Mr. Wow Blog
Mr. Wow and B–Will They Love It Or List It?
7:48 pm | November 18, 2013

Author: Mr. Wow | Category: Point of View | Comments: 147


View as we walk in the door.

View as we walk in the door.

Mr. W's inner sanctum

Mr. W’s inner sanctum

slightly blurry view from kitchen

slightly blurry view from kitchen

The far end of the bedroom suite...we have more cushions now

The far end of the bedroom suite…we have more cushions now

Chairs, obviously...

Another view of the Mr. W Room of Madness.

Another view of the Mr. W Room of Madness.

Comfy couch...I need to dust that window!

Comfy couch…I need to dust that window!

Part of the kitchen...(you don't want to see EVERYTHING.)

Part of the kitchen…(you don’t want to see EVERYTHING.)

Friends of B. and Me, hanging out in my room.

Friends of B. and Me, hanging out in my room.

B.s desk area.

B.s desk area.

Mr. W. reads a lot...

Mr. W. reads a lot…

Our youngest cat, Tiger, who is fascinated by street-life.

Our youngest cat, Tiger, who is fascinated by street-life.

Mr. Wow and B—Love It Or List In Hoboken?  (A History of Our Homes—and Quite a Bit More!)


Longtime readers of Mr. Wow might recall that from time to time he has complained about the condition of his home.  (Yes, I know—what hasn’t he complained about?)


Recently there have been some changes on the home front that have given me hope.  I’m not tossing my hat in the air—although why such an action is considered a sign of happiness I’ll never know—but I feel…better.  And that’s as much as I can ask for or expect at this point.


Some background is needed. My mother was something of a neatfreak, and so was my “older friend” of many years, Jack.  So, I was pretty neat myself.  I didn’t leave clothes on the floor or the bed, I scrubbed out the bathroom, and kept a fairly organized environment.  And then I spent my first night with B. (This was years before we were “official”—I was still living with Jack.)    I was horrified.  I mean, eventually I was horrified.  After the sex.  I had never seen such clutter.  It was beyond clutter. The kitchen was scary. 

I washed dishes and tried to straighten up.  I admonished him for living in such chaos.  (Of course, this was back before I drank, and I also shook my finger at him like Carrie Nation over his beers.   It would be funny if I hadn’t eventually developed a drinking problem myself.)   Maybe that was why I was always trying to lure him into hallways and alleys.  I didn’t want to see his place again.  (Or I was just a danger-seeking slut.  You decide.)

We’ll fast-fast forward the intervening years, which for anybody new to this site can be found archived.   So, let’s pick up in 1977.  B and Me (I like that better than the grammatically correct B. and I.) were in Chicago.  He was there working, I was there because I loved him and wanted to change my life.  I was jobless.   And since I was, it was my responsibility to keep the apartment neat. It was an uphill battle.  But we didn’t have much, so things never got out of hand.  Detroit was our next stop. (“Are you kidding me?”  I said when I got off the bus from Chicago to Detroit—B. had flown ahead.  “This looks like Berlin after the war!”)   It was actually a nice place, if only it hadn’t been in Detroit.   I was still jobless, and unlike our year in Chicago I was unable to get welfare.  It wasn’t a pretty period.  The majority of the apartment was fairly neat.  Once again, that was my “job.”  But there was one room B. used as an “office.”  After a few months it looked scarily like his old place in the Village, where we first connected.   I didn’t even attempt cleaning that.  Also, I was coming to learn that B. didn’t want his clutter un-cluttered.  He didn’t want it touched.  No neat stacks, please.  (And he didn’t say “please.”) 


   After a mostly miserable year, I decided that love was not enough—not if you live in Detroit without a job.  I wrote to my mother and asked her to send me some money—enough for a bus ticket.   I planning to leave.  Not just B. and Detroit, but I was willing to leave books and scrapbooks and photos—my own few possessions–to get away.   Luckily, this wasn’t necessary. 

One afternoon in downtown Detroit, near the ironically named Renaissance Center, we were almost mugged.  B. declared suddenly, “We’re leaving Detroit!”  And within two days, he had secured us yet another destination—Hoboken.  (“Hoboken?!  Now you’re taking me to Hoboken?!”)   Our first apartment was a small ground floor spot.  Nice.  Huge kitchen.  Again, I was supposed do the cleaning.  However, I wasn’t so sanguine anymore.  For one thing, I was eligible for welfare, so I took it.  But I also took it upon myself to wander into a little thrift shop down the block. The people who owned it were nice (crazy, but nice.)  I offered my services to help them out and before you knew it I was opening and closing the store and going out to flea markets! (These were some of my best experiences.  I was/am good with people,  it was fun.)    So, I had some money.  A fortune, as far as I was concerned, and I contributed what I could (very little, but I did my best.)  

    And while B. appreciated my efforts, he didn’t appreciate them enough to help out cleaning-wise.  Once, I attempted to make a point about how unnecessarily sloppy he was. I did not, when I dealt with the bedroom, clean his side of the bed, which quickly became a mess of a mass of beer cans and overflowing ashtrays (he smoked then.)   I thought I was being very clever.  Not.   B. flew into a rage.  We rarely argued, not because I was so placid, but I felt I never had enough authority in the relationship to argue.  And he would not accept that kind of aggression from me—or anyone, for that matter.  (He has his own issues from an unhappy childhood.)   In the end, I lost my little battle, and cleaned up his side. 

But as our year in this space drew to a close, I had developed a passion, an obsession, with the house in which my thrift shop employers lived.  The top two floors on an old-fashioned brownstone.  Massively high ceilings on the first floor, a marble fireplace, a great staircase.   It was on the same block—so convenient for moving!   This couple kept saying they were going to move, and I knew the rent was miniscule, even for that era.  I made it clear that I wanted, almost expected them to recommend us to the people who owned the entire house (they occupied the first two floors.)   I tormented B.  I was convinced this was our “dream house.”  (Oh, and the bathroom had a huge club-foot bathtub and a skylight.)

  My campaign was relentless.  At one point, they said they were moving, we packed and then at the last minute they changed their mind.  When they changed back, several weeks later, I was so possessed—and fearful of their flaky nature– I went over to their place (my place, as far as I was concerned)  and packed “for them.”   This rightfully outraged them and almost queered the deal.  Eventually, however, they were gone.  (No, I didn’t kill them.  But I won’t say it hadn’t crossed my mind.)

