    10:29 am | February 9, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Haunted Lady

    How is everyone in New England and the East Coast doing? Are you OK? Mr. W and B, are you OK?

    10:59 am | February 9, 2013
  • Rho

    Finally it knows me.  I am okay, will be in the rest of the day.  Hope Mr. Wow and B are okay too.


    11:13 am | February 9, 2013
  • lulu

    Woke up this morning to sunshine in California.  Turned on CNN and looked at all the snow and decided I would pretend I was snowed in and take the day to work on the book am I writing and catch up on the long to do list that I have ignored for weeks.

    Can hardly wait to hear Mr. Wow’s comments about The Grammys, as well as all of us loyal followers.

    If I was in New York City I would have gotten up early, headed to Central Park and made a angel in the snow.


    2:35 pm | February 9, 2013
    • TheRudeDog

      Hi, Lulu!  You know Westminster’s coming up this Tuesday, right?  I wonder how severely this weather will affect dogs flying in/out. 

      3:26 pm | February 9, 2013
      • lulu

        How is my favorite ‘dog’????  Miss you sitting on my lap.  I will be glued to the tv watching. Heard all the airports are open in NY now, so hope everyone will be able to get there to show their fabulous dogs.  We need to plan another trip with Lila and the gang soon!!!


        4:56 pm | February 9, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Lulu—to be perfectly honest, I  basically skipped The Grammys for “Downton Abbey.”    I did see certain Grammy moments–none one of them thrilling.

      I’m much more excited about the Oscar telecast.  Not only Streisand, but Shirley Bassey, belting out “Goldfinger” in the tribute to Bond films.  (This is a woman who has really taken care of her instrument.)

      Yeah, I know I should say divoon things about Adele–also an Oscar performer–but she doesn’t ring my bell, despite the power of her voice.  So much singing today is kind of elevated yodeling.  Hard to understand the lyrics.   And of course, when Adele speaks, we need subtitles.  

      Jennifer Lopez.  I will say no more.   
      3:01 pm | February 11, 2013
      • BabySnooks

        I suspect many in this country don’t remember Shirley Bassey.  But after the Oscars I bet no one will ever forget her. 

        7:16 pm | February 12, 2013
        • Avatar photo
          Mr. Wow

          Dear Baby…I bet Miss Streisand is regretting her decision to perform.  Bassey is rarely seen here, and tho a star of an earlier time, Shirley’s  rendition of “Goldfinger” remains classic and glued into the heads of anybody, of any age, who has seen the movie.  

          I can’t wait.   
          2:00 pm | February 14, 2013
  • TheRudeDog

    We’re both doing well!   I’m up for another trip with The Group any time, especially now that a lot of our members are house-bound.

    I was at Westminster in 1996, when the Clumber won, and it (along with the whole NYC-thing) was one of the best experiences of my life.  Back in the staging area … dogs as far as the eye could see.  Heaven!

    5:06 pm | February 9, 2013
    • lulu

      First night of Westminister Kennel Club show was wonderful!  So many dogs showing off their best.  I can hardly wait for tonight.  Putting going to the show on my ‘bucket list’.

      9:41 am | February 12, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    I also skipped Grammy for Downton. Last night’s episode was a lot of fun – too bad season 3 ends next week.

    9:27 pm | February 11, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    P.S. Mr. Wow, 
    Do you think the writers were foreshadowing something horrible for Matthew & Mary with the “Don’t worry, we’ll have plenty of babies.” speech?

    2:50 pm | February 12, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Dr.Sugar…


      Aaaahhh…I don’t see Matthew and Mary fated to be mated forever.  Pity.  I adore her character. She’s icy and warm, aristocratic and down to earth. Dry, and emotional.    And he was okay before he grew three chins. 

      12:02 am | February 14, 2013
      • Avatar photo
        Haunted Lady

        I found out what happens but shan’t tell you. It will be dramatic, though.

        And a very happy Valentine’s Day to you and B.

        2:15 pm | February 14, 2013
  • Rho

    Hi all, we are in for more snow tomorrow.  Anyone else?  I used to like it, not anymore. lol

    2:51 pm | February 12, 2013
  • rick gould

    Mr. W-I won’t nag you for the umpteenth time about what you should do with your wonderful writing ; )
    I will just wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day (And B. as well)
    Lots of Love,Rick

    7:12 am | February 14, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Rick…oh, go ahead and nag.  Someday, something will get through!

      And a happy V-Day to you. too.  Cuddle up a little closer.  
      2:03 pm | February 14, 2013
  • Rho

    Happy Valentine’s Day, Mr. Wow.  B too, of course.

    11:38 am | February 14, 2013
  • Happy Valentine’s Day to Mr. Wow and B.!

    11:46 am | February 14, 2013
  • rick gould
    12:03 pm | February 14, 2013
  • lulu

    Happy Valentines to Everyone here on Mr Wow Blog!!!!

    3:24 pm | February 14, 2013
  • mimi

    Oh yes, Happy Valentines Day to all. Love you all. I wish everyone a great day with their favorite Valentine. 

    7:35 pm | February 14, 2013
  • rick gould

    Hey Mr. W–Have you been watching TCM’s 31 Days of Oscar? I much prefer it to the actual awards show! Here’s a lil something I posted on FB regarding “Citizen Kane.”
    Watched “Citizen Kane” last night. Hadn’t seen it in years. Fascinating, for sure. But seems more like a stunt than a movie.
    Random thoughts:
    Xanadu was in Florida, but looked more like Transylvania!
    My sister and I instantly agreed that Welles voice sounded just like “Frasier” ; )
    The actress playing Kane’s untalented second wife was actually an untalented actress….screeeeeeechy… “CHA-lie! CHA-lie!”
    Agnes Moorehead was more frightening as Kane’s mother than she was on Bewitched!
    Still, pretty bold film making and ballsy of Welles to take on William Randolph Hearst for his first movie…

    8:41 am | February 16, 2013
  • mimi

    Dear Rick, today I’m watching the musicals. I love the sometimes silly stories threading the songs together. It is nice for me to listen to music where I can understand the words, everything is on key, and there is no profanity. I’m musically challenged (could never sing even before the paralyzed vocal cord) and do not play any musical instruments. Life is sure good sometimes..

    3:58 pm | February 16, 2013
  • Rho

    I am watching TCM all day.

    7:20 pm | February 16, 2013
  • rick gould

    Well, Sunday continues with MGM movies, and Elizabeth Taylor will be well-represented with afternoon thriple feature of Father of the Bride, Cat/Hot Tin Roof, and Butterfield 8.
    That said, Helena Bonham Carter as Elizabeth Taylor for BBC. Really? Even if she is playing ET just prior to hitting Betty Ford, barf. Since they can’t find a beautiful actress to play Liz, my vote goes to Irish actor Cillian Murphy, who has a lovely face and huge blue eyes!

    9:14 pm | February 16, 2013
  • rick gould

    My joke after watching Gone With the Wind the other night: Was there any character in the movie that Scarlett DIDN’T slap?!

    9:16 pm | February 16, 2013
  • mimi

    Dear Rick, I haven’t seen GWTW in a while, but I do remember Scarlett slapped everybody!

    9:40 pm | February 16, 2013
  • Rho

    Hope everyone is okay today, Mr. Wow?

    8:34 pm | February 17, 2013
  • rick gould

    Downton Abbey season finale tonight!

    8:44 pm | February 17, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    Sayonara Matthew. 
    (I saw that coming down Broadway…)

    3:06 am | February 18, 2013
  • rick gould

    Downton doesn’t have a problem putting characters 6 feet under!

    9:03 am | February 18, 2013
  • Rho

    Hi all, I never watched Downtown, there must be something on I like to watch at that time.


    4:42 pm | February 19, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    You can watch it for free on the PBS website. (It’s so much fun.)

    10:00 pm | February 19, 2013
  • bigred52

    HAPPY 61st BIRTHDAY TO ME!!  (Feb 21)

    3:08 pm | February 20, 2013
    • Big Red, YES!  Happy b’day.

      1:29 am | February 21, 2013
      • bigred52

        Thank you for the cake!

        9:07 am | February 21, 2013
  • mimi

    Dear Bigred52, Happy Birthday to you, dear friend. (Might I call you Big, or Red in subsequent posts?) Love, Mimi

    4:24 pm | February 20, 2013
    • bigred52

      Thanks, Mimi.  Red will be fine (even though it’s mostly gray now)

      9:09 am | February 21, 2013
  • Rho

    Happy Birthday bigred52, many more.

    9:44 am | February 21, 2013
  • KEMH

    Happy birthday, BigRed52!!

    1:58 pm | February 21, 2013
    • BabySnooks

      I missed your birthday. But then I miss mine too. On purpose.  I will be 60 in a couple of days. I guess the fact I made it to 60 is a miracle. I guess the fact I made it to 50 was a miracle.  But I hope you had a wonderful birthday. I hope I forget mine!

      8:09 pm | February 26, 2013
  • mimi

    Dear Red,
    I am afraid dear friend that you are the same age as my younger brother. In other words, still a kid. Even if it’s mostly gray. I live in Columbus where we wear scarlet & gray, bleed scarlet & gray, and the hospitals even have those awful gowns in scarlet & gray. You would fit right in. (We also know how to spell O-H-I-O) and frequently do, especially when drinking. 
    Love, Mimi

    5:31 pm | February 21, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    Thought Mr. Wow and all his friends might enjoy this:
    Elizabeth Taylor’s jewelry collection displayed for first time

    • Last Updated: 4:23 PM, February 20, 2013
    • Posted: 4:20 PM, February 20, 2013

    Elizabeth Taylor’s stunning jewelry collection was on display for the first time at a glittering exhibition in Beverly Hills last night.

    Guests were invited to view an eight-piece collection of Bulgari jewels that originally belonged to the screen icon.

    Julianne Moore wore baubles that were given to Taylor by Richard Burton as a wedding gift.

    “It’s such a beautiful, exquisite piece,” said Moore of the stunning necklace set with sixteen emeralds. “These pieces, while being spectacular, also have a great story. A love story. They’re all pieces given to her by her husband.”

