Archives by Title:
- A Friday MAIL-STROM….
- Praying for America. We Should!—Let’s Just Not Allow Mike Pence to Do That Praying.
- “Oceans 8″….The Tony Awards…and a Few Thoughts on Depression—Do as I Say, Not as I Did!
- What I Learned From Edith Wharton, and My Handshake With Audrey Hepburn….
- The “Roseanne” Reboot–Funny? Not. WAY too Many Stormy Days on the News!!
- Impeaching The President? Mr. Wow Begs You–Don’t Hold Your Breath on That One.
- Can Oscar Night Be Saved? Mr. Wow Has Some Thoughts. How About You?
- How to Watch The Oscars–Pretend You’re a Child Again. (It Worked For Mr. Wow!)
- “Dodsworth”…Andrew LLoyd Webber…Harry Connick, Jr….”Homeland”…”Altered Carbon” and–NO Politics, please, say some readers.
- Jen and Justin (Jen and Brad?) La Lollo…”Homeland”…The Mariska Hargitay Show”…The Idiocy of Social Media Feuding.
- I Went to a Marvelous Party–Two Parties, In Fact. (And a More Somber Reflection)
- Celebrating a Friend’s Great Life.
- Down With the Flu, and Vanting to be Alone…
- The Smog of Fear Envelops Hollywood….
- The Great Gloria Grahame…Anderson and Andy…and what do Black Dresses REALLY mean to harrassed and oppressed women?
- Vacationing with…Lana Turner!
- Mr. Wow’s Tale of Christmas Harrassment…Forgive Me, Please
- No Cleavage, Please–We are The Golden Globes! And Other Matters…
- Did Tears Fall on Alabama Last Night? No. But Don’t Gloat–It Always Bites You In The Ass.
- Remembering….
- At 17…
- The Tale of the Easter Swan (an old favorite)
- Mr. Wow Ponders Pepsi and Fake Outrage
- To My Valentine….
- Briefly–Mr. Wow and Mr. Mark 8:36
- Mr. Wow in the Alternnate Universe of “Alternative Facts.”
- September 8th, 2001–I Remember it Well.
- The Golden Globes…Remembering When Drugstores Embraced.
- Mr. Wow to 2016–Off With Your Head!
- Mr. Wow Asks Gently–GET OUT AND FUCKING VOTE!!!!
- OSCAR 2016–Let’s Try To Forget Politics For One Night, Okay?
- Mr. Wow’s Reluctant Christmas
- And They Said It Wouldn’t Last! Mr. Wow on Marriage–And Other Matters.
- Oscar 2015–Let the “fun” Begin?
- Mr. Wow Survives “Snowpocalypse!”
- A Very Fuzzy Birthday to Me….
- Mr. Wow’s Minimalist Christmas
- Mr. Wow’s Most Memorable Thanksgiving–And Other Things (Fasten Your Seatbelts!)
- Mr. Wow Marries
- Mr. W Returns–Just Silly Stuff!
- OSCAR NIGHT 2014. Hooray For Hollywood? Eh. But I’ll Watch!
- Just Another Manic Sunday–With A Little Christie, Hillary and Snowden Thrown In.
- Another Classic (Sad) GG Moment
- Golden Globes 2014. Mr. Wow Will Be In and Out–Like a Hamburger!
- How Did This Happen? I Am 61 Today. Recount! (And Not in Florida, Thank You)
- Musing On 2014…a Chill Descends.
- Mr Wow Quacks–The “Duck Dynasty” Event.
- Mr. Wow and B–Will They Love It Or List It?
- Mr. Wow Rants
- Mr Wow on Paula Deen…Edward Snowden..George Zimmerman and…Judy!
- Mr. Wow–Wasting Away (Again) in Margaritaville
- Mr Wow’s Great Dream
- Mr. WoW at 60. Really?!!!
- Sandy Visits Mr. WoW (And Other Matters)
- Remembering Jack–Mr. Wow Recalls His First Good Guy
- Mr. Wow Loves Women…
- Mr. Wow Returns—Sheepishly
- Mr. Wow’s Belated Father’s Day
- Mr.Wow’s Post-Memorial Day Mash-Up
- Obama and Same-Sex Marriage–What Was That He Said?
- Mr. Wow Contemplates Changing His Tune (An Old Song That is Never in Key)
- Mr. Wow Visits the End of The Rainbow
- Mr. Wow Contemplates Obama Exhaustion
- Mr. Wow Stands His Ground
- Mr. WoW, B. and the Tale of the Easter Swan
- Mr. Wow Leaves Home
- Mr. wOw: OH, Did You Really Think You Were Going to Rid of Me?