So, despite the drama, we were in.  I remember our first night there, sitting in the almost empty living room, with those high ceilings.  I thought, “Wow, maybe it is too big for us?”   Of course it wasn’t.  And in many ways it did become our dream house.  B. was sufficiently motivated to build some nifty shelves (there’s really nothing he can’t do!)   We entertained.  We decorated the place lavishly for Christmas—those ceiling were perfect for stringing glittery garlands loaded with ornaments.   And my own life was changing.  By then I had met my boss and had began working, outside the bosses office (I would come in two years later)   Checks were sent when my work was acceptable.  I was still selling knick-nacks in  thrift shops, so there was more cash.   But by the time I was putting in a nine to five job, I was less willing than ever to be the only person who cleaned.  B.’s desk area was a disaster, and it was right next to the door, the first thing to hit my eyeline when I got home.  What had been his darkroom initially, upstairs–we were young and pretty and took lots of pix of each other—turned into a storage space, almost impossible to move around it—a lost room. 

     I developed a “career”—I traveled, I went out, my life got bigger. Also I was increasingly able to contribute and even go to the theater (we saw a lot for quite a few years.)   I became less pliable, more argumentative, more willful.  Some of this was a positive assertion of my own place in the relationship.  Other aspects of the “new me” were childish and self-destructive.

    I put myself into terrible credit card debt, despite B.’s advice that I pay each bill in full. He took it upon himself to write out my first credit card bill in total—I had no checking account, I just gave him the money.  I was outraged.  This was MY money, and MY life and I’d pay MY bills as I wanted—who was he to control me?  He said, “fine, go ahead.”  (As ever, you were an asshole, Mr. Wow.)

Still,  B. was as averse as ever to a simple argument and resolution, which led me to having to use humorous repetition of a complaint as my way of getting through.  This was exhausting.  But it did work. 

     My drinking was slowly increasing.  B. was loathe to admit I had a problem—“it’s your work…it’s your friends!” he’d insist.   He had his own issues in that area, which could be frightening.  (I myself was sloppy and dangerously casual about flirting in situations I might not be able to control after a few more drinks. In the age of AIDS I was risking both our lives.)

   As a result, the house began to suffer.  I would clean but with a savage resentment.  And then I wouldn’t.    And then would—half ass. 

There were also problems with the house itself.  Massive water and leakage problems.  Year after year.  Our bedroom ceiling literally sagged.  The living room leaked disastrously—once on the TV and all our electronic equipment.  (We came home from the theater one rainy night and were rightfully shocked.) 

The owners of the house—a mad old pair—were always saying they wanted to move and sell the place—to us!  At first this seemed unrealistic.  But in time, B. had wisely saved and invested.  It could have happened.  We both still loved the house.  And how great if we had the entire thing.  I could put B. on the ground floor with all his shit.   But it seemed eventually they were not serious. 

The house grew ever more tatty, especially with the cats (remember, we always had cats) ripping at the carpets and such.   I had a bi-yearly monologue with B. about keeping the place neat, and he would listen dutifully and…nothing. 

Finally, after one especially destructive bout of water damage, B. announced suddenly—as was his eternal wont—“we have to move!”

I was still devoted to the place but agreed we’d never own it and maybe, yes.  We went house-hunting and found quickly our current digs.  It is on a series of blocks that are very old.  The houses appear tiny, like doll houses.  But inside, though narrow, they have a good amount of space.  And B. made sure we got the house with the most extra space—it had been built out.   It was charming.  We  both loved it.   Moving was pretty much a breeze.  Three blocks away.  I carried a lot over, night after night.   Construction was needed.  Walls were knocked down, staircases moved and re-built.   At one point we had a supremely cute guy, Dave, doing some work for us.  Adorably personable.  He and B. got along well.  They chatted a lot.  B. was never very social (all our past “entertainments” were my friends.)  I was jealous.  (Why wasn’t Dave chatting with me?”) I was so jealous I actually  pulled a tantrum in front of the two of them.  B. had to say “behave yourself!”   That made me laugh.  It reminded me of the big scene in “The Way We Were” with Barbra and Robert Redford.  (“I won’t behave myself. I wanna get out of here!”)


And so our new life in our new house began.  It seemed big enough.  On the second floor I had my room.  He had his room.  The third floor was a large open bedroom suite.  And the living room and kitchen on the first.  But I soon saw signs of the old problems—I had insisted I would NOT move from the other place unless B. promised to clean up his act.  He promised.   But old habits were hard to die.

His room became cluttered.  The couch in the living room became cluttered.  The floor in front of the couch became cluttered.  One weekend he went off to see his parents.  I took it upon myself to straighten up the mess around the couch.  I didn’t remove one thing.  I just stacked.   Mistake!  He came back late.  And had obviously been drinking. (Not that I blamed him. He’d been with his parents. )   I was upstairs, but I heard a terrible racket as he tossed around some of things (CDs) I had down there, yelling, how dare I move his stuff?!    I slept in my room that night.  We had no conversation the next morning as I picked up my CDs and took them to my room.  He did not apologize.  But—he never drank again.  (And although I’d backed off the brutally excessive imbibing of years before, I was still a binge drinker. This was—and remains—an issue.) 


But he did continue to clutter.  The house then became a scene of much unhappiness.  The death of our most beloved cat Nigel, at age 23…my diagnoses with AIDS…quitting my job  a few years later…going back (at a much reduced salary)…suffering an extreme depression I can’t say I have ever escaped…B.’s early retirement.  With his retirement came a massive influx of books, clothes, gadgets.  Amazon was his favorite word.  Every night–after a day in the chaos of my boss’s office–I came home to a grisly mess.  More cats died.  Some he spent thousands on trying to save, even when the vets said let it go.  We had more water damage! (Neither of us are Pisces or Scorpio or Cancer–what was with the water following us everywhere!?)  

I gave up cooking.  Twenty years was enough.  B. Stepped in and of course he is a fabulous cook.  (There is really nothing he can’t do.)   But the condition of the house and my general depression was overwhelming.  Even with somebody coming in every two weeks to clean, the mess was overwhelming.  And I didn’t think we needed somebody to come in.  Certainly two men could take care of this small house without much trouble.  But when I tried to prove that, by cleaning up day after day, after the cleaning woman had done her job, it was the same old story.  He didn’t really care to mop and sweep and dust.  But if I wanted to—cool. 

Finally,  I had one of my annual monologues—I hate the house.  I hate Hoboken now.  I hate my life.  I am so unhappy.  WE are so unhappy.”   B.—“I’m not unhappy.  This is your problem.” 

Me:  “Well, but…surely you don’t expect us to die here?”

B:  “Yes, I do.”   (At this point, I’d been so unhappy, depressed, complaining and a pain in the ass for so long, I don’t think B. appreciated the impact this had on me.)


His response sent me spinning to the point I was again planning to leave him.  Again, with few assets. (I’d drained my paltry bank account paying off credit card bills and keeping up while I was unemployed.)  “He wants to die there!”  I cried to as many people as I could. 

   Later, I found out B. himself was depressed about the house, and its continual structural flaws.  He felt pretty defeated. It wasn’t that he was content and being cruel. He actually tended to be far more affected by house issues than I was.  My take was “We have a house, these things happen.”   In most ways he is much more sensitive than I am. 


In the midst of this, I began watching a lot of cooking shows.  Though I didn’t cook anymore, they were oddly calming.  And then I started on HGTV—
”House Hunters”…”Love it Or List It” and the rest.  I also watched “Hoarders.”  Sometimes B. would come into my room and ask what was I watching?  “Hoarders” I’d say with as much tragic emphasis as I could muster.    Well, B. never watched “ Hoarders” but he did begin to get into HGTV.  A lot. 


About two months ago, B. never one to change the tactics of surprise, announced, “I think we should have somebody in to clean the place out and re-decorate!”   I was stunned and unbelieving.  But as good as his word, a little team arrived and B. was on board with clearing out his mess.  He exhibited almost no resistance to a lot of his stuff going out the door. He had made up his mind and that was that. (Which is what he told me years ago about me—he loved me from the start, he said, and decided we’d be together in time.   No matter what. Determination is not to be despised! ) 

    I was so impressed and excited that I cleaned out some of my own excess.  And I immediately reversed my habits, inherited from B.—no clothes thrown about, etc.  Then we confabbed on new couches and chairs and a fresh paint job and putting up photos and artwork we either had taken down during a flood or never bothered to put up at all.   I was unable to contribute one cent to this, still “working” as I am without a salary.  B. didn’t turn a thick hair. (His mane remains impressive, if a bit grayer than when we first met.)  He has been the proverbial doll. 


Today I walk into an entirely different environment. B. will never be a neatfreak but he controls his tendency to clutter.  His own office is wonderfully clean and approachable.  We have beautiful new furniture.  I have a marvelous new couch in my inner sanctum of DVDs and videos and memorabilia.  The massive third floor has been improved with cushions and pillows and paint and—we even make the bed now! 



I don’t hate the house anymore.  Hoboken?  If I won the Lottery, we’d move.  But I think I’d keep this house.  It’s seen a lot.  Maybe its history hasn’t been the happiest.  But maybe we learn from living with, and transforming, discontent. 


I am not content, yet.  I have work to do on myself that only I can do.   But, I can do it now in a home I love coming home to.  And to a man whom I will always love and who knows me better than anybody ever will.    So, I guess—who needs the Lottery? 





PS—After this I have SO much shit to say about Alec Baldwin, Anderson Cooper and Our President!









  • Mimi

    How wonderful! I’m so glad you and B are so happy together in a newly cleaned and painted house. There is something wonderful about loving where and with whom you live.

    8:05 pm | November 18, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Mimi–I want to post some pics, but am having a bit of problem. However, expect them within a day or two. AND—thanks for sticking with me after all this silence.


      Mr. W

      8:08 pm | November 18, 2013
  • Mimi

    Will always stick. Missed you quite a lot. I love your stuff. By the way, I just move rather than clean and sort. Not really, but it sometimes seems that way.

    8:19 pm | November 18, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Mimi–yeah, I know the feeling.  Let’s just move–why clean it? 

      8:22 pm | November 18, 2013
  • Deirdre Cerasa

    OMG!!!’ I had posted a message last night and was all testy eyed wondering when/ if we souls hear from you again! I am crying now because you used the word happy when referring to your previous self more than once in this piece. It is soooo very good to hear from you and know that houbara a bit better and that you and B are enjoying life, each other and your house.  We have made a big move to be closer to our children and grandchildren. We are in Cemtral Florida, my dear husband is thrilled to be in always warm weather and I bask in the glow of my family. Having fun doing up a new house. Miss NYC but will spend some time there throughout the year. I have also found (fingers crossed ) an opportunity to sing locally! Three cheers and tons of hugs. I have missed you and am thrilled to the crafters that you are back.Keep us posted, hugs for B!!

    8:31 pm | November 18, 2013
  • Deirdre Cerasa

    P.S. Tomorrow is my birthday! Thank you for a terrific gift!!

    8:33 pm | November 18, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Oh, Deirdre–I am so f**king selfish not keeping up.  This all means a lot to me, and when I lose it–that is, when I feel I’ve lost control of my feelings–it hurts.   And I can’t quite grasp that it hurts more than only me. 

      Happy birthday, honey.

      8:48 pm | November 18, 2013
      • Deirdre Cerasa

        All you ever have to do is say. “I’m here”. I think those of us who try love you understand the trials. Hope the feeling good will stay!

        10:23 pm | November 18, 2013
      • Avatar photo
        Mr. Wow

        And now I’ve posted pix!

        2:55 pm | November 24, 2013
  • Loved this post, Mr. B. Have missed hearing from you but glad you are doing well now.


    8:35 pm | November 18, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Pat–thank you!  Every day is a struggle.  I have just had a bad time with a friend who was very concerned about my afternoon drinking.  Could not take my coming up to her office so bombed.  One week good, one week fallen.

      And one day at a time.  But man, the house looks great.


      8:51 pm | November 18, 2013
  • mary burdt

    I am over the moon to hear from you.  Losing you and B  over these last few months on the we bsite has been very difficult.  So happy to hear you are both O.K.  I felt like I lost two brothers who abandoned their sister.  But, now you are BACK!  Yeah!

    Living in a home for a long time is bittersweet.  I have lived in my home for 55 years.  When my husband, Bob, died almost three years ago, I thought, very briefly, that I might move and start anew, however, this is home and I love it.  Lovely neighbors who look in on me and a comforting atmosphere abounds on my little street in L.A.

    Nobody has a perfect life, but we keep trying, one day at a time.  Love to you both


    8:41 pm | November 18, 2013
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      Mr. Wow

      Dear Mary–I am never very far.  When I’m not in touch, that’s when I think about all of you the most. 

      I love L.A.  I love the little neighborhoods and sweet houses.  Of course I also loved staying at hotels right off (or right on) Sunset Strip.  I could live that life.  Okay–not anymore! 

      8:55 pm | November 18, 2013
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      Mr. Wow

      Dear Mary…managed to post a few pix of the place…

      2:56 pm | November 24, 2013
      • mary burdt

        Hi–Thank you for letting us into your SPACE.  I love it, especially all the books and the feeling that this home is lived in.  Now I can picture you curling up on the sofa and reading or watching old movies.  The kitty in the window is the finishing touch to your wonderful photos.  Congratulations to you and B for sharing a little of your life.

        3:10 pm | November 24, 2013
  • Susan

    You’ve discovered something it’s taken me years of expensive therapy to figure out–if you are unhappy with a place then you are unhappy period.  And wherever you run you will take all that unhappiness with you.  You’ve stayed and dealt with it, brilliant!  (So have I–this time…) All the best, keep writing.  Love Susan

    8:47 pm | November 18, 2013
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      Mr. Wow

      Dear Susan–I wasn’t so brilliant.  B. did the deed.   But it has made me happier.  I have my own demons to deal with.  Then everybody will be happy.  Happier, anyway.  For the time being. 

      8:58 pm | November 18, 2013
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      Mr. Wow

      Susan…now, not so unhappy in the place.  Pls see a few pix posted here.

      3:26 pm | November 24, 2013
  • Mimi

    We all have demons. You are just upfront about yours. I admire that.

    9:03 pm | November 18, 2013
  • lulu

    I suddenly feel ecstatic – You Are Back!!!!  I feel like you and B are entering a new phase of your lives that will be filled with happiness and success.  Your writing needs to be shared by more than just us on this blog.  Plunge into the unknown and watch the accolades come your way.  Have missed you and B….Although we have never met other than ‘our fantasy visits’ to Hoboken we all love both of you  xoxoxo



    10:23 pm | November 18, 2013
  • Deirdre Cerasa

    Hi and hugs to Lulu, Mary B, Susan and Pat Browning. Hoping to hear from Baby Snooks, Daniel Sugar, Rude a Dog, Lila and the rest if our wonderful crew! We are getting the band back together!

    10:40 pm | November 18, 2013
    • mary burdt

      Deirdre–It is good to get together with all of you again.  I have missed oour little chats on Mr. Wow’s blog.  We are fortunate to have found friends through Mr. Wow.  Keep in touch.

      10:55 pm | November 18, 2013
      • Deirdre Cerasa

        I promise to do better. It feels really good to me too!

        11:24 pm | November 18, 2013
  • Nicety Gridlock

    Welcome back.  Looking forward to hearing your opinions about Alec Baldwin, Anderson Cooper and our President.

    12:20 am | November 19, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Oy, so evil….

      12:36 am | November 19, 2013
      • BabySnooks

        You definitely are smiling again. Wickedly. So hurry up and start slashing and trashing our favorite homophobe. All I can say at this point is Kim Basinger warned us.  Some men need to keep their pants zipped.  Alec Baldwin needs to keep his lips zipped.  We have missed you. You should try to pop in at least once a month. One of these days I may appear at the door. “Would you please check in on your blog?”  And then off I will go. Just to irritate you when you realize “oh, my god that was Baby Snooks…” Although most likely it will be “oh, my god THAT was Baby Snooks…”


        The redo sounds fun. They always are. And the thrift shops. Memories for me as well. I used to do estate sales for extra money. And the woman I worked with had a shop as well. What didn’t sell ended up there. Marked up. 


        And the hotels along the Strip. Only one I can think of is the Chateau Marmont. Can’t afford it now. But they ruined it when they went “chi-chi.” The real charm was that it was, well, a dump. But fun. 

        9:45 am | November 19, 2013
        • Avatar photo
          Mr. Wow

          Dear Baby…I used to stay, mostly, at the Le Montrose, several blocks in from the Strip.  Cozy.   I never managed to wrangle my way into the Château.   although the last time I was out there–for Elizabeth Taylor’s memorial service–I strolled by and could have sworn I saw Lindsay being thrown into a limo.    But I’m sure I was mistaken. 

          8:31 pm | November 19, 2013
          • BabySnooks

            Oh you would have fit right in at the Chateau Marmont back when.  I pulled up Le Montrose. I can’t remember it. I always preferred the apartment/hotels because of the kitchens. Looks very upscale. Upscale is not a word you can use for the Chateau Marmont. Even now.  But back when, well, the charm. And Richard Gere. Back when. Then Raymond Sarlot sold it and all you got was Lindsay Lohan. It might have been her. They’ll take anyone at this point willing to pay outrageous amounts of money for a dump.  Of course she may have just popped into the bar for a Coke. They didn’t have a bar or a restaurant back when.  It was very private.  Which I liked. I may go out next spring. I may check out the rates at Le Montrose and possibly stay there. 


            I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall at that memorial service. Just to see how many of her friends who has “slashed and trashed” along the way suddenly were her very best friends. But I guess the same can be said of all the memorial services in Hollywood.  Her kids set up a Facebook page in case you haven’t seen it. Lots of photos including some no one has ever seen before.  One recently of her and Larry Fortensky as clowns one Halloween.   With the caption of no one recognized her. Until she started cackling.

            Reply–from MR W I don’t don’t why, but your last comment didn’t have a REPLY button. So let’s see if this works.

            ET’s memorial was intimate and moving and genuine. (Joan Collins did not attend. Debbie had the wisdom not to. ) It was really close friends, kids, grandkids, great grandkids. Jose Eber broke down crying recalling what a true and supportive friend she was. This was theme throughout. Her personal generosity and faithfulness to those she loved. It was a terrific thing. (Even Larry and all his family attended. He is unrecognizable from the kinda hot number he was when she married him.)

            10:26 pm | November 19, 2013
          • Avatar photo
            Mr. Wow

            Dear Baby…it’s not the Chateau or Le Montrose, but…take a gander.

            2:59 pm | November 24, 2013
  • Rho

    So glad to hear from you Mr. Wow.

    9:21 am | November 19, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Rho…thank you, honey.  How have you been?

      8:27 pm | November 19, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Haunted Lady

    At last! I’m glad you and B are well. It sounds like you’ve had an exciting time. Sprucing the place up always brings one’s mood to a better place. You’ve inspired me to get busy on my place. It’s an old house that needs a new attitude from me. Thanks for writing this and please try not to stay away to long.

    2:20 pm | November 19, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Dear Haunted One…thank you!    Lots of work still to be done on me, but this has helped tremendously.

    8:25 pm | November 19, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    From what you’ve said about B, it sounds like you’ve already won the lottery.

    8:40 pm | November 19, 2013
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      Mr. Wow

      Dear Dr. Sugar…did I say lottery?  I meant lobotomy.

      B. is a really good guy.  We’ve been through our troubles but, we’re still here.  I count my blessings.  He counts my lost brain cells.

      8:25 am | November 20, 2013
  • Mr. Wow, so great to hear from you!!!  Sounds like you and B. have been busy with your home makeover – you must feel almost like you’re in a new place… a GOOD place.  So glad you two are happy and enjoying your home together.

    12:00 am | November 20, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Lila–thank you.  Things are looking up.  And thanks for hanging on w me, despite my long absences. 

      7:22 pm | November 20, 2013
      • Avatar photo
        Mr. Wow

        Lila…so here are a few snaps of the re-newed place.

        3:01 pm | November 24, 2013
  • Kemh

    So happy to have you back!! I was afraid you’d broken it off with us and had left us… 🙁
    Also, happy that you’re happy ^_^

    10:28 am | November 20, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Dear Kemh…I’m so happy you’re happy, as Bette said to Celeste Holm in “All About Eve.”  

    I am happier.  Sprucing up the house made quite a difference.  I still have other battles, but this is a good springboard.

    10:54 am | November 20, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    Margo Channing: B’s thirty-two. He looks thirty-two. He looked it five years ago, he’ll look it twenty years from now. I hate men.

    12:59 pm | November 20, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Please don’t play governess, Karen.  I don’t have your unyielding  good taste.  I wish I could have gone to Radcliffe too.  But father wouldn’t  hear of it.  He needed help behind the notions counter.”  

      3:52 pm | November 20, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    Miss Casswell: Now there’s something a girl could make sacrifices for.
    Bill: And probably has.
    Miss Casswell: Sable.
    Max Fabian: Sable? Did she say sable or Gable?
    Miss Casswell: Either one.

    9:37 pm | November 20, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Miss C: “Why do they always look like unhappy rabbits?”

      Addison:  “Because that is what they are.  Now, go over there and do yourself some good.”

      10:03 pm | November 20, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Addison:  “What do take me for?”

    Eve: “I don’t know that I’d take you at all.” 


    Addison:  “Is it possible that you’ve confused me with that gang of backward children you play tricks on?”

    10:07 pm | November 20, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    Margo: Encore du champagne.
    Waiter: More champagne, Miss Channing?
    Margo: That’s what I said, bub.

    11:02 pm | November 20, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      “This is Miss Caswell, a friend of Mr. DeWitt’s mother.”

      7:58 pm | November 21, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      “To my recollection neither your name or your performance entered the conversation.”

      8:01 pm | November 21, 2013
  • bigred52

    Dear Mr Wow –  welcome back.  I’ve missed the updates and autobiographical stories.   Big hugs,  Bigred.

    10:05 am | November 21, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Dear Big Red—I can’t help it, I blush when I write that!  Thanks, and I hope not to vanish again.

    It’s because you’re tall, right?
    12:18 pm | November 21, 2013
    • bigred52

      Yes, Mr Wow.  I have, or should I say HAD red hair, and I was the tallest child in the family.  My dad nicknamed me Bigred  (remember the Disney movie about the Irish Setter?).  Sorry to disappoint, but the name does add interest to my on-line dating profile.

      10:00 am | November 29, 2013
      • Avatar photo
        Mr. Wow

        OH, yes, I remember that Disney movie. What can I say? My mind is always in the gutter. Even tho I was raised on Disney movies!

        9:07 pm | December 5, 2013
  • Lucy

    Mr. Wow – 
    You are sooo funny. I was reading your post and laughing out loud over some of your descriptions. I can imagine you are very good with people – just from the way you write.
    I think a space is so important to one’s metal health. You need cleanliness & order (even if you have a lot of things) to allow your spirit to breathe and dream.  The atmosphere of a person’s home really reflects their state of mind. 
    One thing I noticed every time I moved, was how much “useless stuff” I had held onto – where did it all come from – and I am not one to hold on to things. Somehow we think this “stuff” defines us? It is strange, but so many people, not just B – fall into this trap. Once you get into the habit of an organized space, it’s hard to go back. 
    This is an amazing story of generosity of spirit. It really shows how much B loves you. It must have been very hard for him,  old habits die hard. You two have made it through a lot – just like the rest of us, but it is so touching and wonderful to hear this story.
    Have a wonderful holiday season in your newly decorated home.

    2:05 pm | November 21, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Lucy…

      It is hard to let go of things.  Like my hundreds of VHS tapes.  And now, even the DVDs are becoming obsolete!  But I kept my stuff in my little room of insanity.  (Pix to come.)

      B. is a great guy and he truly did this for me.  Or, he did for himself because the other alternative was burying me in New Mexico.  And he hates to travel.  

      Thank you.  I hope this will be  a good holiday season.  I had pneumonia last year and was so sick I couldn’t even put up  a tree.  It was kinda scary.  And very depressing.  As if I need pneumonia to depress me!

      7:18 pm | November 21, 2013
      • Avatar photo
        Mr. Wow

        And now I’ve added a few photos…

        3:55 pm | November 24, 2013
        • BabySnooks

          Reminds me of a friend’s townhouse in Capitol Hill in Washington. I love the brick walls and the wood floors.  And the chair and ottoman with the pillows and comforter. Yours or B’s?  Definitely mine if I ever pop in…

          4:50 pm | November 24, 2013
          • Avatar photo
            Mr. Wow

            The chaise w the throw is mine.  Perfect for glamorous photo-ops. 

            I love the brick.  And we have great brick walls in the bedroom, too.

