Mr. Wow to 2016—Off With Your Head!
“I THINK this looks like gout, sir.”
“Gout? Haha! Like Henry VIII?”
“People still get gout, sir. It hasn’t been magically cured.”
So that was a pleasant little exchange I had early this year in Hoboken’s emergency room. The doctor INSISTED on calling me “sir” which I do not look upon as a sign of respect. (As Ruth Chatterton said to Walter Huston in “Dodsworth”—“But I’m still young, Sam!”)
He was not amused by my amusement that the incredibly painful swelling of my toe and foot—which I thought I’d injured by over-exercising—was gout. “Well, I guess it’s not just the disease of kings, anymore!” I said, with a saucy toss of my graying tresses. The doctor gave me a distinct “I am not amused by your gay humor” side-eye and left me to my IV drip of pain medication.
That’s how the year began. Less than two weeks ago I was back at the Hoboken emergency room with B. who was suffering some pretty drastic stomach problems. It had come from nowhere. He had to endure a horrible procedure with a tube down his nose and into his stomach, and then was hospitalized for three days. He’s home now, still weak, on a bland diet. It was an infection that they can’t indentify—how or why, which is troubling. How to make sure it doesn’t happen again?
I tried to be an adult, and behave responsibly and intelligently, at the hospital, with the doctors, at home alone. (I was not compelled to have a Shirley MacLaine “Give my daughter the shot!!!” moment, although it came kinda close in the emergency room, around the seventh hour, which was two hours after they’d said, “his room is ready.”) I didn’t like being alone in the house. I didn’t like to visit the inevitabilities. I’ve never, in my entire life, lived alone. So…the house better blow up, dispensing with the two of us, at once. (Notice I’m just ignoring whether or not B. would be okay without me, or if he’s on board with going together in a gas leak. I generally get my way.)
So, in between February and mid-December, the rest of 2016 happened. And it’s still happening (Carrie Fisher, George Michael. And, Kellyanne Conway–Donald Trump’s Leni Riefenstahl.) Helen Mirren’s sum-up was more than accurate: “a shit storm.” Aside from the gout—I’m going to make you feel bad for my toe, no matter what!—I had some considerable alterations to my work. I’m doing that voodoo that I don’t do so well, from home now, which is odd and isolating. But I carry on, as does my boss, who is 93 and will most assuredly outlive me. (She will probably set off the gas leak, actually—if she thinks I’m about to pen my memoirs!)
I’m not recapping all the losses or the election. Enough. I just wish I was younger, so I could actually devote myself to protests and consistent organized watchfulness as to what’s coming. It’s all fine and well for Michael Moore (who, like me, basically predicted Clinton’s loss) to make up lists of things to do as Trumplandia falls upon us, but most people don’t have the time—they’re working. He’s working too, but I don’t think he’s worrying over his rent.
I’m just going to bring you my photo tale of capturing a Christmas tree—the youngest, smallest one yet. Still, it struggled! Coy, but eventually convinced. (I remember playing that game.) And of course, what happened to it, and the rest of the place. I make small changes every year, but as you all know, it’s basically the same over-ornate, bordello-esque Christmas adored by hookers, men of a certain persuasion and the very sentimental.
I love each and every one of you. I hope I adjust more to my new-ish work situation and make a real effort to stay in touch. I’ll try not to rant on politics. We all need escape from that.
I hope your holiday was reasonably healthy, happy and graced by the presence family, friends, a cherished pet, or enough good thoughts from years past to lighten the load, if you are alone. You can write to me any time, unload, rant, reminisce—just as I have so often, and you’ve always listened and responded with such support.
All good things, all this year, and for many more to come.
Deep love and appreciation,
Denis and Bruce (Mr. Wow and B.)
Mimi–thanks honey! Damn, got the pictures up, but too small!!!Arrrgghh!!!
But, apparently, the pictures look much better–bigger–on iPads or phones, rather than an old-fashioned computer. And you can make them bigger, to get a better look and my crows feet and turkey neck. And the decorations.
1:37 pm | December 26, 2016
Yay, you’re back!! Its have missed you. Ouch, gout and double ouch stomach trouble. May both be gone as 2017 arrives. As for the debacle known as election 2016, I have had a headache since November 9th and don’t see relief any time soon. Please write your memoirs! I would love to read them. Hugs!!
Deirdre! No, no memoir. Just memories, like the corners of my mind, Miss Barbra Streisand (like sand on the beach, as she insists. Time to get over that!)All good things, honey. We have to hold on, if we can.Oh, I just discovered you CAN see the pictures larger. Click on them, and it’ll come up the same size, then click again and it’s normal-ish, not a thumbnail.2:07 pm | December 26, 2016
Wonderful to see you again!For all the bother and stress of the infirmities (I have a client with gout, and he, too, made the “disease of kings!” remark, but to more welcome response), your attitude is a refreshing combination of the realistic and cheery.But, how could it not be in those digs? It looks absolutely warm and inviting- I guess Christmas bordello is just my style. Those photos are great, and what a gorgeous tree!
All the best to you and YOUR Bruce, and me and my Bruce here steel ourselves for 2017. We’re both pretty old, but we do enjoy a good fight. As longtime residents of LA, I can’t think of the Drumpf Administration without “Mommie Dearest” coming to mind: “I fought worse monsters than you in Hollywood!”
Nice to see you back, Mr. Wow!

Great to hear from you again, Mr. Wow…And I wish you and all of us a happy, healthy, sane and stable New Year; although, we will certainly need to, “fasten our seat belts…”
Dear NSH (you must tell me someday what that stands for) thank you. Good to be back. My last post–the desperate plea to vote–well, we see how that turned out. (I kept hoping I’d be proven totally wrong in my dire predictions. But no, here I am, the Cassandra of Hoboken.)Let’s try to keep some holiday spirit until January 20th. I might start drinking again after that. (No longer working out of the boss’s office/apartment, I have been cleaved from my beloved El Rio Grande margaritas. Healthier? I’m sure. Happier? Please.)5:15 pm | December 26, 2016

Please don’t stop your bordello decorating. It’s my favorite but the last two years, no interest at all. I did hang some garland and lights around a little bit this year but it was a feeble attempt. I’m tired and I don’t know if I can fight four more years. Young people just don’t get that – they’ll tell you flat out that we wrecked the world for them and we’re total assholes. Well, I didn’t wreck it and I fought my whole life against tyranny, civil, corporate or otherwise, and I’m just tired. I think many of us are so my hope for the New Year is renewed energy for us all. Going to give your pictures another look, thank you for posting them.
Oh, Jean, I know what you mean. I was no firebrand when I was a kid. I took advantage, say, of “gay liberation” without doing any fighting for it. Unless you call marching in the parade–which was still a march and kind of dangerous the first few years–activism. I don’t. (I was 16 and 17 and 18. The importance of what was occurring went over my brainless teenage head.) But now, I am so shocked and depressed at all that has happened. I wish I could rouse myself to some sort real action.I post a lot of exasperated diatribes on my mostly bare Facebook page–but I am as harsh on the Dems as I am repulsed by the other side. So, my friends are unhappy that I see the flaws on both sides. What a year.If you want to see the pictures better (larger) click on them twice. They’ll get bigger.XXXXMr.W10:52 am | December 27, 2016
Rho, honey–thank you! How have you been? Baby Snooks, who I’m sure you know from here–and other places–has been in the hospital over the holiday.Things can always be worse.All good health, sweetie.10:57 am | December 27, 2016
Hi Rho! It is good to see so many of the gang here. Sending good thoughts to Baby Snooks.
12:13 pm | December 27, 2016

Others have reminded me that most years take a significant celebrity toll, but I suppose it’s the generally current depressed and fraught atmosphere that makes everything bad seem worse. (Except for the people who are not fraught and depressed, and are looking forward to “better times” and a new, “great” America.) I’ve gotten to the point where I spend an unhealthy amount of time surfing kitten and puppy videos on YouTube.
I am guessing the family wanted to give her a chance and once it was apparent she could not, they let her go. So very sad. I too, have been reminded of too many deaths in past years but agree that it seems really tough this year. Working harder on my resister skills. I marched and chanted and carried signs and sang the protest songs when I a teenager and have spoken out often so I will speak and sign petitions and show up again because I have grandchildren who mean the world to me. Peace and love
4:50 pm | December 27, 2016
…and now Debbie, too.
I had a feeling that might happen, and for her sake, I’m relieved. Sad for Todd Fisher and Billie Lourd.
What a fucking year. I’ve been to 6 funerals, myself…2016 has been a year to remember, for all the wrong reasons.
I hope 2017 is better for all of us.
Glad you got your tree AND your post up, Denis!
Cheers from Upper MI,Rick
Dear Rick–thanks, and, well–I agree. There almost a Greek tragedy element to this. Debbie was already failing, having suffered several strokes. Crueler for her to have lived, I think. Two great iconic female stars, mother and daughter, dying within a day of each other. It suited the MGM movie fantasy world Debbie represented, and Carrie’s on-target perverse humor. They were both so vital and so representative of their time. Despite the differences that made their relationship difficult for a number of years, they more in common than not. Two tenacious survivors, two women who relied on their own wit and toughness and talent. They both suffered a lot, and came through, standing tall.Somewhere, everybody’s young again, healthy, perfect. There a lot of laughter and eating and drinking (this is my heaven, folks) Everyone is forgiving and forgiven. Even Eddie Fisher. For Carrie and Debbie, The Force is with them, big time.11:55 am | December 29, 2016
I like the sound of your heaven–I’ll buy the first round of margaritas!
I envision Debbie and Carrie laughing uproariously with Liz : )
Cheers to everyone here!And a healthier new year to Denis and B.!
Rick5:51 pm | December 29, 2016-
Hi Rick! I like Mr. WoW’s version of heaven too. I’m good with nearly anything that is uplifting in any way these days! I just love opening my email to see a post or reply from someone from our gang.
7:18 pm | December 29, 2016-
Rick, Deirdre…We must not wait for heaven–not even mine!–for a good time, uplifting thoughts, fun, compassion and a perpetually realistic cynicism. That is–nobody’s perfect. (Oh, and let’s not wait at all for the margaritas!)A happy and healthy New Year. Even with a little tequila it can be healthy.9:20 pm | December 29, 2016
How nice to see Mr. WoW back reporting his ups and downs of 2016. It was a year which seemed to have a stronger impact on most people than others of the past. The one bright shining star is this – all of Mr. WoW’s wowettes are still alive and kicking. We are survivors and will figure out how to make 2017 a great one if we don’t let the ‘ugly thinkers’ get us down.
Having known both Debbie and Carrie, I think they both lived for each other the last few years. They were each others strengths and had learned to ignore the others faults. My favorite Carrie Fisher remark – “Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die”
Let us all strengthen the bonds of our Internet relationship and drop into Mr. WoW more often just to say hi and share the good and bad
Happy New Year to All!!!
Hi Lulu! Good to hear from you! So glad to have Mr. WoW back too! Hoping to shake off 2016 amd give 2017 a go!
4:07 pm | December 29, 2016 -
Dear Lulu–I have to do better, dropping in. I let the year get to me. But, I have to say, the 2016 celeb death rate has been so rapid and consistent, and now with Carrie and Debbie, downright surreal, that I’m afraid I’m starting to go giddy.I’ve moved beyond depressed to challenged–as in, screw you 2016. And 2017, even if you try to be as bad or worse, I won’t curl up a ball. After all, anybody who chooses the absurdly over-confident moniker Mr. Wow–in a tux, yet!–can’t allow 365 merely mortal, un-Wow days to best him.Happy Days and Good Health.9:30 pm | December 29, 2016
Imagine my initial shock when I read that Liz Smith had died…only to find out that there was a British character actress by that name!
I borrowed both of Debbie Reynolds’ memoirs from the library today, can’t wait to dive in!And Carrie’s “Wishful Drinking” came in the mail via NetFlix today…I’m set : )
Rick4:15 pm | December 30, 2016 -
So nice to see everyone gathered here again…hey, Lulu! I’m of the “Screw you, 2016” mind, also; a safe place, much like here, that’s always available with no judgements, no snark (unless it’s funny), abundant civility and good sense…at least we have one another. Thanks, Mr. Wow!
Best wishes to you all for a healthy, safe and as sane-as-possible 2017.
Dear RudeD…Happy New Year! I’ll try for abundant civility. Watched two insane train wrecks last night–that idiot Don Lemon on CNN, drunk and revealing he’s “too self-centered” to have successful relationships. (Don, I think the drinking and the intellectual barrenness might play a part.) And of course Mariah Carey’s epic lip-sync fuck-up. I love that her clothes are always so tight and her heels so high that she is virtually paralyzed in terms of normal movement. Very Mae West.Ooops! Did I fail on abundant civility? I’m still playing my Christmas music–lots of Mariah. Her rendition of “O Holy Night” excuses all hot mess, now and in the future.3:05 pm | January 1, 2017
I heard my husband commenting on the Don Lemon foolishness from the other room last night but he advised me that he didn’t want to watch me watching Don Lemon, which I thought was nice. It’s good to have one’s Significant Other protect one from one’s self, as I’m sure you can attest!
4:52 pm | January 1, 2017-
Dear RD–Actually, watching it w B. raised Don’s well-hammered carrying on to a delicious, champagne-accompanied height of ridiculousness. We agreed that it would be shameful behavior if Don was actually trying to pass for a journalist of any kind. But if anyone has seen his non-drunk (I assume) posturing on air, it was no big surprise. In fact, I think he was pretty smashed on air last NY’sEve.Certainly made Anderson and Kathy look like Lunt and Fontanne in comparison. Griffin hasn’t been funny in 15 years. But once a year, with Anderson as a foil, she’s amusing again. Or at least the situation is. (She got the CNN memo re Trump–don’t speak ill of Jeff Zucker’s good friend. Lemon, I think, went there, and his mic was cut.)6:55 pm | January 1, 2017
Wel now I wish I had watched the CNN Nash last night. I haven’t watched any of the festivities in a long time. Maybe I’ll see if Lemon is on YouTube.
8:26 pm | January 1, 2017
I’m so happy for the pictures and so glad to see 2016 gone although 2017 isn’t starting out terribly well. Just grateful to wake up every day and go about my stuff. Third great-grandchild born in 2016 so I’m feeling ancient although my mother is actually still hail and hearty. Happy New Year Everyone and lets hope that ‘The Donald and Pence both get impeached January 21st.
It would be great to see them impeached but up next is Ryan who may be the worst of all!
8:27 pm | January 1, 2017 -
Dear Jo–Oddly enough, not even his supporters seem to think he’ll last four years. I think he’ll become bored so fast. (And while Ivanka thought it was kind of endearing reading to/for him occasionally, day after day of those security briefings will get old fast.) He might allow himself to be impeached after a couple of years and then say it was a huge conspiracy against him. His fans would love it. But then we’d be left with Pence. Basically, we’re screwed. And so not in the fun way.10:27 pm | January 1, 2017
The shock of the election results–like a bad breakup–has sent people into deep denial and hoping they can get back together, or reverse course. Once Mr. Trump gets used to changing lives, e.g. Supreme Court nominees, altering Entitlement Programs, updating Efficient Law Enforcements, etc. etc.–there is no way he will want to regress to being front man for hotel openings. Even the sops at CNN know that.
10:32 am | January 2, 2017-
Dear Delusional–Welcome back to The Best Little Christmas Whorehouse.I fear you are quite correct re Trump. It’s terrifying, and my only solace–a meager one–is that I live in the “bubble” of one of the liberal coasts. My day-to-day life won’t be all that different, for a while, anyway. But, much as grouse about my great age, I am only 64 (next week) so that gives me, if I remain healthy, a long time to experience horrible things.Every time I hear him speak, like a not particularly bright, petulant, fifth-grader, I am once again overwhelmed, breathless with horror, that this creature will be inaugurated on the 20th. It, he, might not even be so bad if Democrats in their arrogance and stupidity hadn’t lost everything. We are at the mercy of Republicans, writ large.6:57 pm | January 2, 2017

Yes finally home after 5 weeks – no one knows for sure but I suspect it is the same bug that felled me in August (two weeks in the hospital) and then again in October (a week in bed at home with antibiotics) that they couldn’t identify so I know what Bruce went through with the “what is it?” but at least this time they identified it and hopefully the three weeks of IV antibiotics got rid of it. Time will tell. I missed Christmas but then part of Christmas now is Mr. Wow’s tree. May have been small this Christmas but still beautiful. Wishing the best in the new year for you and Brue and all the “Wowettes.”
11:36 pm | January 2, 2017 -

It’s been a while since I’ve spotted your blog posts, and I’ve missed them! I hope everyone is feeling better soon. I’ll be on the lookout for your words of wisdom and humor. 🙂
Dear Jonny…Thanks! I guess you missed my desperate plea to encourage people to vote. Or maybe you didn’t, and voted for somebody else–which is okay. Somebody was going to be disappointed!We’re all pretty much well and recovered here in Hoboken. Let’s cross our fingers and hope for an okay-ish 201711:53 am | January 2, 2017

He will not be my president and I will never refer to him as such. I just shudder at the thought of what is coming.
3:10 pm | January 7, 2017 -
Dear Baby–Thank you, darling. Now, get back to bed!64 is hitting me pretty hard. I’m awash in looking at all the old pix that B. diligently transferred onto discs and my computer. Although, between the tears, I have to admit I was eminently fuckable back in the day. I am especially crying/laughing over the ones with my shoulder length hair. I actually did that. But I never wore a pony tail, or today’s hideous man-bun. I called on my inner Bardot and let it fly free.4:24 pm | January 7, 2017
Happy Birthday, Mr. W, you still wow us : )
Has anyone watched the Debbie/Carrie doc Bright Lights yet? I’m afraid I’m gonna need a box of Kleenex when I do!
By the way, here’s my blog that I started, suddenly, last summer : )I just put up a post about Debbie’s two very readable memoirs, what a life and career!RickHere it is:
watch to documentary last night about Debbie and Carrie – gutwrenching but heartwarming too
3:22 pm | January 8, 2017 -
Hey Lulu, I tried to link it from here…always a little tricky! I will try linking it again, but I will also just type it in, so you can copy and paste if need be : ) Cheers, Rick Link: pm | January 8, 2017
Rick–your blog is fabulous! You are not kidding around! Great, detailed, smart, incredible choice of pix.xxxxmrW7:59 pm | January 8, 2017
Thanks Mr. W : )I try to pick movies or stars that are timely for whatever reason and I always have certain photos in mind. Luckily, I have a memory like an elephant and Google is great rabbit hole to go down looking for pix and articles…even certain items from Liz Smith columns from back the ’80s still stuck in my head! Cheers, Rick
10:37 pm | January 8, 2017
Wonderful observations about Debbie Reynolds. Interesting to note that both she and Elizabeth Taylor really just wanted to be Little Miss Happy Housewife. And also interesting that both ended up working their entire lives. For different reasons but in both cases someone had to pay the bills I guess. Debbie Reynolds in a way was probably the last of the stars. There aren’t too many left. The ones that are, like Doris Day, are more memories than anything at this point. Debbie, like Elizabeth, was front and center until the very end.
8:16 pm | January 8, 2017-
Baby Snooks, Ain’t it the truth? But that was the era when a lot of women went to college, but with the end goal of meeting Mr. Right. So, I guess you could say MGM was Debbie’s and Elizabeth’s college career…of hard knocks, at times! In both cases, their children and grandchildren were a big plus in their later lives. I miss stars like those women, if you can’t tell : ) Get well, Baby! And let’s hope we see a lil more of Mr. W around here this year! Cheers, Rick
10:48 pm | January 8, 2017
Dr. Sugar–I did indeed post a rather dreamy pic of myself on Facebook–where I have much better success posting photos than I do here! But I was around 35, and still boyish. I am insisting it’s my “official” birthday pic, decades be damned!xxxxxI’m not committed to FB–what I ate for lunch, what show I saw, blah, blah–but it has it’s uses.12:55 pm | January 8, 2017
Belated Happy Birthday Mr. WoW – 64 is merely a number – your state of mind is what counts!!!
Thank you, thank you for coming back!
Gout is still a real thing. Stomach bugs are too. I hope B is okay. I’ve had the thing up my nose and down my stomach – not wonderful.
I’ve given up on politics. Young people today have no idea how to protest. It’s disturbing. In our day we figured it out!!!
I understand your reluctance to be called ‘sir’. I don’t like either ma’am or Ms.
Anyway, hugs to you both. I love you still!