Mr. wOw’s take on Koran-burning Florida minister: “Arrest him!” Continue reading “Mr. wOw and the Pastor” »
Mr. wOw picked up the latest issue of Vanity Fair with some enthusiasm. There she was, Miss Lindsay Lohan, on the cover – demure, boring. And inside, still demure-ish – not that I need to see more of her freckly overexposed body. She defends herself. Please. Just get some proper management and make good movies. And for God’s sake, go back to auburn!
The real meat of VF is the Michael Joseph Gross piece on Sarah Palin, who should have been the cover girl for the issue. What do we learn? Nothing. Oh, wait – not quite true.
This article is like biographies on Marilyn and Judy and Jim Morrison and Elvis and Janis and Liz. After a certain point, there is no point. It all comes down to more of what we know or assume. In the case of the above mentioned, it is more drugs, more drink, more material excess, more pathetic insecurity.
In the case of Mrs. Palin it is simply more ignorance, paranoia, megalomania, lying, lying, lying. What – we didn’t know all this? Michael Joseph Gross gives us more, more, more of Mrs. Palin’s assumed faults. My eyes glazed over. Who cares? The readers of Vanity Fair sure won’t be voting for her as she announces her intention to run for President in 2012. This profile would be big news if you were from Mars, and had never heard of Mrs.Palin.
So, just another liberal attack on Alaska’s stressed out ex governor?
Yeah, but … Mr. Gross had to yap on and on about how he “left the worst stuff out!” Oh, please – we get it. She’s bad.
But then, he had to fess up to an error in his reporting! Something about confusing one Down-syndrome child with another, a child in the care of Mrs. Palin’s daughter, Piper, at some public event. As it turns out, Piper was not parading her baby brother, Trigg, but another handicapped child. Palin’s people say Gross knew he was making an error, but went right ahead for effect.
Gross admits his error.
Mr.wOw says – IDIOT! Not only did you write a pointless slag on Palin – as if it makes the slightest difference at this point – you made a huge mistake. And you made it in the area Mrs. Palin loves to exploit – her dear, defenseless, deer-in-the-headlights children. (“Mommy, why won’t you turn off those headlights?”)
So, the Right now has every good reason to pounce on all aspects of Mr. Gross’s exposé and rip it a new one. Thank you, Michael Joseph Gross. You have not helped.
Memo to … everybody: Mrs. Palin cannot be defeated. Do not attempt to “reveal” her. She is beyond Revelation. Let it alone. Admit defeat. Move on and do not make her more powerful by your attentions and insults. Wait till she’s running in 2012. And then – think of something new. Please.
Sunday night, Mr. wOw sat here in front of his computer at home, watching the Emmys, commenting on the awards, the gowns, the face-lifts, the varying degrees of sobriety of actors who mean absolutely nothing to … anyone. Come on, let’s be real. It’s empty fun. For me and (hopefully) for you. It took our minds away for a few hours.
Saturday, however, I was sorely tempted to call Miss Joni Evans, our blonde and brilliant leader, and tell her I’d changed my mind. I wasn’t up to it. I’d spent the day watching and reading the various reports on the Glenn Beck/Sarah Palin “Restoring Honor” rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, drawing an impressive crowd. (Estimates will vary, as they always do for all gatherings.) Beck’s call to his lemmings came on the anniversary of Martin Luther King’s immortal “I Have a Dream” speech, at the very same spot. (Beck insists he “didn’t know” the significance of the date – although going back about a year, when he first began hyping the event, it seems indeed he did.) Dr. King spoke to a sea of people, both black and white, all committed to ending the horrors of racial inequality. Mr. Beck’s partisans were almost overwhelmingly lily white. They want to end the horror of … a black man in the White House.
Oh, sure, Beck didn’t employ his usual lunatic paranoia, accusations of racism against President Obama, and managed – except for a couple of well-timed near-sobs – not to weep like a man confined to a straightjacket and denied his meds. He spoke of “restoring America’s honor” and a lot about God. I wonder what “honor” he refers to. Slaughtering the American Indian? Stealing land that didn’t belong to us? Interning the Japanese? Being forced to accept a woman’s right to vote? Being forced to accept civil rights for African Americans? Still denying gay men and woman the simple right to marry? Oh, that honor.
I have rarely been as chilled and depressed as I watched Mr. Beck ramble on. I found it difficult to even understand what he was saying at times, his logic seemed so convoluted – at one point he appeared to be saying we should all be free of being “ruled” by anybody, that all Americans should take their lives into their own hands. Isn’t this anarchy? And what about the next Katrina or oil spill? Shall the nosy government look away and let these noble self-sufficient Americans fend for themselves? There was an overabundance of God-talk. Beware of men who don’t wear the cloth and aren’t standing at the altar, telling us all about The Deity. Unless He has spoken to you, you know nothing of His wants.