            5:20 pm | November 24, 2013
  • Lisa

    So very happy to hear from you, Mr. Wow!  

    3:27 pm | November 21, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Lisa…thank you.  And again—thanks for sticking with me through these long silences. 

      7:25 pm | November 21, 2013
      • Lisa

        Thank you for sharing even more of yourself – your home is lovely!  I love the exposed brick, wood floors, comfy and cozy spaces to just ‘be’ in.  And, topped off with B. and kitties! As I write this, I am enjoying a fire with my kitties hanging around and the sound of my husband watching football.  It’s the simple things that matter… XO

        5:56 pm | November 24, 2013
        • Avatar photo
          Mr. Wow

          Sear Lisa…thank you so much.   The kitties are lounging (what else do they do?)  And B. is most definitely NOT watching football.  

          The size of so many of those guys.  I’m sorry, it doesn’t look healthy. Tim Tebow seems the right size.  And he’ll pray for me.  What more can a guy ask for?

          5:30 pm | November 27, 2013
  • rickgould

    Mr. W–Good to see you back!People, like houses, are often ongoing works in progress…I know I am ; )
    I hope the Christmas spirit moves you to decorate and put up your shrines to Marilyn and ET!
    Had my head low with last lap of school and real life middle age issues, too. A day at a time!Hang in there, big hug, Rick

    9:04 pm | November 21, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Rick…thank you so much, honey.

      Wait till you see the pix of my room of madness.  I’ll post tomorrow.  Yeah, this coming Christmas has got to better than last year.  By now I’m used to not being paid and hopefully will not come down w pneumonia.    I’m hanging in and trying to steer clear of (too many) margaritas. 

      9:49 pm | November 21, 2013
      • Avatar photo
        Mr. Wow

        Dear Rick…The Room of Madness can be seen now!

        3:06 pm | November 24, 2013
  • Deirdre Cerasa

    Speaking of Christmas decorations, will our lovely swan be making an appearance? I hope she survived the purge and restoration! Pics of her in Christmas glory please!

    12:22 am | November 22, 2013
    • mary burdt

      I second that motion.  Oh, and don’t forget the tree.


      12:36 am | November 22, 2013
      • Deirdre Cerasa

        I thought the tree would be a given but as I recall the swan was more Easter and since we have been in serious Mr . Wow withdrawal, we need to see our swan!

        12:39 am | November 22, 2013
        • Avatar photo
          Mr. Wow

          I’m afraid the swan only visits on Easter!  We suspect he makes his home in Denmark, but he’s rather close-beaked about his life outside the yearly trek to Hoboken.

          1:35 pm | November 23, 2013
          • Avatar photo
            Haunted Lady

            Oh, well, everyone needs a break and Denmark sounds like a good place to take it. Until Easter, then.

            11:16 am | November 26, 2013
        • Avatar photo
          Mr. Wow

          Honey—no swan, but you might take a look anyway.

          2:57 pm | November 24, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Haunted Lady

    Yes, please be sure to have the swan. My cousin will probably not do the Christmas Chocolate Stegosaurus this year because of a couple of deaths in the family. I feel a terrific need for a Christmas swan. And your room can’t be as bad as my sewing room which has seen no sewing since I moved in here over 3 years ago. It’s embarrassing.

    11:15 am | November 22, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    [a butler passes by]

    Miss Claudia Caswell: Oh, waiter!

    Addison DeWitt: That is not a waiter, my dear, that is a butler.

    Miss Claudia Caswell: Well, I can’t yell “Oh butler!” can I? Maybe somebody’s name is Butler.

    Addison DeWitt: You have a point. An idiotic one, but a point.

    12:19 pm | November 23, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      “I don’t want to make trouble. All I want is a drink.”

      (Yeah, I sure made that Marilynism my mantra!)

      3:02 pm | November 24, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Oh, I just tried posting some pictures, but they were enormous.  I have to learn how to reduce the size.  I took them w my iPhone so maybe that has something to with it. 

    3:54 pm | November 23, 2013
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      The pictures are wonderful. So warm and comfortable, just as I pictured it in my mind. Thank you for sharing! It ‘a okay that the Swan has decamped to Denmark (or wherever) as long as she returns for Easter!

      3:40 pm | November 24, 2013
  • rickgould

    It all looks nice and cozy to me, Mr. W!
    I finally sold my lower MI house last summer, and now only have my upper MI house, which I let my sister have the run of. What’s left of my life is crammed into a bedroom. But I will think more about that after I graduate next June : )
    Actually, I want to retire to the ranch home Gene Tierney had in Leave Her to Heaven. But then I’d probably have to murder somebody to get it ; )
    Cheers, I look forward to seeing and reading more from you,Rick

    6:09 pm | November 24, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Rick…I approve of Miss Tierney’s ranch house as a goal.   But whatever you do, don’t murder the kid in lake.  (One of my early movie crushes.)  And even though I generally felt beautiful women should be able to get away with anything, I fear Miss Tierney went beyond even my tolerance!

      8:22 pm | November 24, 2013
  • Ann

    So glad to hear you are feeling brighter, we have missed you.

    8:10 pm | November 24, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Ann…thanks!  Yes, brighter and neater.   Still have some “issues” but–who doesn’t? 

      8:17 pm | November 24, 2013
  • Love the photos!  Wonderful brick, beautiful floors and a mysterious trap door in the living room…  And I have it on good authority that Tiger is watching those silly primates behind the glass.

    12:33 am | November 25, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Tiger is highly amused by what we do.

      5:23 pm | November 27, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    What a lovely home.

    1:55 am | November 25, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Thank you, Doctor Sugar.  But please do come into the garden.  We can talk about lobotomizing my niece amongst the Venus Flytraps.

      11:38 am | November 26, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    Birdie: The bed looks like a dead animal act.

    1:58 am | November 25, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      The whole house looked like a dead animal act before the refurbishing.

      11:40 am | November 26, 2013
  • DanS

    Oh, the joys of home ownership. I have some soffet that needs replaced, but the cold weather means that’s probably now a Spring job. Same with crawling into the attic to re-run some wiring. I guess that means I’ll deal with the quarter-sized drip pattern that’s appeared on the ceiling beneath the master bath.

    I’m very… minimalist, so my place looks more like an empty house in which the world’s fanciest hobo is now squatting. I really dislike clutter almost to the point of phobia. I can’t imagine I’ll ever be able to share a place with another person because having a place full of someone else’s stuff would probably be nearly traumatic for me.

