So here we are again. I can’t say I’m much excited except perhaps for the possibility of Kim Novak appearing! I don’t know if I’ll look at the screen when Liza Minnelli, Lorna and Joe Luft are supposed to sing some sort of tribute to “The Wizard of Oz.” It’s always nice to see Bette Midler, if she can stay on key. Rooting for Cate Blanchett but for the wrong reason. I suppose Leo does deserve an Oscar at this point, though I found his “Wolf of Wall Street” perf pretty much what he’s done since he lost his short-lived looks. The movie itself was a trial. But then, so was “12 Years a Slave.” Prefer Bradley Cooper or Michael Fassbender to Jared Leto in Best Supporting Actor. And June Squibb for “Nebraska” in Best Supporting actress.
No politics, please, but somebody with an amusing buzz on, could be welcome. Ellen will be sweet. That’s fine.
Braced for tomorrow’s snow. I will NEVER get rid of this cold.
Let’s try to have fun and not be too bitchy. Kidding!!
I never watch any awards show, but I do enjoy reading your comments, as well as your fan base’s two-cents worth. ENJOY!
Thanks! The “fan base” shrinks each year, but those who come on have a little fun.
It’s a minor chore for busy people to watch and comment. But if I didn’t, I’d feel antsy about it.
3:01 pm | March 2, 2014-
Well I will be here. Had a birthday lunch instead of dinner since it’s Sunday. So I’ll pretend I’m having my birthday with you and B and watching the Oscars, which I haven’t watched in years, instead of just with my cat. Should be an interesting evening which is why I am going to watch it for a change. I suspect some surprises are in store when they open the envelopes…
5:58 pm | March 2, 2014

Hi Mr. Wow,I’m all set for the Oscars but feel I’m out of the loop re: this years movies. I love Jennifer Lawrence because of her seemingly honest and fresh interviews, love Ellen (who doesn’t) and yes, No Politics Please.
The last we spoke I told you that my daughter had been missing and nothing’s changed. No one has seen her since Thanksgiving although she is in the NYC area. I’m feeling so lost although I have a lot of support.
For me, on this rare day off, in sunny and gorgeous Vero Beach, the Oscars are a welcome distraction.
I’m hoping and yes, praying, that all of my northern friends and family can just hold on. Spring is on the way.
Oh, my other distraction is my new found love of House of Cards and Kevin Spacey. As for the Wolf of Wallstreet, trust me. It’s all true. I have had a front row seat to all of it for a long long time. Sickening, really.
Jamie–so sorry about the continued strain and heartbreak re your daughter. And I’m awfully sorry to hear you had any kind of close vantage point to the Wall Street mess. I’m certain it’s all true. But three hours of it was a bit difficult to take. And I have to agree with those who say that “Wolf” manages to glamorize it. Look, the real-life guy is everywhere, seeming fine, healthy, cocky, giving interviews and posing for pictures. Maybe I’ve missed some interview where he seemed sincerely regretful…? Once a scumbag always a scumbag.
3:11 pm | March 2, 2014-
Thanks for your kind words, Mr. Wow.
And yes, your last sentence pretty much sums it up. Some day I’ll write a book about all of the Wall Street ‘moments’ I’ve witnessed. Every single scandal, perp walk, suicide, all of it.
The one big lesson I’ve learned in life is this:
I don’t have the power to change anyone but myself.
I live by those words.
To all of us here tonight…
“Cheers”3:18 pm | March 2, 2014

We actually cut the cable this year, so I’ll be relying heavily on the kindness of others who are watching the Academy Awards. Go to town, post often! 🙂
You cut the cable? But…the Oscars are on ABC. You mean–you don’t have television? It’s a brave thing, my man. I don’t know what I’d do without the 500 channels I have (especially the five or six I actually watch with any regularity.)
Go with God.
But, still on the Internet, so you’re not totally off the info grid. Although how many misleading, sensationalistic headlines can one read on the Huffington Post?
4:16 pm | March 2, 2014-
It’s true. Time Warner got way too expensive, and the service was too awful to justify the price. We pulled the plug and get everything off the Internet, Hulu, and Netflix. Wasn’t easy, but we adjusted pretty quickly. Now if ABC streams the Oscars online or shows it later, I’ll be good to go. And of course, those Huffington Post headlines are priceless.
5:59 pm | March 2, 2014

