Mimi, honey–the first to reply! And for that you receive–well, nothing, kinda. We’ll just kick back. I can’t drink while I write, so you do it for me. IF you drink. Please nosh, however. And wear something comfy.
4:35 pm | February 28, 2016
Good try. But the Oscars cannot stamp out Trump Fever. The best movie of the year! The whole nation is on tenterhooks. Let’s try to concentrate on who is wearing whom. Let loose.

Dear Delusional…your apt remark belies your moniker. I will attempt however, to close my mind to Trump, etc. for just five or six hours. (I cover the red carpet inanities too.)
I hope there are not too many Trump jokes, mixed in with “diversity” remarks. I’m hoping for fun. Anyway, any mention of Trump simply elevates him, in his own mind, and in the media, who thirst only for sensation.
Oh, Mr. Wow, Mimi, Delusional, after all these years, it’s just not Oscar without you guys…

Doctor Sugar–Later, I might post a dramatic pic of Miss Taylor “fainting” backstage after winning her “Butterfield 8” AA. Later, she recovered completely at the party–the champagne flowed like Jack Daniels. So glad you are here.

I just realized you guys don’t even know who I’m rooting for–well, maybe a few who read a certain column.
Best Picture–“Spotlight” or “The Martian.”
Actor–Fassbender for “Steve Jobs” or Damon for “Martian.”
Actress–Charlotte Rampling–“45 Years.” (Yeah, sentiment, in that this is her FIRST nomination. She’s great in it, too.)
Supporting Actor–Tom Hardy in “The Revenant” (a movie that did not move me) or Stallone for “Creed” (more sentiment, but he is truly superb.)
Supporting Actress–Jennifer Jason Leigh “The Hateful Eight” (a sensational comeback) But I wouldn’t cry if the oft-nominated Rachel McAdams took it for “Spotlight”
As for the rest, I’m not in the industry so those wins won’t line my pockets, but I have a preference for “The Hateful Eight” score, composed by the legendary Ennio Morricone.
I’m rooting for “The Big Short” (I like a movie that describes my stature).
Not Drinking until March 15. It’s a pain, but necessary. But please post the picture anyway!!!
If you mean the “Liz Faints” pic– I did, but as almost usual, first it was too small, then too big (squeezed) but you get the idea. She was fragile. Not.
6:07 pm | February 28, 2016
Hi, Hi all! So happy to see this! I’ll be in and out but thrilled to get everyone’s take!
Hi Daniel! So happy to see our sweet friend making the Oscars special tonight. Have an airport pickup to make so may not get to chime in often. Cheers to everyone!
6:02 pm | February 28, 2016

I’m already watching the E! red carpet. Nothing yet. I’m going take a shower and change into my sweatpants and ASPCA T-shirt.
We’ll just agree that posting pictures isn’t your best thing. But it’s a great pic. I’m in my jammies all ready to go….

Ah, but the MM pic came out fine. Very iffy., my photo-posting talents. But you can see the Liz shot, yes?

Sofia Vergara–so much fun, so gorgeous. Looks like a real movie star. Great gala gown.

Whoopi–so miserable and often unintelligent on “The View” but charming here. Loved that she was wearing a gown based on Bette Davis’s famous “All About Eve” Edith Head number. Nice that she put her hair in shape for a change.

Olivia Wilde–front and side boob. Her Ebola documentary is important, of course, but…front boob, side boob. Oscar night really begins!

Saoirse Ronan–she poses like a goddess, talks like the earthy Irish girl she is. Great dress–lots of skin but she is small, so nothing was falling out. Charming.

I don’t miss Joan, but any kind of wit would be welcome. The mere presence of Kris Jenner makes me puke. So far my major head-in-the-toilet moment was E!’s coming attraction for the second season of “I Am Cait.”
7:38 pm | February 28, 2016 -
I think we all do! Tried to watch the horror of the revamped Fashion Police, UGH!
8:09 pm | February 28, 2016

Hedi Klum–she’s wearing Marquesa. Yeah, she’s wearing Marquesa’s drapes. One of these gals just said “Hedi lets her dress talk for her.” This dress is saying “Take me off and burn me!”

Julianne Moore in Chanel. She so rarely gets it right, but she did this time! (Lovely person, by the way, no matter she wears.)
HD is brutal. Drab and scary. Where are the stars? The knockouts?
HD is beyond brutal. And believe it or not, all these people have spent days getting ready–every kind of facial, and steaming and pressing. These ARE the stars, alas. Maybe I will switch to MSNBC or CNN. I mean, the most interesting story right now is Melissa Harris-Perry’s flameout.
Stallone actually looks good. All his “work” has settled down. Or been redone, more realistically.
7:56 pm | February 28, 2016

Cate Blanchette–she is clearly not expecting win. Not in that dress.

