Mr. Wow Blog
Mr. Wow Asks Gently–GET OUT AND FUCKING VOTE!!!!
10:17 am | November 7, 2016

Author: Mr. Wow | Category: Point of View | Comments: 33


“THE HARDEST thing about any political campaign is how to win without proving that you are actually unworthy to win.”

   So said Adlai Stevenson.

AND SO here we are. Tomorrow the nation votes for our 45th president.

   I have never been so depressed and fraught.  Nothing in my personal life—deaths of family members and friends, professional set-backs, illness, romantic disappointment—has afflicted me so darkly. (And the romantic issues were fairly apocalyptic, let me tell you!)

   Nope, it’s all small potatoes as we stare down the choice between  Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, two of the most disliked and distrusted public figures on the planet.

    If Mrs. Clinton wins, Donald Trump, a majority of Republicans and members of the FBI, are assuring America that she will never have a moment’s peace in the White House—as if being president is ever “peaceful.”  (The FBI is back to saying, “nothing there!”  But who can believe them now?)

    She will be tormented, threatened with impeachment, indictment, prison.  Worse, her opponents gleefully promise she’ll never get anything done for the people of the United States.

    We will suffer because after eight years of an African American as president, a woman Commander in Chief is just too much too bear. She has stood up to decades and decades of battering, “scandals,” conspiracy theories and lack of respect. There’s been so much of it, that she puts a guard up and over-protects herself. (The simplest, truest explanation of her calamitous email errors. If you become president, Hillary Clinton, please, in the words of Ronald Reagan—“Tear down that wall!”) 

    But battering hasn’t been enough.  Hillary Clinton’s steely resiliency has driven Republicans nearly insane.  Just as Barack Obama’s two terms and smooth, calm demeanor deranged them. (Perhaps in retrospect, Obama was too calm, too dedicated to the concept of civilized negotiation–to civility in general. In the end, did his foes deserve such respect?) 

    As for Clinton, they want to humble this woman, to drag her—perhaps literally—into the town square, and stone her.  If she is not perfect, she is also no “criminal.”  And let any politician, on either side of the aisle,  who has achieved success, cast the first ethical stone at Hillary Clinton. 

     Yeah, I didn’t think so.


IF DONALD Trump wins, the United States will be in hands of a man whose sole aim in life has been to see his name in newspapers, on the covers of magazines, on the sides of buildings.  He doesn’t give to charity. He doesn’t respect other human beings because they don’t deserve respect. His very words!  Women are objects.  Other men are weak. (Unless they are dictators.) 

    Trump prides himself on speaking his mind, as if we should cheer when sewers overflow. He has a hair trigger temper and gossamer-thin skin. He doesn’t pay taxes.  He is joyfully supported by racists, misogynists, anti-Semites, homophobes.  He is infantile emotionally.  He speaks as if he barely passed the fifth grade. Most who know him well, don’t believe he has read a book in thirty years.

    But we are a young country, one which has never functioned under a dictator—maybe that would  be “interesting” some wonder?  We are restless, agitated, disappointed in D.C. gridlock. Some of us want to go way back in time—a time when people of color knew their place, where homosexuals hid in the shadows, and no woman dared to dream of being president.  Donald Trump has struck these notes and played his terrible, discordant siren song.

     Many of Trump’s “reasonable” supporters will say: “But I’m not like that! I just want a better job, more pay.”  We say:

“You’re not like that yet.  And good luck on jobs and fair pay from a man hasn’t known a hard day’s work, or a moment of want, in his entire life.”

   The Supreme Court?  Who needs it to be balanced?  Who needs it at all, some Republicans hint.  Laws, rights?  Nah, we’ve had enough of all that. 

      And do not forget Trump’s choice as Veep, Mike Pence.  The man who said in summing himself up:  “I am a Christian, a conservative and a Republican.”  Oddly, the word “American” wasn’t included.  Imagine if Barack Obama had omitted his fealty to America in any public statement.

    Being a “Christian first” implies theocracy. Trump’s fans who worry about their jobs, should think twice about a guy who is a heartbeat away from the presidency, whispering in Trump’s ear, “Let’s get them to pray for a job.”

  “Ya think they’ll like me if I say that?”

  “Sure they will, Mr. President.  We can get you on the covers of all the religious magazines.  It’ll be huge.  But, sir, the gays, and those women who want to have control of their bodies, and helping all the lazy poor people.  Sign these papers.”


   “The covers, Mr. President, the covers.” 