    10:04 am | November 25, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Dan…

      Hmmmm.  You dislike clutter?  As Liz said to Brando in “Reflections In a Golden Eye”–“What’s the matter with clutter?  I like it!”   Actually the house is much less cluttered now and my room has always been controlled clutter.  If you stop by, I’ll take you to the to mostly empty bedroom suite.  For a chat.  Really, your mind!

      8:17 am | November 26, 2013
      • DanS

        Her claim about clutter sounds eerily similar to my claim about booze. In both cases, I suspect that there’s ultimately a reckoning.

        It sounds like you’d use your bedroom’s clutter-free status in the same way that I have a TV in my bedroom – so that I can invite a visitor up to watch a movie.

        9:09 am | December 2, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    “I’m very… minimalist, so my place looks more like an empty house in which the world’s fanciest hobo is now squatting.”
    Dan S – You’re hiliarious!

    12:43 pm | November 25, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Haunted Lady

    Your place is wonderful. Do you ever share your Room of Madness? I would love to curl up on that couch with you and watch movies and read books until my eyeballs sue for permanent separation. I can’t complain, though. Cats and I arrange ourselves in the recliner, now creaking with age and discontent, and watch movies and read and nap. It’s great to have a hunker-down spot, isn’t it?

    12:46 pm | November 25, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Haunted One…Some have ventured into  the Room of Madness.  They are never quite the same again, alas.   (What do you think that trap-door in the living room is for?!)

      8:22 am | November 26, 2013
  • Mimi

    The photos are wonderful. I love your home! And you and B. 

    2:56 pm | November 25, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Thank you, Mimi!   I’m loving the house quite a bit more myself.

      8:20 am | November 26, 2013
  • Susan

    Love the pictures of your home.
    I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    9:10 am | November 26, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Thank you, Susan.  Let’s all eat till we bust!

      11:35 am | November 26, 2013
  • Kemh

    You have a lovely home, Mr. Wow! Thank you for sharing your pictures!

    10:14 am | November 26, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Thanks Kemh!

      11:34 am | November 26, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Haunted Lady

    I hope everyone here has a lovely Thanksgiving. Enjoy the food and friends and family and whatever you have going. Extra good wishes to Mr. W and B and the cats.

    11:19 am | November 26, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    Margo Channing: Everybody has a heart – except some people.

    1:24 pm | November 26, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    Mrs. Venable: Oh, Sebastian, what a lovely summer it’s been. Just the two of us. Sebastian and Violet. Violet and Sebastian. Just the way it’s always going to be. Oh, we are lucky, my darling, to have one another and need no one else ever.

    1:26 pm | November 26, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      “She’s here.  Miss Catherine is here!”

      (Yeah, even in the loony bin she had quite an eyeliner going–she was always here.)

      9:04 pm | November 26, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    Dr. Cukrowicz: Bait? For what? What were the better fish? 
    Catherine Holly: We procured for him. 

    2:28 am | November 27, 2013
  • Rho

    Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Chanukah.

    9:15 am | November 27, 2013
  • lulu

    Happy Thanksgiving to one and all !!!!!!

    10:42 am | November 27, 2013
  • mary burdt

    Wishing all of you the warmest Thanksgiving ever. 

    11:36 am | November 27, 2013
  • Deirdre Cerasa

    Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Chanukah one and all!  So nice to have the crew back again!

    12:27 pm | November 27, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    Happy Tom Hanksgiving.

    12:35 pm | November 27, 2013
  • rickgould

    Enjoy your Thanksgiving Dinner tomorrow Mr. W!Just don’t dine out with Cousin Sebastian or you could both end up being the entrees!

    6:01 pm | November 27, 2013
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Cousin Sebastian couldn’t hold a candle to me when it came to…as Miss Taylor shrieked—“DEVOURING!!!”

      6:35 pm | November 27, 2013
  • Rho

    Happy December.

    9:21 am | December 2, 2013
    • mary burdt

      Hi, Rho–And the same to you.  December is always busy and excitedly happy.  Love it!

      3:16 pm | December 2, 2013
  • Deirdre Cerasa

    Happy December!!

    11:24 am | December 2, 2013
  • rick gould

    Well, I ate worthy of Elizabeth Taylor all weekend!
    I hope Mr. Wow and all of our friends here enjoyed their Turkey Day.
    My greatest indulgence was watching Lana Turner’s eyebrows emote a storm in “Imitation of Life” on TCM last night… Juanita Moore as Annie is so awesome and I love that she’s still with us at 91!

    5:47 pm | December 2, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Hey all…I had some weird computer glitch here that kept me off the site for 24 hours and tho now back, I see that, mysteriously, all messages and my responses over the last four days have been erased.

    DAMN!  And we were  having such fun with “Imitation of Life.” 

    8:59 pm | December 5, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Hey all—had  strange computer glitch here,  I was down, so to speak, for 24 hours.  But now I see that all messages and my responses over the past few days have vanished.

    DAMN!  And we were having such a good time with “Imitation of Life.”

    9:03 pm | December 5, 2013
  • Deirdre Cerasa

    Well that stinks! Just have to start some quotes from some other classics! If my dear hubby were a member of this crew, he would quote any and all Joe Pesci movies, he lives them. Lest we consider my beloved a philistine, he speaks 3 languages and has 2 degrees. He just lives tacky movies! One of the many things I live about him!!

    10:26 pm | December 5, 2013
  • Rho

    Glad it’s up and running now.

    9:35 am | December 6, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Why, Annie, I never thought of you as having friends.  You never have any over.”

    “Oh, I have lots of friends.  I belong to the Baptist Chruch and several lodges.”

    “I never knew.”

    “Miss Lora, you never asked.”

    11:37 am | December 6, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    “Sarah Jane Johnson, you put your clothes on and get out of this place!”

    “Hey, honey–who is this character?”

    “I don’t know.  I never saw her before in my life.  Tell her.  My name is Judy Brandt.  Make her go away.”

    11:40 am | December 6, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    “Honey, nobody’s all right about something, and nobody’s all wrong.  Now if you don’t want to be a teacher, let’s talk about what you want to be!”

    11:41 am | December 6, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    “Fixed you all a mess a’ crawdads, Miss Lora, for you an’ your friends.”