Leo and Kate reunited on the red carpet. Is it really “what the entire world has been waiting for?” Count me out as part of the entire world. And “Titanic” was an absurd movie.
There has been weeks of the Kate and Leo show. They apparent,y are friends, imagine that? Yes, Titanic was awful.
8:17 pm | February 28, 2016
If you think the people on the red carpet look bad I wouldn’t switch to MSNBC.
Dear Dr Sugar–Well, so far I haven’t seen anybody who looks as orange as Trump and Chris Matthews do. Or as perpetually under slept as Chris Hayes. (Maybe he drinks a lot of coffee and that accounts for his hysterical laughs and giggles and all round inappropriate demeanor of perpetual amusement? Rachel Maddow also gets way too cutesy for my taste a great deal of the time.)
8:21 pm | February 28, 2016

Charlize Theron–a goddess. Tina Fey said she applauded went Theron went by, “just because she’s so damn gorgeous!”

Rock’s diversity intro wasn’t as painful as it could have been.
Emily Blunt is a very, very attractive woman. Next to Charlize she looks like a man. I say it’s best to send Charlize out alone. It will relieve a female co-presenter of stress, and frankly, Theron doesn’t need a man. Not onstage.
Oh, Russell Crowe DOES look as orange as Trump/Matthews. Ryan Gosling. I love you. Please marry me.
Mr. Rock: there is a thin line between stand-up comedy and public speaking.
Charlize’s beauty did resurrect the show after Rock made us all squirm and fake laughter.

Henry Cavill. Impressively handsome. But his three-quarter stance was unnervingly model-like. Or maybe is still channeling Superman.
Handsome for sure but looked odd to me. Perhaps the fact that, for me, the only Superman was Christophrr Reeve.
9:18 pm | February 28, 2016 -

Best Supporting Actress. Alicia Vinkander. She was the heart of “The Danish Girl.” Still, I wanted it for Jennifer Jason Leigh.
I think any one of the women would be a good choice. I could not pick among them.
9:19 pm | February 28, 2016-
Yes, all good. Which is why “bests” are absurd. I admitted my sentimentality re Jennifer.
9:38 pm | February 28, 2016
There are so bad they’re good Oscars (Alan Carr) and there are so bad they’re bad Oscars (this show).
Tina Fey: thank you – finally, some humour! (And thanks for wearing that incredibly glamorous necklace – that’s what a Hollywood star should look like.)

Jennifer Garner looks splendid, like a real movie star. But her voice always surprises me. I expect deep “brunette” vocal tones.
Tina Fey also looks terrif. Never noticed what appears to be a scar near her mouth. Thank you HD.
Yeah – she’s had that scar since forever. When she was a little kid, some random guy just walked up to her and slashed her face – so bizarre.
7:39 am | March 4, 2016
Yeah, that was good. We love Angela. Too bad her big screen career has been reduced to supporting roles as an Unpleasant Woman. Or maybe they are nice women and Bassett herself is just damn mad. (Interviewed her once–divine!)
9:47 pm | February 28, 2016
I know darling. But we must cut those thoughts right out of your brain. “Gods of Egypt” is fun. Honest.
10:05 pm | February 28, 2016
When Kevin Hart did the You’re All Winners! speech I wanted to throw the TV out the window.
And yet, that little speech was actually more effective (I think) than everything Rock has done so far. I did like the spoofs, however. Didn’t get the Girl Scout cookies bit.
10:20 pm | February 28, 2016

Best supporting actor—excellent performance, but not my choice. Seems like a sweet guy. Also–he asked the eternal question of an awards how: “How do they separate us?”
Mark Rylance really deserved that award. He was superb. That performance was a master class in acting.
Yes, he was superb, but I generally find it difficult to choose a “best” based on performance. Except in absurd cases such as Julie Andrews winning for “Mary Poppins.”
10:44 pm | February 28, 2016 -
You have to feel bad for Mark Ruffalo though because when he heard “Mark R…” some part of his lizard brain must’ve started celebrating only to be immediately deflated upon hearing the “..ylance.”
7:45 am | March 4, 2016
Are you saying Julie’s Mary wasn’t deeply layered and preternaturally nuanced?

I’ve lost all feeling in my body from boredom. Oh—here’s Olivia Wilde’s side boob.
11:31 pm | February 28, 2016-
Guess not. I am very happy you decided to be here though. Hope you will check in more often. I miss your stories and comments. Hugs!
11:52 pm | February 28, 2016

Best Actress—Brie Larson. Oh, well. Lovely performance, but surely she has time.
What I’ve learned tonight is this: diversity is not necessarily entertaining.
Well, this wasn’t any more “diverse” than many Oscar shows of the past 25 years. Just more endless talk about it.
Leo has won. Okay, we can relax, now. (Daniel, I expect you to know the source of that.)
11:57 pm | February 28, 2016
Oh, thank you all. We’re down to a few, but as I said above, my fault in not keeping this thing more alive and jumping.
Love you guys, HATE the Oscars.
Mr. Wow
12:09 am | February 29, 2016 -
Some years are good, some years are bad; as long as we’re still here sharing the experience.
I love reading the comments. Unfortunately, I missed most of the show!