TODAY  I will cast my vote for Hillary Clinton. I hope she wins.  And not simply because she is a woman.  We are way past symbolism and breaking glass ceilings.  We are fighting for the soul of the United States.  I have faith in her abilities, and in this country I love.  Is she a figure for stained glass?  No.  Has she been less than rousing and more than infuriating in her efforts to protect herself?  You bet.  I still prefer her to  the alternative.

     Let Mr. Trump, if he loses, live and thrive in his bottomless well of self-worship. He will fume and foment and never go away.  Good luck and good health to him and his family. He has become an historical figure whether all of us like it or not.

    If Trump wins?  He will be our president and we will have to accept it, and accept our own part in allowing him to flower so luxuriously.  We who don’t approve will work hard to beat him in 2020.  We will fight for our rights as human beings.  We will survive.

          So, I will vote, and then I will read.  Perhaps try to lose myself in David McCullough’s great book on John Adams, or Doris Kearns Goodwin’s marvelous work on Lincoln, “Team of Rivals.”  ( Those masterpieces will also remind me that the ugliness of this recent campaign is as American as apple pie!  I mean none of the candidates fought a duel, with pistols, or beat one another about the head and shoulders with sticks. Then again, that might have been preferable to what both of 2016’s nominees offered us.)

   Good luck, America.  Let’s try not to be fearful or too angry or act out, no matter the result.

    Remember, we don’t need to make America great again. We need to make America better; living up to ideals of democracy, fairness, inclusion and compassion that even our founders couldn’t fathom.  Although politicians like to divide us, we are actually all in this together.

    We need to look forward, always.  And tomorrow, to those on either side, it won’t be a bad thing to be a bit British; keep calm and carry on. 


P.S.  Hopefully, once we are past this–more or less–I shall return with more amusing fare!  (It’s been a hell of a year.) 





  • Mimi

    I’ve already voted for Hillary. Always thought I’d be very happy to once there was a woman at the top of the ticket. But I’m not crazy about her. Also voted (for the first time) demoright down the line – simply because I think a republican congress will stop her from getting anything done. 
    I can’t say enough bad things about the ‘other’ candidate. He’s said it all himself. He wants to be a dictator and blow the world up. He’s so blatantly against anyone who isn’t a white, straight, wealthy male it breaks my heart. Therefore, I voted last week. I’m tired of the cicus that politics has become. 

    10:59 am | November 7, 2016
  • BabySnooks

    I have tired of the “I don’t agree with that” and realized that if someone is a Republican, they do agree with it. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be a Republican.  I’m an Independent. I used to lean to the right. Now I don’t lean at all.  I would prefer more Independent candidates. And more Independent representatives in Congress. But until then, no more Republicans for me. I voted a straight Democratic ticket which was the first time I voted a straight ticket. But I felt I had no choice. I feel no one has a choice. The Republicans need to go. If for no other reason than their candidate for president in 2016. I am not real thrilled with Democrats. But at least they are not embracing hate the way Republicans are. Even if they claim they’re not. But they are. You are what you embrace. And if you embrace the Republican Party, you embrace the hate. 

    11:19 am | November 7, 2016
  • Deirdre Cerasa

    So good to hear from you. It has been an education, to say the least. We moved 3 years ago from a bastion of liberal thought, Massachusetts to the decidedly red state of Florida. Love the warm climate, being close to family and making  lovely new friends.The politics? Not so much. I am surprised I still have a tongue because I have been biting it for nearly a year. The tv ads are outrageous. Anyhoo, I voted early (another first) for Hillary for the same reasons you listed. I cannot speak or type the other candidates name. I will, as I always have, respect the office if the other candidate wins but with great sadness. #ImWithHer #StrongerTogether

    11:30 am | November 7, 2016
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      Mr. Wow
      Thank you, Deirdre–wish I had come back with a more original, less stress-inducing subject.  A lot has happened this year, and it has been difficult for me to multi-task.

      But I live in hope that whatever happens tomorrow, my mood will lift and I’ll better adjust to the changes in my day-to-day work life.
      1:33 pm | November 7, 2016
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    Well said. I’m exhausted and have nothing of interest or importance to contribute. I just want it to be over so we can get on with it.

    11:33 am | November 7, 2016
  • lulu

    I as well voted early for Hillary, although I truly do not like either choice.

    I have a bottle of champagne chilling to open on Nov. 9th to celebrate no more robo-calls, junk mail, or political pundits for two years. (Yes there is another election in two years.)

    Happy to see Mr. WoW back even if it is about politics. Have missed you terribly!!! Look forward to some of your fun stories about what you and Mr. B are doing.