GettyDrew Barrymore
GettyJulianne Moore

    Drew Barrymore, in a sparkling pink gold necklace, said, “As a woman you just want to see what her and Richard Burton curated through their lives, What did he buy her? What did she pick on her own? You kind of feel like you’re vicariously living through it.”

    Kirsten Dunst, Kate Walsh, Marisa Tomei, Paul Haggis, Princess Patricia Ruspoli, Prince Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, Princess Clotilde Courau and many more celebrity guests stopped by.

    The exhibition will be on display through March 10 at the Bulgari store in Beverly Hills.

    9:27 pm | February 21, 2013
  • mimi

    Okay, gang, Now that BigRed’s birthday is over – we’re on to the Oscars.. I’ve gone to an Oscar party for many years and then used the calming down time to read through the blog. This year, I am not going to the Oscar party except for this one. What time, what station, dress code (are my comfy flannel pj’s okay? or do I need to start looking for a boa), and so on. Please help. I have always wanted to do this – but when you’ve watched the Oscars with the same group for many years it’s hard to miss. I’m so excited. Is the pre-show (which I never get to watch due to drive time) on a different network than the actual show?

    10:57 am | February 22, 2013
  • rick gould

    Well, Mr. WoW–I haven’t watched the Oscars since Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin hosted…but I will be thinking of you tomorrow ; )
    I will be watching either “Tootsie” on TCM tomorrow eve or “Ryan’s Daughter” from NetFlix!
    Cheers to you all, whatever you watch…and I hope you are fine, Mr. W.

    10:33 am | February 23, 2013
  • lulu

    I am thinking of wearing my black sweats with my good jewelry…a combination of comfortable yet glamourous.  ABC will have their pre-show that fades directly into the Oscars.  “E” normally has one as well, but haven’t checked to see this year.

    A belated Happy Birthday to BigRed!!!

    The month of February has been beyond hectic, so have followed all the blogging but rarely time to comment.  Promised myself that the last six days of the month and the rest of the year will be calmer…

    Hugs to all


    11:04 am | February 23, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Let’s see…happy belated birthday to BigRed…I hope everybody out there is healthy…nobody but Elizabeth Taylor should wear  her jewels…and I’ll be watching Oscar tonight with you all.  Or at  least those of you who bother to watch.   Some people just watch the red carpet coverage and skip the show.  Not always a bad idea.


    I’ll try to keep my bitchy comments to a minimum.   We’ll see how that works out.

    3:33 pm | February 24, 2013
    • rick gould

      I’m watching “Tootsie” on TCM…but have my lap top and I am glad that Mr. W had come out to offer his Oscar commentary…along with his fans here…have fun! Hugs,Will check your comments while watching Dustin, Jessica and co.Rick

      8:32 pm | February 24, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Oh, I’m puking already…On E! the red carpet “fashion  experts” are eating up air-time speculating on what they’d “like” the stars to wear.  Jennifer Lawrence has looked “good but not mesmerizing” this awards season, and “we expect mesmerizing from her.”


    It’s gonna be a looonnngggg night.

    5:26 pm | February 24, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    I think I’ve spotted the star of the night–already.  One of Wolfgang Puck’s little helpers, holding a tray of pre-show delicacies.   Very cute.  What more can one reasonably expect from a night like this–a boy, food and a bottle of tequila?  (He looks too young to drink however.)


    5:51 pm | February 24, 2013
  • lulu

    lol….Mr. Wow   So far like Amy Adams dress. Keep putting sound on mute to avoid the red carpet experts who can’t talking, so annoying!!

    6:38 pm | February 24, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Lulu–yes, the so-called fashion experts are awful.  But nothing is worse than the pompous, obnoxious Piers Morgan.

      6:59 pm | February 24, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Amy Adams–messy coiffure, drab dress…

    Reeese Witherspoon in Louis Vuitton.  Yes, she looks like blonde luggage.

    Channing Tatum–getting beefy, older–a long way from his lean modeling/stripping days.

    Jennifer Lawrence–finally, somebody who looks like a movie star. (it is utterly ridiculous to attempt glamour in the blazing afternoon sun.)

    Jessica Chastain–Jessica Rabbit?

    Dreading the “Les Miz” on-stage medley.  Wasn’t suffering through the movie enough?   (Eddie Redmayne is sweet, but not sweet enough for any more of that dreadful music.)


    6:56 pm | February 24, 2013
  • lulu

    Well what about Tabatha Coffey??? someone dressed her who doesn’t like her at all

    Brandi Glanville – Pleeezzzeee – stay home

    Robin Roberts – not a movie star but she looked wonderful

    Kristin Chenoweth – what is with the hair???

    The mute button solves the “Les Miz” medley

    oh and also martinis or tequila helps a lot as well




    7:00 pm | February 24, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Catherine Zeta-Jones–now, there’s woman who can look glam in daylight.  Lot’s of great work, but if I could afford it, I’d be at her plastic surgeon’s office myself, right this second.

    7:03 pm | February 24, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Best hair so far–Melissa McCarthy! 

    7:04 pm | February 24, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Charlize Theron–wow!  (And she’s a divine, earthy girl.  I’ve seen her eat!)

    7:07 pm | February 24, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Miss Zeta-Jones is confident–she even offered up her hand for E!’s ridiculous “mani-cam.”    These faces in hi-def are bad enough, but hands?

    7:15 pm | February 24, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Jane Fonda–fabulous, but frozen to the max! 

    7:19 pm | February 24, 2013
  • lulu

    hands and necks always age giveaways


    7:20 pm | February 24, 2013
    • rick gould

      I just checked out Jane on Zimbio photos…WTF?Why has she opted for so much surgery at this late date in semi-retired career?And of course, aside from the frozen face, they showed closeups of her hands and bared back…

      8:47 pm | February 24, 2013
      • Avatar photo
        Mr. Wow

        Rick–and to think Jane once told Marilyn Monroe how much she (Jane) was looking forward to having the lined, interesting face of a character actress in time.  Marilyn cried, “no, no–it can’t happen to me!”

        I guess it didn’t happen to Jane, either.

        9:02 pm | February 24, 2013
        • BabySnooks

          I will say at least it hasn’t altered her features but just the same there’s something surreal about her at this point. She resembles herself 40 years ago. Is it Jane or Madame Tussaud’s?

          9:52 am | February 25, 2013
  • mimi

    Definitely needing the margarita so far. I think I should be happy that I always miss the pre-show. I’ve switched over to ABC. So far Robin Roberts and Charlize Theron making me happiest. Kristin Chenowith has been the most annoying.

    7:54 pm | February 24, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Chenowith looks like a bird of prey who hasn’t preyed on anything in years.


    Charlize is a goddess.

    8:13 pm | February 24, 2013
  • lulu

    Chenowith driving me crazy so made a double pitcher of martinis


    8:26 pm | February 24, 2013
  • lulu

    horrible opening

    8:49 pm | February 24, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Well!  I found all of that quite amusing. 

    Although I would have preferred to see Tommy Lee Jones win.

    8:54 pm | February 24, 2013
  • Mimi

    Lulu, so right about the opening. Worst one I’ve ever seen.

    8:56 pm | February 24, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      I don’t know–maybe my meds are making me too happy?    I liked the opening.

      Now–Brad Pitt’s Chanel commercial.  Nothing could be as funny as that. We can’t expect that level of humor from an Oscar telecast.

      9:17 pm | February 24, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Melissa is rocking a 1978 Mrs. John Warner look.    I like it.

    8:58 pm | February 24, 2013
  • lulu

    she is

    9:19 pm | February 24, 2013
  • lulu

    now that was sensational!!!! Shirley


    9:29 pm | February 24, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Okay!!!  I thought she might not still have it, but Shirley Bassey just belted out a giant  “beat that, Barbra and Adele!”   She knew how to save it up for that big last note–Judy Garland wasn’t Bassey’s idol for nuttin’.

    9:32 pm | February 24, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Oh, dear—Jennifer and Jessica.  Somehow, each is bringing out the other’s worst features.    This pairing wasn’t a great idea.

    9:51 pm | February 24, 2013
  • lulu

    holy cow….Catherine still has it!!!

    9:56 pm | February 24, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Wow–the Tony Awards are great tonight. 

    10:01 pm | February 24, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Poor Jennifer Hudson.  One role, one song, one note.  Like Jennifer Holiday before her, “Dreamgirls” Effie gives one present–named Tony or Oscar, and then nothing else.

    But maybe with her re-shaped shape, Hudson is hoping Hollywood will give her another chance.

    10:06 pm | February 24, 2013
  • lulu

    lol…that they are…loving it….Jennifer sang her heart out and now Les Mis….Think we are having a party of four, you and B, me and J. but loving it….  











    10:09 pm | February 24, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Remember Lulu…we still have Miss Streisand.

      10:15 pm | February 24, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    Shirley Bassey has stolen this show.  (I miss Alan Carr, Snow White and the dancing waiters.)

    10:11 pm | February 24, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Dear Dr. Sugar…I have never understood the hate for the Snow White number.  It wasn’t supposed to be “An American In Paris.”

    Hollywood is vulgar.  The Oscars are vulgar.  Or at least, they should be. Within reason.

    10:18 pm | February 24, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    Weird that Streisand is there on a night they have a tie. When she won for “Funny Girl” it was a tie (with Katherine Hepburn). Ties for Academy Awards are incredibly rare – odd that she’s there.

    10:22 pm | February 24, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Well, not that odd.  It wasn’t an acting or Best Picture tie.   It’s simply odd she’s there at all.  I wonder how they got her inside the theater?  She didn’t walk the red carpet and chat with Ryan Seacrest.  Surprise!

      10:34 pm | February 24, 2013
      • BabySnooks

        She should lower herself to walk the red carpet? I doubt anyone expected her to.  She’s the diva of divas. So I suspect she came in through a back door. Probably delivered along with the booze by the caterers. Anything to avoid appearing in front of the masses and having to smile and wave and be pleasant. And human. As for her voice, well, maybe she should have taken up lypsynching. As we get older our voice deepens. Worked well for Shirley Bassey. Not so well for Streisand.

