Mr. Wow Blog
Oscar 2015–Let the “fun” Begin?
1:27 pm | February 22, 2015

Author: Mr. Wow | Category: Point of View | Comments: 147
Paul Newman and La Liz at the 1992 Oscars

Paul Newman and La Liz at the 1992 Oscars

  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Dear Friends…So here we are again.  We’ll dish, we’ll nosh, we have a bit of bubbly–or in my case, coffee intravenously.

    The red-carpet coverage will begin around 6:30.  That’s always the best part, anyway.  I’m only bummed out that I’ll miss “Downton Abbey.” (I don’t have DVR)   Fascinated to see just  how much more miserable and whiny Edith can get.  I know most people dislike ice-cold Lady Mary, but  I prefer her to her sister, Miss Woe Is Me.

    We’ll be chatting later!



    P.S.  If you have interest, before the Oscars you can still go back and comment on the “Sniper” trial post.  I know it’s not fun, but…we have no expectation of a good time watching three hours of endless self-congratulation, either.

    1:39 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      Check your PBS guide, our station repeats the Downton Episodes at 1 or 2 in the morning. there is also a PBS 13 (NY) app, you can watch any of the PBS episodes that have a.ready run.

      2:24 pm | February 22, 2015
      • Avatar photo
        Mr. Wow

        Thank you Deirdre–I’m sure I’ll catch it at some point.  (no DVR and no apps–I’m still living in the 90s!)

        5:41 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Daniel Sugar

    There’s nothing more fun than watching a group of white millionaires give each other awards.
    Oscars Sally Field animated GIF

    1:42 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Rho

    I am not going to watch. I will be watching Columbo on MeTVnetwork.

    3:43 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Daniel Sugar

    My two favorite “Columbo” moments are:
    1) When Peter Falk (while investigating) falls/rolls down a steep hill.
    2) When a young detective gives (a very bored but patient and polite) Peter Falk a long, involved (incorrect) analysis of a murder case and Falk then says, quickly, dismissively, “That’s nice, the magician did it.”
    Both those moments made me laugh so hard I almost fell off the couch. He was great! 

    4:21 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Rho

      Glad you like him too.

      9:30 am | February 23, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    5:52—Good grief, they are already babbling on E! and Ch.7 

    I don’t think I can take anything seriously until 6:45-ish

    5:54 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Daniel Sugar

    Yes, I’m already flipping channels. 
    (So sad to watch the Oscar pre-shows and not see Joan Rivers.)

    6:09 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Daniel Sugar

    Rosanna Arquette – still stunning.

    6:19 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    E! is confusing because they are discussing fashion and showing stars from the GGs and the SAG awards.  Kelly Osborne and her fat queen sidekick are most annoying.

    Ryan Seacrest–please shave. If there’s a problem with your jawline, plastic surgery is available.

    6:20 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Faith Hill–lovely, but apparently believes after a woman passes a certain age, she has to chop her hair off.  Hubby Tim looks better wearing much less.

    Dakota Johnson–something so dowdy about her.

    Margo Robbie…?  Australian model. Will be the Jane in the coming “Tarzan.”  So slouchy and model-ly. 

    6:35 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Daniel Sugar

    Bruce Dern looks like Big Bird on methadone.

    6:38 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Ethan Hawke attempting to explain “Boyhood” to Ryan Seacrest.   Too complex for RS.    Hawke looks good.

    Dakota–still dowdy, even wearing Yves St. Laurent.

    6:41 pm | February 22, 2015
  • lulu

    However I think Dakota’s mother look better than she has in years

    6:47 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Lulu–yes!  I think she’s decided to leave herself alone.  Or just have better, more subtle work.  Maybe it’s being divorced.  That can be the best beauty treatment.

      6:51 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Lisa D.

    Mr. Wow – so happy to see you live blogging!  Dakota seems very bland and it’s sad to see what Melanie has done to her face…

    6:48 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Laura Dern looks good, tho she is dressed for either the red carpet or a role in “The Vikings.”  Protective evening wear. Arrows beware.

    Marion Cotillard bored.

    6:49 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Lisa D.

    Mr. Wow – so glad to see you live-blogging the Oscars!

    6:51 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Adam Levine.  Take off that tux and get rid of those tats. Okay–we’ll just turn out the lights. (That’ll be better for him, anyway.)

    Michael Keaton–I’m rooting for him.

    Just caught a glimpse of Lupita,  regally carrying an umbrella.

    6:58 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Lisa D.

      Lupita’s dress – stunning…

      7:07 pm | February 22, 2015
      • Deirdre Cerasa

        She looks gorgeous, as does Reese Witherspoon!

