Thoughts on the adopted mother who returned her Russian orphan son
Continue reading “A Very Brief Musing From Mr. wOw” »
On the heels of Gov. Bob McDonnell’s gaffe, Mr. wOw takes a closer look at an American classic Continue reading “Mr. wOw Reconsiders ‘Gone With the Wind’” »
The terrible suicide deaths of Andrew Koenig and Michael Blosil have prompted this telling story from our Mr. wOw Continue reading “Mr. wOw: Losing a Decade to Depression” »
Last week’s stunning double dose of Sarah Palin – her Tea Party stump speech and her FOX News interview with Chris Wallace – was enough to make a grown Mr. W. cry. (And as I commented elsewhere, it’s usually the boy shooting his pet deer in The Yearling that gets Mr. wOw’s waterworks gushing.)
The woman is running for president in 2012. She’s gonna take her capacious handbag of tricks and she is going to seek this country’s highest office. It’s going to happen. So, in a way, it’s a relief. Like you always feel so much better after vomiting, you know?
There’s no point in criticizing Palin’s recent appearances – for one thing, the estimable Margo Howard said it all right here on wOw. Sarah is Sarah; equally loved and loathed by millions with an almost terrifying fervor. She’s like the Grand Canyon or poverty – here for the ages.
But what made Mr. wOw cry today? Why is he more convinced than ever that the Democrats just don’t know what the hell they are doing, cannot handle themselves when they win, and will likely lose everything in three years?
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs at the podium, mocking Sarah Palin’s hand notes to herself. Gibbs, one of the most inarticulate press secretaries to ever hold this position, wrote up a grocery list on his hand and read it. Hil-ar-i-ous! Of all the things to pay attention to, making fun of Mrs. Palin’s inky palm is way down there. Childish, pointless, the perfect opening for more “look-how-they-beat-up-on-poor-Sarah” responses.
If Gibbs, or the president, felt they had to say something about Mrs. Palin’s latest tumble down the rabbit hole, perhaps mention might have been made of her grotesque suggestion that the only way for Obama be re-elected is to, you know … kinda declare war on somebody. To prove he is a real-life true-blue American patriot.
This from a woman whose son serves in Iraq. Of course, who knows? Maybe Sarah is a true-blue Spartan gal from Alaska — “return either with your shield or on it.”
Gibbs is an idiot. His vaudeville turn was not funny. I bet it’s backfiring as Mr. wOw scribbles. This is so typical. If I was in Mr. Gibbs’s position nothing short of bamboo shoots under the fingernails could have prompted me to even mention Mrs. Palin’s name, to give her power and validation by recognizing her. “The president and his staff are too busy with health care and the economy to pay attention to doodles. Next!”
There’s a phrase I’d love to use to describe what I think of Mr. Gibbs and whoever else thought this Palin pokin’ was funny. But … Rahm Emanuel said it first.
If you’re a staunch Democratic pundit (hello MSNBC!), you think President Obama did just dandy during his tit for tat with the opposing team the other day, finally showing some gumption.
If you are a fervid Conservative talking head (Howdy FOX News!), you thought he was just terrible, and shown up by for what he is.
But if you are from the planet Earth, what was really going on for almost two hours? The Republicans condescending and lecturing Obama; the president condescending and lecturing the Republicans. Nobody walked away with a whit of perspective or any intention of real bipartisanship. It was an exercise in futility.
Mr. wOw cringed for both sides. The Republicans were disdainful in their “talking point” questions. The president was weary and royally piqued. Worse still, the Republicans had their questions prepared — literally written out. The president had to listen, and attempt then to distill the “facts,” on his feet and extemporaneously. This is not Obama’s forte. Mr. wOw has never, ever cared for Obama’s lawyerly, thoughtful, slow manner of speaking. (His speeches have more of a gallop.)