        11:57 am | February 26, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Well, I guess we had to expect Miss Hathaway.  I’m sure her ex, the Vatican con-man is thrilled for her too. (Stop that–she knew nothing about it–she was just a young girl in love! )

    10:28 pm | February 24, 2013
  • lulu

    without the music holding it together…





    10:40 pm | February 24, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Adele has a beautiful voice, but she doesn’t “involve” me.  Maybe I’m too old to appreciate her fully.   I’m not too old to appreciate that she always applies a perfect paint job. 

    10:41 pm | February 24, 2013
  • lulu

    she is promoting herself and a new movie my best guest…hey I worked with her years ago as a consultant to her business manager Marty…she does nothing that doesn’t promote herself…we did have fun though….

    10:44 pm | February 24, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      I guess she’s going to try and convince the industry (and us) that she can still play Mama Rose in “Gypsy.”

      10:57 pm | February 24, 2013
  • lulu

    lol…Adele does paint herself well and she is thinner…give her tons of credit for that


    10:46 pm | February 24, 2013
  • lulu

    that was a surprise!!! he always told her sing softly

    11:06 pm | February 24, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    The way we were.  Time’s a bitch.  Looked good (very worked on) sounded brittle.  Not much left.   Still she’s a star.

    11:09 pm | February 24, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    NASA just announced they can see Quentin Tarantino’s ego from space.

    11:30 pm | February 24, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Good grief, Jane. 

    11:40 pm | February 24, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Finally, a movie star–Michelle Obama!

    11:57 pm | February 24, 2013
  • lulu

    night all…this was fun


    12:28 am | February 25, 2013
  • BabySnooks

    This was the first year in a long time that I’ve watched but then I only watched because I wanted to see the “50 Years of Bond” tribute which didn’t feature any of the Bonds, they all apparently got their noses out of joint about one thing or another, but who the hell needed them after Shirley Bassey proved that one can get old and still belt it out. I’d like to see Barbra Streisand pull off that “Golddddddddddddfinggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.” Or Adele for that matter. 


    The real low point was Michelle Obama. She has nothing to do with the film industry but then I guess at this point the Oscars don’t either. I watched. But I was reminded of why I usually don’t. And will remember that next year.

    9:59 am | February 25, 2013
  • BabySnooks

    This is from the 2002 BAFTA “James Bond” tribute. Which was a real tribute. Not the silliness they called a tribute last night. I kept thinking she would come back last night and sing “Diamonds Are Forever”  and then all the spoiled little brats would appear on stage with her. But it was not to be. But at least we had her.

    1:06 pm | February 25, 2013
  • rick gould

    From what clips I saw, aside from some nifty diva moments, it seemed like another throw in everything but the kitchen sink and see what works…
    Everyone bitches about how long the Oscars are, so what do they do? Throw in more song and dance numbers, tributes, and an endless opening…
    Did Bob Hope or Johnny Carson ever get 20 minutes to open the show?Why did Marvin Hamlisch basically get his own “In Memorium” courtesy of Babs’ musical tribute?As awesome as Shirley Bassey was…a James Bond tribute? To a franchise that is basically the same movie over and over… I can see performing songs from this year, but bringing out Catherine Zeta Jones to sing from a movie over a decade ago?It’s just all so idiotic that I am content just to sift through the rubble the next day via Google News and You Tube!

    2:07 pm | February 25, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Rick…

      Because that’s the way La Babs wanted it–or, that’s the way those two tired Broadway queen producers offered it–“you’ll be alone in spotlight, so sincere.  Nah, not at all true Shirley Bassey is coming in.  You’re the star of the night.”

      Probably said the same thing to Bassey, and she said, “Please no bullshit.  I can still sing.”


      3:04 pm | February 25, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    She’s baack…
    Lindsay Lohan To Guest Star On Charlie Sheen’s FX Series ‘Anger Management’By NELLIE ANDREEVA | Monday February 25, 2013 @ 9:02am PSTTags: Anger ManagementCharlie SheenLindsay LohanNellie Andreeva

    Charlie Sheen helped Lindsay Lohan pay off her IRS debt with a $100,000 check. Now the troubled actress will appear on his FX comedy series Anger Management. In her first TV gig since her universally panned starring turn in the Lifetime movie Liz & Dick, Lohan has signed on to guest star as herself in an upcoming episode of Anger Management slated to air in April. In the episode, Lohan develops a romantic relationship with Sheen’s character after becoming his therapy patient. The casting reunites the two actors who also co-star together in the upcoming Scary Movie 5 (photo on right) and appears to be a publicity stunt for the film, which also debuts in April. Currently in production on a 90-episode back order, Anger Management, produced by Lionsgate TV and distributed by Debmar-Mercury, airs Thursdays at 9:30 PM.

    2:40 pm | February 25, 2013
    • BabySnooks

      Well if Anger Management is cancelled they can do a new show together. Call it “Tales from the Dark Side.”  I am just really over some people. Those two in particular. 

      8:11 pm | February 26, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Haunted Lady

    Well, the Oscars remain an overdone omelet but it’s only once a year. Once a year to roll in the tacky, tawdry, self-congratulatory muck. It’s just for fun, anyway. I was very happy for Jennifer Lawrence. She is truly a gifted actress and I hope this doesn’t have a negative impact on her career. She looked wonderful. So did most of the others like Charlize Theron, Catherine Zeta-Jones (incredible woman!), and so on. I loved Michelle Obama taking part in the celebration, especially considering there’s little or no political capital to be gleaned from her brief appearance. I have to admit that I miss Bob Hope and Johnnie Carson. They had so much more panache than anyone else who has hosted. Well, it’s done until next year.

    Happy belated birthday, Red, you young thing you. I wish you many more and I apologize for being so tardy.

    Mr. W, I’m glad you’re alive and kicking. Say hello to B.

    Lindsay who? Charlie who?

    6:01 pm | February 25, 2013
    • bigred52

      Thank you, HL

      2:55 pm | February 26, 2013
      • TheRudeDog

        Mr. Red:  Were I to holler, “GO, Big Red!!!” at you, what University would you think I was referring to?  (Sorry about that preposition; I’m tired.)  If you’re a college football fan, you know how important this is!

        4:37 pm | February 26, 2013
        • bigred52

          Sorry, sports are a complete mystery and of non-interest.

          4:23 pm | February 27, 2013
  • DanS

    I’m a fan of Seth MacFarlane, but that didn’t stir enough interest for me to watch the Oscars. At some point, I turned the TV on and it was just in time to hear him make a cheap gay joke. Without really pondering it, I flipped over to Netflix and watched some ridiculous horror movie.

    I read an article this morning that suggested that there was a meta comedy choice happening and that Seth MacFarlane was playing a charicature of himself – the crass, thoughtless goofball that could create a show like Family Guy.

    On a small side-note, has anybody here experienced Internet dating? I have just recently fumbled into it and it’s been… interesting. I can’t decide if it’s been a good experience or not.

    8:07 am | February 26, 2013
    • TheRudeDog

      Aaaaaannnnnndddddd, I get pulled back in — couldn’t resist this one!

      Mr. RDog and I “met” 15 years ago in a Fleetwood Mac chatroom – him in SoCal and me in Denver – one thing lead to another, first via e-mail, then phone, and we’ll have been married 14 years this September.

      I’m a sucker for proper punctuation, good grammar, spot-on spelling and elegant sentence-construction…what can I say?  🙂 

      10:35 am | February 26, 2013
      • DanS

        I really wanted to write a sentence that was riddled with Fleetwood Mac song title references, but the humor was a bit too on-the-nose. In times past, I have met a couple of people in real life that I initially met on the Internet. In a nerdy surprise-twist, I met them in sci/fi related chat boards. And nothing really came of them.

        This is my first time meeting people through a site that specifically exists for dating. When you start chatting with someone, it’s the ultimate goal to see if they want to go on a real life date. It’s not so much about a blossoming friendship, or letting things naturally happen. It’s more like “you want to date, I want to date, we both seem like decent people – let’s go on a date”. There is a meat market quality to it that I’m not completely comfortable with.

        There’s a nice bow to put on this though: The gal I’m going on a date with on Friday first wrote to me to compliment my punctuation.

        2:47 pm | February 26, 2013
        • TheRudeDog

          Well, it’s a good thing you stopped yourself — I just cannot tolerate LaNicks/her voice/her lyrics/everything!  So I guess that’s the “work” part of marriage that Affleck was referring to during his Oscar speech!  At least Mr. RDog doesn’t make me listen to her.  🙂

          I was wondering if you were going to comment any more on the “dating” part, and I see the distinction you made — Mr. RDog and I didn’t “date” online, we just “met.”  Frankly, what with all the Catfish crap that’s been going on for probably a lot longer than I’m aware, I don’t know if I’d have nerve (confidence?) enough to do it.  But good luck on Friday — anyone who’s even aware of proper punctuation is worth a shot!!


          4:33 pm | February 26, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Dan…


      Dan– I am of a great age and have never experienced Internet dating.  And even if, God forbid–something should happen to B,, and I am alone, that won’t be my path.


      I’d mourn by going out and getting inappropriately drunk with inappropriate people.   And pretty soon I’d be a  sad sordid NY Post story.   But, for others it seems sometimes to work out.  Or at least work out as well as the good old days of meeting people face to face.   Which means strikeout most of the time.

      7:09 pm | February 26, 2013
      • DanS

        Two weeks ago, the idea of online dating was one that I had never taken seriously. Had anybody asked, I would’ve said it wasn’t going to happen. Then that weekend, there was a point where I found myself drunk and sitting home alone. Curious to see if there was anybody nearby looking for a date, looking online seemed like a brilliant idea. To be able to view people, I had to hammer out a profile of my own, which was a hot mess that only I could have written (and had the balls to write) while buzzing off my ass. But, apparently, my punctuation didn’t suffer. I didn’t even add a picture. It was just a reason to look at local girls that were probably just as pathetic as I was.
        Then during the week, I get an e-mail saying someone sent me a message. After a fair amount of small talk and banter, I was thinking “Wait – this is really happening. Now what?” Pictures and first names were exchanged and I reached a point where I was like “Oh, crap – I guess I should act like we met on a dating site and ask for a date.” It’s all been this weird snowball effect that seems only marginally in my hands. The girl seems nice and we’ve gotten along great in the non-face-to-face realm, but who knows if that carries over into the real world.
        But I am paranoid by nature and will be convinced that I’m in a catfish situation until she and I meet face to face.

        7:44 pm | February 26, 2013
        • Avatar photo
          Mr. Wow

          Dear Dan…


          Just forge ahead, you’ll know soon enough know the deal–you like, don’t like,  she doesn’t, she does…You’re pretty smart.  Maybe it’ll just be random senseless sex.   Which of course, I know is not what you are looking for.  You’re not me.  If I was single and searching.   My searches would be shallow. 

          9:31 pm | February 26, 2013
          • DanS

            You’re right – I’m not out there seeking random, senseless sex, but if it comes searching for me…

            If you feel shallow, you should poke around the Internet dating world: What you’ll discover is that, in comparison with everyone else out there, you’re not as shallow as you think you are. It’s like a factory farm version of dating. There’s no magic, no charm, no romance – it’s a numbers game: You have a bunch of dates with the most attractive people you can score and you hope it will work out with one of them, and that’s best case scenario.

            Unless you’re on Grindr: Then it’s even more shallow. My friend is on the site to see if he can hook himself a nice boyfriend, but it’s mostly closeted buff guys who want to find other closeted buff guys for that random, senseless sex you alluded to.

            FROM MR WOW—Grindr! I don’t get it. At all. And I’ve sat w friends while they used it. And excused themselves to go down the block. I mean, I was a big slut in my day, but…it seemed more natural. Nothing like picking people up off the street.

            9:10 am | February 27, 2013
      • BabySnooks

        I tried the internet thingey and attracted not one but two psychos.  One was a “poser” who is in the witness protection program. And the other is a prominent attorney.  Stalking is just a strange form of love I suppose. For psychos. 

        If you find yourself alone, well, we will just all move to Hoboken and start our own commune.  Call it the Wow Club.

        8:04 pm | February 26, 2013
        • Avatar photo
          Mr. Wow

          Dear Baby–How about Club Wow?    


          I’ll clean this place up, light a few candles and get out my old caftans (Yeah, decades ago in honor of Miss T, I bought a few and would throw parties so dressed.  Of course, ten drinks later I was in MM mode–naked with scarves.  Ah, the way we were.)


          9:35 pm | February 26, 2013
        • DanS

          I have a couple of female friends who have delved into the world of Internet dating and they have some absolute horror stories. I feel like the experience in general is just way more worse for women than men. The best case scenario is that you’ll just get some sexually explicit messages sent your way and the worst case scenarios, you’ll find yourself on a date where you’ve taken account of where the exits are and what nearby objects can double as defensive weapons. This woman I’m meeting on Friday says that on her last date, things went such that she secretly texted a couple of friends who came and met her at the date to make sure she got out of there safe. Unsurprisingly, she’s being very cautious with me, which seems reasonable.

          9:26 am | February 27, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    Oscars 2013: ‘Skyfall,’ ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ Share Sound Editing Award in a Rare Tie
    7:32 PM PST 2/24/2013 by Seth Abramovitch
    It’s only the sixth such incident in Academy Awards history.When it comes to the Oscars, there are surprises — and then there are big surprises. A tie in the sound editing category, only the sixth in Academy Awards history, certainly qualified as the latter.

    It was so unexpected, in fact, that Mark Wahlberg, who announced the winners, had to add, “No B.S.,” so the audience wouldn’t think it was yet another prepared bit.The winners were Paul N.J. Ottosson for Zero Dark Thirty, andPer Hallberg and Karen Baker Landers for Skyfall.Shortly after accepting his Oscar, Ottosson told reporters backstage that he foresaw the incident.”Just before our category came up another fellow nominee sat next to me and I said, ‘What if there’s a tie, what would they do?’ and then we got a tie,” Ottosson said. “It’s quite extraordinary.”Hallberg said he was happy to become a bit of Oscars trivia.”Any time that you get involved in some kind of history making, that would be good,” he said. “Paul is also a very good friend of ours. … We could have shared this with any one of them it would have felt quite right.” Added Landers, “Any time you win an Oscar it feels good, no matter how you win it.”This was only the sixth tie in Academy Awards history. The most famous was back in 1968, whenKatharine Hepburn and Barbra Streisand shared the best actress award for their work in A Lion in Winter and Funny Girl, respectively.The first tie was back in 1932, when Wallace Beery and Frederic March both won best actor, for The Champ and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.There were also ties in 1949 for documentary short subject, in 1986 for documentary feature and 1994 for live-action short.

    11:33 am | February 26, 2013
  • rick gould

    Today would be Elizabeth Taylor’s birthday, which makes me think of Mr. WoW…And makes me realize that all my favorite stars are dead, which is why I don’t watch the Oscars.

    7:15 am | February 27, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Rick…

      “And the nominees for Best picture are…”


      I’ll never forget the ’70 Oscar cast.  She was so upset that Richard had lost.   And I don’t want to imagine what happened later that night, when  they took off the paint, unhooked the corsets, and the Burton bitterness flowed.   I always think of that night as the real beginning of the end of their marriage. 

      8:12 pm | February 27, 2013
  • BabySnooks

    The only woman on earth who could go from a size 2 at breakfast to a size 20 at dinner and still look elegant no matter what size she was wearing.  Her “casual look” was jeans and a T-shirt and $20,000 worth of gold chains from Bulgari. Her “Earth Mother” look. 

    6:50 pm | February 27, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      OMG–the first time I saw her she was slim, in jeans and a tight tee-shirt.  Covered with real and faux jewels.   It was fantastic.  And, she was not heavily made-up.  I could see her freckles.  

      7:52 pm | February 27, 2013
      • BabySnooks

        I don’t know why but I always think of the final scene in “Night Watch” in terms of the “elegance.” She enjoyed the “ladies who lunch” look occasionally. And carried the look better than any of the real ladies who lunched.

        It was sad to see her “disintegrate” at the end. And yet there was that one photo of her at Michael Jackson’s funeral. I have tried to find it but to no avail. The lighting was just right and she turned her head and lifted it, I suspect instinctively, and despite all the ravages of time and everything else, she was just as beautiful as ever.  She was really sort of ordinary in person to be honest. But the camera caught something. Richard Burton remarked about it quite often. She would hear a camera begin to click or begin to whir and some strange magical thing happened even when she was “elephantine.”  Even fat she was spectacular once the cameras started focusing in on her. 

        Everyone wondered who she ended up with in heaven. I suspect she grabbed Chen Sam and they headed for the bar…

        8:30 pm | February 27, 2013
        • Avatar photo
          Mr. Wow

          Dear Baby—she always looked better in the flesh–even the copious  flesh–  than she did in pix.  But she sure knew how how work it.  At her heaviest, she’d immediately find a chair.  The paps would shoot from above and there would be no chins–and usually plenty of cleavage.    She also liked to show off she legs.  All her Halston caftans were slit up so high you could all the way to Virginia.


          And when she was sober, all she had to do was lift her head–the jawline firmed and she was a young woman again.   She had great skin, despite all the tanning.

          And OMG–I LOVE “Night Watch.” (“Are you Barry are you the LOVER she’s been seeing?!”)

          10:01 pm | March 1, 2013
          • BabySnooks

            Maybe I caught her on bad days? Or just the days she hadn’t collided with Max Factor and Maybelline Bevlon?  Now her eyes, well, that’s really what caught everyone else’s eyes. Those were not ordinary. Or that smile followed by that cackle. I guess it’s a matter of perspective. I still say the camera caught something that just wasn’t there in person.

            “Night Watch” was made during the “weird” period. I still just roll my eyes when I watch “Secret Ceremony.” What possessed any of them is one of the great mysteries of the universe.  “Night Watch” however really was delicious in the end. One of her best I think.  After she murders the wayward hubby and maybe I am mad but I think her best friend who she deviously set up, she calls the police to report the dead body again in the empty house. Knowing the police won’t go look again. And with that, well off she goes to the airport.  Looking like a million dollars. And wearing at least a million dollars. That look on her face as she hangs up the phone. Just pissy.  And looking pissy elegant.  .  

            The caftans. Devious as well. You never really knew how fat or thin she was. Although when she was thin, well, the boobs were overwhelming even in the caftan. When she was fat, well, they just sort of disappeared. 

            11:37 am | March 2, 2013
  • rick gould

    I always thought ET’s contradictions in personality were a huge part of the fascination the public had with her.

    12:33 pm | February 28, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Rick–her vulgarity and sloppiness drove the public crazy.  She was supposed to be the epitome of flawless beauty–but she didn’t give a damn.  That’s why they mobbed  her even when she was fat. 

      9:53 pm | March 1, 2013
      • BabySnooks

        I would imagine that was John Warner’s real concern about marrying her. That “mouth.” In the end, it worked for him. She not only looked like everyone else once she became “just plain old Elizabeth” she talked like everyone else. So of course everyone loved her. Although I suspect when she she appeared as “Elizabeth Taylor” for some things it shocked everyone when the first “What a load of crap” came out of that mouth. Followed by things that would make a sailor blush. But she was Earth Mother. Not Mother Theresa. People really liked her. Not just loved her. Liked her. I’m not sure she realized that they did. I hope she did.  

        11:52 am | March 2, 2013
        • Avatar photo
          Mr. Wow

          Baby–let me assure you–tho I think you’ll know what I mean.  Even as “plain”  Mrs. Warner.  She was always Elizabeth Taylor.   I saw her in her D.C. and and saw her in Virginia.  She played the role, but nobody took it seriously.   She was  was a movie queen in some weird scenario where she  wasn’t supposed  to be a movie queen. 

          But she was mobbed and attended to and adored just as she was when she made films.  I recall  a big event in Virginia in 1980.  She looked good, she’d lost some weight.   She was  with him, doing her best, but it was all about her.  He was there, but not–it was simply a huge mass of people wanting to see if she was beautiful, had violet eyes, was  fat or slim.

          She worked the crowd like a champ.   He looked like a chump.  When she attempted to leave the stage and mingle, they had to bring her back.  The hysterical reaction was too much—even for her.


          6:50 pm | March 7, 2013
          • rick gould

            Mr WoW– It sounds like ET’s situation was the opposite of Rita Hayworth’s famous (paraphrasing) quote about herself: “Men fall in love with ‘Gilda’ and awakened with me.” The husbands always thought they were going to get an adoring woman who just wanted to be married…and they usually became Mr. Elizabeth Taylor.
            I thought there were times when she tried escaping being “Elizabeth Taylor.” She was better than most of the iconic stars at separating the public and private self. But when you have been a huge star since age 12…the dye was cast.
            The saving grace was ET was able to channel that insatiable public interest when she took up the AIDS cause…and for that matter, her second career as a perfume tycoon.
            As for the husbands, most of them liked the power and attention they got having HER on their arm, but also came to resent it… 
            Love your observations, as always… Rick

            2:51 pm | March 8, 2013
          • BabySnooks

            I do know what you mean. Elizabeth Warner was still Elizabeth Taylor. That was the problem with the marriage I guess although some claim he didn’t want Elizabeth Warner. He wanted Elizabeth Taylor. And even on the “cocktail circuit” there was this “mob mentality” at work that I guess did bother her. I guess it would bother anyone.  Still she managed a little normalcy at least in the beginning. It’s been so long I can’t remember but I think things changed when Chen Sam moved on to New York. She and Chen were friends more than “star and secretary” and suddenly there was no one to “escape” with.  So she ended up, as I think Kitty Kelly put it, watching the boob tube all day long. And going insane.  Chen Sam didn’t fare much better. She had other clients. But of course all anyone cared about was Elizabeth Taylor.  


            They had several of those “meet and greets” at the farm. I heard they were similar to the fiasco when Mike Todd premiered Around The World in 80 Days at Madison Square Garden.  Most there to see her. Far too many there to see her.  And that was before the scandals catapulted her into the stratosphere of fame. I don’t think she was that comfortable with the perfume tours. But it paid well, so she put up with it. An enviable life on one level. Not so enviable on another. 

            1:10 pm | March 11, 2013
          • BabySnooks

            And Rick made a point most avoided but the analogy is appropriate. They all married “Elizabeth Taylor” and ended up waking up so someone who just wanted to be their wife. For awhile anyway. I think it was a “double-edged sword.” 

            I think in reality the only husband who didn’t marry “Elizabeth Taylor” was Nicky Hilton. But he woke up to “simply Elizabeth” and couldn’t stand the attention “Elizabeth Taylor” was given and turned abusive very quickly. Everyone else more or less did very well by her so to speak.  And she probably knew it on some level.  But as she put once, and shouldn’t have, she didn’t feel like sleeping alone.  After Nicky Hilton I think she just wanted someone not just to love her but make her happy. They all did. Here and there. And she was fine with it.  I suspect even with Eddie Fisher.

            I do wish she had written her own “tell-all” but it was really not anyone’s business. She wasn’t real happy with those who talked to Kitty Kelly. She just didn’t believe it was anyone’s business.  I think from time to time she woke up and looked in the mirror and laughed at how ordinary she was. And then of course hit the makeup table.  I’ve known women who like her were pretty in an ordinary way but not spectacular. But with a little makeup magic turned spectacular. No one ever managed her level of spectacular though. I met Ursula Andress once.  Now she was not ordinary. Even without makeup. But even she couldn’t measure up in comparison. No one could. I doubt anyone would. Part of the magic the camera caught was the makeup. But part of it was the metamorphosis within. People expected the most beautiful woman in the world. And she gave it to them. Even at the end. 

            1:31 pm | March 11, 2013
      • rick gould

        The only movie I didn’t find interesting on some level during Liz’ box office decline was the one Taylor received her highest salary for: “The Only Game in Town.” 
        #The only nice thing I can say about it is that Liz and Warren Beatty had chemistry. But they were both badly miscast, especially her as a showgirl! But “Game” didn’t have game, captures everything that was dreary about the late ’60s!

        9:15 am | March 3, 2013
  • Rho

    Hi all, haven’t been here for a while.  Problems with the computer again.  Loved ET, I miss her.  As far as the Oscars. I was happy to see Miss Streisand doing a tribute to Marvin Hamlish, he left us much too soon, he was a genius.


    5:50 pm | March 1, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Rho…good to hear from you.  I was happy to see Miss Streisand.  A real star.

      9:49 pm | March 1, 2013
      • Rho

        Thanks for the welcome.  They used to say I looked like Barbra, Jewish nose – lol

        10:16 am | March 2, 2013
  • Rho

    Good morning, hope all is well, nobody is posting here?  Are you posting somewhere else?


    11:26 am | March 5, 2013
  • Susan

    I think we all have the blahs! Lots of cold rain in my neck of the woods…..I am so ready for spring!
    Also waiting for a new story from Mr WOW.

    4:45 pm | March 5, 2013
  • lulu

    I cannot believe it is March.  By the time I think about checking my favorite blog sites, my eyelids are drooping.  Have finally adjusted back to my old schedule last Monday and will be anxious to see what is happening here and on Lila’s blog as well.  Also anxious to see Rick’s blog when he starts one.

    1:05 pm | March 6, 2013
    • rick gould

      Hey Lulu-Plugging away with school and dealing with real life brush fires as they arise.Writing, re-writing, and figuring out how to present it…When I get some good stuff I want to put out you…I will put the word out…literally!Rick

      8:25 pm | March 8, 2013
  • Susan

    Just realized Day Light Savings Time begins this Sunday. Yes! One hour extra of sun in the evening.

    3:15 pm | March 8, 2013
    • Rho

      Yes, but we lose an hour of sleep.  I already changed two wall clocks.  Never did change the clock in my car or answering machine, now it will be the right time. lol


      3:22 pm | March 9, 2013
  • Deirdre

    Hi all!Been underground helping with newest grandchild and dealing with computer problems. Glad everyone is well and had such a great time dissing the Oscars! Hope spring weather gets here soon and we can have more than 5 minutes of sun here in Western Massachusetts!

    5:23 pm | March 11, 2013
  • Rho

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day weekend.  Even though I am Jewish, I like this holiday.  I will be wearing the green all weekend.


    11:37 am | March 16, 2013
    • Deirdre

      Happy St. Patrick’s Day weekend Rho!! I am 100% Irish and this is the high holy day weekend.  This is when I remind our children that they are half Irish, the best half!! Tonight is a dinner dance at the Irish club and tomorrow the Holyoke, Massachusetts parade reception. It is one of the longest running parades in the US.  It’s lots of fun to be “professionally Irish” for one day.  Hope everyone has a great weekend, whether celebrating or not!

      1:24 pm | March 16, 2013
  • lulu

    Happy St. Patrick’s day to everyone!!!  I love to celebrate all holidays especially those that include good food and a traditional libation. 


    6:41 pm | March 17, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    Lindsay Lohan
     will absolutely, positively be LATE for her trial TMZ has learned … and the judge could issue a bench warrant for her arrest on her first day of trial.

    We’ve learned … the private jet that is carrying the infamous defendant is scheduled to land at 8:11 AM in Van Nuys, 20 miles from the courthouse.  That means at the time of touchdown — assuming she lands on time — she will have 19 minutes to get to the courthouse in the middle of rush hour traffic.  Translation:  No way in hell.

    Sources tell us … the jet was delayed at JFK in NYC and didn’t go wheels up until 6 AM EDT.

    There are 2 SUVs waiting at Van Nuys airport to take Lindsay and her entourage to court.  

    One more complication …. Lindsay left all of her luggage on her original commercial flight.  Someone has already retrieved the bags at LAX and has taken them to the Van Nuys Airport.  Lindsay will change clothes in the car.

    One final thing … Guess how much the private jet costs?  $50,000.  Lindsay didn’t pay — The generous folks at Mr. Pink energy drink covered the tab.

    10:26 am | March 18, 2013
  • Susan

    God! What a train wreck!

    12:51 pm | March 18, 2013
  • Rho

    Oy Vey!

    3:17 pm | March 18, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Haunted Lady

    Unless this poor child gets some serious help soon, we will be reading about her death sooner rather than later.

    7:41 pm | March 18, 2013
  • Rho

    Happy Spring.  Where are you Mr. Wow?

    2:49 pm | March 20, 2013
  • Deirdre

    Happy Spring! Although we have about 15 inches of snow here. Looking forward to warmer weather and flowers blooming!

    3:06 pm | March 20, 2013
  • Avatar photo

    It was around a year ago that Mr. wOw started this blog. Could we have another post soon, Mr. W?

    7:17 am | March 21, 2013
  • Deirdre

    Yoo Whoo! Mr. Wow, where are you!! Miss you, need a story or just a hello!!  In the meantime, Happy Ostara one and all.

    9:13 am | March 21, 2013
  • mimi

    Mr. Wow, do we need to start worrying about you again. I’ve already started, but I do have a “worry” list. Please post something so we know that you are okay.

    2:14 pm | March 23, 2013
    • Deirdre

      Me too, Mimi! Trying not to worry but I do worry.

      2:30 pm | March 23, 2013
  • BabySnooks

    If I have to go to Hoboken I will…

    11:25 am | March 24, 2013
  • Rho

    I am worried too, I would go with you BabySnooks, but I am preparing for Passover, begins tomorrow night.


    11:39 am | March 24, 2013
  • Mimi

    Dear Baby Snooks, we should wait to go to Hoboken until after Passover and Easter. But then, I’m on that train.

    4:38 pm | March 24, 2013
  • Susan

    It is cold and rainy here….we need a ray of sunshine from Mr Wow.
    Hope all is well.

    3:27 pm | March 25, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    To all….I’ve been writing every day, only not under the MrWow  moniker.  