To be honest, Beck did not incite the rally to vocal denunciations of Democrats or that great devil, Barack Obama. He didn’t have to. We all know what he has said in the past and will say in the future. He is interested in his own power. He is so similar to so many charismatic figures who have stood at podiums across the centuries. In his case of course – and in Mrs. Palin’s case – the adjectives “charismatic” or “mesmerizing” are good things. Not the bad charisma of that dark person in the White House.
When the rally was over, when the good white people scattered, Mrs. Palin was asked if this was a first strike at a Palin/Beck presidential run in 2012. In the manner of politicians everywhere in every party, she replied, “We are happy with what we are doing now.” (Italics mine.) Beck’s people and the Tea Partyers say they “don’t recognize their country anymore.” Well, I do, and I’d rather not return to that land.
Oh, one more thing. Even on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, Mrs. Palin couldn’t help twisting the truth to suit her needs. She spoke of “Raising a combat vet … no matter what, nobody can take that away from me.” Mrs. Palin’s memory, as usual, is selective. Actually, she raised a troubled teen who was involved in vandalizing school buses and who used drugs. His enlistment was less patriotic than the only sensible maneuver to keep the boy out of harm’s way while Mama campaigned for the vice-presidency. Also, it was great way to squelch any public declarations of pride coming from Joe Biden, whose son was also on his way to Iraq. “Na, na … I got a soldier boy too! – can I call you Joe?”
During the Beck and Palin Show, was that a tear I saw trickling from the marble cheek of Abraham Lincoln as he gazed somberly across the great lawn – when will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?
I hope you enjoyed the Emmys. Mr. wOw was as foolish as the show dictated.
There was one really bright spot in the news for Mr. wOw last week. The enraged (and terrified) bull who leapt over barriers of a bullring in Spain and charged into the crowd that was gathered to watch the animal be tortured and killed. You go, guy!
I’m glad none of the so-called human beings were killed, but I am sure as hell glad that ballsy bull gave them a taste of fear.
I don’t care how hot and sexy the toreros look in their skintight uniforms of death, bullfighting is a loathsome “sport” and those who enjoy it are considerably lower on the evolutionary scale than the bulls. (And the horses, who are also often injured terribly.)
Of course, the bull met his inevitable fate in the ring. But I raise a glass to him and hope he went to a better place, to live in peace – not cornered by the savagery of man.
I am appalled as each passing day brings new headlines and nonstop cable bloviating on the “mosque issue.” A total waste of time, the new wedge topic that means nothing to anybody outside the state and city of New York. (Or do you think the people still suffering on the Gulf Coast, for instance, care about a mosque that is not even in sight of Ground Zero? Or even one that was? Please!)
I am even more appalled that Barack Obama did not say this, weeks ago: “This is a local issue, not a federal issue. Please direct your questions to the Mayor of New York City, Mr. Bloomberg, who supports the building of the mosque. I have millions of unemployed Americans to think about. Thank you.”
And then he should have stuck to his guns and never made another damn statement. He should have turned it continually back to Bloomberg.
Certainly, Obama’s decision to make a fulsome mosque statement and then blink has not been a wild success.
I think Obama gets more crap thrown at him than any other American president … ever. Crap that verges on the seditious and treasonous. And yes, yes, yes … much of it is racist. Go ahead, tell me how wrong I am.
On the other hand – he doesn’t do himself favors most of the time. There is an air of floundering that is incredibly upsetting to those of us who voted for him, and sure don’t want a Republican in the White House two years from now.
Somebody, please – grab the oars, get rid of Robert Gibbs, stop reacting to cable news, and by the way – I don’t begrudge anybody a vacation, but you know what, somebody should have told Michelle, “Now’s not the time for Spain.”
I want Mr. Obama to be my president until 2016. I’ll help him if he helps himself.
Mr. wOw contemplates a healthy life Continue reading “Mr. Lucky” »
Mr. wOw shares the latest lesson in Politics 101.
Continue reading “A Step Toward Palin 2012: Bristol and Levi Engaged” »
The summer of ’72 begins a love-hate relationship between our Mr. wOw and le soleil.
The BP oil leak brings trouble to President Obama’s reelection outlook and opportunity for pres-hopeful Palin.
Continue reading “The Oil Spill: The Best Thing to Happen to Sarah Palin?” »
In the wake of the 89-year-old journalist’s comments, Mr. wOw takes a look at infamous moments in bigotry.
Continue reading “Helen Thomas: An Anti-Semitic Remark … or Old and Wise?” »