- Mr. Wow Says Hello–Nervously
- Mr. wOw’s 2012 Oscar Blog
- Mr. wOw’s Current Events Mash-Up
- Mr. wOw’s Post Super Bowl Ramblings
- Mr. wOw Ponders the Saints: Tebow and Romney
- Mr. wOw at the Golden Globes
- “Blah” is The New Black — Happy New Year!
- Mr. wOw’s Christmas
- Mr. wOw at Auction – But His Feelings Can Not Be Bought
- Mr. wOw: The Decline and Fall of American Politics
- Mr. wOw’s Post-Thanksgiving Ramblings
- After The Fall: Mr. wOw’s Big Sprain
- Come Fly With Me: Mr. wOw Travels Again
- Christians Vs. “The Mormon Cult:” Really? So What About the Jews?
- Mr. wOw’s Random Thoughts
- Why Chris Christie Can’t Run For President (Or Win, For That Matter)
- Mr. wOw Ponders The Ten Commandments (Minus Anne Baxter and Chuck Heston)
- Mr. wOw Survives Irene with a Big Dose of Carole (Lombard)
- Mr. wOw Tries to Do a Good Deed
- Mr. wOw’s iPod
- Mr. wOw’s Midsummer This N’ That
- A Belated July 4th Musing
- Gay Marriage in New York!
- Judy Garland, the Stonewall and Mr. wOw
- Barack Obama’s Second Term –“Que Sera, Sera?”
- Why Weiner Should Stay
- Mr. wOw’s Au Revoir to Oprah
- Publicity “Trumps” Patriotism
- Obama Blinks. Trump Wins
- Mr. wOw: Treat Others As You Would Have Them Treat You
- Mr. wOw, B., and the Tale of the Easter Swan
- Mr. Wow Ponders Politics 2012
- The Internet Goes Down … and Mr. wOw With It
- Mr. wOw Remembers: My First Time With Liz Taylor
- Mr. wOw: A Brief Musing on Mike Huckabee and Natalie Portman
- James Franco’s Oscar Aftermath
- Mr. wOw’s 2011 Oscar Telecast — Live Blog!
- Mr. wOw’s This N’ That
- Mr. wOw Won’t Facebook — Don’t Ask Him!
- Dear Betty White: Enough Already!
- Mr. wOw Contemplates the Disappearance of Keith Olbermann
- Mr. wOw Wonders: Halle as Aretha. Really? Really?!
- Mr. wOw Watches History Being Made — And It’s Not a Good Thing
- Mr. wOw Contemplates 2011, with Wary Resolve
- Mr. wOw Humiliates Another Proud Christmas Tree
- Mr. wOw’s Big Scary Cab Ride
- Mr. wOw on Human Nature: Sometimes It Can Surprise You
- Why WikiLeaks Matter…Or Does It?
- Mr. wOw’s Sleepy, Movie Mad, Book-Reading Holiday – And Zebras, Too
- Mr. wOw Waits for Anderson Cooper and GLAAD to ‘Man Up’ and Confront Willow Palin
- Mr. wOw Contemplates Thanksgiving
- Mr. wOw Considers Contentious Interviews
- Mr. wOw’s ‘Allergic Reaction’ to Charlie Sheen
- Mr. wOw’s This ‘n’ That
- Mr. wOw Gives Up: Shouldn’t We All Be Free to Be Fools?
- Michelle Williams as Marilyn – Mr. wOw Raises an Eyebrow
- Mr. wOw Had a Terrible Headache Today. I Bet You’ll Never be Able to Tell!
- Mr. wOw on Rick Sanchez
- Mr. wOw Remembers Tony Curtis
- Mr. wOw on the Failure of Satire: Stephen Colbert Sinks the Dems For Sure
- Mr. wOw – Not Yet ‘Exhausted’ by Barack Obama
- Mr. wOw’s This ‘n’ That: Foolish Thoughts on Foolish People
- Mr. wOw’s Absolutes
- Mr. wOw and the Pastor
- Mr. wOw Ponders the Ineffective Battering of Sarah Palin
- Me and Mr. B., by Mr. wOw
- Watch the Emmys With Mr. wOw
- A Brief ‘Real’ Musing From Mr. wOw
- Mr. wOw’s This ‘n’ That
- On the ‘Sport’ of Bullfighting – and Fighting Back
- Mr. wOw Builds a Head of Steam Over ‘The Mosque Issue’
- Mr. Lucky
- Mr. wOw Rants: The Chelsea/Lindsay Haters, Bristol and Levi, and the Decline and Fall of the Food Network
- Mr. wOw’s Cinematic Weekend Heat Wave
- A Step Toward Palin 2012: Bristol and Levi Engaged
- Mr. wOw: Mel Gibson and What Women Don’t Want
- Mr. wOw’s Highs and Lows
- Mr. wOw’s Big Sunburn
- The Oil Spill: The Best Thing to Happen to Sarah Palin?