I never watch the Oscars, never have, but I always, always read the hype before-hand to see if I agree with any of the critics (I never, ever do but I’m not deep nor do I pretend to be; just blow things up and I’m happy.) Then, the next day, I look at “Best/Worst Dressed” and read Mr. Wow. I don’t need to slog through the entire evening’s production LOL. I can “follow” along very nicely as everybody on here comments. And I agree Charlize Theron is a goddess but doesn’t take herself seriously. We’re long past the Golden Age of Hollywood but she’ll do.

I read a book during most of the show, coming up just for a few key awards. The book was better.
So, Nancy Reagan died.
Have mixed feelings about her, having grown up during the Reagan Regime. But I realize there’s more to a person than the one in the public eye.
You were there covering the social scene during that era, not to mention living in NYC during the AIDS era. What are your thoughts, Mr. W?
I never met her, but from what I know from several others, she was considerably more than her often chilly public image. She was Tammy Wynette in Nolan Miller satin—she stood by her man. She loved RR more than anything or anybody. I don’t think she agreed with all that RR said–or didn’t say–but her role in life, as she saw it, was to protect and nurture and support him. I find it slightly grotesque that her death is being treated like the passing of a pope or a sitting president, or Beyoncé, but let’s allow people their fantasies about the perfection of the Reagan years. (In truth, she was not beloved by the press corps during her time in D.C.) She was not a bad person at all, or unfeeling. But her strongest feelings were for RR.
After all the years of watching him ravaged by Alzheimer, I sure when he finally died, she wished she could have gone with him. Even I was moved by her weeping over his casket. Although I am not religious, I also don’t cotton to depriving other people of their beliefs. So, yes–they are together again now, in heaven or the universal ether, or whatever. Why not?
5:16 pm | March 7, 2016-
Thanks, Mr. W!
I never doubted her devotion to RR and always thought of Nancy as a product of her time. Considering some of her friends included down to earth Elizabeth Taylor, I figured Nancy couldn’t be a total icicle. RR’s political stances, well, that’s the result of hitching your wagon to the religious right.
It’s funny, Nancy just crossed my mind last week, wondering how she was holding up. My main thought, as a person who became an adult in the Reagan era, is that I felt old upon hearing of her passing! Definitely an end of an era. And I’m sure Nancy was appalled at the current “discourse” amongst the Republican candidates!
Cheers,Rick9:05 am | March 8, 2016 -
They were friends of friends and my impression of their friendships is she just came along with him. He was well-liked. She was not. He was a very nice person as I came to know him through their friends. But he did as he was told. Most of his “opinions” were really hers which makes a lot of the criticism of those opinons all the more curious. He liked the Dowager Empress types for some reason. The first got tired of him. The second one as she herself put it had no life except through him. Very odd couple.
What upset me the most was this “state funeral” she planned for herself. The only “head of state” that showed up was Brian Mulroney. Barbara Bush amazingly decided not to be a hypocrite and didn’t show. Their dislike of each other was pretty much set in stone despite the politeness in later years. I don’t think much of her at this point but at least you can’t call her a hypocrite.
But at least it provided everyone the opportunity for everyone to see Hillary Clinton for the pandering little politician she was after she very appallingly gave credit to Nancy Reagan for starting the conversation about AIDS. Apparently Hillary Clinton was never part of the conversation. Which says a lot about her. And about him. I think Ronald Reagan was rolling in his grave listening to it. And everyone gave her a pass. Even Elizabeth Taylor’s children and grandchildren. I didn’t. I wouldn’t vote for her for dogcatcher as they say.2:42 pm | March 17, 2016-
When he married Nancy he married Loyal. He wanted to please Loyal to please Nancy. And so he adopted Loyal’s political views but to what degree he actually believed them I don’t think anyone really knows. At best he believed everyone was equal but “in their place.” Which was not really Loyal Davis’ belief. He was in a word rabid. Probably first of the Rabid Republicans. And Nancy’s mother was even worse. People always talked about Nancy’s “gaze” but if you watched carefully he had one as well. Maybe she was dynamite in bed. Who knows. At this point, who cares? They both did incredible damage to this nation and the course it took after 1980 with both their comments and their silence. Partricularly with regard to AIDS. Many stories about what happened but the story I heard was Elizabeth Taylor called both of them. Him first. Then Nancy. And they showed up at that dinner in Washington. And there was some change afterwards. But for most it was too late. All Nancy cared about was the “image” and keeping the “image” intact and that meant pandering to the lunatics. Including Loyal Davis. Who knows what Elizabeth Taylor told them. She never said that I know of. But she probably reminded Nancy that she was living in Los Angeles now. And if she expected dinner invitations she better get in line. She really was the homophobe. Not him. Despite having gay friends. Although I guess in the end they weren’t really friends. Like most of the others, they were merely “useful.” http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/commentary/ct-nancy-reagan-loyal-davis-stepfather-perspec-0309-20160308-story.html