    12:56 pm | November 7, 2016
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      Mr. Wow

      Thank you, sweetie.  I apologize–to you too, Jean.  To everybody!  It’s an exhausting and totally exhausted subject.  But I haven’t really been able to “get away” so to speak, and write here about anything more pleasant.  Or even anything else unpleasant.

      This has not been a fun year, although both of us–B. and me–are fine.

      I’ll be back. 
      1:27 pm | November 7, 2016
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        No apology necessary. I think a lot of us are shell shocked.

        2:22 pm | November 7, 2016
  • Rho

    So good to see you, on my way soon to vote.

    8:56 am | November 8, 2016
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      Mr. Wow
      Dear Rho—as I’ve said above, what an unoriginal return–bitching about the election.  Hope to do better, soon.

      How have you been?

      2:46 pm | November 8, 2016
      • Rho

        I am okay, also bitching today.

        10:00 am | November 9, 2016
  • Paul

    This was an extraordinary turn of events, but for the better. Old people will now be able to live on fixed income as interest rates rise without being forced into the stock market. As for the stock market, it is hot after dropping nearly 900 points in futures last night. But look now!  I noticed a lot of complaceny and pomposity with the Dems. A lot of snobbery too. An Anthony Trollope novel for sure.

    9:44 am | November 9, 2016
    • BabySnooks

      What alternate universe are you living in? Most Americans don’t have anything at this point to live off of. Just the Republican crooks…

      8:46 am | November 10, 2016
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    Oh my good Lord.

    10:36 am | November 9, 2016
  • BabySnooks

    I am just now settling into the depression following the obvious shock. I knew it was coming but really wasn’t prepared for it. How did this happen? Too few who say they care voted. And some voted to make a “statement’ instead of voting to save what’s left of our nation. 
    That a man like Trump would be elected president is a sad reflection of how far we have fallen.  And god help you if you tell me you vote for him. 

    8:49 am | November 10, 2016
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    Mr. Wow
    To those who are in the streets protesting Trump, don’t you get it? He’s no longer the problem. The day that Donald Trump is inaugurated is the day he becomes irrelevant to the Republican Party. 

    He can go away–literally or in terms of really “running things”–sooner rather than later.  The idea that Republicans were repulsed by Trump is only half true.  They were repulsed because he vulgarly voiced what the GOP has been for years.  They were afraid the racism, misogyny and homophobia wouldn’t go over stated so blatantly.  But it did.  Now he’s president.  His vice president is perhaps the most virulently anti-gay politician in America.   Trump (or one of his children) has just appointed another who shares similar feelings about gays.  And of course also about women who want control of their bodies. (Goodbye, Roe v. Wade).  With the House and Senate in GOP hands, Trump–should he choose to remain–will be a big, dopey, orange version of Queen Elizabeth II; a figurehead with no power.  Nor does he want any of that kind of power. He couldn’t care less what happens to people–any people.   He now has it on his resume–I, Donald Trump, became president.  I won.  Nobody fired me.  I am amazing.

    Let the members of my Reich do the hard lifting.  I’m off to  another rally to be worshipped.
    1:57 pm | November 13, 2016
    • BabySnooks

      My real concern is that if he doesn’t produce, they will replace him. The real danger of Trump isn’t Trump. It’s Pence. And they have the votes to impeach, convict, and remove. 

      11:33 am | November 16, 2016
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        Mr. Wow

        Exactly what I’ve been saying since he chose Pence.   I can’t see Trump lasting as president.  He wants to continue his business…he doesn’t want to move into the White House…he can’t stop whining…he is shamelessly elevating his power hungry daughter Ivanka-Evita-Leni,  and her power hungry husband, Jared  “Disgrace to Jews” Kushner.   He has the attention span of an amoeba. 

        Now that the Republicans have everything, and Trump laid it out as they were always afraid to–if you’re not white and Christian and straight and a woman who obeys we hate you–who needs Trump?  Pence has ice cold air in his veins. (I know it’s usually ice water in veins, but water is a good thing; I don’t even want to suggest anything good about Pence.)  

        So yeah, I can see a scenario where Trump somehow ditches or is persuaded to step down within two years.

        2:53 pm | November 17, 2016
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          I agree, he and Sarah Palin don’t have staying power beyond the garish light of center stage and even then, once they’ve shot their wad, there’s nothing of substance to sustain them and they disappear. I can’t help but bring her into it. As I watched him preen and strut, I thought, “They are of a kind; they can’t last if true commitment to a higher ideal is demanded of them.” Ick. Just ick to the whole ball of ear wax.

