Is Mr. wOw giving Sarah Ferguson a second chance?
Continue reading “On the Matter of Selling Your Ex-Husband” »
Mr. wOw wonders: What does the president’s daughter have to do with the Gulf oil spill?
Continue reading “Leave the Kids Out of It, Mr. President” »
Is it time for the Lone Star State to secede?
Continue reading “Mr. wOw Shudders – Texas Bludgeons Textbooks” »
A brief musing on our toxic times and fevered minds.
Mr. wOw fell into the Joy Behar show the other night. Behar, the braying “comic” who brings her high-decibel opinions to “The View” every day, also has her own hour-long experiment in terror on HLN.
Behar was interviewing Food Network cutie Rachael Ray. Miss Ray was charming. Joy peppered Rachael with questions about current events, coming down hard on MTV’s “Jersey Shore.” Behar is Italian and she just hates “Jersey Shore.” Rachael Ray is Italian and shrugs it off. She pointed out that the cast are just a bunch of kids picked up by MTV and put out there. The public has made them successful, and she, Rachael, accepts that stuff like “Jersey Shore” is out there, to talk about, rag on, whatever. That’s entertainment today. She was realistic.
Behar went on, as she is wont — what a disgrace the show is to Italians, blah, blah. Oh, please. How does Joy see herself, I wonder? Does she imagine herself as an elegant Elsa Peretti-type Italian? Wake up and smell the puttanesca sauce! Joy is big, blowsy, coarse and mean-spirited. (That’s just her comic irreverence, she’d argue.) I don’t think she’s a mental heavyweight but perhaps that is because she reminds me so much of … Chris Matthews.
She doesn’t have youth to fall back on, either, as do the “Jersey Shore” idiots. I also wonder what Behar thought about “The Sopranos.” Is it better for Italians to be typecast as killers — or tanning-booth trash? And does anybody really think all Italians are like these TV goombas? Mr. wOw doesn’t, and he is Italian on his mother’s side. (Irish on my father’s, but I never knew him, so I gravitated more toward the Tuscan sun than to fields of clover.)
I switched Joy off and watched five minutes of “Collateral Damage” with Arnold Schwarzenegger, which I’d never seen. I turned back to Behar after somebody was executed by inserting a live snake down their throat.
Now, I find Behar sitting with three obnoxious nobodies — comics, I guess — and they were riffing on various subjects. (Chelsea Handler does this much better!)
The topic turned to Laura Bush and her statements on “Larry King” recently that she supports gay marriage and believes in a woman’s right to choose. Well, Miss Behar and her cohorts all got their panties in a great big twist. Instead of giving the former First Lady some credit – these are bold statements – they went down the road of, “Why didn’t she say it then? … It’s not enough … She’s no help … Why didn’t she divorce him … etc.” All parsed in the unforgiving loud language of comedians, all mocking her. I found myself wondering where I could find a few good snakes.
And you know what? Even though Mr. wOw thinks it would have been something pretty terrific for Mrs. Bush to reveal herself during the eight years her husband was in office, I am sure she had her reasons: the Big W., her hubby and the powers at the Republican Party, perhaps? First Ladies do not tend to openly disagree on such vital matters in public. It’s not done.
So, I, for one, am very glad Mrs. Bush came down on the right (Left) side on these two tremendously important and polarizing issues. (Just last week the pope declared gay marriage “insidious.”) And I hated the behavior of these “comedians.” I know I’m supposed to have a sense of humor, and this was all in fun. But … maybe Mr. wOw is getting too old to find the fun in everything.
One last thought. Why haven’t Mrs. Bush’s remarks made a bigger wave, been covered more? No, I don’t mean by Fox News – Their pundits are hilariously pretending she never said any of it. (Although FOX’s Chris Wallace interviewed Mrs. Bush this past Sunday. He brought up her surprising viewpoints but did not vilify or challenge her.)
I expected more coverage from MSNBC. Then again, it might have only encouraged a boring round of Bush-bashing. (Mr. wOw couldn’t have been more scathing and negative while W. was in office. But he’s gone. Let’s switch the dial.)
Anyway, my hat is off to Mrs. Bush. Late or not – and is it ever too late to stand up for what’s right? Mr. wOw appreciates the lady’s obvious sincerity.
Sarah Palin has our Mr. wOw thinking about Jezebel, the Ten Commandments and more.
Continue reading “Mr. wOw: A Brief Musing On Our ‘Christian’ Nation” »
Our Mr. wOw on his childhood Continue reading “Mr. wOw on His Mother and Memories” »
It’s not that she was rude … Continue reading “Mr. wOw Remembers: My Terrifying Interview With Elizabeth Taylor” »
Mr. wOw knows a lot of different kinds of people – Democrats, Republicans, religious, agnostic, atheist, straight, gay, tolerant, intolerant, highly intelligent, not so swift. I tend to like them all, love many of them and can find always a common ground; an in-between place where differences can be put aside, and we can enjoy one another as human beings in a confounding world.
Recently, however, Mr. wOw’s deeply evangelical acquaintance has been working his last nerve. The earthquakes in Haiti and Chile and now the Icelandic volcano, with its harrowing ash cloud, have convinced my friend that The End Is Near. She believes in The Rapture and the Armageddon that will happen in the mid-east, and Final Days and all that. Generally, we steer clear of those subjects. In other ways, she is a delightful luncheon companion and not at all alarming. (Quite sophisticated, worldly and funny, in fact. I don’t think she’s your typical evangelical.)
Now, we’ve been down this road before – the last time was after the great tsunami of 2004. My friend was certain a disaster of such global proportions had to signal The Beginning of The End, and more or less told me to prepare, “within a year, you’ll see.” Well, a year came and went, and then a few more. When we met for a bite in 2006, I said, “OK, if you suddenly vanish before dessert, I’ll know you’ve been taken and I’ve been left behind. Can I have your ice cream?” She laughed. (We’ve also discussed the Antichrist. She does not believe it is Barack Obama, she says. I didn’t wish to press on this.)
But she’s not feeling humorous these days. The volcanic ash cloud has truly convinced her that The Four Horsemen are galloping our way. She believes she is saved, but worries about friends who aren’t. Like Mr. wOw.
When we first met, and I learned of her convictions, I gently tried to point out that there have been earthquakes and volcanoes and floods and terrible disease from the beginning of recorded history. “You know, during the Middle Ages, everybody thought the End of Times was at hand because of the plague. The Chilean quake in 1960 generated seismic waves that shook the world for a week. Really, this is nothing new; we are given more information these days, that’s all.”
Of course that didn’t work — and I didn’t expect it to. Nor even did I want to convince her. Her faith gives her a great deal of comfort and, having it, she is able to deal with some of the tragedies she has suffered in life. I would never really try to dissuade her. What if I succeeded? With what would she replace her faith? The shallow musings of Mr. wOw?
Still, Mr. wOw is perplexed by religion that foments such fearsome images and terrible punishments for those who don’t believe in Christ as the Son of God. “What about your Jewish friends?” I asked her once. “They believe in God, what happens to them?” She said, “I hope all the signs will convince them to accept Christ. Then they’ll be saved.” She said this sadly, but with certainty. Like most evangelicals, she has sent funds to support Israel. They believe only when the Jews possess their own country in the Holy Land, will Jesus return. They’re just supporting the geography, not the Jews.
Mr. wOw knows a lot of different kinds of people – Democrats, Republicans, religious, agnostic, atheist, straight, gay, tolerant, intolerant, highly intelligent, not so swift. I tend to like them all, love many of them and can find always a common ground; an in-between place where differences can be put aside, and we can enjoy one another as human beings in a confounding world.
Recently, however, Mr. wOw’s deeply evangelical acquaintance has been working his last nerve. The earthquakes in Haiti and Chile and now the Icelandic volcano, with its harrowing ash cloud, have convinced my friend that The End Is Near. She believes in The Rapture and the Armageddon that will happen in the mid-east, and Final Days and all that. Generally, we steer clear of those subjects. In other ways, she is a delightful luncheon companion and not at all alarming. (Quite sophisticated, worldly and funny, in fact. I don’t think she’s your typical evangelical.)
Now, we’ve been down this road before – the last time was after the great tsunami of 2004. My friend was certain a disaster of such global proportions had to signal The Beginning of The End, and more or less told me to prepare, “within a year, you’ll see.” Well, a year came and went, and then a few more. When we met for a bite in 2006, I said, “OK, if you suddenly vanish before dessert, I’ll know you’ve been taken and I’ve been left behind. Can I have your ice cream?” She laughed. (We’ve also discussed the Antichrist. She does not believe it is Barack Obama, she says. I didn’t wish to press on this.)
But she’s not feeling humorous these days. The volcanic ash cloud has truly convinced her that The Four Horsemen are galloping our way. She believes she is saved, but worries about friends who aren’t. Like Mr. wOw.
When we first met, and I learned of her convictions, I gently tried to point out that there have been earthquakes and volcanoes and floods and terrible disease from the beginning of recorded history. “You know, during the Middle Ages, everybody thought the End of Times was at hand because of the plague. The Chilean quake in 1960 generated seismic waves that shook the world for a week. Really, this is nothing new; we are given more information these days, that’s all.”
Of course that didn’t work — and I didn’t expect it to. Nor even did I want to convince her. Her faith gives her a great deal of comfort and, having it, she is able to deal with some of the tragedies she has suffered in life. I would never really try to dissuade her. What if I succeeded? With what would she replace her faith? The shallow musings of Mr. wOw?
Still, Mr. wOw is perplexed by religion that foments such fearsome images and terrible punishments for those who don’t believe in Christ as the Son of God. “What about your Jewish friends?” I asked her once. “They believe in God, what happens to them?” She said, “I hope all the signs will convince them to accept Christ. Then they’ll be saved.” She said this sadly, but with certainty. Like most evangelicals, she has sent funds to support Israel. They believe only when the Jews possess their own country in the Holy Land, will Jesus return. They’re just supporting the geography, not the Jews.
Why the words of Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann and more big on-screen personalities concern Mr. wOw
Continue reading “A Very Brief Musing on the Power of Pundits” »