- Helen Thomas: An Anti-Semitic Remark … or Old and Wise?
- On the Matter of Selling Your Ex-Husband
- Leave the Kids Out of It, Mr. President
- Mr. wOw Shudders – Texas Bludgeons Textbooks
- Mr. wOw’s Big ‘Nevermind’
- Mr. wOw on Joy Behar, ‘Jersey Shore’ and Laura Bush
- Mr. wOw: A Brief Musing On Our ‘Christian’ Nation
- Mr. wOw on His Mother and Memories
- Mr. wOw Braces Himself for Bushbookmania
- Mr. wOw Remembers: My Terrifying Interview With Elizabeth Taylor
- Mr. wOw: Apocalpyse Now? Oh, Please.
- A Very Brief Musing on the Power of Pundits
- A Very Brief Musing From Mr. wOw
- Mr. wOw Reconsiders ‘Gone With the Wind’
- Mr. wOw’s Favorite ‘Kitty’ Cat – Paulette Goddard
- Mr. wOw: Ricky Martin ‘Livin’ La Vida Gay’!
- Mr. wOw on Miley, Mika and Tiger
- Mr. wOw: Losing a Decade to Depression
- Mr. wOw: Happy Birthday to Elizabeth Taylor
- Glenn Beck Speaks; Mr. wOw Shudders
- Mr wOw: Tiger – The Apology (Don’t Worry, We Won’t Linger)
- Mr. wOw: Why Robert Gibbs’s Hand Job Ain’t Funny
- Mr. wOw Emerges From Hibernation, Sees Idiots, Goes Back to Sleep
- Mr. wOw: Obama Talks … Republicans Listen and Learn?
- Who Does Christopher Meloni Have to Sleep With to Get an Award?
- Scott Brown: Good Looks Matter, for Better or Worse, by Mr. wOw
- Mr. wOw’s Shout-Out to Larry King and CNN
- Mr. wOw’s Golden Globe Wishes
- Brit Hume on How to Heal Tiger Woods – Not Even Mr. wOw Has This Much Gall! (Video)
- Mr. wOw on the Best Gossip Book (So Far) This Year
- Mr. wOw: Fire George Stephanopoulos
- A Brief Channel-Surf With Mr. wOw (Video)
- A Subtle Christmas With Mr. wOw
- Scandals 2009: Mr. wOw Selects This Year’s Most Twisted Newsmakers
- Mr. wOw Says – Let’s Get Out of Tiger Woods’s Driveway
- Mr. wOw: Falling in Love Again With ‘Marlene’
- Political Cover Stars? Spare Me! by Mr. wOw
- Mr. wOw’s Love Affair With George Clooney
- It’s the Abortion Issue, Stupid, by Mr. wOw
- Mr. wOw gives James Cameron’s 3-D Movie ‘Avatar’ an F
- Interrogating Kate Gosselin and Rush Limbaugh
- Dancing With the Dead: Mr. wOw Is Not Rushing to Michael’s Last Moonwalk
- Mr. wOw Salutes a Bride
- Cemeteries Dying Out: Mr. wOw’s Plan B
- Mr. wOw, ‘Whip It’ Director Drew Barrymore and ‘That Crappy/Wonderful Thing Called Life’
- Mr. wOw’s Hair-Raising Shriver Report
- Ganging Up on Carrie Prejean – Mr. wOw Is Not Amused
- Mr. wOw’s Very White Moment
- No Weeping From Mr. wOw on Michael Jackson
- Dear Mr. President …
- Mr. Wow on the Rise and fall and Rise and … What? – of Sarah Palin
- Mr. wOw: Less Than Wowed by ‘Whatever Works’
- Mr. wOw on Why Amy Winehouse Is Not Billie Holliday!
- Mr. wOw’s Take on the Tonys
- A Cautionary Tale From Mr. wOw
- A Note on the ‘News,’ From Mr. wOw
- Carrie Prejean and Satan. Oh, and the Gosselins
- A Practicing Omni-Sexual Weighs In on Miss California, Gay Rights and Perez Hilton
- Introducing Mr. Wow … wowOwow’s Oscar Night Live Blogger
Archives by Subject: