Mr. Wow Blog
To My Valentine….
11:07 am | February 14, 2017

Author: Mr. Wow | Category: Point of View | Comments: 33

Here’s me and my valentine, back in, well, not quite “the day” but a day—and from the looks of it, a happy one.

He (B) has known me since I was 18.  I turned 25 during the first months we lived together.  He deserves a Purple Heart, the Medal of Freedom, Medal of Honor, the Legion d’ honneur,  and certainly something from the American Psychiatric Association:  Patience and Understanding Above and Beyond the Call of Duty.

I asked him just before we moved in together, in 1976, “Are you sure?”  He said, “Absolutely.”   Since then, the only wise decision I’ve ever made is never to ask him that again. 

Happy Valentine’s Day, honey.denbruscan002wlat


  • Mimi

    Such wonderful looking, happy looking Guys! Happy Valentines Day to both of you!!! 

    11:21 am | February 14, 2017
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      Thank you Mimi.  We were both just starting to go gray at the time.  “Sort of makes interesting highlights” I said then, of my own silver strands.  I said that less as the years went on. 

      11:41 am | February 14, 2017
      • Rho

        I just wished all a Happy Valentine’s Day, on the other thread. Lovely photo.

        12:34 pm | February 14, 2017
        • Avatar photo
          Mr. Wow
          Thanks, Rho…and right back at you. 
          1:28 pm | February 14, 2017
          • Rho

            Thank you too!!!

            2:45 pm | February 14, 2017
  • Daniel Sugar

    Such a cute couple!
    Happy Valentine’s Day to Mr. Wow & B. & all the Wow-ettes!
    Image result for valentine's images

    10:18 pm | February 14, 2017
  • lulu

    Happy Belated Valentine’s Day to Everyone!!!!Isn’t love grand!!!!!

    8:58 pm | February 15, 2017
  • rick gould

    Hi,  My guy made us a homemade cake for V Day. I ate an Elizabeth Taylor-sized portion of it…and like ET, did not regret a single bite!
    Here’s a Happy Belated Valentine’s Day present. First is my latest blog essay on Bette and Joan’s dueling ’62 memoirs, both are fascinating for totally different reasons! Second, just posted on YouTube is Bette’s first post-mastectomy, stroke, and broken hip interview with David Hartman in ’85. I was totally surprised at how well she seems in this chat, nearly her feisty old self! Check both out : ) And Cheers to Mr. Wow and friends! Rick

    9:51 am | February 20, 2017
  • Rho

    Happy Presidents Day.

    11:32 am | February 20, 2017
    • Avatar photo
      Mr. Wow

      This year, Grim Presidents Day. 

      3:02 pm | February 20, 2017
      • Rho

        It sure is. No email today, but I read it anyway.

        3:08 pm | February 20, 2017
  • lulu

    Hope everyone is lining up their favorite cocktails and appetizers to watch the red carpet arrivals and Oscars – chilly here in LaLaLand but will be fun, Fun, FUN!!!

    5:24 pm | February 26, 2017
  • BabySnooks

    Checked in to see if Mr. Wow was doing the red carpet. I never watch. But will be watching tonight. Tonight is not a night to miss. I bet that person in the White House is going to be on Twitter early tomorrow morning.  And Happy Valentines Day to all. Especially to D and B. 

    6:56 pm | February 26, 2017
    • lulu

      I will be watching for sure!  Hopefully Mr. Wow, B and other Wowettes will show up.Love to gossip and insight from everyone.

      7:09 pm | February 26, 2017
  • rick gould

    I won’t be watching, but I’ll be checking : )
    The moment I am most curious for is Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway handing out Best Picture!
    This film never won ANY Oscars, but it is oddly fascinating. My latest blog post, on Hitchcock’s ‘Marnie!’ Cheers and champagne for everyone : )

    7:19 pm | February 26, 2017
  • Mimi

    Are we not doing the Oscars? Mr Wow are you okay? 

    7:59 pm | February 26, 2017
  • lulu

    Maybe Mr. Wow was invited by President Trump to the Ball is he giving tonight in D.C.

    8:21 pm | February 26, 2017
  • lulu

    Jimmy Kimmel is fabulous!!!

    8:44 pm | February 26, 2017
  • lulu

    this is a no show party – so I will stop blogging to myself

    9:20 pm | February 26, 2017
  • BabySnooks

    I’m in shock over the ending. How embarrassing to have handed out Oscars to losers and then have to take them away and give them to the winners. Whoever stuffed the envelopes obviously is lookin for another job. The rest of the show, and I was reminded it was a show, wasn’t as boring as I remembered and not as political as I expected.  I was hoping Meryl Streep would win so she could continue going off on Karl Lagerfeld and I bet she was hoping she would win as well for the same reason.  And saying that there are no doubt going to wonder if the mixup at the end was part of the show.  Can’t wait for Mr. Wow’s take…

    12:24 am | February 27, 2017
  • Rho

    I fell asleep, so I did not know what happened.

    9:39 am | February 27, 2017
  • Daniel Sugar


    8:33 am | March 21, 2017
  • rick gould

    Glad to see you back with the column, sorry to hear about your shoulder! Rick

    8:36 pm | March 21, 2017
  • NSH

    Feel better…no more shoveling!  

    6:31 am | March 22, 2017
  • Rho

    Feel better.

    3:32 pm | March 22, 2017
  • Susan

    Mr.Wow: Take care and feel better soon! 

    10:52 am | March 23, 2017
  • rick gould

    Hi Mr. W and Wow Fans : )
    Here’s a little tribute I wrote about my Aunt Janet, who passed away after suffering from Parkinson’s for over 20 years. It’s a slightly fictionalized essay about her teenage dream of becoming a country singing star, like her idol, Patsy Cline. Cheers, Rick

    10:53 pm | March 30, 2017
  • lulu

    Dear Wowettes and Mr. W Fans -You must all go to Rick’s site listed above are read his tribute. I think we have a ‘true’ writer in our mist who will make you all want more.When Mr. W goes missing in action other here now and then, we can all take a peek at Rick’s website.  

    9:07 pm | March 31, 2017
    • rick gould

      Aw thanks, Lulu!
      I do miss Mr. W’s kibitzing about flicks on blogs, though I detected his fine hand in discussing Joan Crawford and Bette Davis into today’s Liz Smith column : )
      In between working with school kids, renting my house, and trying to keep up with life, I am trying to write on a regular basis… I appreciate the comments!
      Cheers, Rick

      10:58 pm | March 31, 2017
      • Rho

        Wonderful Rick. Keep writing.

        3:36 pm | April 1, 2017
  • rick gould

    Here’s my latest, with Mr. Wow in mind : ) 
    Cheers, or as Joan would say, “Bless you!”

    8:20 pm | April 1, 2017
    • Rho

      Wonderful, thanks.

      3:10 pm | April 2, 2017
  • Rho

    No email today, but I read it anyway. Mr. Wow, Doris Day is 95 today, not 93. Bless her.

    2:46 pm | April 3, 2017
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