Every year, there is much snark about the Oscars but they still go on and on. I choose to see it as a big party and enjoy it as such. It’s fun and not really so important outside of the movie industry. What the heck. It’s a good show.
Looking forward to the show! I love the gowns and jewels… We saw all of the Best Picture nominees this year (with the exception of Philomena) so will be interested to see who all the old white men voted for… I found the articles linked on the other thread interesting, thank you Daniel Sugar for sharing!
Dear Lisa–We love Dr. Sugar. I just wish I had his facility for posting pix correctly, and within the body of the post, as well as on top. “I disgust me!” as Martha memorably said.
6:23 pm | March 2, 2014

The E! red carpet. It begins. Nobody there yet. Going down the history of Sandra Bullocks gowns.
Oh, God, Giuliana Ranic, please cover up. We know you’ll never eat, so–just wear sleeves.

Ohhhhh…I forgot. Today is Justin Bieber’s 20th birthday. Almost legal in every way and every state.

One of the things I’m looking forward to. Should be interesting to see what clips of their mother they have chosen as the “backdrop” for the segment. She was such brilliant star in the universe we knew as Hollywood back then. The star dimmed by her own hand but of course Hollywood put the pills in her hand to begin with. And it still does.
6:27 pm | March 2, 2014-
Dear Baby–it would wonderful if The Academy made it a film tribute to Judy’s entire, stupendous career, but I think it focuses on “The Wizard of Oz.”
Yes, Hollywood put the pills in her hand, but she had an truly addictive personality, and back then there was much more shame and much less serious rehabilitation. To think–only 47 when she passed.
6:32 pm | March 2, 2014

Kristin Chenoweth–big talent (saw her in a great revival of “The Apple Tree”) Ugly, uncomfortable-looking gold dress. Sweet girl.

Olivia Wilde–ravishing maternity gown. Classy. We can see she’s pregnant but we don’t see the fetus.

Ryan Seacrest is so great at what he does but why do I find him SO ANNOYING?I agree re: Giulianna’s dress. OK, here’s my inner bitch coming out and I kind of like it:
Really? Nominating a guy that has never acted a day in his life and played a mean pirate over Tom Hanks, the guy who carried the film?
Get it right big fat white men who need money.
OK, that’s it. I promise to be nice from now on.
I absolutely LOVE Amy Adams. She would never say what I just said.
Jamie–just let it out. I have to be a little careful because of my daily daytime occupation.
6:47 pm | March 2, 2014-
OK, Thanks, Mr. Wow.
What’s up with that stupid mani cam? Have we now pimped everything out including the maker of our nail polish?
Love John Legend.6:49 pm | March 2, 2014-
Jamie–oh, the mani-cam. Yeah, E! has had it for a year or two. Revolting. (Amy Adams does not have pretty hands.)
6:53 pm | March 2, 2014-
Maybe it was the close up, but I agree. Farm girl hands.Wow. I’ve hit a new low.
Farm girls rule!Well, my girl La Liz had terrible hands, but who looked at her hands that much? Mr.W
6:54 pm | March 2, 2014

Amy Adams–fifth Oscar nomination. I like the simple dress, not loving that jewelry.

Lupita Nyong’o (I’m sure that is misspelled!) Just exquisite, pastel blue Prada.
It’s been speculated that because she has not missed an awards ceremony and become a fashion icon in the process, she could take the Oscar. I hope not. I mean, lovely girl, great performance in a not-so-great-movie. Very young. Plenty of time.
Beautiful! I saw a composite photo yesterday of her arranged by color of dresses – it was gorgeous! I’ll see if I can figure out how to post link…
7:28 pm | March 2, 2014
Maybe we’ll get lucky and it’ll be another Alan Carr telecast. (Oscar needs a good scandal.)

Laura Dern. Looks good but how does such a thin girl have so much “spillage” around the bodice? Better fit or better posture? We bitch, you decide.
Haha True about Liza. I love to listen to her ‘talk’. It’s all sort of blurry whenever she speaks.I love her though. I saw her at Carnegie Hall in the early 90’s? I think that was the last ‘best performance’ by Liza.Maybe Jaqueline (sp) Bissett will arrive and be given a chance to speak.Wow.Stunning blue dress on that young woman (won’t attempt to spell her name) I agree.
7:01 pm | March 2, 2014 -
I just said to my husband (after seeing Laura Dern) “I could go by a dress at the mall, do my own hair/makeup and STAND UP STRAIGHT and look better than some of these people.” Honestly, tailoring and posture go a long way…
7:02 pm | March 2, 2014 -

June Squibb–lovely in green. And she was Miss Electra in the first Broadway production of “Gypsy.” Who deserves an Oscar?

Jared Leto–please be assured that in person he is even more beautiful. And a doll of a guy.

I’m waiting for Jennifer Lawrence as I find her to be adorable and not jaded. Yet.
Also, will Julia Roberts appear?
I think Julia will appear. But she is a comfy wife and mum now, and the likelihood of her winning is slim. So, maybe she’s at home, being as evil as us.
7:18 pm | March 2, 2014-
Julia has arrived. Meh. But I was never much into Julia at any point. (I still her think portraying a great charismatic movie star in “Notting Hill” and using Rita Hayworth’s line–“they go bed with ‘Gilda’ and wake up with me’–was the height of hilarious hubris.)
8:01 pm | March 2, 2014

Benedict Cumberbatch. I love him. Love “Sherlock.” While I’m still hanging on to my “profession” he’s one I’d enjoy meeting.

Cate Blanchett–despite the glitter on the gown, too blendy-blendy with her skin tone.

A cute bride of frankenstein in a great red dress.
Cate Blanchett ….. Love the color of her dress. On her. She’s exquisite.

I disagree Mr. Wow. I loved the blush colored dress on her. It accents her porcelain skin.
Mr. W.,
Beg to differ on Cate – I think she’s a vision in one of the most beautiful gowns I’ve ever seen.
P.S. The one true genius of fashion is Giorgio Armani.

I am trying to recover from the vision of Goldie Hawn. She should shoot the plastic surgeon.
Right?!?!?!? Awful… Saw a picture of Kate Hudson – looked like she’d had work done (already!) – almost didn’t recognize her…
8:00 pm | March 2, 2014

Dear Baby–what, you don’t believe in Hell? Mr. Blackwell’s havin’ a fine time.
8:11 pm | March 2, 2014
HD gives a dimension of crassness. Who is the guy from Somalia with the tortured teeth? Is this the 13th slave?
Are you kidding, nothing on earth or in the heavens could move Goldie’s face.
8:13 pm | March 2, 2014

Angelina appears to be wearing one of Marlene Dietrich’s old Jean Louis gowns–a size too big.
Oh, its 12 Yrs. A Slave. Sorry. But enough of portrayals of black people as slaves, butlers, housekeepers and pimps and hoes. Blacks should boycott.
Terrible production design – those Oscars on the stage look like bowling pins. (I hope someone picks up the spare.)

Ellen is a fucking genius…
Liza was NOT amused (this really could be a fun night!)
Travolta looks glued together
Julia Roberts really loves Ellen
Why does Sandra Bullock look like Vampira?
Ellen is perfect for this. Almost didn’t recognize Goldie. Good grief! She’s my age and now looks worse than I do!
I’m bored. Bring Jared Leto back. (He doesn’t have to do anything – just stand there…)
Miss Novak. Still bored?
I refrain from criticism, as she is one of my all-time faves and I recall so many of Miss Taylor’s appearances in the years between 1993 and her passing, and the unkind remarks. Let’s be good. Novak is still healthy and I’m glad she appeared.
Tomorrow I will throw in a copy of “Strangers When We Meet” and relish Kim at her zenith.
9:17 pm | March 2, 2014
Well Kim Novak looks darn good considering – what happened to her voice?
What happened to Kim Novak? Looks like the plastic surgeon nipped and tucked too much. And she looks like she popped in on her way to the grocery store. The most un-elegant woman I have ever seen on that stage. Dreadful…
That she agreed to attend at all is a miracle. She lives a very quiet life. I haven’t seen her in a gown (on those rare times she appears) in a long time.
I’ll have to take aesthetic comfort in Jared Leto and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
9:23 pm | March 2, 2014
The guy who played the cashier in the Tina Fey AmEx commercial could be a movie star. Who was that?
Well he could be in a movie. Tho what I have in mind isn’t Oscar-ready.
9:34 pm | March 2, 2014
People in tuxedos and gowns are applauding for one of the noble gases.
I take back my comment (up thread) about Kate Hudson’s face, she looks great, must’ve been a bad photo that I saw…

Glad it won, but…shall we say that Darlene Love wore a Kim Novak-style track suit on her voice tonight.

Angela, Steve and Angelina should be on-stage and taking their awards. This let’s-do-it-beforehand stuff is bullshit
When Tyler Perry said “Spare, sensitive and soulful,” I thought he was talking about me.

Brad–it’s not just the women who get the works. An entire army pummeled his face and skin into shape for tonight.
I think her gentle, understated humor–those little pokes–are perfect. But it’s subjective, of course. Next year’s host might be more to your taste.
10:10 pm | March 2, 2014
“All year long they make volcano movies and then they vote for ‘Gandhi’.”
Gene Siskel

Supporting Actress–
Eh, okay. Lupita. It’s a worthy performance, definitely. Oh, I see Liza had to jump in!
She is exquisitely eloquent and lovely. Let’s see how FOX News can trash her, somehow.

Ah, the rumor was untrue–no performance by Miss G.’s children. That is probably a good thing, for a variety of reasons. Pink is fine. But the song belongs forever to Judy.
Um…just how many shady side-eyes is Liza gonna give out tonight? Maybe it’s the emotion of the thing.

Somehow Bette reminded me of when Judy Garland had her TV show – we all forgave the flaws because we loved her
Dear Lulu–great point! But Bette never held her key, and that is part of the appeal of her voice. Judy’s voice was fabulous, and its decline was unnerving, tho yes, we forgave.
11:08 pm | March 2, 2014

Goldie Hawn–please people, Kim Novak is 81 years old and she was wearing pajamas. She still looks better than this hot mess.
Have to agree! Bette was great. Pink was fabulous! Goldie looks awful.
Can’t believe Travolta’s wife lets him leave the gay bar looking like that.

There’s nothing I enjoy more than watching a group of white millionaires give each other awards.

Thanks, Mr. Wow, for making this possible again this year.
You’re the best.
Oh, honey–thank you–ALL of you!
Really, Doctor, I was afraid what would occur if Cate hadn’t won. Might have been Lion’s View time.
To my friends, as Judy said, so memorably at the end of the Carnegie Hall convert: “Good night, God bless! I love you!”
12:03 am | March 3, 2014
Well I fell asleep not long after the tribute to Judy Garland and the “please stand up” which didn’t appear to please Liza Minnelli. Didn’t please me either. Reminded me of how the honorary awards are held separately and the recipients are allowed to “stand up” during the actual awards ceremony. Angela Lansbury apparently passed on “standing up” this year. Which is what Lauren Bacall should have done. It demeans them. And the memory of their careers. Imagine them doing that to Elizabeth Taylor. She would probably have told them what to do with their award. I felt bad for Liza, Lorna, and Joey. And Pink, well, she just didn’t do it for me. They should have just used Judy Garland herself. No one has ever sung that song the way she did. Or ever will. That demeaned her.
As for what put me asleep, well, the schtick. I would have preferred the honorary awards to Angela Lansbury and Angelina Jolie to the pizza delivery schtick. If I’d been there and had a hook, I would have used it. Ellen DeGeneres just didn’t do it for me either.
I was pleased both Dallas Buyers Club and 12 Years a Slave took top honors. Hope it rattled the Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz crowd…

Had to log off early but caught the show. It really hasn’t changed much since I was a little kid in the 50s. One thing that puzzles me, not only last night but for all of these things, why does Kelly Osbourne dress like a matron? The gowns she wears are very nice but better suited to her mother. She’s young and I assume has some sense of fun (hair color, for example) but always looks like a well-preserved woman of 50 or so when she’s on one of these red carpet criticize-the-fashion things.
I did not see any of the movies nominated. I did see “42” about Jackie Robinson, it should have been nominated. Jackie is my hero, and I knew him.
Mr W–I didn’t watch the Oscars, but looked at the pix on the net today.
I have no problems with anyone getting plastic surgery. I’d love to get ME some! But when the surgery a star has calls more attention to their age than their former wrinkles…something is wrong. All things in moderation, Kim, Goldie, and John!
…and LIZA!
Her “altered” appearance and garish getup was hideous enough, but the pages were filled of her today making weirdo faces… Is she rehearsing for the lead in the remake of “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?”5:44 pm | March 3, 2014

Hi Mr. Wow,Thanks so much for setting this up last night and including me in the evening. You guys rock.XOJamie
I was guilty of the *gasp* when Kim Novak came out. She actually addressed the matter twice last year. She trusted a plastic surgeon. And shouldn’t have. I found this out yesterday. She actually wanted to avoid looking like she looks. But the plastic surgeon recommended some “fat filler” which unlike collagen and some of the other fillers doesn’t go away after awhile and can prove disastrous. Beware the gods and gurus. And the plastic surgeons…
Kim was the first “real” movie star I ever saw in the flesh. She was filming a TV movie in Manhattan–“Third Girl From the Left.” She was doll. So cooperative with the fans. She filmed in the West 40s, wearing a showgirl outfit, down in the Village–casual sweater and pants and on the steps of St. Patricks! (Very early in the a.m. and it was just me and my friend Bill and the crew, of course. She was lovely and chatted for some time with us.) For a boy’s “first time” with a movie queen, it was pretty great. A few months later I had initial encounters with Miss Taylor. Of course that was epic and surreal–no chatting, just rioting and drama.
Years later I would see both Kim and Taylor together at the premiere of their movie, “The Mirror Crack’d.” Kim looked spectacular. Liz was still carrying a few extra Mrs. Warner pounds, but the crowds and the paparazzi mobbed her like it still “Cleopatra” time.
12:41 pm | March 5, 2014
Elizabeth Taylor is causing strife in the gay world 3 years after her death … a portrait of the late icon is allegedly being held HOSTAGE by a famous gay club, and a lawsuit is brewing.
Jesse Davis — who worked as a VIP manager for The Abbey in West Hollywood for years — tells TMZ, ET personally gifted the painting to him in 2009 … and he thought The Abbey would be the perfect place to display it.
Jesse says the painting quickly became a fixture in the club — with tourists flocking there for a glimpse — but when he left in 2011 … the club would not release the portrait.
The painting hangs on The Abbey’s wall to this day, and Jesse’s patience has worn out … either the Abbey returns it or it will be on the receiving end of a lawsuit.
The artist is awfully cute. The art I could take or leave. Why do we know there is so much more (or less) to this tale?
5:07 pm | March 6, 2014
Mr. W.
Wish I’d seen Elizabeth at The Abbey. I used to go there but wasn’t lucky enough to be there on a day when she dropped by.
(Apparently, she would show up in a wheel chair and the adoring crowds would mob her.)
I just wish she’d been there the day Ann Coulter dropped by. And that she’d been in one of her “tell it like it is” moods. That would have been the end of Ann Coulter…
11:30 am | March 11, 2014