        8:32 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      Rooting for Michael Keaton too!

      8:31 pm | February 22, 2015
  • lulu

    Marion Cotillard may be bored but I love her dress

    6:58 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    John Legend’s wife–where did she stash the stripper pole in that dress?

    7:00 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Eddie Redmayne–sooooooo cute. God, I loved him back in his “Pillars of Earth” days.

    7:03 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Lisa D.

    Robert Duvall’s wife – dress is pretty, she reminds me of Ali McGraw…

    7:04 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Zoe Saldana–gorgeous.  Ditto Lupita, tho her dress appears quite heavy–is that all beading? 

    7:08 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Lisa D.

      I think just the bodice – a work of art!  And agree on Zoe as well…

      7:10 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Delusional

    Have seen nothing mind-blowing yet. A lot of housewives of Beverly Hills.

    7:11 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Dear Delusional–the era of mind-blowing is past.  If you want that, look at the photo that tops this post.

      7:28 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Lisa D.

    I am switching beween E! And ABC…  The latter has a nice pedestal which makes it easier to see the gowns.

    7:13 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Miles Teller–nice.  So young and fresh.  

    OMG–just went downstairs to have a bite, B. has CNN on.  Don Lemmon,asshole of the universe, is talking to Robert Duvall. Duvall clearly wants to talk up his wife’s upcoming movie.  Lemmon is having none it, and then goes on to SPOIL  Duvall’s film,  “The Judge.”  I mean, he told the entire plot and ending.  What a brainless fool. 

    7:26 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      Someone please put a muzzle on Lemmon.

      8:35 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Julianne Moore, a lovely woman and a great actress, usually gets it wrong on the red carpet, but I like this Chanel she is wearing tonight.  I hope she wins. 

    7:33 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      Julianne is one of the best!

      8:36 pm | February 22, 2015
  • lulu

    Agree Mr. Wow – Julianne is a classy lady!!!

    7:38 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    I love Benedict Cumberbatch, but I can’t embrace the white jacket.  Not even on him.

    The news is out.  Those were pearls on Lupita’s gown. 6,000 pearls.

    7:48 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Lisa D.

      I’ve never been a fan of the white dinner jacket, I can’t with the clashing with the white shirt…  Yes – saw that additional detail in a photo of Lupita’s dress – really beautiful!

      7:53 pm | February 22, 2015
  • lulu

    I think the Red Carpet show this year ranks among the worst – Hope the Oscars are better or I might fall asleep

    7:52 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      I just spoke to a friend who said, “I’ve switched to ‘My 600 Pound Life'” 

      7:57 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Reese Witherspoon–eh, on the dress, but she is an impressive woman.  I hope she doesn’t win, however!  (wearing a backpack for two hours does not an Oscar deserve.)

    7:56 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      Enjoyed the book and movie but agree Reese won’t win. This Julianne Moore’s year and is so well deserved.

      9:27 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Lisa D.

    JLo on ABC – boobs out again…  Dress is really princessy, beautiful face…

    7:57 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      I have to say, Lopez is a really beautiful woman.  I remember people just paralyzed by her a few years ago at the Time 100 party.

      8:01 pm | February 22, 2015
      • Lisa D.

        She is incredibly beautiful…

        8:05 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Jennifer Lopez–how shocking, cleavage! 

    7:59 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Lisa D.

    I love Jessica Chastain’s navy blue – gorgeous…  

    8:04 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Lisa D.

      Except I would have preferred either no necklace or sapphires with the diamonds.

      8:06 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Robin Roberts–she says it’s an “honor” to stand there with Chris Kyle’s widow.  Why?

    Robin missed the opportunity to ask about that little issue concerning promises made about profits from the film.  Darn.

    The Widow Kyle is an attractive woman. Great shade of green on her.

    8:10 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Bradley Cooper. Nice guy. Hot guy.  Wonderful actor.  Please, no Oscar this year.

    8:15 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Jennifer Aniston!!!  Gorgeous.

    Lady Gaga. Must we be in costume?

    8:17 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Lisa D.

      Jennifer looks absolutely amazing…  Never got the Gaga thing, but then I am on ‘old’ after all…

      8:19 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      Yes on Jennifer. I may not care for Gaga’s wardrobe but she has finally shown she can actually sing. Her album with Tony Bennett is wonderful.

      8:40 pm | February 22, 2015
  • lulu

    Lady Gaga’s red plastic gloves – what a hoot

    8:17 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Daniel Sugar

    Opening number had momentum until the Jack Black bit. Stopped it dead in its tracks and it never recovered. (Bad decision – should’ve just done the number straight.)