6:43 pm | March 17, 2016
When told, over dinner with friend, that Mrs. Reagan had died, I asked if she had been watching the GOP debates. She was Republican, and had a pampered and fortunate life, all the things that rile Dems. Most people on this earth could only wish to have experienced a partnership as devoted as that between she and the former President.
Happy Easter to Mr Wow and the Mr Wow family!
Hope you get a visit from your special swan.
Thank you always for your (and Liz’s) kind words about Natalie Wood. She was remarkable in Gypsy and it will be interesting to see the new book about her, which will be published this fall. Everyone who knew her, loved her, and “nice” was the adjective most used about her. I’m curious about the new perfume – I know she loved gardenias as there is one carved on her gravestone.
NSH, she was and is one of my favorite actors. I look forward to the perfume.
Just trying to drop in from time to time. Maybe our Superhero Mr. WoW will pop in tonight!
5:33 pm | April 28, 2016
I has been over two months since we have heard a beep out or Mr WoW. Do you think Liz has kidnapped him and we should storm her office?????
I am not at all sure he would appreciate it but if the battering rams are ready, I’m in!
4:48 pm | May 30, 2016 -
Well her column is now “Liz Smith and…” on New York Social Diary so I assume he’s just busy keeping up with her and himself. I’ve known several gossip columnists. It is a 24/7job.
But I do miss his acidic wit.7:11 pm | June 20, 2016-
I do not get the column every day. I have to look for it. Do you get it daily?
3:00 pm | June 24, 2016
Did not get the email today, looked for it, Liz is not going to post anymore. Check it out, there is an email address.
I seldom get the emails even though I signed up years ago. Will go look. Thanks.
Happy 4th of July to all the ‘Mr. Wowettes’!!It seems that Liz and Denis are on vacation until the 11th of July according to Liz’s list post on her site.Hope he and Mr. B are having a great 4th and relaxing.Hugs to all
Liz is back at New York Social Diary as she said she would be when she announced relocation and vacation on June 28th. She posted a long column today.email for Denis is denis@denbru.com new for him and her’s is liz@denbru.com
Maybe Mr. Wow will reappear now…praying
There’s a nice piece in the New York Observer about Liz and Mr. Wow.
Loved the article in the NY Observer. I think Liz and Mr Wow make a great team.
Happy to read Mr. Wow on NYSD. The Observer article was terrific! Hope he pops in here soon!
Well since August is almost over I am hoping that MrWoW is having fun working from New Jersey and not getting into too much trouble.I will look in now and then to see if he has appeared here but I tend to think Mr. WoW has gone the way of WoWoW didSAD!!!!
It is probably silly of me to admit I really miss Mr. Wow! There is just something tender, hopeful, funny and strange about him. I had high hopes for August because the 5th was their second anniversary and I really thought he would drop in to mention it. Oh well. I will continue to check in and leave a message to show I was here. Hugs to all Wowettes who also won’t give up. xoxo
I’m glad he finally is getting a byline. Hope he keeps it. I do miss him but it’s not like he’s disappeared. He’s still around. On New York Social Diary and other sites.
I am glad he has a byline too and I read him wherever I find him. Just have loved this place.
10:27 am | August 28, 2016
…so HE knows how much we all miss him is what I meant to say and probably would have had I read it before hitting “post.”
3:49 pm | August 28, 2016-
I told him how much we miss him. Do you have the email address? It is LIZ@denbru.com.
5:04 pm | August 28, 2016 -
The lady above–surely you don’t need to see her face—never won an Oscar, was never nominated. France, Italy and Britain honored her abilities, but the lady was too much for Hollywood.
But what the hell, she’s more famous not having won–and making the smart career move to die young and still lovely–than had she received the respect she craved.
My Oscar night blogging has dwindled down to a few diehards here. My fault in not keep up, not posting enough. My bad. Still, we can have fun.
Given my depression/ire over the political scene, I am in a furious mood. I might be meaner than usual. Please, when you speak it–and I know you will…you don’t have to be kind! Let’s all wallow.
Love, Mr. Wow.