Mr. Wow Blog
Mr. Wow Survives “Snowpocalypse!”
4:55 pm | January 31, 2015

Author: Mr. Wow | Category: Point of View | Comments: 39

Mr. Wow Contemplates The End of the World By Snow—And CNN’s Valiant Ice Pop, Don Lemmon. 


 “HE IS the type that makes mountains out of molehills, and then sells climbing equipment.”  Ivern Ball.


THERE is nothing funny about a major natural disaster.  According to all news reports on Monday we here in the New York area were on the brink of one, with a snow-storm that was “once in a generation.”  It was “Snowpocalypse!”  Store shelves were emptied and people spoke in hushed, nervous tones about “the blizzard.”  (So unusual—snow in January.) 

   Luckily, most of the caution was pretty much standard “let’s-terrify-people-for-the-fun-of-it” talk.  Lots of snow fell, there were some power outages, transit was cancelled overnight. (I didn’t have to appear at my office. Or downstairs at El Rio Grande, for a hot margarita toddy.)

   But, all in all, the Medieval Black Plague language used, fell on impressive but not monumental snow banks.  It is better to err on the side of caution, and Manhattan’s embattled Mayor DeBlasio was certainly obliged to come out swinging against a potential disaster. (I suppose one could opine that the blizzard turned its back on DeBlasio, too.)

   The cable stations did their usual best/worst, putting the lives and health of their reporters at risk, at the point when it looked liked the snowfall would be far more daunting and dangerous.  Not that I would mind most of these jerks being swallowed up in a snowdrift or swept out to sea or tornado-ed to Oz.

   But the hoot of the night goes to CNN.  They crammed the always dramatic Don Lemmon into something called “The Blizzardmobile” and sent him out, bundled up, wearing an unflattering ski-cap, to travel and report disaster as it happened.  Oops!   No disaster occurred.  Aside from that ski-cap.  When I checked in on Don late in the evening, as the snowfall had stopped, he was still looking for something epic, desperately attempting to engage un-panicked people about the last of the flakes. It couldn’t have happened to a more inept and annoying anchor. (I honestly kept waiting for him to personalize the storm because he is gay or because he is black.)

   I can’t imagine that CNN’s coming “game show” hosted by the network’s giggling gift to New Year’s Eve, Anderson Cooper, will be nearly as much fun as Don Lemmon on the snowy tundra.  (The only thing better would have been placing the twoof them in the Blizzardmobile. Girls on ice.  But you know Anderson would have insisted they stop by Andy Cohen’s place for drinks and trash talk with some of  the “Housewives.”  And he never would have worn that ski-cap!)

   Stay warm, everybody!

  I’ve been putting off shoveling in front of the house.  Where is an able-bodied neighborhood boy when you need one?  Shovel optional.  (No boys appeared.  Mr. Wow was obliged to butch it up.  This is never a pleasant sight. But there’s more snow on the way. Hope springs eternal.)


Love, Mr. W.


  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Okay folks–I think we’re fixed now.

    XXXMr W.

    I had to remove the comments. But most of them were just trying to figure out what the hell was the matter with the site!

    4:56 pm | January 31, 2015
  • Deirdre Cerasa

    Guess I was lucky it came through fine. I think I said something witty about what a dope Don Lemon is and that I wish I had seen the ” Blizzardmobile”.  Glad you were not buried as some of our friends in New England were and will be slammed again over the next few days. Don’t miss the snow and cold but I do terribly miss the ease of getting into NYC. 

    5:13 pm | January 31, 2015
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Deidre…you said you didn’t wish Don ill, but…

      I said I simply wished him away.

      5:18 pm | January 31, 2015
  • Daniel Sugar

    You fixed it! (So you deserve this icy treat…)

    5:20 pm | January 31, 2015
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Thank you.  By the way, your “It’s All My Fault” post was hilarious.

      5:26 pm | January 31, 2015
  • Daniel Sugar


    7:12 pm | January 31, 2015
  • Mimi

    So glad it’s fixed! Yay! 

    8:25 pm | January 31, 2015
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Oh, but how do I get word to Rho?

      9:27 pm | January 31, 2015
      • Rho

        I am here, glad it’s fixed.

        8:53 am | February 1, 2015
        • Avatar photo
          Mr. Wow

          Oh, honey, I’m sorry you had such a time.  And for such–as you see–a minor post.