Dear Doctor…
I assure you, you are better for not having seen her at The Abbey. God bless that she still wanted to go out (or that her staff wished it) but this was not a time for any Taylor fan to be too near. And no, not just the physical aspect of it–her looks. ET was not well served in those final years.
I suspect some fear someone may write something finally about those “final days” but I suspect she didn’t care. She was well served only in some were well paid. I’ll leave it at that. It was shocking to see her. But again I suspect she didn’t care. She was singing “Girls just wanna have fun…” to herself. She had a couple of “Norma Desmond” moments and apparently it just wasn’t for her. I still wonder what happened when she got to heaven. She probably grabbed Chen Sam and headed for the bar…
11:41 am | March 11, 2014-
The bar, a heaping plate of bangers and mash, and then a lot of fun tormenting the various hubbies and lovers up there.
And of course, in my heaven, everybody is at their physical peak again. And healthy. And horny.
2:14 pm | March 11, 2014
Thank God for TCM!Otherwise, we wouldn’t get to see such seldom shown movies like “The Legend of Lylah Clare”!This bizarro flick stars Kim Novak in yet another dual role, as an aspiring starlet and as the late title character, a German film icon who died mysteriously.Kim was 35 when she made this and looked fantastic, her last big Hollywood movie in 1968. The director is the guy who gave us “Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?” So it’s like that, times 10, on crack! Seeing Kim’s voice dubbed by some German actress for the “Lylah” scenes reminds me of when Linda Blair starts spouting off in Mercedes McCambridge’s vocie in “The Exorcist”!It’s on at 5:45pm Eastern on March 20. Enjoy!
It’s more like “Vertigo” on crack. And very drunk. Thrown in some heroin, mix well–voila! “Lylah.”
6:26 pm | March 23, 2014

Dear Haunted One–I watched. I’m glad that movie gets some traction on TCM. I love her performance.
5:56 am | March 31, 2014
I have a new TV channel called Epix. Last night they played Dirty Dancing. Love that movie, I can relate. Spent most of my life in the Borscht Belt.
Hi!A lil headsup that class act Eva Marie Saint will be interviewed by Robert Osborne tonight on TCM. It will be run twice and they will be showing two of Saint’s biggies, On the Waterfront and Raintree county. That’s today, March 31.
Saint will be 90 on July 4! This interview was filmed last year at a TCM festival–it IS possible to age gracefully in Hollywood…I think it helps if you don’t actually LIVE there ; )
HiI watched most of EMS interview last night…Saint is a sweetheart, totally gracious and intelligent. I found the most interesting parts of the interview not about her co-stars, but about her lovely upbringing and long, happy marriage (61 years!) to her hubby in the audience… Eva looked great for 88 and it was a total lovefest. Good for her!
Next TCM tip: It is Doris Day…all Day…Thursday…marking DD’s 90th birthday!Rick
Thanks for the tip about EMS – I love her. That interview was the BEST. She is a doll and so funny and with it. Hey, she said she walks 1 hour a day, I think I am going to start – I want to be as with it as her when I am that age. I, too, loved the family stories and her husband. She is quite a feisty one. Thanks so much for letting us know that she was on.
The private room in Bulgari (near the Spanish Steps in Rome) where ET purchased jewels.
TCM Alert, Today 4/4, 5:45PM ET, Debbie Reynolds and Shelley Winters chew the scenery in “What’s the Matter With Helen?” When two mothers relocate after their sons are committed of a thrill murder, they open a dance studio, and hilarity ensues…in the form of bitchy Debbie and hammy Shelley! The 30s era is awesome and Agnes Moorehead has a cameo as a Aimee Semple McPherson type evangelist. Fun stuff!
Well Doris Day hasn’t had any “nip and tuck” and still looks like Doris Day at 90! She had declined as she always did, promising a video greeting instead of her usual phone call, and then at the last minute, well, there she was!

Are you still among us, Mr. W? I hope you and B are well and had a nice Easter.