    8:43 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      I liked Benedict and his flask!

      8:48 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Enjoyed the opening. Maybe he could have thought out the Oprah joke.  Happy for J.K. But I was rooting for everybody in that category.

    8:46 pm | February 22, 2015
  • lulu

    I don’t think Neil’s jokes are very funny

    9:03 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Neil’s joke-writers are definitely letting him down.

    The funniest thing so far has been Miss Lopez tripping on her organza and tulle.

    9:05 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Deirdre Cerasa

    I love NPH and I think he is playing to a very jaded audience. Some of them won’t applaud unless their publicist give the okay. 

    9:07 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      No–the effort to be funny is clearly a strain.  Just introduce  the presenters.   I love him too.  Not so much tonight.

      Oh–Nicole looks very good.  I’m wondering about the red belt/sash however.

      Pity that the star of “Boyhood” has no idea who Shirley Maclaine is.

      9:13 pm | February 22, 2015
  • lulu

    Too funny Mr. Wow

    9:08 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Delusional

    Don’t think Mr. Harris will be invited back.

    9:41 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      I agree, he won’t be.  Why even have  a host?

      10:11 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    WOW–Patricia Arquette.

    Oh, and thank you Neil, for the underwear.

    10:01 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      Yes to both!

      10:09 pm | February 22, 2015
  • lulu

    Bravo – Patricia Arquette

    10:02 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Deirdre Cerasa

    Zoe Saldana looks beautiful and she gave birth to twins 3 months ago.

    10:12 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Yeah, and she’s wearing those twins tonight!

    10:16 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      Yes she was.

      10:31 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Jared Leto is so beautiful.  That “Duck Dynasty” look does nothing for him.   And if he had come out in his jockey shorts, they’d have had to clear the first five front rows.

    10:18 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      Hilarious and so very true.

      10:34 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Something is the matter with the gown on Chastain. It’s like two different dresses on top.

    10:25 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    The memorial segment was excellent–I loved the “sketch” photo-shopping they did.  Somehow more evocative and lifelike.

    But…why is Jennifer Hudson singing now? 

    10:39 pm | February 22, 2015
  • lulu

    I think Mr. Wow and his Wowettes could produce and put on a better show than this.!!!!!

    10:46 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      Yes Lulu! I’m thinking we could do a bang up job. Remember when we planned the search for Mr. Wow and the virtual trips and parties? We’ve got this!

      10:50 pm | February 22, 2015
      • lulu

        So true Deirdre!!!!

        10:55 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Hi all, pop over to Forming the Thread after midnight tonight – I have a guest author who has ranked his picks for the top 20 movies of 2014! 

    He’s a serious film viewer and critic, and if you’re on the fence about seeing a particular movie, his observations might give you an idea whether you would enjoy it or not.  He already had some notes on movies that should have been nominated for Oscars, but weren’t; and some that have well-deserved nominations. Tonight he’s watching to see how his picks will do for actually winning awards.

    He’s planning to send in a Friday article on Top 20 Performances of 2014, if all goes well.  A week of the movies!

    10:56 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Lila–cool!  If this show doesn’t put me into a coma after midnight.

      10:58 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      That sounds great. I’ll be there.

      11:08 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Honestly, ladies–I’m kind of agreeing.  This is dire indeed.  But I can’t strip to my underwear. 

    And I actually did manage to catch “Downton Abbey” (two TV’s going in my room.)  It was very entertaining.  Then I had to return to Oscar.

    10:56 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      Well the underwear thing has been done so you won’t have to. I’m impressed you can watch two shows at once. Did you mute the Oscars? I’ll watch Downton and Grantchester at 1am.

      11:12 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Deirdre Cerasa

    Yay “GLORY”!  Oh Idina, love you but wear a bra please.

    11:06 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Well, I think Travolta provided a moment of giddy showbiz levity. He’d probably be a good host. He LOVES movies and movie stars.

    11:11 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      He just might be a good host. Maybe recreate the dance in Get Shortie with Uma.

      11:14 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Which idiot stylist thought that neck brace on Scarlett was a good idea?

    11:14 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      Just say no.

      11:15 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Deirdre Cerasa

    Yep, Lady Gag can sing, classically trained. May not be everyone’s thing but the voice is there!

    11:18 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Delusional

    Is this strange or what, Lady Gaga, singing standards?

    11:19 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      It’s the way she has to go…she can’t do her Lady Gaga “thing” forever.  (Memo to Madonna, take notes.) 

      11:23 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      She has a great album of duets with Tony Bennett.

      11:26 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Oh, she’s always had a fabulous voice.  I’m not one of her “little monsters” but I sure appreciate that voice.

    WOW…and now Julie on-stage. 

    11:21 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Lisa D.

      Beautiful voice, LOVED seeing Julie Andrews!

      11:29 pm | February 22, 2015
  • lulu

    That was the best moment of the night –

    11:23 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      It was. Teary eyed.

      11:25 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Daniel Sugar

    Loved Shrimpy’s (almost ex) wife tonight – so wonderfully horrid.

    11:28 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Oh, Dr! You mean “DA.”  Yeah, she was ghastly. (More, please!)  And another tension-filled dinner scene.

      11:30 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Daniel Sugar

    Chewing gum on TV – very classy.

    11:46 pm | February 22, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Eddie.  Great perf, but Oh, damn.  That was probably the last chance for Michael Keaton. 

    11:52 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      It probably is but I hope not.

      12:13 am | February 23, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    YES!  Julianne.  At long last. So well deserved.

    11:58 pm | February 22, 2015
    • Deirdre Cerasa

      Love her and I am so very happy for her.

      12:14 am | February 23, 2015
  • lulu

    Am so happy for Eddie and Julianne.

    12:03 am | February 23, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Well…not what I expected.   Thought it would be “Boyhood.”

    12:06 am | February 23, 2015
  • Lisa D.

    It’s been fun, Mr. Wow – thank you!

    12:07 am | February 23, 2015
  • lulu

    Off to Lila’s Forming The Thread – hugs to all

    12:08 am | February 23, 2015
  • Luther’s Top 20 Films of 2014 is up on Forming the Thread!  Enjoy!  Curious how his picks compare to the Academy….

    12:09 am | February 23, 2015
  • Daniel Sugar

    Thanks, Mr. Wow.

    12:13 am | February 23, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    Thank you all!



    12:16 am | February 23, 2015
  • Deirdre Cerasa

    “I’m so glad we had this time together” . xo

    12:16 am | February 23, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Haunted Lady

    I tuned in after Downton Abbey. It seems I didn’t miss much if the remainder was anything like the beginning. Robert successfully guessing Edith’s secret was better than the Oscars. The soon-to-be-ex-Mrs. Shrimpie is pathetic and I hope Rose and Atticus will be happy in spite of her. So, when will Carson and Mrs. Hughes accept their feelings for one another and get married? You know it has to be coming.

    2:03 pm | February 23, 2015
  • Daniel Sugar

    Vanity Fair Oscar Party: Inside the

    5:31 pm | February 23, 2015
  • BabySnooks

    Oh my god I missed the fun! I thought it was the biggest bore except for the “Glory” presentation and of course Lady Gaga who is proving herself to be more than just a pop princess. John Travolta apparently decided to leer at the ladies this year. Last year he was leering at Benedict Cumberbatch. At least he kept his hands off Benedict Cumberbatch.

    The fashion show was boring as well. Maybe because Joan Rivers wasn’t on the red carpet asking “who are you wearing?” And shame on the Academy for not including her in the memorium. But they like to snub the people we love. Like Doris Day.

    As for Jennifer Lopez all I can see is that if she is going to continue to wear gowns cut to the navel she needs to get a “boob lift.” 

    Next year I will try to remember ad log on…

    3:54 am | February 27, 2015
    • BabySnooks

      I meant all I can say. But all I could see were two boobs that weren’t what they used to be…

      3:56 am | February 27, 2015
  • Daniel Sugar

    I was wondering where you were on Oscar night!
    So great to read both your posts today.
    Best From,

    6:25 pm | February 27, 2015
  • BabySnooks

    Well once again we all wonder where our Mr. Wow is. I’ll give it a week and then book a flight to New York and then wander the streets of Hoboken calling out “Mr. Wow, Mr. Wow, where are you Mr. Wow?”  Or maybe just go up to a cop and tell them “I think I fell and hit my head because I can’t remember anything other than I live with a man named ________. Can you help me get home?” 

    Of course I would. I’ve done far worse. WHERE ARE YOU? WE MISS YOU! 

    2:56 pm | March 24, 2015
    • Rho

      I was thinking the same thing.

      10:08 am | March 26, 2015
  • Rho

    Happy Easter, Happy Passover — whichever you celebrate.

    3:31 pm | April 2, 2015
  • Daniel Sugar

    You too, Rho! 
    (And best holiday wishes to Mr. Wow, B. and all the Wow-ettes.)

    6:51 pm | April 3, 2015
  • BabySnooks

    I like that. The Wow-ettes…

    12:18 pm | April 7, 2015
  • TheRudeDog

    This could simply be wishful thinking on my part…but did I just get a quick glimpse of you, Mr. W., during the tease for Liz’s “Hollywood Reporter” gig?  All sweater-y and cool-looking?