    I know some of you get it.  Anyway, I’m fine-ish tho I think I need to post about my odd drinking–dry house, nothing at events, but dangerous binging after “work.”

    The dish on this to come…


    I love you all.


    7:15 pm | March 26, 2013
  • Deirdre

    Would love to hear the story about odd drinking and also the “other” moniker.  I am clueless and that’s fine as long as you are doing “fine-ish”.Waiting for the dish.Any thoughts on which way the Supremes will go?  Is it of importance to you??Love you too.

    8:34 pm | March 26, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Deirdre…

      Ummmm…let’s say I’ve been writing under pretty much in my own voice but not in my name (an old story)  Much of what I’ve written I would have preferred to post here as Mr W. but one does what one has to and is used to.  I am not a strong person.

      As for the Supremes, they won’t get it “right” this time.  Freedom tallies in this land of the free.  As I always say, in  a country where heterosexual  Death Row prisoners can marry, I think we should have the same rights as cold blooded killers.   It’s not a burning issue with me, at 60 and in a 36 year relationship, but I see its validity and symbolic value.   I am more strident about the increasing laxity of safe sex practices and the fact that in 30 or more states homosexual activity is still against the law.  These things roil me up.  Orange blossoms can wait.  For me, anyway.

      Love, MrW

      11:10 pm | March 27, 2013
  • KEMH

    Dear Mr Wow,
    Where are you writing every day? Is it at work with your old boss?
    We really miss your stories in your own voice!!
    Love you too,KEMH

    11:25 am | March 27, 2013
  • mimi

    Dish – We love when you do that! But I do understand that sometimes one has to do things somewhere else.
    Love, Mimi

    12:03 pm | March 27, 2013
  • Rho

    Mr. Wow, please tell us where you are writing?  We love and miss you.

    2:42 pm | March 27, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Rho–please see my above response to Deirdre…

      How are YOU, honey?

      11:13 pm | March 27, 2013
  • bigred52

    Thanks for checking in , Mr. Wow. – Your worried fans

    3:19 pm | March 27, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear BigRed (I just love writing that!)


      I’m okay.  And how are you?  How is 61 treating you so far? (You just turned 61, yes?)



      11:16 pm | March 27, 2013
      • bigred52

        Yes, I did turn (turned?  Crashed into!) 61 on Feb 21.  Thanks for remembering!  Tomorrow I go to my semi-annual doctor visit.  Who knows, maybe ANOTHER prescription added to the list?!

        bigred aka kevin

        11:22 am | March 28, 2013
  • rick gould

    Hey Mr. W–Good to know you’re hangin’ in…Look forward to more, whether it’s personal or pop culture…love hearing what you have to say.
    I am plugging away at school, winter in Upper MI seems nearly over, and along the way my septic tank died, I pulled my back picking up my nephew, and my Mom just came home from knee replacement surgery… I haven’t had to have a tracheotomy yet, but I am sure that is just around the corner!
    Big hug to you, and glad to hear from you in any fashion!Rick

    9:03 am | March 28, 2013
  • rick gould

    On a movie related note: 2 of my favorite things, TCM and Cher team up.For the next few Fridays starting April 5, Robert Osborne and the Dark Lady talk and show movies…I love how Cher is such a movie fan…because she is a throwback to those ladies from Hollywood’s golden era…Here’s the lineup! Rick

    9:10 am | March 28, 2013
  • Rho

    Mr. Wow, are you okay, heard there is a big water main break in Hoboken.


    1:37 pm | March 28, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Haunted Lady

    Spring is trying to get a foothold in Michigan and it’s sunny and lovely. I wish all of you a happy Easter or Passover or whatever you choose to celebrate. Mr. W and B, I especially hope you have a lovely weekend, Easter, Passover, Spring or whatever.

    11:40 am | March 30, 2013
    • Rho

      Same from me. although looks like spring came to NYC today.  Mr. Wow, please answer us.  I asked if you were affected by the water main break?

      1:12 pm | March 30, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    Lindsay Lohan on Letterman April 9th.

    3:17 pm | April 1, 2013
  • Rho

    Where is everyone?  Mr. Wow, also, please post something.

    3:12 pm | April 4, 2013
  • Deirdre

    Hi Rho,I have checked in and out of the past several days too.  I guess we just have to wait until our pal has some time.  Last time he answered me was March 27th. I think he is basically okay (hope) but is using his energy for “work”.  I really hope we hear from him soon.

    4:57 pm | April 4, 2013
    • Rho

      Guess we will just have to wait, are we done traveling?  Is the site still there, I haven’t checked.


      5:40 pm | April 4, 2013
  • Deirdre Cerasa

    I haven’t checked either. Perhaps we will travel again soon. I don’t want to speak for everyone but this winter had put me under more this any I can remember. I had a raging case of flu that started New Year’s Eve and hung on until mid January. Then in late February came pneumonia that lasted about 6 weeks. I was really debilitated. Not like me at all. Finally feeling well but wishing for some warmer, sunnier weather here in Western Massachusetts.  I’m thinking if “Pollyanna (me) can get into a funk; our dear friend would be suffering far more. Let’s keep checking and reminding him we are herexoxo

    7:20 pm | April 4, 2013
    • Rho

      So sorry you were sick.  Glad you feel better now.

      11:19 am | April 5, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    Glad you’re okay now – fighting the flu is really exhausting.
    (I was so lucky this year; the day I got the flu, my doctor gave me Tamiflu and it knocked it right out. It really is a wonder drug.)

    12:13 am | April 5, 2013
  • rick gould

    Keep well everyone, you, too, Mr. W!

    It’s a drag when you get the flu or bronchial thing and it WON’T go away…that happened to me two winters ago in Portland, OR. 2 months of hacking and trips to Urgent Care…
    Think spring-like thoughts ; )

    11:23 am | April 6, 2013
  • lulu

    Happy Springtime to All!!!

    Glad to hear that we have all survived Winter and are looking forward to flowers blooming, birds chirping and being outside enjoying Mother Natures glorious season.

    I have to assume that eventually Mr. Wow will update his current status.  Looking at back posts he seems to be busy writing, just not here.


    11:45 am | April 6, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    April 7,


    Hi, Friends…

    Sorry for the long silence.  I have been going through a rough patch (who isn’t Mr. Wow?!)   And I just couldn’t  put it aside and be lighthearted, or publish something depressing.  I’m hoping to re-group mentally and provide a proper post for you all.     Much love, Mr. W

    On the plus side, I am looking forward to the season finale of “Shameless” (an acquired taste, but not nearly as senseless as “Californication”),  the next episode of “Game of Thrones” and the season premiere of “Mad Men.” (Jon Hamm, Jon Hamm, Jon Hamm…you and your always commando penis. Stop complaining or start wearing underwear.  Please don’t!)    Of course, this entails a lot of channel jumping or watching the second showing at midnight, etc.  I don’t have Direct TV or DVR or anything like that.  I still live in my beloved 1980’s.

    5:01 pm | April 7, 2013
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      You do know and understand that this crew of devotees you have acquired don’t care about “proper” posts; we just want to hear from you. By now we all feel your struggle and want to be an outlet not a burden. Please take care, remember you are loved and supported. Enjoy Game of Thrones, Shameless and Mad Men. Lots of hugs…

      10:36 pm | April 7, 2013
      • Avatar photo
        Mr. Wow

        Dear Deirdre…


        Thank you, honey…

        8:08 am | April 8, 2013
  • Susan

    So glad to hear from you. I hope you will be feeling better and stronger everyday.
    I knew I liked you….you watch Shameless. I love love love the show. I was a little disappointed in the finale last night but I look forward to next season.
    Take care and be well.

    9:35 am | April 8, 2013
  • Rho

    Happy to hear from you.  Stay well, Mr. Wow.


    10:38 am | April 8, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Haunted Lady

    Mr. W, dying to see your opinion of Mad Men. Glad you’re well.

    Unfortunately, another piece of childhood has passed and I’m crushed. Annette Funicello died. She was the only celebrity I ever admired when I was a kid. She was so nice. I also envied her parents giving her a 57 Thunderbird for her 16th birthday. I’ve wanted one of those since 1957 and I’m glad a nice person like Annette got one.

    2:19 pm | April 8, 2013
  • Rho

    I just heard about Annette, so sad.  She fought a good fight, may she rest in peace.


    2:58 pm | April 8, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Haunted and Rho….I actually cried when I heard about Annette.  Tho she’d been in agony for years.   She was such a part of my childhood and adolescence.   

      1:32 pm | April 9, 2013
  • Rho

    I also cried, Mr. Wow.  I have a friend whose wife has the same thing, they have two children, she is in a wheelchair now. 

    1:39 pm | April 9, 2013
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      Mr. Wow and Rho,  I was so upset at the news of Annette Funicello’s death. She was a very special person. She had struggled for such a long time.  It is hard to have our childhood favorites die.

      7:36 pm | April 9, 2013
  • rick gould

    I’m just grateful it was Margaret Thatcher that died and not Cher…does that make me a horrible person? ; )

    3:36 pm | April 9, 2013
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      Rick! If Cher had died I think there would be a national day of mourning, flags would be flown at half staff and the weeping would be uncontrollable. From what I have read over the past couple of days, not do much for Lady, Baroness Margaret!

      7:29 pm | April 9, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Darling, Cher can’t die.   Only the living can die.

      9:02 pm | April 9, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    PARTS of Cher will celebrate a birthday on May 20th.

    12:50 pm | April 10, 2013
  • rick gould

    Say what you want about Cher. But she will be celebrating 50 years as a star next year and has done it staying sober and sane…and with a sense of humor. 
    Cher was a delight on TCM last Friday and I look forward to watching her co-host with Robert Osborne this Friday, particularly for strong women during war time, with “So Proudly We Hail” and “Since You Went Away.”

    9:41 am | April 11, 2013
    • Deirdre

      I adore Cher! But it is true that only parts of her will be celebrating the same day as other parts!!  She has been underrated as an actress despite an Oscar. She is so funny and has shown it for years.  I love recordings and have seen her in concert several times, loved each time.Her debut on TCM was great and refreshing and I too look forward to seeing her with Robert Osborne.

      1:27 pm | April 11, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Rick…we all love Cher, and she’s great w Robert Osborne.  She gives her fans what they want in concert–all the hits, six million costume changes and a great sense of humor.

      I only wish she hadn’t “surgery-ed” her way out of films.  I think she’d like to act more (at least she said she wanted to) but how to cast her?    And even if she’d allowed herself to age more naturally, her image is bigger than any role.   She’s Cher. Period.  Why pretend she’s playing somebody else?   It happened to Elizabeth Taylor, too–while her health held up and she was still working, she was essentially cast in roles that called for minimum acting and maximum “Liz-ness.”


      2:50 pm | April 11, 2013
      • rick gould

        I totally agree regarding Cher’s career path: When she hit her peak as an actress and recording star in the late ’80s, Cher chose to go where the money was…being Cher. Just like when Liz got her act together after Betty Ford, ET didn’t become a star character actress like she could have, she slimmed down and glammed up and used the Liz legend to become a perfume mogul. FYI, Cher looks more her age when she doesn’t wear the skin tapes under her wigs, like she does at premieres and award shows…
        One thing Cher could do: direct. Everyone who worked with her on “If These Walls Could Talk” loved her.
        I have one harebrained daydream role for Cher. I say this knowing “A Touch of Evil” never needs to be remade…but if Tarantino got a hold of it, he better cast Cher in the Dietrich role as the Mexican madam who tells fortunes…after all, Cher isn’t the Dark Lady for nothing  ; )

        4:00 pm | April 11, 2013
  • rick gould

    Hey-I totally agree that Cher has chosen a certain career path. When she was at her acting and music peak in the late ’80s, Cher made a conscious choice that there was more money in being “Cher” instead of an actress. Just as Liz decided, post-Betty Ford, not to become a star character actress but to slim down, glam up and use the Liz Legend to become a perfume mogul.
    One thing Cher could in film: direct. Everyone who worked with her on “If These Walls Could Talk” loved her. Also, when Cher appears without the skin tapes she usually uses under her wigs at premieres and such, she looks more her age.
    A harebrained daydream role for Cher on my part. Not that it needs to be, but if someone like Tarantino remakes “A Touch of Evil,” he better get Cher for the Dietrich role of the Mexican madam fortune teller, because she is after all, the Dark Lady ; )

    4:12 pm | April 11, 2013
  • Rho

    I am a big fan of Cher.  Good singer, great actress.


    4:28 pm | April 11, 2013
  • rick gould

    Actually, I’d love to see Mr. WoW co-host an evening on TCM for a Marilyn or Liz themed evening ; )
    Sorry about the double post…sometimes my stuff doesn’t go through!

    7:19 am | April 12, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Rick….Well, Mr. Wow would have to be somebody to be on TCM.  But, yeah—I’d do a hell of a job.  And not only on Liz  and MM.  

      6:50 pm | April 12, 2013
  • Rho

    Hi, anyone here from Boston?  If you are, I hope you are okay.


    3:31 pm | April 16, 2013
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      Rho,We are in Western Massachusetts. Had many friends at the Marathon as well as the Red Sox game. An awful situation and horrifying. We are blessed that everyone we know are safe. We New Englanders are a strong, resilient crew. We will not let whoever did this win. 

      10:12 pm | April 16, 2013
  • lulu

    Hi Rho….Not from Boston but my heart is in Boston and will be for several days.  We have friends who live there, all okay, but in shock.  I have to say Thank You to all who helped those so expertly and rapidly who were hurt.  I pray for recovery for those who were hurt knowing that some have a long road to a new normal way of life.  I extend my condolences to the families of those killed.  More than that I think everyone should ban together and prove that we are not fearful, we are Americans who love freedom, and the ‘good guys’ win.



    9:26 pm | April 16, 2013
  • Rho

    My niece lives there.  She is a doctor.  She and her husband were there, but left an hour before the bombs went off.  This is just awful, hope they catch who did this.

    9:29 am | April 17, 2013
  • NSH

    We are, here in Boston, collectively in shock and depressed. The outpouring of concern, love and kindness has been overwhelming.  Boston is a tough city and we will prevail.  

    12:25 pm | April 17, 2013
    • Rho

      Boston is tough like NYC.  Glad you are okay.

      12:43 pm | April 17, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Haunted Lady

    Glad everyone here that is in or near Massachusetts is OK. This is such a horrible thing, it robs one of words.

    One thing I noticed was the rapid response of emergency services. I realize there was a medical tent at the finish line but I’m sure they weren’t set up for this kind of disaster. Their efforts were heroic and undoubtedly saved many lives. Very impressive.

    7:42 pm | April 18, 2013
  • Rho

    I heard that Boston is in lockdown. Stay safe NSH.

    9:44 am | April 19, 2013
  • NSH

    We’re under lockdown now.  The streets are empty and the whole area is ghostlike.  Helicopters overhead and soon there will be a “controlled explosion” near the home of the suspects.  It’s all rather surreal.

    1:26 pm | April 19, 2013
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      Take care. From here in Western Massachusetts it is surreal. Can’t imagine the feeling there. God bless the Police, FBI, ATF, State Troopers and all who are working to resolve this.

      3:25 pm | April 19, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    To my Bostonians…


    Glad you are okay and that it’s over–if anything like this is ever really “over.”

    I have a friend who runs who had friends in in the marathon, but luckily they weren’t hurt. 

    I’ll wait a beat before any criticism of news coverage, the FBI and some of the typical hyperbole that accompanies such tragedies. 

    But it certainly puts things in perspective, as I sit here in my sweatpants, safely typing.

    12:51 am | April 21, 2013
  • lulu

    Glad to see that Mr. Wow is still alive

    Everyone should wander over to Lila’s blog, FormingtheThread.  She has a wonderful post this morning that will make everyone giggle and smile.  We all need that more often.

    10:27 am | April 23, 2013
  • Mimi

    I very often love Lila’s posts. I check it out often.

    2:16 pm | April 24, 2013
  • Susan

    Mr Wow, where are you?
    I hope all is well.
    I bet you are working on another story…….hope so.
    Take care.

    1:51 pm | April 30, 2013
  • Rho

    Mr. Wow, are you and Mr. B okay?  I heard there was a water main break in Hoboken.  Please check in.


    9:41 am | May 4, 2013
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      Tho, I hadn’t heard about the water main. Just what Hoboken needs. Hope Mr. Wow and B are high and dry. We may have to threaten another search operation, I am beginning to worry about him again.

      9:51 am | May 4, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    April 7–


    As much as I admire Obama’s call to Jason Williams, the basketball player who came out, I sure as hell  hope and expect Mr O. to be calling George Ramsey, the man  who saved those three women from  captivity in that house of horrors.  This is a real hero.  And he’s funny, too.


    Don’t disappoint me–again–Mr. Obama.

    5:12 pm | May 7, 2013
  • lulu

    Well at least we all know you are alive and kicking….Guess when we get desperate hearing from you we will have to stir up news that interests you. 

    We miss your stories, even short posts ….over three months since last one.

    hugs to you and b


    7:01 pm | May 7, 2013
  • Deirdre

    Hi Mr. Wow!Good to hear from you!  You are right about Mr. Ramsey; such a good man and very funny.Those young women appear to have a long road ahead; hopefully they will get the help and time they need to heal and re-enter the world.Take care, hugs for B and write to us again SOON!!

    8:37 am | May 8, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Haunted Lady

    Memorial Day is coming up soon and I would ask you all to consider leaving a coin on a veterans gravestone as a mark of remembrance. It’s a custom going back to the Roman Empire and I think it would be nice if we all could let others know we remember and are grateful. Here’s a brief explanation:




    A coin left on a headstone or at the grave site is meant as
    a message to
    the deceased soldier’s family that someone else has visited the grave to
    pay respect.

     Leaving a penny at the grave means simply that you visited.

    A nickel indicates that you & the deceased trained at boot camp

     A dime means you
    served with him in some capacity.

     A quarter means that you were with the solider when he was

    According to tradition, the money left at graves in national
    cemeteries & state veterans cemeteries
    is eventually collected, & the funds are put toward

    maintaining the cemetery or paying burial costs
    for indigent veterans.

    Please consider doing this if you happen to visit any cemeteries. A penny is a small token to let the families know we care about our vets and appreciate what they’ve done for us. thanks and have a safe and fun holiday.

    11:07 am | May 15, 2013
    • Deirdre

      What a perfectly lovely idea!  I had never heard or read of this but it is such a simple gesture. I am sharing this with friends and family. You can be certain that I will leave some pennies this Memorial Day weekend.

      4:51 pm | May 16, 2013
    • BabySnooks

      Had never known about this. But it’s a wonderful way to remember those who gave their lives for us. Which they do even if we don’t agree with those who sent them off to the battlefield. 

      8:46 pm | May 26, 2013
  • lulu

    Dear Haunted Lady –

    I think it is a wonderful way to show appreciation to families of those who gave up their lives for the rest of us.  I have passed this idea on to several of my friends and family.  I never had heard about this until you posted it here in Mr. Wow Blog….thanks for doing it!!!



    2:43 pm | May 16, 2013
  • mimi

    I love this idea. And I know exactly where I will leave it. There is a small cemetery near me and my grandson and I used to walk in it when he was very small. It will be good to go walk there again and do that. When I was fairly newly married, my mother in law and grandmother in law and I went to plant flowers on all the family graves. Odd how many happy times I’ve had respecting the dead…

    7:08 pm | May 19, 2013
  • Rho

    Happy Memorial Day weekend to all.  My late sister’s husband is a veteran of WWII, he will be 92 years old in August.  He almost got killed near Japan, he was in the Coast Guard.


    1:03 pm | May 25, 2013
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      Thinking all who served and still are serving our country. Thank you for your service. 

      8:43 pm | May 25, 2013
  • BabySnooks

    Too quiet in here.  Look at what I found, Mr. Wow, one night when I was bored and googling around on the internet.

    Chen was stunning wasn’t she? Seems like yesterday. Bet it does for you as well. But onward we must go. And you need to do another column!


    8:34 pm | May 26, 2013
    • Delusional

      Know any destinations in Mexico that capture the old moods and flavors?   (Aren’t you reading Mr. Wow when you read Liz Smith’s columns?) 

      2:09 pm | May 29, 2013
      • rickgould

        The thought has crossed my mind ; )

        7:18 pm | May 29, 2013
        • Deirdre Cerasa

          Anything is possible and I would not be surprised. I guess if he wanted us to know, he would tell us. All I want to know is that he is doing okay.

          8:17 pm | May 29, 2013
      • BabySnooks

        Well she was Cholly Knickerbocker so maybe he’s Liz Smith?

        10:15 pm | May 29, 2013
        • Deirdre

          You are right Rick, I don’t care who is who but I am not the first or last to speculate. As you said, I just want to know that he is all right and if not, what we can do to help.  I honestly believe that B would post something if he were not okay. As he has said before, he is struggling.I miss him and his stories…

          3:29 pm | May 30, 2013
          • Rho

            Me too.

            4:47 pm | May 30, 2013
          • Deirdre Cerasa

            Rho, there is something about this lovely man. We all feel so strongly about him. He has touched is with his stories both sad and funny. With his knowledge and love for movies and his willingness to share his struggle. We all seem to be thinking of him and wishing for a word or two!

            4:55 pm | May 30, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Baby–yes, Chen was quite a looker. And I recall that night well.  Roseland in NYC.  Mrs. Warner was receiving (another!) award.   It’s not a great pic of her, because she actually looked quite good that night. (It was after her first visit to a reducing spa–despite La Liz’s later dramatic announcements, she was never “obese” again.  Plumpish, matronly, but she never packed it on like 1978/79.)

      1:01 am | June 2, 2013
      • BabySnooks

        The press, along with the comedians, were quite cruel.  I think the worst was the “National Velveeta.”  The whole Washington adventure was doomed I’m afraid from day one.  She just wanted to be “Mrs. Somebody/Anybody” finally and everyone else still wanted Elizabeth Taylor. Including “Mr. Somebody/Anybody.”  Chen Sam made an inadvertent comment about her just “needing a home” which made its way into print and into Kitty Kelly’s book which I guess was more telling than anyone thought.  But it wasn’t all bad in the end. She fled to Los Angeles at one point, I still believe she was wanting him to call and play the game and of course he didn’t because in a way how could he have missed her since he was never with her it seemed or according to her anyway, and bought a house and made her own home. Not only for herself but for her children. And her grandchildren.

        You should check in more often or some of us will move to Hoboken and make your front steps our home when we don’t hear from you! 

        10:36 am | June 2, 2013
        • rick gould

          Hey Baby, It’s funny, but the writer of that “National Velveeta” story, Aaron Latham, went in thinking Elizabeth was just another overrated celebrity, but was surprised to find he liked the actual woman…kind of how you refer to her “Just Elizabeth” side…

          4:55 pm | June 2, 2013
          • BabySnooks

            I think everyone who spent even two seconds with her liked her. She was Earth Mother. 

            5:58 pm | June 5, 2013
  • BabySnooks

    I think we should all just move to Hoboken…

    6:32 pm | May 30, 2013
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      Not a bad idea! If nothing else, the threat might get us a post!!

      7:38 pm | May 30, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Haunted Lady

    I hope he’s OK. I really miss him.

    10:43 am | May 31, 2013
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      It is hard isn’t Haunted? While I freely admit I am not all over the Internet, I don’t know of a more loyal core of followers. Of course we aren’t really followers we are his very devoted friends.

      10:52 am | May 31, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Haunted One—don’t worry.  I’m still here as Yvonne DeCarlo sang in “Follies.” (Still the gold standard, though Nancy Walker’s performance at a 1972 Sondheim tribute and Ann Miller’s in the production that never reached New York, are close.)


      I will return and try to explain my long absence.

      1:06 am | June 2, 2013
  • lulu

    Ready to pack my bags and head to Hoboken unless a certain Mr. Wow at least drops in to say that he and B are still alive and kickin.

    2:42 pm | May 31, 2013
    • Rho

      I will join you lulu.  Better take cool clothes, it is so hot.


      3:33 pm | May 31, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Lulu…alive and kicking.  Thanks for thinking of us.

      12:54 am | June 2, 2013
  • rick gould

    I wish Mr. Wow well and when he gets a spare moment “assisting” Miz Liz Smith, that he drop us a line with his wonderful blogging ways…I used as many “w”s as possible!

    3:04 pm | June 1, 2013
    • Lisa

      “Assisting” – interesting thought!  I commented on a Liz Smith post on Facebook a week or so ago and “she” responded with a comment about Mr. Wow and his many followers…

      5:39 pm | June 1, 2013
      • Avatar photo
        Mr. Wow

        Lisa…I’m still here, working through a lot of shit (surprise!) but alive and well-ish.



        12:39 am | June 2, 2013
  • Deirdre Cerasa

    Marilyn would have been 87 today, maybe we will hear from him.

    4:14 pm | June 1, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Dear Deirdre…MM at 87.    Sigh!  I think perhaps God or Fate or whatever was kind.   I don’t think she could have handled aging.  In fact, she wasn’t handling it very well at 36.   I shudder to think what the next few years might have brought, had she survived August 5th 1962.   I like to imagine that somehow she knows that in death she achieved all that she wanted in life, but could never quite hold onto.   She has become a historical figure—a tragic one, perhaps, but beyond categorization.   Viewed one-dimensionally in life, she now represents so many possibilities and re-evaluations. 

    12:53 am | June 2, 2013
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      I was hoping the mention of Marilyn’s birthday might bring message! So good to hear from you. Hugs to you and B; don’t be such a stranger! xo

      8:29 pm | June 3, 2013
  • Rho

    Good to hear from you.

    9:39 am | June 2, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Thank you, Rho!

      9:44 am | June 2, 2013
      • Rho

        You are welcome, we missed you.

        10:01 am | June 2, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Haunted Lady

    I’m glad you’re OK. Please say hello to B as well.

    9:59 am | June 3, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    Move over Lindsay Lohan, there’s a new Elizabath Taylor in town. BBC Americatoday released the first pic of Helena Bonham Carter as the Oscar-winning actress alongside two-time husband Richard Burton as played by Dominic West. Unlike last year’s Liz & Dick Lifetime biopic, where Lohan co-starred with Grant Bowler’s Burton, all the drama in Burton And Taylor seems to be on screen as the film traces the divorced pair’s onstage reunion in a 1983 revival of the Noel Coward play, Private Lives. The production ran for just 63 performances on Broadway.

    The BBC Drama Productions project will be co-produced by BBC America for its Dramaville block. In the UK, it will air on BBC Four, though no date is yet set. BBC Worldwide is distributing internationally. Jessica Pope exec produces and Lachlan McKinnon is producer with Richard Laxton directing from a screenplay by Made In Dagenham‘s William Ivory.

    12:37 am | June 5, 2013
  • Rho

    Mr. Wow, please start a new thread.  This one is much too long.


    2:38 pm | June 6, 2013
  • DanS

    Mr. Wow, have you considered taking on a guest poster or two? I don’t know the logistics of such a thing, but it might be more preferable to, say, going five months and counting between new content. You’ve got a loyal following, but “new, new, new” is the rule of the Internet Age.

    Now I’m done pretending that I’ve got a pulse on what The People want. Says a guy that spends much time wondering what he wants…

    8:59 am | June 14, 2013
    • Dan and everyone (that includes you, Mr. Wow!), you are all welcome to come hang out at my blog, Forming the Thread.  You can get there by clicking my name here. 

      I started it up when wowOwow began its last downward spiral… hoping that some of the old crowd would enjoy a place to continue their discussions.  Joan Larsen is publishing her amazing travel stories on Wednesdays, and Luanne and Lauriate and Jeannot have added content too.  I also have links back to Mr. Wow here, and to Liz Smith… although… she has pretty much stopped publishing on wowOwow as of early June, so I shall have to connect that to her other outlets.

      So far we have been pretty regular about publishing M-F, and are open to new authors too, if you have any topics you want to see and discuss!

      Meanwhile… I eagerly await Mr. Wow’s next installment of his life story!

      10:03 pm | June 14, 2013
      • PS, if anyone here has any blogs that they would like to link, I would love to add you to my blogroll.

        10:22 pm | June 14, 2013
      • Deirdre

        I read Lila’s blog on a fairly regular basis and enjoy lots of it. Don’t always comment, but I am still “there”.  Will put more effort into commenting!

        1:28 pm | June 16, 2013
  • lulu

    Where oh where has Mr. Wow and B gone to?  Are they off gathering gossip for “Miss Smith” in Europe or possibly interviewing or possibly here in Los Angeles for the FA Film Festival.  Mr.Wow if you are in Lalaland let me know I make wonderful Margaritas, plenty of food and fun.

    Lili, I have been lax in writing for your  blog, but finally have both feet back on the ground.

    Hugs to all of Mr. Wow’s followers. 

    2:24 pm | June 15, 2013
  • lulu

    Where oh where has Mr. Wow and B gone to?  Are they off gathering gossip for “Miss Smith” in Europe or possibly interviewing or possibly here in Los Angeles for the FA Film Festival.  Mr.Wow if you are in Lalaland let me know I make wonderful Margaritas, plenty of food and fun.

    Lila, I have been lax in writing for your  blog, but finally have both feet back on the ground.

    Hugs to all of Mr. Wow’s followers. 

    2:25 pm | June 15, 2013
  • Rho

    I am following Lila’s blog.  Hope Mr. Wow and B are okay.  As for Liz, she is not posting on WoWoWoW,  Very boring there.


    5:01 pm | June 15, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Carol Sturzenberger

      Rho, I think that Wowowow is essentially dead. Too bad, as it used to be quite interesting!

      8:47 am | June 16, 2013
      • Rho

        Yes it is.  So sorry.

        9:30 am | June 16, 2013
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