    “That’s quite a trick, Sarah Jane, wherever did you learn it?”

    “Oh, no trick to tote, Miss Lora.  I learned it from my mammy, an she learned it from Ole Massa, ‘for she belonged to you.”

    11:44 am | December 6, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    By the way, I consider the staircase scene, after Sarah Jane has been beaten, to be one of the dramatically connstructed film moments ever.  When Sarah Jane stands up and the camera pulls back to show all the protagonists, each at some different level of the stairway–wow.  Words were not needed. 

    11:48 am | December 6, 2013
  • rick gould
    8:32 am | December 8, 2013
    • rick gould

      Annie and Sarah Jane…then and now…

      8:33 am | December 8, 2013
  • Mimi

    Busy for the last couple of weeks. I’m hoping everyone has (or has had) wonderful holidays and healthy, happy, New Years. I am truly moving in January. I am definitely not a small town girl. I am moving back to the suburbs where I belong. Packing is a joyous thing, but if the builder is very late, it may be Christmas until Spring. Mimi has packed everything else and stored it neatly in the guest room. Any overnight guests will have to sleep amidst the boxes, the car is in the garage where she lives. 
    Love to you all. Mine is definitely LISTED!

    3:57 pm | December 8, 2013
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      Hope the move brings you every happiness!

      4:16 pm | December 8, 2013
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Dear Mimi…list it, baby, and be happy!  Let us know how it goes.

    11:59 am | December 10, 2013
  • Daniel Sugar

    Dear Mr. Wow & all the Wow-ettes,
    Happy Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Rockefeller.

    12:15 pm | December 12, 2013
    • The Wow-ettes!  We need a costume worthy of Radio City Music Hall and we can put on a show…

      7:45 pm | December 12, 2013
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      Daniel, you forgot Festivus! Lila, the Wow-eyes could rock some serious costumes! Just think back tomboys virtual travels and parties!!

      9:15 pm | December 12, 2013
  • rick gould

    Mr. W–I hope your place is properly decorated ; )One of my favorite Xmas movies is on TCM twice, after they caught hell for not showing it last year: Christmas in Connecticut with Barbara Stanwyck and Dennis Morgan and the great Warner Bros. stock company is on Dec. 22 @ 2 pm and Dec. 24 @ 8 pm, ET. I love the country “house”! If I had that place, nobody would ever see me again!Anyway, cheers to you Mr. Wow and all the members here ; )Rick

    10:23 am | December 13, 2013
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      Rick, I love Chrustmas in Connecticut! Thanks for the info!! Merry, Happy.

      3:59 pm | December 13, 2013
  • Well, Mr. Wow – RIP to Peter O’Toole.  I will always picture him as T.E. Lawrence, although he did so much more.

    2:47 pm | December 16, 2013
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      He was gorgeous and talented! Be at Peace, Peter O’Toole.

      2:57 pm | December 16, 2013
  • Paulette

    Mr. Wow, it was such a pleasure to read your latest as I have really missed your updates.  I wish they were daily or weekly because you make me feel more positive.  I’m shamed to admit that I’m a bit of a hoarder like B.  It’s difficult to change that bad habit.  Your house is very pretty and cozy.  Have ya’ll gotten any new babies (cats)?  Until I’m unable to take care of them and/or myself, I will always have to have at least one cat.  I hope you and B have a wonderful Christmas and blessed New Year.

    3:19 pm | December 17, 2013
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      Paulette!! Isn’t it just superific that our friend has come back??? We have missed him and as you said, hope he starts posting dispatches every day.


      7:13 pm | December 17, 2013
      • Avatar photo
        Mr. Wow

        Dear Paulette and Deirdre…

        Actually, you can find many of my daily thoughts and opinions in another form, under another name.  Please don’t ask me to be that specific.  Just know I’m always stirring a pot.  Or overturning a kettle.  Or ruining  a soufflé.   Or just  being foolish.

        6:46 pm | December 20, 2013
        • Deirdre Cerasa

          I do know of what you speak. I just forget to go there, don ‘to know why.

          8:46 am | December 21, 2013
        • Paulette

          Deidre, yes it is wonderful to have him back!  And Mr. Wow, since I don’t know under what other name you are writing, I suppose I’ll have to content myself with Mr. Wow musings.  But whatever, I’m very happy to see those or is these????  ♥

          8:59 am | December 21, 2013
          • Deirdre Cerasa

            Paulette, there is a certain gossip columnist who has been around for about 100 years. The column appears on HuffPost and NYSD. I am sure if you read a couple of the blurbs, you would recognize the very special touch of our wonderful friend!

            9:54 am | December 21, 2013
          • Paulette

            Thank you Deirdre!!  I still read that column, but had no idea our Mr. Wow was involved.

            10:17 am | December 21, 2013
          • Deirdre Cerasa

            I don’t think we knew early in or maybe it was a wink and a nod. During the first hurricane to hit a couple of years ago, Hiboken was underwater and the news reports were grim. We were posting right and left, marshaling the troops and honestly terrified for Mr. Wow and B. The columnist was concerned as well and published a picture and name.tge name is not used here except when our friend signed a condolence post for one of the original gang. You can always scroll back through posts to read. He is always Mr. Wow to me. And of course you can read the other columns and see the input.

            2:15 pm | December 21, 2013
          • mary burdt

            Thank you Deidre for the info.  I use to receive daily e-mails from N>Y. Social diary and really loved them.  A year ago the e-mails stopped arriving.  When I tried to join they said I already was receiving the posts.  Now what?  I would love to begin getting them again, especially if our guy is writing on this blog.  Any advice?  Mary

            A very Happy Holiday Season to All!

            3:16 pm | December 21, 2013
          • Deirdre Cerasa

            Not sure, I haven’t read it there in awhile. Try the huffington Post.Merry Christmas! You do understand it won’t be our friend ‘s by- line…

            3:30 pm | December 21, 2013
          • mary burdt

            I do know it won’t be his bi-line but I think I will recognize his writing.  I hope so.  I will try the Huffington Post.  Thank you

            3:38 pm | December 21, 2013
          • Deirdre Cerasa

            Yes, you will.

            3:51 pm | December 21, 2013
  • Deirdre Cerasa

    I just read that Juanita Moore from Imitation of Life has died. She was 99 according to her grandson.

    12:05 am | January 2, 2014
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