The president comes off hesitant and evasive. In this instance, he literally seemed to lose track several times. He was trying to think out his responses — an admirable trait in a world of thoughtless babble, I grant you — but his pausing and careful phrasing translates poorly. It didn’t inspire Mr. wOw with confidence, and if somebody who voted for him feels that way …
It also seemed somehow undignified and desperate to defend his policies in this manner — and pointless. Surely he knows by now there’s no hope for bipartisanship. The other side loathes him, is horrified by his presidency and cannot believe he actually inhabits the White House. He gets a high grade for televising this session, an A-plus, but to Mr. wOw it was stagnant hot air on both sides. And I cannot believe that in his heart — and his very smart brain — Obama doesn’t know that. This was just a show for his supporters.
For dyed-in-the-wool Democrats and Republicans, the event — which I don’t recall the likes of in my lifetime — was fruitful. Each side can go to their constituents and say, “See? See what they’re like?”
Cool. But what about the rest of us? We “see” as well. What we see are politicians who don’t much give a damn, except for who’s taking or losing what seat in the next election.
Oh, and one memo to President Obama — Stop talking about being a “good” one-term president, rather than a bad two-term Commander in Chief! Geez! It’s only been a year. No matter how depressed some of us might be, let’s not put the cart before horse. Mr. wOw does not want a Republican in the White House in 2012.
This kind of weak talk fuels … the horror of a Palin presidency. Or Mitt Romney. (Re: Mr. Romney, I have nothing against cult leaders, but that said, I don’t want to see Tom Cruise as president either, as much as Mr. wOw enjoys those “Mission Impossible” movies.)
Try, for us, President Obama, to act like you’re hot for an eight-year run.
“Behold now, I have two daughters, which have not known man; let me I pray you, bring them out unto you and do ye to them as is good in your eyes.” –Genesis, Chapter 19, Verse 8.
Bible quotes don’t generally pop into Mr. wOw’s head while watching politicians speak, but I couldn’t help but be reminded of Lot and his odd family dynamics, as the new senator from Massachusetts, Scott Brown, talked about the “availability” of his daughters during his victory speech. Eh, he was just high on the moment. His daughters looked shocked, as did his wife.
Already, much is being made of this. In today’s Daily News there is a picture of Scott and his daughters on vacation someplace – the girls in bikinis. Well, this guy survived his seminude college-days Cosmo spread, so I think he’s gonna get a pass on his enthusiastic public matchmaking. (As long as the senator doesn’t refer to his daughters’ bust sizes, as Joe Simpson, papa to Jessica Simpson, did. That still stands as a pretty creepy moment.)
The pundits are going crazy analyzing his win. What hasn’t been touched on much are his good looks. Being handsome helped him win, and so did his gender and the old double standard.
Oh, do you think there’s a woman anywhere – even the highly photogenic, sexy and popular Mrs. Palin – who could get elected to the Senate with nudie pics in her past? I think not. Not that it matters much – Massachusetts is hardly a hotbed of elected female politicians. (Rachel Maddow has been brilliant and blistering on this subject for the past few nights.)
Just about the only positive spin to be put on his crushing loss for the now-humbled Democrats – Brown didn’t really run as a Republican. He avoided even using the word “Republican” as much as possible. So perhaps there’s hope for a scintilla of bipartisanship there. I doubt it, but anything’s possible.
There must be that hope floating. On his radio show, certified lunatic Glenn Beck said he “didn’t trust” Brown and everybody should keep an eye on the sexy new senator, because, “This one could end with a dead intern!” Glenn was nastily referring to the Gary Condit scandal. (Condit fell under suspicion in the death of intern , with whom he had had a romance. There was no proof he’d had a hand in her murder.)
Wow. When Glenn Beck is at your throat on day one – and you are not Barack Obama – you better be on your toes. Or try to get less handsome.
Should the newest addition to ‘Good Morning America’ be shown the door for not grilling Rudy Giuliani on his terrorism response? Continue reading “Mr. wOw: Fire George Stephanopoulos” »
The president makes the cover of GQ – again – and Palin hits the cover of Newsweek running. Continue reading “Political Cover Stars? Spare Me! by Mr. wOw” »
Mr. wOw talks health care. Continue reading “It’s the Abortion Issue, Stupid, by Mr. wOw” »
Mr. wOw recently had some advice for Gov. Palin. Now, he’s back with a few words for Obama. Continue reading “Dear Mr. President …” »