    1:52 pm | April 8, 2015
    • Rho

      Post the link.

      3:34 pm | April 8, 2015
  • Daniel Sugar

    May I recommend The Liz Smith/Hollywood Reporter interview to all the Wow-ettes? 
    It’s a fab interview. (I wish it were 800 pages – like a Harry Potter novel. Seriously, it’s like “The Warhol Diaries” – you can’t stop reading it.)

    6:23 pm | April 8, 2015
  • lulu

    Just looked at the Liz Smith video for Hollywood Reporter New York Issue and there is our Mr. Wow – love the sweater draped around his shoulders giving directions to the photographer and lighting crew. No wonder he isn’t here ‘dishing’ with us.

    10:34 am | April 9, 2015
    • TheRudeDog

      I thought that was him!  Didn’t he look terrific?  All in-charge and suave!

      12:47 pm | April 9, 2015
  • lulu

    Now just got the actual Hollywood Reporter – New York Edition and Liz mentions ‘our Mr. Wow’. It is an interesting incite into her and why since she was fired has become a person with little money, few friends and relies on he best friends one of which is Mr. Wow.

    11:59 am | April 9, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Haunted Lady

    Fascinating article with Liz Smith. It would be a real treat to sit down and have a good natter with her. Mr. W looked so uber-cool. He’s another one I’d love to have a good natter with sometime.

    2:58 pm | April 9, 2015
  • Rho

    Where should I look?  I did not see Liz Smith’s article.

    3:08 pm | April 9, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Haunted Lady

    Mr W, are you all right?

    12:49 pm | April 22, 2015
  • lulu

    Again another long absence from Mr. Wow – Wonder if he has gotten bored with us?

    10:28 am | May 18, 2015
  • Susan

    Missing Mr Wow. I hope all is well and you are just busy.

    Take care and let the Wowettes hear from you some time soon.

    9:41 am | May 19, 2015
  • Mimi

    Do we have to storm Hoboken? Mr Wow has been gone for a long time. 

    9:26 pm | May 19, 2015
  • lulu

    Well another month has passed and not a peep out of Mr. Wow – has he ‘ditched’ us permanently???? FRUSTRATING

    5:18 pm | June 21, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Haunted Lady

    We are beginning to feel unloved. (insert pathetic sigh). We miss you.

    (Dumb site won’t let me log in.)

    1:15 pm | June 22, 2015
  • Rho

    Where is he? I really miss him.

    3:46 pm | June 22, 2015
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      I’m still here–as Yvonne De Carlo sang it best in “Follies.”  Lots of work, busyness and the usual, tiresome angst about work.  I am healthy.  B. is healthy. Our union is the law of the land now, although I never take anything for granted and become smug. (Nothing more insufferable than a smug, intolerant liberal.)  

      I will be posting again soon.  I love you all. 



      10:54 am | June 28, 2015
      • BabySnooks

        I was just about to leave for Hoboken…. 

        1:46 pm | June 28, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Haunted Lady

    I’m glad you and B are OK, and I look forward to your next post.

    2:13 pm | June 28, 2015
  • Rho

    Glad all is well.

    8:35 am | June 29, 2015
  • Susan

    Yes! Mr WOW is alive and well. Can’t wait for the next post. Have a wonderful week.

    3:02 pm | June 29, 2015
  • Avatar photo
    Mr. Wow

    During these fallow periods here, I always hope you are keeping an eye on a certain column in The New York Social Diary–or some other far-flung spots.  What’s on my mind, amusing me, irritating me, can often be found there.  And if I didn’t have that obligation, there would be more here.   But I am notoriously NOT a multi-tasker.

    Love, Mr. W.

    10:26 am | June 30, 2015
    • BabySnooks

      The gossip gods and goddesses will bless you forever…

      3:16 pm | July 1, 2015
  • TheRudeDog

    Oh, Mr. W., I’m pretty sure we all know and do that.  We just like feeling so special that you find the need to address us directly!  Rock on, you crazy diamond! 

    11:23 am | June 30, 2015
  • lulu

    Happiness is ‘word’s from Mr. Wow!! If any of you get bored in between his awesome posts, I have a suggestion – a tad partial I must admit. My husband decided to start a blog – it is totally different than Mr. Wow’s but is interesting – take a look if you feel like it

    Jack has meet some truly interesting people, been to usual places and lived like the crazy Virgo he is – if you look be sure to check out his first post under people – just an example of what he has seen and yes he is ‘old as dirt’ – lol

    10:55 am | July 1, 2015
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