Hello Mr Wow! It has been too quiet here. Hope all is well. Would live to hear from you!
Denis wrote a long piece under Liz Smith in the New York column yesterday so at least we know he is alive and kicking
I saw the review this morning.
Mr Wow IS alive and kicking!
Good review…….
My question too, Rho! I do check in to read his Liz Smith stuff but would much rather read him here. Come on Mr. Wow, we miss you
5:36 pm | June 4, 2014
I think the ‘wowblogettes/etters’ should keep the blog going and entice Mr.Wow with interesting stories. Daniel now is your time to shine and give us a ‘taste’ of your writing. Maybe we can get Lila to reinstate our let’s go save Mr. Wow and if we can’t get to him we can have another cyber escape like we did in the past. Otherwise I think we are doomed to begging endlessly
My Dear Lulu: I recall a time when I didn’t have to beg for anything…especially treats! Now we’re all reduced to begging for simple acknowledgement. {Snort} Those days of our road trip are looking pretty good right now (how long ago was that trip, anyway?) and I think we can take credit for getting him to surface at one point. I loved that trip & would go on another if I could be assured of The Place of Honor on your lap…it’s just getting more & more difficult to get the old dog joints moving like they did when I was a pup.
7:17 pm | June 12, 2014-
The Place of Honor is reserved for you “My Rude Dog” whether we are traveling or you just need a cozy place to snuggle and have a good time together
10:03 am | June 13, 2014
Thanks, Lulu.
I’m sure Mr. Wow is fine (but busy).
So fear not, I’m (almost) certain he will return…
Rude Dog, I’m all for another road trip and if necessary I will be happy to “lap share” with Lulu.Daniel, I am almost sure you are right. This is probably not the longest we have gone without hearing from Mr. Wow but I would love to hear from him.Mr. Wow, we miss you!!!
LOL, Deirdre…at this point, I wouldn’t have any problem at all stretching across two laps!
1:03 pm | June 13, 2014-
Although I do have to admit that Lulu’s lap can’t be beat for Serious Nappage.
1:06 pm | June 13, 2014

Hi All,I feel Mr. Wow will return when he’s ready. And if he’s depressed it might be hard for him to return, sort of like knowing you need to take a shower but finding the energy to do it is almost impossible. I’ve been there. Thankfully I finally pushed myself to go to intense therapy and ultimately learned that the only person I have the power to change is myself.
So, I did. I moved to Vero Beach, FL from CT and am now thriving in a small upscale boutique on the boutique doing the buying, the selling, the hiring, the schedule, all of it. And I love it. But it was up to me to do it.
I know. I’m rambling about myself. (shhh; it’s a tactic I’m hoping might work)
In any case, the last time I checked in was sometime last winter when my daughter had been missing for awhile because of a heroin addiction (18 year heroin addiction) and a horrible, horrible eating disorder.
Good news. She’s been found, been to detox and is now a few months clean. AND, I’ve learned to set up boundaries because I can’t go through this again. The boundaries are helping. She phones me every Sunday and tells me how she is doing. And she wrote me a note letting me know that she loves me and now understands the selfishness of her disease and how hard it’s been on those who love her for the past 18 years.
Again, I couldn’t help her. And I didn’t. She finally helped herself. Maybe, just maybe, this time will be different.
So, I think we all struggle don’t we. My grandson (1 year old) had two scary SID episodes and today was my other daughter was told that he tests in the 15th percentile for everything except speech. We have hope that with occupational therapy he will be just fine. He just needs a bit of time and hard work and he will be just like every other little boy in a year or so.
So, if Mr. Wow does read any of our musings it might help him if we just start musing about ourselves, (as someone above suggested) as that might take any added pressure off of him.
But again, It’s all up to Mr. Wow.
Thanks for providing a safe place for me to vent and I will be reading and quietly following along with others.
Note to Daniel Sugar; E4 has finally left the nest and Ozzie and Harriet are busy doing what they do best.
XO to all.

In case Mr. W is going through a depressed period, I hope he understands that there are many people who care for him very much and wish him nothing but good. But, maybe he’s just busy.
Jamie’s idea of posting musings about ourselves is tantalizing. I would love to know more about the people here. I’m not that interesting, though, and have no idea what to post. The big deal right now is getting the yard cleaned up. My helper, an 11-year-old neighbor girl, has been helping me and she’s doing an excellent job. We pulled weeds, planted 4 new rose bushes and mulched the flower beds by the porch. The yard got away from me due to illness but now I’m catching up. We’ve had quite a bit of rain this season and the weeds and such are growing like, well, like weeds. The grass grows fast, too, needing to be mowed about every 4 or 5 days. Next week, we hope to tackle the back yard. That depends on how I feel but it’s looking good so far.
What are you all doing these days?
P.S. Jamie,
You might also enjoy the Bosch Kestrel Cam, The Fargo Falcon Cam, The Great Spirit Bluff Falcons (much drama the past few days!), and the Peregrine Falcon Webcam in Boise Idaho.