          10:21 am | February 1, 2015
          • Rho

            Liz Smith has some very nice things said about you today’s Social Diary.

            2:19 pm | February 2, 2015
          • Avatar photo
            Mr. Wow

            Dear Rho…yes, that was sweet.

            Are you snowed in?

            7:13 pm | February 2, 2015
  • Daniel Sugar

    3:06 pm | February 2, 2015
    • Rho

      Not yet, I cannot leave my apartment. Ice all over.

      3:57 pm | February 2, 2015
  • Daniel Sugar

    Remain hopeful, Rho – (some of the) groundhogs had good news…

    4:06 pm | February 2, 2015
  • Rho

    Going to try to get my car out today. I doubt I will.

    9:29 am | February 3, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Haunted Lady

    I hope all the East Coast people are doing all right. You’ve been hammered the past couple weeks and I worry about you. We got some in the Midwest but nothing like what you got. Mr. W, extra good wishes for you and B.

    11:08 am | February 3, 2015
  • Rho

    My car started, full of ice, warmed it up and got the ice off. Cannot back out of my spot, it’s been plowed, and it’s all ice. Oy Vey!!!!!!!!!!!

    1:55 pm | February 3, 2015
  • Rho

    Going to try to get the car out today. Supposed to be 40 degrees this afternoon.

    10:44 am | February 4, 2015
  • Daniel Sugar

    We’re also having a warm-up (I went for a walk and (for the first time in weeks) it wasn’t horrifying).

    1:49 pm | February 4, 2015
    • Rho

      A nice young couple shoveled the ice in back of my car. Was able to drive to the shopping center.

      2:04 pm | February 4, 2015
  • Daniel Sugar

    Glad you were able to get out.

    5:47 pm | February 4, 2015
  • Mimi

    Very glad you could get out. I bless my garage.

    2:47 pm | February 5, 2015
  • Rho

    Still very icy and very cold.

    4:30 pm | February 5, 2015
  • Daniel Sugar

    Just 42 days ’til spring!

    7:28 pm | February 6, 2015
  • Rho

    More snow on the way.

    8:46 am | February 8, 2015
  • BabySnooks

    I was hoping to find a Grammy’s column this morning. Maybe it’s on its way. Without Mr. Blackwell and Joan Rivers, all we have left for biting commentary on the fashionistas is you! 

    9:56 am | February 9, 2015
  • Daniel Sugar

    Will we all be watching the Academy Awards again this year? (It’s a lot more fun with Mr. Wow and the Wow-ettes.)

    12:34 pm | February 9, 2015
  • Rho

    I only watched part of the Grammys.  Not my kind of music.

    By the way, I am iced in.  Staying home all day.

    1:16 pm | February 9, 2015
  • lulu

    I will be watching the Grammy’s and will log in here – if Mr Wow and B aren’t available for commentary we can all try our hands at ‘dishing’. I did watch the Grammys and some of my comments are not printable. I will say I thought Katy Perry, Gwen Stefani and Nicole Kidman looked sensational

    5:30 pm | February 9, 2015
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Lulu–“not printable?”  In Mr. Wow’s  space?  You jest.   I was back and forth between the Grammys and “Downton Abbey”  (I’m sorry, I just can’t be sympathetic to Edith!)

      So much of the music is unfamiliar to me.  Give me some Ella.  Geez, give me some 1990s Prince!    Annie Lennox was great.   Please somebody put Kanye West out of his  misery.  And ours!

      9:07 pm | February 9, 2015
      • Rho

        I agree with you Mr. Wow.

        3:02 pm | February 10, 2015
  • lulu

    Meant to say Academy Awards – my multi-tasking today is floating off in space. Must need one of Mr. Wow’s favorites – a margarita

    5:33 pm | February 9, 2015
  • Daniel Sugar

    The real news is so depressing I prefer the Brian Williams news.

    3:31 pm | February 11, 2015
  • lulu

    There is news and then there is news….that said – Bob Simons was a true journalist and outstanding news reporter. So sad that he lost his life last night!!!!

    10:40 am | February 12, 2015
  • Rho

    I have no words. So hard to believe this about Bob Simon. May he rest in peace.

    12:54 pm | February 12, 2015
  • Rho

    Happy Valentine’s Day to all.

    9:41 am | February 14, 2015
  • Daniel Sugar

    Happy Valentine’s Day.

    3:44 pm | February 14, 2015
  • Daniel Sugar


    10:49 am | February 15, 2015
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