          3:02 pm | November 17, 2016
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    Mr. Wow
    P.S.  Oprah Winfrey has “hope” for a Trump presidency.

    Fuck you, Oprah. We’d all have hope if we all had a billion dollars and no worries about what a Trump/alt-Right reign might do.   Nobody’s going to deport you, profile you, shoot you down in the street because you’re selling cigarettes or CD’s, infringe on your rights, get involved with your personal relationship–such as that is. Whatever that is.

    Of course, if you go to Paris again, the people who work at Hermes still might not recognize you.  We all recall that traumatic blow to your Trump-sized ego.  
    3:54 pm | November 13, 2016
    • BabySnooks

      Oh, dear Oprah. She has promoted some of the biggest frauds in this country and I guess she just can’t resist promoting another one. 

      11:31 am | November 16, 2016
  • NSH

    As the child of a Holocaust survivor I am horrified and frightened.  My mother and I literally spoke about having soon to wear a yellow star.  However, there is a Resistance brewing – like during WWII – we will fight, we will prevail and boy did we ever miss you Mr. Wow.  

    6:14 pm | November 15, 2016
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      Mr. Wow
      Dear NSH–

      That’s it, we can’t give in to despair.  We have to fight and make noise. 

      I’m gonna try for something lighter soon, tho I am still dragged down.  Not “stunned”–as I wrote here over a year ago that I didn’t think HRC could win.  But I hoped.
      2:55 pm | November 17, 2016
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    Every scenario is worse than the last. Gads.

    3:05 pm | November 16, 2016
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    Mr. Wow
    MEMO to Anderson Cooper: Please remember who and WHAT you are, and how the entity you work for perhaps affected the election outcome.
    Rather than yuck it up with Kathy Griffin in your annual “fun” way on New Year’s Eve, stay home with a few drinks, a few good friends (Ms. Griffin, perhaps Andy Cohen and NeNe Leakes. And of course, your wonderful mother, Gloria).
    Contemplate the stress of 2016, and the conflicts of the next few years and how you want to do your job. Polish up that award from GLAAD. (Surely it meant more than that it was given to you from the famously-veined hands of Madonna?

    Also, you know that Kathy G. will be unable to resist ragging on our new president mercilessly, no matter how you warn her. Your boss, Jeff Zucker, probably won’t be amused. As we were not amused with him.
    There’s nothing wrong with ringing in the new year thoughtfully.
    This year, I think we all should.

    PS–your recent remarks that “the next four to eight years” of a Trump presidency will be “really interesting” and that you “look forward” to covering it…will you be a tool for CNN and Zucker or be a man and a real journalist?   I am “looking forward” to finding that out.
    2:42 pm | November 17, 2016
  • Daniel Sugar

    Honey, Baby, Cookie, Darling, 
    Whatever happens, I’m grateful for your wisdom and wit (which help me deal).

    10:31 pm | November 17, 2016
  • Rho

    Happy Thanksgiving to all.

    3:33 pm | November 23, 2016
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      Mr. Wow
      Dear Rho, and all–

      A very happy and very healthy Thanksgiving.  Today–no worries, no arguing, no plans for moving to Canada.  Or Denmark. (We can pick up those possibilities next week.)

      Downstairs, the cats are circling B. as he prepares the turkey.  Our little carnivores. (To be honest, I think they are all preparing to leave the country.  I’m sure they’re on the computers at night, making arrangements and setting up bank accounts in the Cayman Islands.  Dogs are less tech savvy.)

      Write if the stress gets you down. 

      Much love,
      Mr. W and B.
      1:09 pm | November 24, 2016
  • Delusional

    Why are you pictured having Tequila’s alone with no Liz in today’s column? Are we to assume Liz’s column is now entirely yours?  What did you do with Margo Channing?

    8:57 am | December 20, 2016
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      Mr. Wow
      Dear Delusional–

      The pix and holiday column is up! 

      Come back and check it out.  (Click twice on the pic to make them bigger)

      XXXMr. W
      11:49 am | January 2, 2017
  • Mimi

    I was hoping for Christmas decorations. This has been a horrible year. Trump doesn’t really want the presidency. Ivanka does. Pence is worse than either of them. -!; I was hoping to see your glorious Christmas decorations. 

    3:33 pm | December 20, 2016
  • lulu

    Wishing everyone happiness as you celebrate Hanukka, Christmas, Kwanzaa, or just being alive!!!

    Think happy not sad. Show someone a little like if not love and see what happens.


    1:37 pm | December 21, 2016
    • Rho

      Same from me.

      9:23 am | December 22, 2016
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