Thank you Daniel. I’ll check them out. I see Eagles regularly (I know, but it’s true) flying over an area of The Indian River Lagoon on my drive to work each morning. I’ve learned to identify them from the webcam in Ozzie and Harriet’s nest. Yes, E4 was the one we were fighting for. He was always being picked on by the much bigger and stronger E3 (do you remember seeing this) and it was horrible to watch. That’s why the eaglets weren’t named this year. I think everyone thought that E4 (myself included) wouldn’t survive. And we were all so upset because Harriet was seemingly ignoring it all. Survival of the fittest in the animal kingdom and all that. But alas, one day Harriet (or Ozzie) dropped a fish in the nest and E3 had just learned to eat without being fed. Well, he gorged himself and I have an opinion (only mine) that Harriet knew this would happen. The next day he was dead. The strongest eaglet who forever picked on E4 and took all the food gorged himself and died. And E4 grew stronger before our eyes and thrived in a matter of days. I know it’s such a long story but maybe there is a metaphor in this story waiting for Mr. Wow to find it. E4 was not thriving and possibly dying. We were sure he wouldn’t make it. And boom! One poisoned (exaggerated for the sake of the story) dropped into the nest and killed his brother, so E4 became the victor and is now happily soaring through the sky……..Enter Mr. Wow?
Happy 4th to you Rho!! Happy 4th to the whole crew. Hoping to hear from our pal very soon. Be well, Mr. Wow!
10:37 am | July 4, 2014
Thanks, Deirdre.
Thanks, Rho.
Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday.
And you to, Daniel! I’m hoping if we keep checking in, Mr. Wow will say hello. We moved last year from the town in Massachusetts where my husband lived his entire life. He and his older brother closed the family restaurant business which their parents opened in 1948! 65 years in business, not too shabby! We moved to Central Florida to be near our 2 of our 3 children and their families. Having lots of fun and doing “some time” in Europe. So anyhow, I still have unpacking and organizing and it is what I have been doing this weekend. Dear Husband hates retirement so he has taken a job. I let my mind wander as I unpack boxes and I think of the days a few years ago when we were certain to read a post from Mr. Wow. About his life, his work (or lack thereof) and his life, before and since B. I miss him and his stories! I, as with the rest of this diehard group care about him. Many would ask why we care about someone we have never met except on this here inter webs but we all know why. He has a way if drawing us in and sharing that let’s us feel we are a part is his story. Mr. Wow, please let us know how you are!
6:54 pm | July 5, 2014
There is a great picture of Denis and Liz Smith in her column today….NY Social Diary
Looking good!
I saw it too. At least we know he is well. I copied it, just don’t know how to post it here.
2:50 pm | July 11, 2014
That’s my friend and colleague Denis Ferrara,
ruminating on aspects of the current state of the world. He spoke out during
lunch at East 38th Street’s El Rio Grande. He’s so much fun after a couple of
Liz with Denis, who is “just a grumpy
Denis also
commented on the extreme state of political correctness that has overwhelmed
our lives and the culture. “I’m gay. When I say ‘gay community,’ I mean
everybody. Do I have to say ‘LGBT?’ I laugh when I see news anchors and politicians
struggling over this, terrified to just say ‘gay’ and possibly exclude some
easily offended group.
“Excuse me, I’m 61 years old. I left home at 15. I went to the Stonewall. I
marched when it was a march, not a spectacle. And I’ve already learned the
I laughed and said to Denis — “You don’t suffer fools gladly, eh?” He replied,
“At this point I don’t suffer anyone gladly.”
Is he a misanthrope? Denis: “No, Liz, just a grumpy pessimist. As John Adams
said: ‘The whole drama of the world is such tragedy that I am weary of the
A note about the above photo–which looks a little odd because I forgot how to make it smaller. Miss Taylor, freshly separated from Mr. Burton for the second time, attends the 1974 Oscars. She wasn’t nominated for anything, but was the star of the evening, natch. She is wearing yellow Valentino. In 1993, accepting her Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award, ET would again wear yellow Valentino. That would be her final appearance at an Oscar telecast. She looked fabulous.
And now I made the picture too fucking small!!!
NOW–we have two versions!